
Archive for June, 2018

I know updates have been few and far between lately.  I’ve always said I wasn’t into rehashing or pointing out the obvious and I’m still not.  While the majority of the moles are still very much in play, I have admittedly felt it best to keep things a bit closer to my vest the closer we get to the end of this shit show.  However, in some ways, this past week or so has felt a bit like old times with the amount of grifting going on and because of this, and also became I’m a giver, I felt like sharing some nuggets and bringing everybody up to speed.  Maybe a lot of what I’m going to share is stuff people have heard whispers about or even guessed as much for themselves, but y’all know I like to bring the receipts when I spill the tea.  Hopefully, I can keep this  on the short and sweet side,  because after more than a year of this fuckery, I’m sure we’ve all got better ways to spend our time.  With that being said, let’s get this party started!


no well

As we roll into summer and extreme heat, the water issue is already starting to crop up.  A few weeks ago the crisis was that the ranch residents might be forced to get off their asses and help with watering their own horses as well as the rescue horses that provide them free living.  This week it was no well at all and bucket hauling to the horses.  What are the odds they were/are getting enough hauled by bucket or that Manson is helping with this?  Considering she has been out on trail rides and `taking meetings’ while making sure her oxygen mask is firmly in place, I’m going to say those odds are pretty long.

As you can see, the remaining inmates at HiCaliber are still standing in their own filth and drinking green slime water.  The easy keepers are holding their weight, others not so much.  No word on if Manson still has her housekeeper and gardener coming in though.


At first glance it may seem nit picky to post their fly mask request.  Given the mountains of shit and filth those horses live in, it stands to reason that flies are likely a huge problem at HiCaliber, even if I’m not entirely sure how they could be going through them.  When you take care of things, they usually last quite awhile, especially fly masks  I have some older than my horses.  I’m not even picking at the people who responded and sent masks.  It sure beats putting money in Manson’s hands. However, as with most things HiCaliber, all was not as it seems.


I turns out that maybe they didn’t actually need the fly masks, but Manson’s lack of communication with her own team and general laziness means they now have a surplus.  I’m sure that her personal hoard of around a dozen horses will be togged out in the newest and best of the ones sent in.


Speaking of begging for stuff, do you remember how Manson said that some of the horses that have been adopted are still at the ranch and waiting for transport?  It seems that some may be waiting a long time if this fundraiser is anything to go by.  This is a former volunteer who has recently moved to Georgia.  I’m told that her `horse experience’ comes from HiCaliber and that she has adopted a number of horses that remain at HiCaliber.  I question the placement of horses clear across the country and wonder who did the site inspection.  I also wonder where the safety net for these horses is clear across the country should the adoptions not work out.  Mostly, I think if you can’t even afford to haul your horses home as a private owner, then you probably can’t afford the horses. Why not adopt closer to home?  None of this makes sense and none of it has put the best interests of these horses first.

bonilla brand



With their self-imposed closing date looming, Manson continues to go drag horses home each week and tap her bottom feeding flipper pals to keep supplying her with horses that she can use to raise funds and show everybody how needed she is.  There is so much wrong with this request post it’s hard to even know where to begin with it.  Let’s start with the claim they have contacted other rescues.  Guess what?  I asked around and not a single rescue in their area received a call about this mare. Her claims that this older mare, with a swayback will go to tripping are ridiculous. This is not a tripping type horse nor would they buy her for dancing.  For damn sure, she’s not a sliding horse either.  That probably isn’t even anatomically possible for her.  Manson attempts to tighten up her lies by admitting she’s not going to go to slaughter for consumption, but then goes off the rails by claiming she could be end up in an illegal slaughter camp or maybe santarias (sic),  like in Florida.  Clearly she’s been reading Richard Cuoto’s stuff for inspiration lately.  Sadly, she doesn’t realize that while Santeria is somewhat active in SoCal, albeit more in Los Angeles, they generally stick to goats, roosters and chickens for their sacrifices and there really aren’t any reports of that activity with horses in the San Diego area at all.  Clearly, Manson has had her crayons out as she has really dug deep to create a sense of exigency (see what I did there?) to inspire what remains of the village idiots to dig deep.  Unfortunately for Manson, you can pretty much drive a Mack Truck through her story…

3 andy

I gotta say that the post asking for euth assistance kinda gave me a feeling of deja vu initially.  Then I remember it was completely similar to the situation with Mas right down to the distinctive brand on the left hip of `both’ mares.  So, I dug back in my own archives and recalled that there were three mares involved in that particular con, but only two showed up at HiCaliber that I remember.  The horses were at Nacho’s and our stealth mole had been out there to see them in person before they showed up at HiCaliber.  The pictures that Manson posted of the most recent gray mare needing euthanasia was clearly taken on the same property as Mas was at with the other two mares.  If you need to refresh your memory on the lies that went down with that situation, you can do so here.  Manson’s latest post asking for money mentioned she hadn’t been at auction for awhile, yet she always seems to come up with these horses every Tuesday and they keep coming from the usual suspects.  I’m not sure which scenario playing out in my mind is worse; the idea that this might all be completely fabricated and recycled or that this mare has stood for the last 4 months in alleged need of euthanasia.  Either one just goes to show why the sooner Manson gets out of rescue and the horse industry, the better.  Even though they collected over $700 between the Better Unite and Facebook donations, no follow-up on whether this mare has been given to this date and the village idiots know better than to ask.  I’m guessing we will likely never hear another word about her again.

So, everybody’s talking about this post.  It was pretty gross, but I also don’t really get why the massive freak out over it.  Manson has been threatening to kill horses for dollars for a long time.  Maybe not on such a large scale, but every time the village didn’t donate fast enough on a Tuesday, she made mention of just buying the horses to kill because that’s still rescue in her books.  However, this time it was different.  People pushed back.  Maybe they remembered they just got a big load of hay or maybe this whole `we’re closing, but not until we show how much you need us’ debacle has drug on far too long.  Even though the de rigueur party line of  nothing being Manson’s fault was issued and the post went `poof’, haters all across the interwebs braced themselves for the live feed that was sure to follow.



Because of the blowback from yet another `pay up or we start shooting’ post, Manson quickly distanced herself from it.  I’m told that it was ultimately Michelle Parsons who got thrown under the bus for that post, which is neither here nor there because quite frankly she’s been a festering twat and totally deserved it.  Nobody really believed that Manson didn’t at least know all about that post.  Most people smelled her all over it seeing as she’s often made those very same threats when funds were low.  As a results we were all treated to a `poor me’ style post where Manson whined about her grief.  Also, because they realized they had finally banned so many people that it was hurting their bottom line, Manson extended an offer of amnesty and forgiveness to anybody that contacted her directly and apologized for the error of their ways.  All that aside, what I found interesting was her wording, `I cannot personally…I cannot and I will not euthanize our horses..’.  What an interesting choice of words that was peppered with pauses, umms, and her pinholed eyes looking up for inspiration.  It almost makes me think that maybe she’s been ordered or at least advised to stop shooting horses without a vet signing off.  At any rate, the whole drama paid off handsomely for The Manson family as the village dug deep to come up with well over 12k that will  Manson in business for another few weeks at least.  BTW, she mentions killing Aviana in one of the above clips from a few months ago.  I find it interesting that Aviana is listed on their website under `success stories’ as having been adopted.  No wonder her numbers don’t quite match up with the actual numbers.  Aviana isn’t the only one that shouldn’t be listed in success stories either but that’s another issue for another time.


I was sent this screen shot a few days ago.  Despite Manson’s damage control and post deletions, there has been a real and genuine concern that she may try to shoot herself out of this situation at some point.  Considering how the original post threatened to shoot all the remaining horses so that they wouldn’t have to go to the Humane Society and be euthanized, I’m guessing that relations between them and Manson is getting a bit frosty.  Good on whoever it was that followed up with this because sooner or later, maybe these people will do their jobs and intervene.  At least we know that they are aware and keeping an eye on things.

Remember Emlyn?  The little `orphan’ filly that they turned down a rescue to rescue transfer on so she could be paired with a mare that was either her own mother or had at least just lost her own foal?  At the time they were claiming that Emlyn was a private buyer purchase but only with them to get a start or something.  We were asked to forget that as they begged for milk replacer for her to be donated, but then reminded again she was a private purchase.  Of course the reason for this is that Emlyn’s arrival coincided with their suspension so they had to hide her under somebody else’s name.  Somebody that had no intention in covering her costs.  Well, for whatever reason, this privately owned filly is an adoption announcement in their private group and it was the adoption team that handled it.  Funny how that works…


I know most people have heard about Manson tripping herself up and finally admitting she adopted Braveheart.  The screenshot of Big Lick Larkin talking abou ther slipping up and posting her own email while bitching about leaks kinda paints a bigger picture.  I’m told Manson got Braveheart for $1, the same as Chrome.  For those of you that can’t recall, they paid $700 for Chrome to Salvador and around the same for Braveheart even though Manson originally said Braveheart was free but was only collecting his gelding and responsible rescue fees.  That’s also not taking into account the money they collected over and above their purchase/ and RR fees as they always did in the past.  What confuses me is why Braveheart had to be adopted to help place him.  He wasn’t a horse that had no interest.  There were inquires about him and his price was quite high all things considered.  If Manson was so concerned about snapping up a horse to help place, then why isn’t she snatching up pasture puffs rather than ones that actually have people inquiring about them?  Instead she’s helping herself to the ones that are quite adoptable that she feels have a resale value.  Does anybody honestly think she would refund his purchase price to a closed down rescue?  Does anybody think she is personally paying for his feed, trims and upkeep or chipped in for that 12k hay bill she was just begging for and threatening to kill horses over?


If you had any questions about how involved Manson is with the day to day care of any horse son the property, including her own, you only need to look at this screen shot.  She owns Chrome and doesn’t even know what pen he is in or if he’s been moved.  The other things you should notice is that like Mags, Lori Anne Clough seems to be racist too.  What a classy operation HiCaliber is.  Whatever will rescue do without them?


I am putting out a plea for my moles to let me know if anybody was misguided enough to sign up for this.  Clearly Amanduh is just as short on self-awareness as everybody else living on that feed lot.  Must be something in the water…


Just for the record, Shasta appears to be a snowcap Appy, but for the people who think `roanie’ is a color and crawl around underneath horses looking for dorsal stripes, I don’t really expect them to know that.  I could also be wrong considering the most we see of many of these horses is ear shots of them as they haul Manson’s ass on yet another trail ride.  Manson also stated that even though she continues to ride Shasta regularly, she’s not quite ready for adoption yet because she has sore feet.  She also claims that is a recent development, since being trimmed, but this little clip from back in March would suggest otherwise.  I believe this was shortly after her private buyer returned her and subsequently took Shawa in return.


As we enter our drama portion of this post, as much as I loathe giving them attention, this was sent in and I choked on my coffee.  Given the people behind this page *cough*maggot/pasterfuck/manson*cough*, the fact that they are going on about bankruptcies is beyond hypocritical.  Don’t believe me?

Yeah, the windows in those glass houses are filthy.  What more is there to say about it other than,  enough already.  Nobody cares.


Now that we’ve got all that out of the way, I wanted to give a quick update on The Golden Carrot and their situation.  The t-shirt fundraiser is still open and you can follow the link in the screen shot if you’re interested.  Beyond that I am told what Casey really needs is some help cleaning up the scrap metal from her burned home.  That needs to be done in order to get the rest of the debris cleared away which is needed for the electrical company to come in and get the services reconnected.  (I hope I got that right).  Anybody interested in helping can always connect with TGC through their Facebook page to see what their day to day needs are.


I guess this is as good a place as any to leave things today.  I get how frustrating these last days have been and will continue to be.  It’s especially frustrating to hear Manson say things about her `new direction’ with horses.  Maybe not planned, but I suspect her new direction will be not being able to pay board on the dozen or more personal horses and `projects’ she has accumulated and one of her last remaining village idiots will likely end up picking up her bills or having the animals dumped on them.  Other than that, Manson has been positioning herself to morph into a flipper model with a side hustle of being a hired gun.  I’m also reasonably sure there are not enough deep enough pockets left willing to go without so the Manson Family can continue to live for free and not work for a living.  At the end of the day, I’m not really concerned if people want to continue to support her lying ass.  That’s on them.  My concern is that she never has a chance to gain another foothold in horse rescue or the horse industry and that is where my focus will remain.  I don’t give a singular shit about her broken dreams and maudlin little spiel about what to do with her ranch sign.  Burn it for all I care.  Manson has herself alone to thank for her current predicament no matter how she attempts to shift the blame.  Rest assured her day of reckoning is coming and I can’t wait to write that post.


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