
Archive for the ‘Romney Snyder’ Category

We’re going to keep this even shorter and sweet today.  I ain’t got time for this shit but in the interest of keeping y’all in the loop here’s some updates straight from the Grifter’s lie hole.



Where to even start with this shit?  First of all, nobody that Manson would like her village idiots to think hacked her if she was even hacked at all.  Just didn’t happen because who could be bothered?  This is a pattern with Manson which she often uses to make people give her money.  It’s all the haters doing and poor Manson is the victim.  What is probably the case is that Manson was tinkering with something she shouldn’t and lost control of her own page.  Or should I say Manson and Romney Faye were because don’t think RFB isn’t still deeply involved here.  Next, let’s look at the whopper she’s telling about the FBI and DA.  Seriously GTFO with that.  Big talk from a big liar.  Even if there was a shred of truth I think all of us are intimately familiar with how slow the wheels of justice turn.  As if we are to believe that these very busy agencies will drop everything because a small time hustler under investigation with multiple agencies for fraud and other crimes, would get immediate action because she lost control of her nickel and dime Facebook page she has hijacked from a defunct non-profit.  Bitch, please.



Don’t worry Angrid, I got you!  Oops, I mean `Becky’.



Like the good little village idiots they are, a few of them have offered to scrape up some feed for Manson’s hoard.  At this point I’m seriously concerned.  There has long been talk that Manson is only buying a few bales at a time and often is getting others *cough*IG*cough* to do it for her.  Her page hasn’t even been disabled or whatever it was for more than a week and already she is in this much trouble?  Clearly the VIs are almost tapped out as the best they can come up with is scraping up some leftovers and cow hay.  With this in mind and because these animals are truly innocent, I will put this right out in public that Manson, it’s time to release the hostages.  If you truly are unable to feed them, then contact the blog and I will guarantee you we will get every last horse out and safe.  Lord knows the haters have baled enough already, I’m sure we can come together one last time for the good of the horses.  Release the hostages, Manson.


As always, I strongly encourage anybody that is having some red flags with these screen shots, to report them.  The more the merrier,  Again Manson talks about her business and finances being filtered through the former HiCal page.  Exactly what `business’ does she even have besides lying and begging for money? She talks about her mortgage being due.  That’s a lie or at least the insinuation is a lie. There probably is A mortgage payment due but the property is still in Beazley’s name so unless they are playing funny with the bank it’s Beazley’s ass that is about to get hung out to dry.  That’s about normal for anybody that deals with Manson though.  Lastly, the pic she used clearly shows how edited and shopped the last few images were because she’s looking puffy again.  NTTAWWT, but you know….LIAR!  BTW Manson, you’re welcome.  Always happy to keep everybody in the loop even if you aren’t.  TTFN!

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You know what?  It’s probably going to be a frosty Friday in hell before I ever get around to finishing off some of the posts I’ve been working on.  It’s not because they aren’t important, but rather The Manson Family, being the cockroaches they are, just will not stop grifting.  I knew it as soon as I saw that last post I shared that Manson was dipping her toe in to see if the idiots were ready to dig deep.  Ever since then it’s been a fucking  grift-o-rama of emotional manipulation and begging. Thankfully, our birds are out in full force so I’ll update you and then we’ll figure out how to chop the head off this snake before it gets out of control again.  I’m not even going to bother sugar-coating any of this or playing nice.  Enough is enough.  Buckle up, because if you have the smallest shred of compassion and common decency, you’re going to be pissed too.

In the last post, I showed how Manson has been testing the waters to see if she can go on another horse killing spree for dollars.  Apparently,  the few dollars offered to her over that situation emboldened her because we were quickly treated to a rather lengthy, and emotionally manipulative post about how she shot Barry Boi in the face, complete with a $2000 gofraudme campaign.  I guess cremation costs a whole bunch more than back when she was begging for dollars to memorialize Johnny Cade after she and her minions tortured and killed him.  We were all asked to suspend disbelief and logic and overlook the fact that there were no current pictures of the kid with Barry Boi, due to the fact she had long ago lost interest in him.  We were also supposed to overlook the fact that even though Manson 30% diagnosed him as having a stroke `last fall’, there was a picture of him at the Bonsall property looking very un-strokelike.  In fact, the horse was lame and they were too lazy to manage him, but why let him slip away without making some extra dollars off him? The grift was on.  I’m pretty sure the picture of his balls, probably long since consumed by the Manson family, was just her way to make sure Barry Boi didn’t pass with too much dignity.  Apparently, the village idiots had money burning holes in their pocket as they quickly ponied up the requested $2000 for a pictures (seriously wtf) and frames to go along with a box of ashes they won’t ever see.  In the midst of that mess, there was a fuckton of anthropomorphizing on Manson’s part and apparently prescience on Barry Boi’s part.  It seems that Manson felt like she under asked so she quickly used that sad situation and her daughter’s alleged grief for a more open-ended ask and the horse from our last post, was quickly manifested.  This is where it gets extremely off pissing.


BTW, the update she said she would post for the public page consisted of a years old picture of Tanner the horse and a post about his penis complete with her immature and rude responses when people ask why he is still not gelded.  Apparently the horse that belonged to HiCaliber is now her personal horse that she can do with what she likes.  I hope she’s got a solid paper trail on her personally supporting him while she’s at it.  Maybe Romney Faye is throwing some change towards that now that she’s back Dumbass Darrell’s dick and found another special needs child to round out her income. Life is good for the ExCalibers!

This is the mare from the previous post.  She has clearly deteriorated in body condition since Manson first knew about her.  She is now emaciated, covered in sores likely from where her poor bones created pressure laying down and her feet haven’t had any attention in some time.  Her pasterns are dropped and that situation clearly hasn’t been managed on any level.  We’ve heard this about Manson before.  She likes these horses to linger until they are pitiful enough to shake the coins loose from her village.  So, not only has she known about this horse for long enough for this animal to deteriorate significantly, she has also protected the person that is directly responsible for her current condition.  Rather than do the right thing and reach out to another rescue or animal control, she has done nothing.  Nada.  She is an accomplice to the condition of this horse and she’s still not done exploiting her for dollars.  We gotta toss in the kid for some more emotional manipulation.   Instead of telling it like it is, the horse killing grifter becomes `just a mom trying to help her family heal’.  She conveniently overlooks that the situation she finds herself in is a result of her own poor choices, greed and just pure fucking evil.  What hasn’t occurred to her yet is the fact that she has even less of a leg to stand on as far as protecting these people, diagnosing the horses and killing them than she did when she was hiding behind her rescue.  If she truly wanted her kids to continue `helping’ horses she’d take them to a real rescue to volunteer.  Maybe they’d learn what actual horse people behave like rather than opportunistic assholes like their mother is.

Here you have many of your usual morons crawling up Manson’s ass and becoming moist at the prospect of another mangled horse to kill.  Let’s not overlook the big lie from Manson.  She tells them just what they want to hear and the message to take forward. Forget that the same person had this horse when she wasn’t in such bad condition, because in Manson’s narrative, they are not the abusers and it’s merely a cultural difference and these poor people are so afraid.  MY ASS.  May I remind you all that I put the offer out to Manson that we would help this horse over a week ago.  That was sincere and that was legit.  We still have a place for this horse, but there was never a response because that was never Manson’s goal.  It didn’t serve her needs because, with Manson, the horse is never first and referring her on to people that will actually help this horse does not keep Manson in eyelashes and burritoes.

pjimage (2)

Same horse, different day. The difference between griftable and savable.



So here we are again watching Manson protect the very people who neglect and abuse horses while she wrings every last possible penny out of their broken bodies.  How long did this mare suffer before Manson figured she was far gone enough for maximum financial benefit and to parade in front of her village idiots?  What happened to the other horse she alluded to in the initial post?  While we’re at it, whatever happened to so many of the broken wraiths she dangled in front of the village near the end but never actually manifested when the interest was lackluster?  This has to stop.  Yesterday.  Speak up and speak out.  Light up the phone lines or whatever else you can think of to get action.  I’ve not often preached that to people, but now that she’s got a place to start hoarding again it behooves every advocate to nip this in the bud.  While the investigations are still active, and believe me they are, animals continue to suffer and be exploited to support  Manson and Wrinkles in their quest to never work another day in their life.  I’d say honest day but I’m not sure either one of them have the capacity for that or ever did.  As much as I hate to say it, this is the tip of the iceberg as far as what’s hit my inbox this week when it comes to The Manson Family antics.  I guess our break is over.  Much more to come…


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I have to apologize for the lack of updates recently.  It’s always difficult to figure out how to handle these things.  Do you just put it all out and drive the Manson Family deeper underground or do you sit on things?  Normally, I choose sit back a bit and hand them all plenty of rope.  I’ve always said that nobody ever gets convicted for something they might do or even thinks about doing and I truly believe that.  Is that always the right thing to do?  I just don’t know.  So, after much consideration and after talking to a few of the `team’, I figured I’d do this very brief update.  My reason for doing so is hopefully to get the word out so the eyes can stay out.  It’s one thing when Manson is just playing her regular victim card, but when she moves to openly exploit suffering animals on any level again it’s time to play whack a mole.  So, with that being said, let’s get down to it…



So here we go…Manson is dipping her gnarly toe back in the waters of grifting on the backs of broken horses.  Wanna take bets on who the suppliers are? Even though she carefully cropped the pic in an attempt to remove all evidence of where the horse is, it is clear.  All that aside, let’s look at the bill of goods she is attempting to sell to her village idiots.  She can claim she is no longer affiliated with a 501c3, but I’m reasonably sure the AG will see things differently.  She doesn’t get to just walk away and she especially doesn’t get to when she’s carting around assets of that 501c3.  Yes, they are in a delinquency status due to not filing their paperwork for the last few years, but the HiCaliber non-profit is not dissolved and she is certainly not absolved of any responsibility no matter what she says.


From July when Manson was claiming nobody else would help these horses

Let’s talk about these horses she is wanting to kill.  First off, there ARE other options for them.  There has always been other options for them.   It wasn’t all that long ago when Manson was lamenting the lack of resources for another broken horse she had drug back to the ranch to execute for dollars that she was told, right on her own page, that The Equine Welfare Society has a fund to cover just this sort of thing.  This was back in July and, of course, she ignored this information as it doesn’t fit in with her grifting and blood lust.  This isn’t even counting other rescues and animal shelters.  There isn’t much burrito money in referring these animals on to appropriate agencies and letting real horse people handle things though.


Like the good little village idiots they always have been, they pick up what Manson laid down as far as the subtle grift and start offering money.  They certainly don’t make it rain like the village of old, but it’s a much more shallow well they’re dipping from these days.   I’m not entirely sure why Wrinkles chimes in with $20 considering how far she’s already parked up Manson’s ass and the fact that any funds raised will also benefit her personally, but maybe she was attempting the `monkey see, monkey do’ strategy of fundraising.  I had to giggle at Manson blaming ICE/The Wall as the reason the owners of these horses couldn’t raise their own funds. The actual reason is more that if Salvador and his ilk did their own fundraisers, Manson wouldn’t get her blood money or be able to get off on shooting another animal in the face.  They also don’t give a shit about these animals once they have are of no use to them so making a few bucks off Manson and her merry band of idiots is just gravy. It really is that simple.


I don’t know why Manson was in FB jail because she rarely pokes her head out in the open other than to offer sexual favors to randoms in various groups, but that’s another story for another day.  What is interesting about her comments here is that she claims she’s calling vets to cover her ass as far as how much money to ask for.  She doesn’t actually state that a vet will ever see any of these horses, but with her patented read between the lines style of lying out her lie hole, she’s apparently called a few.  No word if they were actual equine vets or not or if she even discussed the horses in question.  She could have prank called them for all we know.  The villagers have been trained not to ask too many questions so when Manson says she has called the vet, they follow her down the path of deception and spread the lies of omission.


As many of you are aware, there are a few things going on in Manson’s realm at the moment.  The clock has run out on the Bonsall property so that situation is fluid.  For somebody who claims to have no affiliation with HiCaliber she is certainly hanging onto their assets with both of her hammy fists and still threatens to enforce their contracts.  We’ve always known she wouldn’t be able to stop killing animals any more than a vampire can stop drinking blood, but the way forward without her 501c3 is going to be difficult.  I will state right here for all to see that if Manson is truly concerned about these horses and sincere in her desire to get them relief, then she can refer them on to entities that can help them.  She can even have the owners contact me (as in email the blog and don’t bug JM) and I’ll network them.  Let’s see her do the right thing for once in her malignant existence.  The ball is in your court, Manson.  You going to put the horses first for once in your life?


As for me, I have three different and unrelated things that are currently on my desk.  To the people that have sent some of those `things’ to me, I’m still working on them and I apologize for not being quicker.  After spending a couple of years so deeply entrenched in all things HiCaliber,  it takes a bit more time to switch gears.  I want to make sure I give these other issues the attention they deserve or at least the best I can do with them. Rest assured I haven’t gone anywhere nor are we in mothballs.  For now though, make sure you hug your horses and other four footers and keep your eyes and ears open.  We’re a long way from over.  Have a great weekend!

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Although I planned to put the HiCaliber thing to rest other than pertinent updates, it appears that was more a case of wishful thinking.   I think many of us were ready to hand this story off and just wait for the various agencies to do their thing.  However, just like quicksand or the previously mentioned Hotel California, it would seem I keep getting sucked back in to the HiCaliber situation as new things come to light.  I totally get that after literally years of what was nearly round the clock drama, it’s been a big shift to the radio silence from Manson that some of us are actually enjoying.  Sadly, I think that there others  who are forgetting why most of us got involved and in lieu of actual drama, are creating some.   It feels like picking the bones of a carcass to see so much of what’s out there right now about Manson.  There seems to be very little mention of the animals she exploited and harmed as well as the ones still under her control.  With that in mind it was really nice to get this guest post in my inbox last week.  This is from somebody who I will just say has been a friend of the blog for quite some time.  This person is a former volunteer and I hope this post can redirect the focus on what this has all been about for so many of us; the horses and other animals unfortunate enough to find themselves under the control of HiCaliber. With that being said,  I’m going to hand things off to our guest poster while I contiue working on a few thins completely unrelated to HiCaliber for a change.


In my anger I sometimes forget why I’m here and why I finally made a stand.

In 2016 I first saw Michelle and Becky while I was with a group at the Valley Center AG day they put on for the kids. They had brought a mare and her foal down to promote the rescue and talk about slaughter. I remember getting a magnet and a bumper sticker for free! Lucky Me! Looking back I had a few different thoughts on Michelle as a person but I’m a judgy bitch by nature so I put those thoughts aside. I did think it was neat that she brought a rescue horse to the event, but was a little concerned over the baby. The little one was clearly not feeling too great and lying in the dirt. The mare didn’t seem all that concerned and Becky seemed to be handling the situation. Granted I thought lying in the dirt next to the poor thing and crooning to it was a little over the top, Becky, but again I gave you a pass. I listened to the spiel about being all-inclusive, family oriented and a fun place to volunteer. I’m sure they managed to put a plug in for donations too. I made a little small talk with Becky and she said to come on down sometime.


So a few weeks later I did… I came by unannounced thinking that I would make my excuses to a volunteer and start volunteering myself soon. I parked by river run and could hear kids playing in the pool. Becky drove by and gave me the stink eye but didn’t stop and say anything. I didn’t see any volunteers around so I meandered over to the nursery and played with a couple little ones and wandered around playing with horses here and there. The horses were clean happy and healthy. The pens were clean enough and everything looked like it was cared for okay. I felt pretty good about what I saw and left.

Several Months later…

I’m finally going to HiCaliber to volunteer! I went the first time on a Wednesday, the day after auction and the day the farrier came. There were quite a few people and stuff seemed to be getting done. I’m not much on large groups so after that I picked a day that I hoped to be quieter. After a couple of weeks I was watering close to 100 horses, probably more, with very little company. Okay sure, North and south herds were on auto waters, but maybe there were about six people, give or take that came in at various times in the mornings. Certainly nothing like the day after auction. It didn’t take me long to realize that things had changed quite a bit and not for the better.


I still thought that maybe I was being too hard on the situation and was trying to give the benefit of a doubt. It was pouring rain, the horses were sick, I knew animals passed things around in kennel environments and with some care they got well. This was a little different. The horses were very sick. Lots of horses were sick coughing, oozing and snot everywhere. There wasn’t much on quarantine protocol, people would grab buckets or strainers to bale and clean troughs. There was a muddy foot tray, bucket, spray bottle of verkon and usually an empty bottle of bleach outside of Price Arena that was supposed to be used after Price so you didn’t carry it to other parts of the ranch. The poor little Arabs that supposedly brought the strangles in were in a pen together. They weren’t exactly sequestered away from other horses either. Those poor little ones, they had snot noses, coughs, sitting in the pouring rain for days, no shelter, no rain sheets. I began to worry that I would come in to dead little ones but they lived and they also got adopted. Others didn’t make it though. Did I mention the sucking mud and the scratches? There was sucking mud and scratches. Lots of it.

And still I watered…

Here I’m going to interject that I didn’t spend a long time at HiCaliber. I did spend enough time there to wonder where the fuck my coffee card is. It wasn’t long before I found myself doing other things on top of watering all those horses. I got the privilege of feeding once or twice, picking up random items and the added bonus of mucking the barn after watering. I found though that mucking the barn, even poorly, was a much coveted job at HiCaliber. Ladies 10-15 years my junior would jump on being in the barn, whereas I’d find women 10 years my senior pulling out that nasty, stinky, heavy shit in the pens.

At some point things got easier. The weather got nicer and I could spend a little time getting to know some of these horses…

So after all the background story on the how I got to HiCaliber I want you to understand the who I don’t forget and why I’m so angry…

It’s all the faces, the hearts, and the souls that I left at HiCaliber. I guess angry is the wrong word, probably broken-hearted is better. I’m broken hearted.



Who I remember…

Rey Rey or was it Ray Ray? Either way it was the stupidest name ever. She was a little black filly that used the hose like water pick. HiCaliber said her dam was Desi and she went to S&S. I guess she was adopted and returned. She was oh, so sweet and oh, so willing. I remember a volunteer just popping on her bareback and bit less.

The one-eyed intact mini whose empty eye oozed and was never treated like it should. You were a little bugger but to the right person you could have been a prince. If I remember right he was housed with Jonathan.

Puck, I guess you were kind of Puckish… He was a little grey Arab who had eye liner like a punk rocker who was withdrawn and didn’t trust. I think he died, I don’t know when or how but he didn’t get his forever home.

I remember Saint, sitting in the barn, in his saturated shavings. That guy could pee a river and there he sat canker and all, waiting for his forever home. I read that he was adopted into a home. He’s one of the lucky ones.

Sweet Calypso, for the right person I think she would have come out of her shell and been wonderful. She just needed a little reassurance and love.

Frisky Calliope, I love me a little spotted appy. She was young, fresh and I hope made it the fuck out.


Mac you lippy thing, if I ever wanted a Thoroughbred you would be my man. Instead you went to one of the heavy-handed gunsels.

Finn with all the other bay and brown geldings that loved to splash and make me refill your buckets. You guys made me laugh.

Little Pandy dear, you sad, headstrong little pony. People let you down and I’m glad you spent your last days outside of HiCaliber. Michelle sold her to a woman who flips horses. I hope you got a little love. Pandy was in the barn when I first met her. She had a chest wound of unknown origin and was so depressed being under quarantine she sat with her head in the corner.

Then there was Rosie who was impressive to me. I saw her at feeding time once rearing and making her opinion known to all the other horses. I think I saw she was adopted. I sure hope it stuck.

The one eye grey gelding, Aurora, Reba, Sarah with lungs coming out of her nose, Blueberry, Gertie the grey mare that died in the mud at Price, Jonathan, Chris, Stacey, Percy, Saban the list is long.

These are some of my reasons. It’s probably not as long of a list as others and even though some of the names haven’t stuck, I remember them. They are the why and they haven’t been forgotten.

I’ll leave you with pictures of Sully/ Willie before he went to Sale Ranch.


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Today’s post is brought to you by Dixie.  I think it’s important information for everybody to have as we settle into a holding pattern.  She explains things much better than I can.  Any questions, please just drop them in the comments and she’ll get to them as she can.  This is really important information, so please take the time to read it carefully and spread the word if you choose.  Thank you to Dixie for putting this together!

I’ve promised many times to try to do a walk through of previous cases of charitable organization rescue fraud in order to better explain what the offices, etc. are looking for in regards to making an organization accountable for their actions.

I apologize for the delay in doing so—many of you are in touch with me on a personal basis, some aren’t, but suffice it to say that I haven’t been able to be online much at all these last few months for personal health reasons. I can’t say that it is going to change anytime soon, but what I DO promise is that not one of us have ever stopped what we are continuing to do in regards to making Michelle Knuttila, as well as her accomplices (better referred to as her BOD) known and accountable to the Attorney General, as well as many others. Please note that I am not a lawyer, merely someone who has a passing acquaintance with 501c3 laws. I can’t answer all questions, nor do I claim to, but I was fortunate enough to consult with a wonderful lawyer who specializes in 501c3 charities and a deep love of horses.

This recent case, as reported by Horse Authority at https://horseauthority.co/8-million-verdict-gregory-horse-rescue-scam-charities-california-ag/ came to a close on November 16, 2018, but let’s explore it a little deeper to get an idea of the time that it took for the AG to begin prosecuting this case after a lengthy investigation, which took probably about 4-5 years, if not a little longer due to the fact that they claimed to be a 501c3 in the beginning when they were, in fact, not. The AG has now filed suit against this sham charity in the amount of 8 million dollars. It is my hope that by dissecting some of these charges, it can help people recognize exactly what the authorities look for, how it is charged, and possibly a time line to help explain why exactly it is taking so long.

On April 17, 2017, the AG first filed an order for what is called an “involuntary dissolution,” because they were being disbanded for fraudulent activities. That is the very tail end of the entire case, investigations, etc, meaning that by this time the AG office had gathered enough evidence to force the organization to shut down, which took approximately 2-3 years. After doing so, the AG appointed a receiver to dissolve the charity, oversee the disbursement of assets, etc. because as we all know the law states that assets must be disbursed to other 501(c)3 charities, as well as other items. Their charges contain only a few of what we have proven that Michelle, as well as her Board of Directors, have done:

A) Breach of fiduciary duty
B ) Deceptive and misleading solicitations for funds
C) Breach of fiduciary relationship, meaning that they were failing to act in the best interests of the charity or its donors
D) Self dealing—meaning that a trustee (Michelle, Romney, and other members of the BOD, who were obligated in fiduciary matters to act in the best interest of the charity ) taking action in their OWN best interests in transactions instead of the charity, with one such example being the fact that they were living on a multimillion dollar property and donors were paying for it when in fact they could have rented a smaller property at less than half that price and made it viable.
E) Unjust enrichment, which is be self-explanatory

Those are just some of the charges which the officers mentioned in the lawsuit were facing.
From the article above, I was intrigued to note that this AG office, unlike a few others that we have seen in various states, really took it down to individual instances, as can be evidenced by the press release:
“The jury found the Gregory defendants acted illegally 3,430 times .” That gives me a chuckle right there, because that tells me that they didn’t simply take one instance and go for prosecution based on an “overall instance.” It means that the Attorney General explored every inch of their finances and identified every single instance of these people not acting in the best interest of the charitable organization which they founded.

Also note that the charitable Mission statement, which Shed and I have long mentioned as being pivotal to any case, is written out in its entirety. A charity MUST abide by its mission statement, period—in all previous cases resulting in convictions such as HMER, AC4H, FPF, etc—a mission statement is quoted in the charges as being at the crux of any formal case.

Number 5 is pretty much self-explanatory, and something of which we are all aware: Charities MUST file taxes, and in Michelle’s case, 2017 taxes still remain unfiled but reads current due to a slight glitch in the AG computer system. Because they filed their 2016 taxes in 2018, the computer recognizes that as filing in 2018, so reads as current but needs to be updated manually. Attempts have been made to notify them of the issue but not with any exigency (see what I did there, Michelle?) because she claims to now being soliciting for donations only for herself and not on behalf of the charity. However, as noted in the final write-up of charges in the above case with the Wounded Warriors Support Program and Central Coast Equine Rescue and Retirement, a court order was issued that none of the founders, members of the BOD, etc could serve on the board of any charity, nor can they solicit donations for personal use or otherwise. That is important, and what will happen to Michelle as well as anyone associated with her. I can attest to the fact that AG offices do tend to be very interested in this after the fact, and when people see anyone of her cronies or BOD members attempting to solicit donations under their names for her, it will continue to need to be reported. I have every faith that the people in her area will be keeping a close eye on her.

Reading through the charges, you will note that even though the people listed in the above case are family, they are all charged with profiting off of the rescue, for anyone wondering why we have made it a point to continue to name Romney, Amanda, Robyn, as well as others for the fact that they profited off of the charity. Amanda for using the charitable assets (horses) to start her own ahem “riding lessons” business, as well as the people who received horses through so-called adoptions, etc. In each of those cases, they profited off of the charity for their own personal enrichment. Donor funds were used to purchase the horses at X amount of dollars, and these people “adopted” the horses for themselves, for the sum of 1.00. Each person in the above case were charged in amounts ranging from 140k to over 2 million dollars, depending on just how much they gained by doing so. All of the officers of the charity were charged, and some who were not officers but whom benefitted were also named (including their lawyer, I found that interesting!)

Various charges, that I won’t cover much of, had to do with money not being used for the purpose in which it was solicited. In this case it will potentially be applied to Michelle’s car payments, spyware, fast food, personal pets, credit cards, bills, and so much more.

I will also skip over most of the charges relating to the fact that they did not keep sufficient records regarding donations, etc as that is pretty much self-explanatory. (I guess someone must have stolen their receipts, too!) The charges state that the AG is going by bank records and estimates that the fraudulent charity in reality owes a lot more than that for which they are being charged. In essence, that details precisely what they either are or will be doing in regards to Michelle’s instance but lets people know that they can indeed proceed with only bank records, which they subpoena as part of their investigation.
In 2016 the AG ordered a cease and desist of their raffles, which is not what they did to Michelle, because they only needed to update—however, that adds yet another year to the timeline.
The Attorney General Office did have to file for an order for involuntary dissolution of the charitable corporation, and appoint a receiver to protect and oversee the remaining assets. This is slightly different case than Michelle, who claims that she “dissolved,” HiCaliber herself, which is not going to be recognized by the State and still leaves her open to being charged for failing to do so. There is a possibility that it could leave her open to even MORE charges, because at this point it could be claimed that she absconded with the charitable assets, money, etc and is selling them for personal use, a point which some of us are attempting to make with the San Diego DA.

Going to skip a lot, but if you take a look at 41 (A), the charges of misuse of restricted donations. In that case, it mentions that solicitation of donations would be used to help a therapeutic riding center, and injured veterans. Instead, funds were used to pay personal expenses, etc.
In Michelle’s case, certain items like the tanning bed, concert tickets, tack, blankets, etc. which were donated to be used to raise funds for the horses, instead were used by Michelle and her cohorts for themselves and did not benefit the purpose for which it was intended. (There are many more instances, but those are the ones off the top of my head.) Charge 43, in this case, can be used when one thinks of the 10k donation received for the care of certain horses, at least one of which was then shot, and the other horses were soon taken from the rescue and sent elsewhere, with no funding from the original 10k ever provided to their previous owners, meaning it did not get used for the purpose for which it was intended.

There are obvious and other charges throughout this that I am skipping, such as the failure to keep meeting minutes, books, receipts, etc. but this post is lengthy enough and those are pretty much self-explanatory. This includes the presentation of false information to the IRS, the State of California, as well as disseminating false information to the public.

Charge 61(G) Operating with the intent to deceive or defraud
Again, self-explanatory and we saw it every week. An obvious explanation was the changing price of auction horses, as well as the claims all funds raised were going to purchase the horses from auction but not mentioning the Starbucks, eating out, and everything else we watched occur every Tuesday.

The Third Cause of Action is interesting:
“…has used the funds to fund her lifestyle, and used charitable funds to maintain her personal horses and other equestrian related props.” We can all see how that relates to Michelle and the fact that she was keeping 20-25 horses of her own on donations which were intended for the charity. Horse Authority quoted the Attorney General, Xavier Becerra’s own words when he stated “the charity used donor funds to board and care for the Gregory family’s personal horses.” (Gina Gregory is a lawyer, personal relation, and also named in the charges.)


The Fifth Cause of Action is too long to get into, but what is important is this:
“…imposes a charitable trust on funds collected for charitable purposes, and a ‘fiduciary relationship between a charity and any person soliciting on behalf of a charity’…”

That part is important, because it leaves open each and every person who continued to solicit funds for Michelle including Romney, Robyn, et al, especially as they were aware that the money was NOT going towards its intended purpose. Some, yes—but not all, nor was it ever divulged to the public that not all funds were going to the horses but instead to support their lifestyles.

They cover the unjust enrichment part and explain it pretty well, so seeing the parallels between their actions and the HiCaliber team are pretty obvious when you read the charges. It’s 5 am here and this post is pretty damned long, so I think I have bored you enough for tonight—but hope that it will give you guys a better look at what exactly the AG looks for when dealing with fraudulent charities, and how we—and anyone dealing with a case like this in the future, because it WILL happen, it is human nature— aimed at noting Michelle’s actions in particular to gain the interest of the officials by having an idea of what exactly the officials are looking for in regards to starting an investigation and seeing it through. Throughout the US, almost every single OAG office overseeing charities is looking for items such as this, and remains true from state to state.

As you can see, the OAG won the lawsuit against them for over 8 million dollars. It is interesting to note that the Wounded Warriors Support Group’s page here on the Registry verification database shows that at no time did they ever succeed in bringing in over a million dollars a year; as a matter of fact, their highest yearly claims were $648,891.00 . Of course I didn’t look up the other businesses that benefitted, but it also brings to mind her new “Alphamare, LLC” and how they can work that into her charges, when they are filed. Most importantly, to me: “The court issued a judgment for the involuntary dissolution of the charities. A court order permanently prohibits the defendants from operating or serving on the board of any California charity. They are also prohibited from soliciting any type of donation. “ This means them, personally, as an individual, which will put paid to Michelle’s hopes of living the rest of her life on other people’s money. It is also something that will have to be continually monitored, for several years, and evidence provided to the AG, especially if it is one of her friends, or her alter egos—but trust me, that is one thing that they WILL enforce, with evidence.
Timeline to have this all done took almost 5 years, as best as I can tell from the paperwork because of course it doesn’t mention the dates that the investigation actually began. Frustrating, but something that Shed and I knew when we began attempting to get this to the attention of the authorities. The last time I looked, and I cannot remember where I found it, sadly enough but it is on the AG site somewhere—was that there were 250 cases on the AG’s log, and I believe that at that time 36 cases were currently being prosecuted. I am going off of memory but I think there are 4-6 Deputy Attorney Generals, who are responsible for prosecuting the cases. That means all four of them are responsible for the current prosecutions of the 35 cases at that time (again, going by memory which I freely admit is not functioning at 100% right now) which means that they are tremendously busy at any given time, hence the reason why getting an investigation started, and to the court room, takes so much time. Frustrating for us, absolutely—but I do have faith that it will happen, as we have always stated, just not in the timeline that we wish it would happen.
For some amusement value, especially as it pertains to Shed—be sure to read to the bottom of the Horse Authority article, in the link provided above. Apparently the family members involved attempted to sue media outlets for reporting on the case after the investigation was announced. However, a digital media lawyer proclaimed to the court that he would file a motion under the California Anti SLAPP (actually, it is available anywhere) law, which protects free speech, to strike the motion down. One might do well to study the SLAPP law, which is interesting in itself but an easy definition provided by Horse Authority is that “A SLAPP suit, or a strategic lawsuit against public participation, is a civil claim filed to ‘silence and harass’ by forcing a defendant to spend money and time defending a baseless suit, according to The Public Participation Project. “ It might behoove others to be aware of this statute and use it to their advantage.

In closing I want to say this.

One of the first things to be aware when something might not be all it is purported to be is us types of people, AKA ‘haters.”Trust me, even the best rescues have detractors, maybe because they are disgruntled people turned down for adoption, or even some other reason known only to them. You might expect to see 5 or 10, depending on how many alter egos they make up. But when a rescue begins to have 20, 30 and more people beginning to raise questions, it is a good idea to remember that old adage, “Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.”
Be informed. Be aware. It is ok to simply study the laws in your state, as did I and countless others to learn this stuff.. It doesn’t mean you are the rescue police, it simply means that you are a well-informed consumer who knows when a rescue is “doing it right,” and can place your trust in supporting someone. Even more importantly, as we saw with Michelle, and others—many times people start out with the best of intentions and then go bad once the lure of easy money starts coming in. I absolutely believed in one of the above rescues charged by their state and supported them, but at the end, I realized when others presented their evidence that all was no longer on the up and up and then assisted in bringing it to the State’s attention. It doesn’t mean you are stupid, or a fool—unless you refuse to believe what the evidence shows. It has happened to many, many of us, trust me. The only idiots are those who continue to not believe when the evidence is right in front of them. Hell I trusted HiCaliber at first, too—just not enough to give them my money, unlike the other.
Let’s work together—and make no mistake, it is going to be you, and the other people you educate from what you’ve learned in this situation to carry this burden, because I won’t be around and no guarantees for Shed—to make certain that situations like this are not allowed to grow to the size of this fiasco in the future before someone takes action. A reputable rescue has absolutely no problems answering questions with transparency and accountability, if asked with respect. They have no problem with accounting for money, assets, purchases, etc. We have the power to prevent this from happening again. Let’s make certain it doesn’t by being well-informed, and aware of the responsibilities of a charitable organization has to its donors, as well as the public.

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When I dusted off this blog  and decided to write about HiCaliber back in 2017, it was just me needing to offload what was on my chest.  No moles, no help.  Just me.  It seems somehow appropriate that I close the HiCaliber chapter of this blog the same way.  Just me.  I’ve seen a lot of speculation, talk, and general noise about who did what, what I thought, what my motives were and who I was for months.  Most of it was just that.  Noise.  This is the story straight from the source of how it all went down as far as my involvement and process.   Forgive me if this gets a bit long, I still have a lot to get off my chest.


Kill spot at HiCaliber


May 2017.  That’s when I dusted off this blog after a 3 1/2 year hiatus.  Little did I know, I was grabbing a tiger by the tail with that post.  There wasn’t really a mission or master plan, but it also wasn’t out of nowhere.  HiCaliber had been a rescue I’d loosely followed over the years.  I’d even given them a shout out once upon a time and featured Manson’s videos on the Starlight Sanctuary train wreck way back then.  (Manson wasn’t the one that sent them to me.  I’ve never had contact with her as far as I know).  Yes, I kinda thought Manson was rough around the edges and a little bit of a gunsel but without looking too deeply at her, I figured she was doing more good than harm and maybe that actually was the case way back when.  Then, HiCaliber started popping up on my newsfeed more and more.  I’m guessing this was due to their algorithm bumps and her paying to boost her posts, but I can’t be sure.  I’m not that tech savvy and anything computer related I still attribute to magic and try not to apply reason to it.  At any rate, the more they came across my newsfeed, the more squinty eyed I became.  Aside from the weekly cry seshes, what struck me was the constant state of crisis.  It just didn’t ring right for me and my spidey senses started tingling.


Then Snuggles happened… Nothing about the Snuggles situation rang true and it really started to stink to high heaven when they went into damage control mode spinning this tale on how that yes, they did trade this horse to a kill buyer, but always planned to get him back.  Yeah, because that’s a thing rescues do.  I could have even suspended disbelief and gone on with my life but close on the heels of Snuggles came the whole Slaughter 11 debacle.  Y’all remember the last minute fundraising effort and dramatic save culminating with the `collapsed’ and strategically placed horses on the ground heaving from what appeared to be heat exhaustion.  I always meant to write that whole mess up as a throwback post after I resurrected this blog, but those wacky horse killers at HiCaliber kept shitting their collective pants and I never got around to it.  What I did get around to was documenting everything and sorting out exactly how it all happened and adding it to the file of fraud.  Suffice to say it was a set up from jump street and the fact that it coincided with Romney Faye’s relationship with Dumbass Darrell is not a coincidence.


After these incidents, I got my dig on and found out who `Voldy’ was and started tracking things.  Initially, there wasn’t a lot out there on Facebook other than a defunct screen shot group.  I think it might still be in existence but never updated.  Apart from that, the only thing I could find was a few mutterings in advocate groups and the advocacy groups I mostly lurked at are anti-slaughter groups.  I’m not and never have been very active on Facebook or any social media as far as being an active participant.  I can’t even remember my twitter account password and haven’t updated my status in nearly 2 years.  However, I questioned and bitched about HiCaliber just enough to join forces with some other advocates.  Real ones, not armchair ones.


Despite what has been said, or you may have heard, I did not get `inspired’ to dust off this blog.  I got extremely pissed off and needed to vent.  It took me about 3 days to even figure out what my password to this account was.  (I actually forget what it is again, so please stop trying to hack it as it’s a pain in my ass to go through a gazillion random post-it notes stuck all over my house).  Remember that Snuggles and the Slaughter11 stuff went down in the summer/fall of 2016.  My first post back was in May of 2017 and the reason I was pissed off is a bunch of us had been gathering information, compiling information and NOTHING was happening with it.  If anything, it felt like The Manson Family was gaining momentum and the body count was becoming alarming.  When they pulled off the OTTB20 shit show,  I was triggered.  I’m a racetracker born and bred.  (yes, Maggot we know each other and that’s why I laugh at you) so you fuck with OTTBs and lie about them,  I’m not going to let it go.  Throw Satan and Doughboy into that mix and I am going to the mat with it.  Simple as that.


I figured I would just post a bit about the OTTB20 sitch and then put this blog back in mothballs.  I was actually shocked at the response those posts got and completely unprepared for what was to follow.  Needless to say things snowballed.  The OTTB20 became 40 and more. Pretty much everything about that mess forward is documented on this blog.  I don’t need to go over it all again.  That’s not what this post is about.  What happened behind the scenes was a literal outpouring of information almost as if I’d opened a floodgate.  All of a sudden, it became safe for people to speak out against HiCaliber without fear of reprisal from the mob mentality of the village.  I have always allowed people to post in the comments without registering here and I never turn on their IPs to look at unless I have to block them.  I tried to keep things as safe as possible to speak out and it worked.  Did I ban a few?  You bet your ever lovin ass I did and I’m proud of it.  (I see you, Stacy Kendall.  Get some diaper creme for that butthurt).  I have never cared if you’re a villager who wanted to come over here and state your side of things.  A few of them have.  Agreeing with me is not required either.  The only thing I ever insisted on is to be respectful in presenting your ideas.  Come over here with your guns blazing and I’ll take away your bullets.  During the whole course of the HiCaliber era, I think only about 4 of you got banned.  It’s an exclusive club.


Back in those very early days I was winging it.  I had no moles or even considered getting them.  Lord knows The Manson family was arrogant and sloppy enough to give all the ammo I needed back then.  I had one person that was working with me and for sure helped loads with memes, clips and ears out in all the groups.  I also joined forces with Stealth Mole very early in the game although not in a mole capacity.  One thing I want to make clear is that I never once reached out to anybody to be my mole.  I let them come to me and I’m so grateful they did.  OG Mole was the first and was very quickly followed by others. Some stayed with me longer than others.  OG rode it to the end with me along with a few others we’ll get to.  I will forever be grateful to the longtime insiders that took a chance and trusted me.  Some had tidbits of info while others stuck it out and risked a bunch.  I felt bad every time I saw people accused and vilified for being moles that weren’t.  (Leah, I’m so sorry you keep taking hits.  As far as I know, we never communicated) Other moles were hiding in plain sight and stayed that way.  I tried to make it comfortable for people to come forward and I always, always checked if what they were giving me could be posted.  Sometimes I couldn’t post what they shared and that was fine too.  There is a lot of information and `receipts’ that exchanged hands that have never seen the light of day and won’t until the AG does whatever it is he’s going to do with all of it.  Some people who came forward had been dedicated villagers that had actively hated me and my blog.  I’m in absolute awe at their dedication to the animals that they could set that aside and reach out.  Thank you.  You all made a huge difference and more than once I felt completely humbled by your advocacy and trust.  My hope is that when the dust all settles, I can meet with some of you and thank you in person.  You have my undying respect.


While we’re on the subject of moles, I’ve seen a lot of blather from the village idiots about how could they stand by and watch these atrocities being committed and say and do nothing.   Of course these are also the same brainiacs that have suggested that the condition that property was left in was `normal’ and one of them even suggested that HiCaliber had increased the property value.  (I’m not even kidding about that one.  I have the screen shot).  Clearly these people have no concept on how cases are made.  Do they think an undercover cop makes a bust the first time he sees the law broken? Nobody goes down for what they might do.  Sometimes you have to hand people the rope and sit back.   You have to bite your tongue and look at the greater good and it sucks.  It’s heart wrenching and it’s horrible and every single mole and ex HiCaliber person that spoke out deserves respect.  I can only imagine what witnessing some of those things first hand must have been like.


I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Dixie.  She was another one that reached out to me very early on offering her help to  in doing more than just getting information out there, but actually doing something with that information.  Dixie is a really well-known and respected advocate and she gets things done.  This was not her first rodeo exposing a fraudulent rescue.  She was the one that took care of the reams of evidence and organized it.  She’s the one that knew exactly how to package and present it and she got the result.  Did other people unrelated to the blog report stuff?  I’m sure they did.  I hope they did.  I’m strictly talking about the information that came across my desk and that was handed to us.  It was no small task, but despite a whole bunch personally going on for her, Dixie put the animals first and I firmly believe the CVMB and AG cases wouldn’t be as far along without her.  I miss having Dixie here to bounce stuff off of every day, but she’s here in spirit and she’s still working for the horses as she can.


I bet you’re wondering about the auction team and the birth of stealth mole.  The core team at auction was Stealth Mole, Hollywood Mole and Crash Mole.  Sometimes they were joined by moles who will not be named and Rogue Mole.  Every single one of them did their part, but I gotta bow down to the big three here.  They knocked it out of the park each and every time and it wasn’t fun at all.  There is so much footage and pics that may not make titillating blog fodder but they most certainly made the case.  Auction days were extremely stressful between people sweating it out in the backs of vehicles and others risking confrontations with the Manson Family.  All of us trying to coordinate over messenger and via text and trying really hard to get that money shot as the Manson family scattered to the wind in an effort to hide their dealings.  They had Manson call them `cuntfaces’ right in front of everybody at auction among other things.  One of those times was because one of them dared to bid on a horse they wanted to help out.  Apparently it interfered with the HiCaliber grift or something.  The auction moles did most of their work out of their own pocket and for no glory other than they were trying to help animals and do the right thing.  They didn’t just go in one or two times but many, many times.  The big three will forever be in my circle of trust.  If I had to pinpoint the one thing that `broke’ HiCaliber it was what the auction team got done.  They completely took HiCaliber out of the game at Ontario and by doing so, they severed off their major source of fundraising.  They also keep going back randomly to document the conditions for the unfortunate souls that are being run through there.


While we’re on the subject of the circle of trust I feel I need to have my say about some other things that are playing out social media.  The whole Jennifer Marek as a sacrificial lamb drama.  The fact is that Jen is not associated with this blog and hasn’t been for the better part of a year.  I’ve never met Jen and she doesn’t know me. We’ve discussed her lawsuit only as far as to say that it’s a slam dunk for her because she is not me and never even moderated this blog or holds any responsibility here.  Why should anybody give in to the likes of Maggot filing a frivolous suit because she wants to the honor of unmasking the blogger?  It’s not going to change the truth of what I wrote and the last time I checked there is no law against telling the truth and having opinions.  If finding out an anonymous source’s identity was that easy, don’t you think we’d all know who leaked that stuff about the White House by now?  The fact is that I have been supportive of Jen in this situation and supporters of this blog have contributed to her legal fund to the tune of around $2000 as well as in other ways.  Nobody has hung her out to dry.  We just don’t all hang our dirty laundry out for public commentary.  What is grist for the rumor and gossip mill is no concern of mine, but know that I can ALWAYS back my shit up.  I just don’t play those cards unless I have to.  Maggot doesn’t just get to pick a random target and get her own way.  That’s not how it works and I have every confidence that Jen will not only win that lawsuit but likely will win a countersuit for harassment should she go that route because she isn’t me and never has been.  It really is that simple  The other suit really doesn’t have anything to do with this blog so I can’t really comment on that.  I guess if I was Jen, I might have done things a bit differently as far as poking the bear, but that’s her stuff, not mine.  I will be supportive of her seeing this through as I always have been and she knows it, so miss us with your drama and speculation while shit gets handled.


I also want to talk about the Horror Page.  I don’t think it’s any secret I haven’t always been a fan of the antics on Facebook.  I bet it would surprise y’all to know that I’ve worked with them a number of times.  While I don’t like drama and all that goes with it, I know their aim was true and we ultimately wanted the same outcomes.  There just happens to be more than one way to skin a cat and leaving it in a freezer ain’t one of them.  (see what I did there?) Rogue Mole helped us out immensely on a few occasions and I am grateful.  My gratitude extends to other members of that group who I know stepped up in ways they never will talk about and are still doing so.  My hope is that they handle all the details the next time a SoCal rescue shits its pants and needs intervention so I can sit out! I’m not going anywhere but I will be returning to more hit and run posts and advocacy.  I’m going to leave the years long projects to others for now and the gals over at Horror are more than capable of taking that on should they choose to.


From my perspective, nobody was speaking out about this shit show back when I wrote that first blog.  I don’t know why that is or what changed, but the tide did turn and no one person did that.  Many voices did that. I always tried to keep drama off this blog even though yes, I did slip sometimes.  You can only take so much provocation without striking back.  I had a lot of people emailing me and wanting things.  Some wanted info, some wanted to share info.  I quickly learned to keep my circle really small and I did that intentionally.  In the interest of credibility, I refused to work with certain people who claimed to have the goods or would get them.  Some of those people that couldn’t get what they wanted from me ran straight to the dark side and bitched.  Some are still bitching because I didn’t do things how they thought I should.  None of them can ever say I didn’t keep their confidence.  I always did that no matter how done I got with some parties.


I’ve been accused of hating the media.  Not true at all.  Almost from the beginning I’ve had offers from a few news outlets to talk and it’s just not my thing.  Everything I’m willing to share is here on this blog.  There is a big difference between a blogger and a reporter.  A reporter’s job to report things that have already happened and try to remain unbiased.  As a blogger, I’m not bound by those shackles.  My `job’ was to make things happen and the team I worked with did that.  Without them the reporters would have had nothing to report.  Reporters didn’t file the case with the AG, Dixie and others did that.  They didn’t file with the CVMB, again, that was Dixie and various other people.  Reporters cover stories that bring them ratings and what brings ratings?  You all bring the ratings. We, all of us on the `hater’ side of things, made this story worth covering and continue to do so.  Now it’s time to let the media take this out to the mainstream public beyond the horse community.  The more viral it becomes, the flashier this case gets for the AG to slam dunk.


I mentioned this blog has been around since 2012.  It’s true.  Just go back through the archives because there is a lot of really good information on it.  It always had a loyal following even on hiatus, but it exploded with the HiCaliber stuff.  In the last 1 1/2 years there has been nearly 3 million hits on this blog.  In the early days of the HiCaliber saga I toyed with the idea of monetizing it and the plan was to give at least 50% of whatever it brought in to different rescue each month.  I even had one person tell me that I absolutely should and not feel bad about pocketing it because I earned it.  I quickly abandoned that idea because I never wanted anybody to think I did this for any personal gain.  I left a lot of money on the table by not doing so, but I’m ok with that.  It was the right thing to do.  I knew that no matter what I did, the defenders of HiCaliber, the cockblockers and turd flingers, would turn it into something ugly and gross.  It seems that I’m right since Pasterfuck was still yipping about me monetizing it not so long ago because he sees ads on the page when visits one of his 89 times a day to take screen shots for his binder.  (BTW, I think that binder qualifies me as a published author, so thanks PF please send the royalties to MOP and TGC). The ads belong to WordPress and the money goes to them as far as I know.


Another thing I’ve seen bitched about is why none of us haters ever stepped up and helped any horses.  Boy howdy! If they only knew!  I personally networked horses into the double digits and I know other haters that did too.  I’m guessing more horses went to haters in this past six months than anywhere else.  Trust me, the haters stepped up in spades for the HiCaliber horses and it wasn’t easy task, but you know it was done for the right reasons because you don’t see a single one of them being fund raised for or gloated about.  They are being loved and cared for just as they always deserved.  Don’t bother emailing me about them because I’ll never tell.  In fact I’ve already forgotten.


Why the anonymity?  Because this blog has never been about me.  You all see the complete and absolute fuckery that goes on back and forth over on Facebook and all that does is detract from the issues and take the focus away from what is important.  The animals.  As I’ve said, who I am won’t change the truth of what I wrote about.  I don’t have any skeletons rattling around in my closet and I don’t much care what people I don’t even respect think about me.  My anonymity has allowed me access to information I otherwise wouldn’t have and my anonymity allowed others to feel safe in coming forward to me, hence the `confessional’ suggestion of this blog name.  If people don’t agree with how I did things or my choices, they can start a blog, take on more than two years of investigative work and present and do it the way they think it should be done  Fill your boots.  My delivery or `style’ may not be for everybody, but that’s the luxury of being a blogger.  I get to be authentically me and do it how I feel it should be done.  In this case it worked.  Love me or hate me, I got shit done and I did it for the animals.  I don’t care about glory or pats on the back.  That’s never been my style.  I just don’t appreciate when others take credit that isn’t their due.


I want to close this off by bringing it back to what this has all been about.  The animals.  The exploitation, the suffering, neglect and outright torture some of them endured will forever haunt me.  If there is any take away from all of this it is to speak up and speak out before things get so far out of control.  There were whispers about HiCaliber for years before the final curtain and hundreds of animals were executed in that time.  Some months ago, I posted a pic of this very spot where there were some tarps, manure and way too much blood for the death to have been painless.  It seems only fitting that we placed a small symbol of our love in that same spot to let them know they will never be forgotten and their deaths were not in vain.  Thank you to the Markstein/Fox family for allowing us to do so and thank you to Stealth for making it happen.  This was from all of us on the shedrow team including readers and supporters.  I’m not done with my advocacy and I’m not going anywhere, but for now I’m closing the chapter on  HiCaliber because we accomplished what we set out to do.  #IAMSHEDROW #SAYTHEIRNAMES







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Today was National Day of The Horse.  It seems somehow fitting that this day was the day that The Manson Family finally got sent packing.  It was live tweeted on inewsource’s Twitter page and there were several advocates there as well.  In short, there have been and will continue to be pics, footage and talk about this being dropped for days.  Thankfully, we had somebody there too that could get some things more specific to what has been discussed on this blog over the past 20 months or so and answer a few questions we’ve all had.  This post is obviously going to be pic and clip heavy.  Make sure you click on the videos on this post as they add quite a bit of context to everything.  If you have any questions about any of the pics or footage in particular, please just ask and don’t speculate.  There really isn’t much commentary needed as the pics will speak for themselves.  I gotta warn people that some stuff towards the end of this post is going to be really upsetting.  Maybe read on an empty stomach.  Are you ready?  Let’s do this for one of the last times…

Initially, advocates and the owners had to wait outside the property while HiCaliber moved the horses out.  The majority of horses being moved appeared to be the personally owned ones.  This clip seems to be of a very lame Barry Boi being unloaded from a stock trailer only to be lead up and tied to a tree on the neighbor’s property.

Next we have Manson leading horses out, one of which appeared to be Foreskin.  As you can see Manson wasn’t in a great mood and was more concerned with yelling at people.

More horses.  Hard to tell exactly who some are with their masks on but this one could be Chrome.

Shasta may or may not have joined Manson’s personal hoard.  She’s still there even though she’s listed as adopted on their website.

Wrinkles’ horse Kennedy being brought out by a volunteer

Some of the volunteers got a bit aggressive with some of the people there with the family.  In this video, the volunteer kicks the gate into inewsource reporter Megan Wood.  There was really no excuse for this.


I’m not 100% sure which gray horse this is (he is gray under all that mud) but I’m guessing it’s Solar.  Yet another horse that hasn’t ever really been available for adoption

Yup, Tanner the horse was brought next door to be tied to a tree as well.  I’m kinda wondering how she’s going to grift for his castration for the third or fourth time now that they are claiming to be closed.  Romney Faye was present today, but was not seen anywhere near any of the horses.  She left with a crate of cats or something.

Above are pictures of various of Manson’s personal horses being brought next door.  yes, that is Amanduh tying one of them up.  Manson appeared to be leading Foreskin and the cremello with the pulled mane is likely Dawson.  Kinda strange one of Manson’s personal horses would have been groomed at all recently but maybe she’s trying to sell her or something.  Who knows? I’m sure now that there is no more HiCaliber (or so she says), she won’t feel the need to donate their adoption fees back to the rescue like she claimed she would.



When the time was finally up, Manson and her crew were escorted off the property by the sheriff.  A normal person would be embarrassed but she was defiant until the bitter end. What she didn’t manage to bring with her was Bubbles, Bernie, Corky, two chickens and all the guinea fowl.  Strangely, none of these animals seemed to be missing Manson like she claimed they would.  In fact, it was business as usual as they continued to wallow in their filth.  Manson claims she is going back in for the pig and cows, but that remains to be seen. I feel like they are much better off already.  Corky is having a hard time moving around apparently so having him stuffed in a trailer for God knows how long wouldn’t be in his best interest although putting an animal first isn’t exactly a HiCaliber thing.

With Manson finally gone for good, we were finally allowed our first unfettered look at the utter destruction of this once beautiful property.  The level of filth cannot be adequately described.  Remember that Manson claimed that a `big cat’ injured her two horses and that the fences were all fine. I believe it was Amberloser that claimed she walked `every inch of that property’ and didn’t see an issue.  Ok then…

The amount of debris and trash left behind was off the charts.  What I noticed was how much donated tack and equipment is just left lying around, obviously never having been taken care of or maintained.



Even Manson’s beloved drug den  med room was left in a complete shambles.  Again, it’s sure nice to so many of the supplies she continually begged for, right up until the bitter end, just lying around and wasted.  I didn’t ask if the autoclave or SAA machine were left behind, but I’m guessing not.  There didn’t seem to be any drugs left behind either.  Shocking.

This next part is what I need to warn people about.  While I have posted about the severed legs in the freezer before, what they found today was a bit more disturbing than that.  Don’t get me wrong, the severed leg was still there, but that was the least of the issues and, of course, there was food and Fireball stuffed in there with the medical waste.


That’s right folks, Manson had a dead bobcat in the freezer.  I posted some months ago about her inquiring about somebody skinning a roadkill bobcat and she claimed it was for a friend.  Unless that `friend’ was Wrinkles, Manson was referring to one of her personalities.  I’m not even sure if this is legal but hopefully the family will contact Fish and Wild Life so this animal can be disposed of properly.  Aren’t you glad you never had a meal at HiCaliber?

So here is the house.  Manson went to great lengths on live telling us all this was because she only had 36 hours to get out.  Hmm.  Even if that was so, she was sitting in her car eating Chik Fil A doing live feeds for part of it.  We’re also supposed to forget that she hadn’t paid her rent since last June.  I’m guessing she would have had to guess she gonna get the boot if she didn’t fix that up  At any rate, this is way more than 36 hours worth of filth and cat shit in that littler box.  Remember how she’s had her followers posting pics and making fun of other people and rescues for the conditions of their place and none of them had dead fucking animals stuffed in the freezer with their food. Just saying…


This is probably enough to digest for one day.  There will be several other pics and videos coming out (if they haven’t already) from news sources and other advocates.  I will get back with y’all in a couple of days.  I have the guest post to end all guest posts sitting in the queue, so watch this space.

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Finally, I have a moment to sit down and write a proper post.  I know it’s been a minute since that happened, but there’s a good reason.  As I’ve said a few times before, I’ve got a few posts sitting around in various states of doneness and even an order in my mind that I want them to drop barring any sort of pants shitting on HiCaliber’s part as has been the case the past few weeks.  The thing is, that as we are winding down the HiCaliber situation, there have been some loose ends to tie up and these things take time.  It’s not the actual writing that is the issue, it’s all the work that happens before and I think readers will get a clearer picture of that today.  It’s time to pull up a chair, top up your beverages and settle in.  We’ve been a bit busy behind the scenes.



This isn’t the first time I’ve seen a village idiot wonder about the poor horses on Tuesdays.  I shouldn’t really blame her when the only voice on the subject she hears belongs to Manson, critical thinking wouldn’t really enter into the picture.  The rest of us have heard the many accounts from various insiders and former crew members of how Tuesdays were all carefully choreographed and orchestrated to bring in maximum funds.  Tuesdays were the days that Hicaliber made the bulk of their money and we’ve all heard about Manson putting the word out that she wanted the skinny and mangled to get those sympathy donations and to create a sense of exigency.  We knew this all along, but how to prove it when you had the HiCaliber mafia cockblocking any attempts to assess the situation at Ontario Livestock Auction? Obviously there were several moles there off and on advocating for the horses and documenting the gross exploitation that went on week after week as the money rained down.  But still, HiCaliber strutted around like they owned the place as they plied the auction employees with donuts and God knows what else in an attempt reign supreme.  Then, just like that,  it was over and after allowing the dust to settle, it was time to go back in and see what really was going on at Ontario.  As a result, the advocates have gone in a number of times to get a clear and real picture of what auction is like without HiCaliber.  Different advocates have gone at different times.  Some days they just did a quick sweep through and others they got right in there.  What we found  pretty much confirmed what we’ve been saying all along.  Things at Ontario Livestock Auction aren’t quite how they used to be.


Nacho’s truck and trailer at Ontario November/18

In November, when we decided to look a little closer than a cursory drive through and one of the first things we noticed is that the main players were all there.  Misner, Salvador, Nacho and various other bottom feeders were all in their regular spots although they did show up later than they did back in the HiCaliber days when they had to play musical trailers for the live feeds . The auction staff also didn’t give a singular shit whether people walked back into the chutes to see what was what. No hand jobs or donuts required or requested.  In fact, they had their own donuts without the help of HiCaliber.  Go figure!


On this particular day in late November, much like in the past weeks since HiCaliber stopped going, there were only two horses.  As you can see they were in good weight and shape and even their feet were ok.  (Don’t worry, Wrinkles, nobody had shoes on.) They sold for something like $150 and $125 with both going to Misner.  I can’t really say where they ended up from there.  Basically, this has been the norm since the Tuesday Griftathons ended.


Also on this day our advocates watched the cows and calves run through.  They actually went through before the horses.  What struck them was the rough handling they all got. One little calf went down on the way into the ring and was kicked and forced to its feet even though it was clearly sick.  There was also another, shown in the above video, all knuckled over and hardly able to walk in its own.  Business at usual in the underbelly of auctions

What trip to Ontario would be complete without a swing by Misner’s shit hole?  Even though Manson has hinted around that Misner has resumed shipping horses to `Mexico’, the fact is that he never stopped, but that’s another story for another day.  What we saw at his house is what we’ve always seen.  Goats out front, horses in decent shape and lots of them.  Misner never liked having those skinny and broken horses in view on his lot and would hold them in the trailer or out back until HiCaliber showed up to collect them. That is no longer the case.


We wanted to hit up random weeks for our closer looka just in case one week was a fluke.  The best way to get an overview is a sampling over time.  So far, after several drive through checks and a closer look, the numbers had been steady.  Never more than a couple of horses, if any,  and mostly always in decent shape.  This past week things were different.  At first we thought it was because Bubba Misner had decided to grace Ontario with his malignant presence, but that was only part of it.  We’ll get to that in a bit though.  For now we’ll talk about the horses.  Two were already in the back, a wet pony with a wobbly hind end was being led around and a bay mare was still in a trailer.  As usual, Nacho was there but he was mainly interested in goats.  Salvador did not make an appearance but his son was there instead.


We weren’t sure who brought the little pony, but he was clearly having some hind end problems and had trouble walking.  The bay mare was the one from the trailer.  Apparently, she was being sold due to unpaid board and said to be about 5 years old and broke, but hadn’t been handled for awhile.  Other than her feet being a bit long, she was in good shape and quite pretty.  She sold to Misner for $250 while the pony went to bidder 927 for $225.


This guy was fairly antsy back in the chutes.  It was mainly a lot of fussing which isn’t that abnormal for a horse in a strange and chaotic environment.  As a result nobody got his lip flipped.  Of course, back in the HiCaliber days we’d have been told how terrified he was, how sexy he was and how he just melted into them and wanted to exhale.  Or maybe he was destined for match racing or for ritual sacrifice.  Whatever loosens the purse strings.  At any rate, he went for $325 to bidder 341 without HiCaliber’s intervention.


This little mini mule was brought there by Bubba.  There is some thought that he might have run through Mike’s recently but we’re not 100% sure on that.  He was very afraid and very cute.  He sold for $170 but appeared to be a buy back.  I guess we’ll see if he shows back up at Mike’s this weekend.


The last horse there was a HiCaliber kinda horse.  A very thin Andalusian stud with a fairly clear freeze brand on him.  After a bit of digging, the brand appears to belong to Luis Gonzalez although we are unsure who brought this horse to auction.  This kind of horse hasn’t been the norm lately at Ontario.  He sold for $260 to number 929


I apologize that these pics are upsetting.  It needs to be mentioned that the one thing that absolutely has not changed at Ontario is the conditions for other livestock.  This mama pig had just given birth and one of the piglets didn’t make it.  She was just laying there with her placenta hanging out as the other piglets were kinda scrambling around with one even getting out of the pen.  Nobody moved the dead one as flies started collecting.  Pigs there are kicked, hit with paddles and generally rough handled.  Worse than the horses that HiCaliber basically laundered there, Ontario Livestock Auction has long been notorious for its abuse of animals.  These are sights that Romney Faye, Manson and their auction team turned blind eyes to each and every single week, even going so far as to obstruct AC and the DA’s investigations into what was going on there this past spring.



Remember how I said that this past week wasn’t quite like the others we had observed?  Yeah, about that….Turns out this past week was a HiCaliber week kinda.  Early in the day we found out that Manson was on her way to auction.  She was driving a Suburban that was loaded up with goats she had allegedly `picked up’ and brought to Ontario to trade for pellets.  Of course her bitch boy, Bubba, had tipped her off that certain advocates were in attendance so she got all paranoid and was basically skulking around the parking lot and doing her business via text.  Lucky for us the person she was texting knows her all too well and plays on `Team Hater’.  It turns out there was a very sick cow that went through the ring.  Even the auctioneer mentioned the cow probably was going to die.  Manson got wind of this and wanted the cow so she was furiously texting her connection to get it for her.  I am really amused that she wanted to be so stealth in acquiring it.  BTW, no clue who the blonde at Misner’s was.  Bubba’s woman is blonde.  Maybe it was her?


We don’t know if Manson got her cow or not.  Nobody took her picture or even attempted to despite what Manson wants to believe.  She was acting really paranoid and, at this point, she’s probably quite close to the edge. We’re there for the animals and to observe.  For sure nobody was there for a confrontation.  I just thought these conversation snippets, including the `drugged up’ bit were somewhat amusing and certainly not the first time we’ve heard such things about Manson.


So, what does all this mean?  I can draw a few conclusions here.  It certainly confirms that yes, HiCaliber was running horses through Ontario to manipulate their donors.  Some of those horses were owner surrenders and others were brokered.  The numbers were what they were at Ontario solely because of HiCaliber.  For the record, none of these horses we talked about on this post went for slaughter prices.  To be profitable in shipping out of state for slaughter, they’d have to go for under $100 and not one of them did.  The problem is those mangled souls they exploited and paraded around for donations each week are no longer a commodity even though they still exist. Because HiCaliber covered for their abusers, it’s back to square one to fight for these horses.  There is no poor family trying to put feed on the table and there is no old rancher that just lost his ranch or whatever other story the concocted.  There never was and we always knew that.  We’re also not done at Ontario, because advocacy is never done.  The pictures of the pigs and calf, along with others not posted, will be forwarded on to the appropriate parties and agencies.  As far as boots on the ground at Ontario, Manson would do well to remember that it’s a really small world and not every advocate is obvious or has a preference for blue water bottles nor is every friendly person a friend. Long after she is run out of the SoCal horse and rescue community, the work will go on until places like Ontario no longer exist and this time, nobody will be covering up for the abusers.

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