
Archive for the ‘David Misner’ Category

As promised, I am finally getting a chance to deal with some other things that have been kicking around on the back burner for a while.  If you’re here for HiCaliber fuckery, this isn’t the post for you.  If you’re here for drama, this probably won’t be the post for you either.  You see, once upon a time, this blog was about no one thing and certainly not even a little bit about HiCaliber.  What it was about was a lot about slaughter and other issues in equine welfare that I felt like posting about at any given time.  Those were the good old days and aside from the odd troll here and there, things were relatively peaceful and slower paced back then.  I do realize that you can’t put a genie back in the bottle, but after almost 2 years of pretty much all HiCaliber, all the time and all the drama and histrionics that entails, it’s time to focus elsewhere for now.  Believe it or not there is a great big horse community beyond Southern California and not every horse in trouble is easily found at an auction or with a `notorious’ flipper.  Sometimes the threat comes from within and sometimes they walk among us.  So, with that in mind, let’s talk about an issue that is troubling to many advocates right now.  Let’s talk about The Right Horse Initiative.



I wanna say it was about a year or so ago that I first heard of The Right Horse Initiative.  Even from the get go, I looked at it with a very jaundiced eye.  You know the old saying about if something sounds too good to be true?  It would seem to apply here.

The Right Horse Initiative has the primary goal of increasing the number of horses adopted annually nationwide and a secondary goal of providing more resources in communities to horse owners….will focus on training transition horses for placement in equine-assisted therapy, beginner horsemanship programs or other placement opportunities. The goal of this project is to create an infrastructure in which transition horses receive the care and training required for them to prime candidates for non-traditional adoption or placement opportunities in therapy and/or beginner riding programs.

Sounds pretty awesome, right?  Increasing adoptions and community resources is something we should all be able to get on board with.  Well, get ready for red flag #1 of many.  RHI is piloting a program that sees rescues which they now refer to as `adoption groups’, bringing their `horses in transition’ to regional training hubs.  They claim they will make these horses `better trained and more desirable’ which will allow them to be cycled through quicker.  The exact verbiage they use is “this increases movement in all the adoption centers and decreases their length of stay while increasing their ability to take on additional horses in transition.”  Movement. Interesting phrasing.  It’s almost like they are talking about product rather than sentient beings.  Still, if this was the only issue, it would be down to semantics.  Sadly, it’s not the only issue.


For those readers that have been with me since BHC (Before HiCaliber), you might remember the shit show that was United Horsemen under Sue Wallis and Dave Duquette.  Their main mission was to make horse meat happen in America under the guise of giving a shit about the welfare of animals.  One of the ways they tried to ram this down the throats of the horse community was the Equine Rescue & Rejuvenation Program.  I talked about it all the way back in 2012 on this post. Basically, what they were telling people they wanted to do was have a central hub where people surrendered horses.  There, they would be assessed for health, soundness and trainability and then horses they deemed suitable would enter their program.  The rest would go straight to a proposed slaughter plant on the very same property.  Make no mistake, the mission for Dave and Suey was to get slaughter up and running and the whole rescue facet of this program was basically the bread of the shit sandwich they were serving.

“To rehabilitate horses from an unwanted and at-risk status to a healthy and functional status. We will identify horses with potential, teach them skills, and then offer them to the public. Horses that can be trained, or re-trained for new purposes, will be sold. Horses that demonstrate suitability for purposes such as non-profit therapeutic riding or youth programs will be made available to those groups at little or no cost.”

Am I the only one not finding the  United Horsemen’s failed ERRP and RHI mission statements eerily similar?  To be fair, RHI is not openly advocating for slaughter.  What they are offering is `end of life services’ and on the surface that’s not a bad thing.  I am not now, nor have I ever been anti necessary euthanasia.  I think the problem with proposed programs like this is that people get euth happy and, RHI seems to place their emphasis on a horse’s ability to be ridden. Most rescues don’t have a huge issue placing good riding horses.  That hasn’t classically been the problem area in rescue. From the rescues I have spoken to and dealt with, it’s the pasture puffs and senior horses that are harder to place and I don’t really see RHI addressing this beyond euthanasia.




Another red flag, I have with RHI is the money getting thrown around.  They are funded by Watershed Animal Fund which is a division of the Arnall Family Foundation.  There seems to be no shortage of cash and they have some rather generous grants available for adoption innovations.  For 2019, there are two 25k grants and another for up to 50k.  I don’t know about you, but that kinda money tends to buy some loyalty.  Who wouldn’t put the RHI logo on their social media if it meant that kind of cash?  This is where it gets a bit gray and scary for me.  On the surface, it’s completely awesome for a rescue to get a grant of that size, but at what ultimate cost?  As far as I can tell, if you get the grant, they kinda own you for at least the next 18 months.


A quick glance at RHI’s listed partners is a major cause for concern.  A few of the orgs listed such as NRHA, Equus Film Festival have direct ties to Protect The Harvest which, as most of you know, is one of the major lobby groups working on bringing back slaughter.  PTH is also where Duquette landed after Suey fell off her perch.  Like RHI, they also like to throw a lot of money around.  Equine Sciences at Colorado State is another partner and they lean to the pro slaughter side of things as well.  Of the five vets listed on RHI’s advisory council, at least three of them are said to be pro-slaughter, Dr. Tom Lenz being notoriously so.  Noticing a pattern here?




In the interest of full disclosure, RHI categorically denies any ties to Protect the Harvest.  That could be true, but as we have come to find out, PTH’s tentacles reach far and wide and their logo shows up at all sorts of industry events that you wouldn’t expect them to *cough*EquusFilmFesitval*cough*  What I find most interesting about this little threat message is that they do not take a firm anti slaughter stance.  They don’t really take any stance at all, but rather indicate that they’ll get in bed with anybody to push their agenda.  That’s how I’m reading the highlighted portion anyhow.  BTW, this wasn’t sent to me and it’s been posted in many places so let’s not be suing another innocent person in the next attempt to unmask me.  That’s getting kinda old.


This is just scraping the surface of my concerns with RHI.  There already is a group of advocates that have laid out many of the issues on social media.  You can check them out on this Facebook page.   They go into far more detail than I have here and will happily answer any questions people may have.  I realize that all of this might seem like much ado about nothing or, at the very least, not much, but if I have learned one thing in the past couple of years it is to ask questions if things don’t feel quite right.  The response to those questions usually tell you if it’s worth a closer look.  I am deeply concerned that The Right Horse Initiative is buying support and, at best, not addressing the issues that will go a long way to improving the conditions for all horses.  By not taking an anti-slaughter stance and partnering with pro slaughter orgs and individuals, I worry about what is to come should they gain a strong foothold in the rescue community.  There as many ways to `rescue’ as there are rescues, but a common thread should be that the horse comes first and the focus should never be on quantity over quality.  Packaging it all up with feel good terms like `horses in transition’ is just lip service.  If you want to improve conditions for all horses then get behind the legislation that will CHANGE things for them once and for all.  Lean on your lawmakers to enforce existing laws and lobby for ones that have more teeth.  We need to focus on the cause rather than putting bandaids on symptoms and, as true advocates, we should always be working our way out of a `job’.  What I see with RHI is a lot of people making rescue a business and that may just be the road to ruin.


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When I dusted off this blog  and decided to write about HiCaliber back in 2017, it was just me needing to offload what was on my chest.  No moles, no help.  Just me.  It seems somehow appropriate that I close the HiCaliber chapter of this blog the same way.  Just me.  I’ve seen a lot of speculation, talk, and general noise about who did what, what I thought, what my motives were and who I was for months.  Most of it was just that.  Noise.  This is the story straight from the source of how it all went down as far as my involvement and process.   Forgive me if this gets a bit long, I still have a lot to get off my chest.


Kill spot at HiCaliber


May 2017.  That’s when I dusted off this blog after a 3 1/2 year hiatus.  Little did I know, I was grabbing a tiger by the tail with that post.  There wasn’t really a mission or master plan, but it also wasn’t out of nowhere.  HiCaliber had been a rescue I’d loosely followed over the years.  I’d even given them a shout out once upon a time and featured Manson’s videos on the Starlight Sanctuary train wreck way back then.  (Manson wasn’t the one that sent them to me.  I’ve never had contact with her as far as I know).  Yes, I kinda thought Manson was rough around the edges and a little bit of a gunsel but without looking too deeply at her, I figured she was doing more good than harm and maybe that actually was the case way back when.  Then, HiCaliber started popping up on my newsfeed more and more.  I’m guessing this was due to their algorithm bumps and her paying to boost her posts, but I can’t be sure.  I’m not that tech savvy and anything computer related I still attribute to magic and try not to apply reason to it.  At any rate, the more they came across my newsfeed, the more squinty eyed I became.  Aside from the weekly cry seshes, what struck me was the constant state of crisis.  It just didn’t ring right for me and my spidey senses started tingling.


Then Snuggles happened… Nothing about the Snuggles situation rang true and it really started to stink to high heaven when they went into damage control mode spinning this tale on how that yes, they did trade this horse to a kill buyer, but always planned to get him back.  Yeah, because that’s a thing rescues do.  I could have even suspended disbelief and gone on with my life but close on the heels of Snuggles came the whole Slaughter 11 debacle.  Y’all remember the last minute fundraising effort and dramatic save culminating with the `collapsed’ and strategically placed horses on the ground heaving from what appeared to be heat exhaustion.  I always meant to write that whole mess up as a throwback post after I resurrected this blog, but those wacky horse killers at HiCaliber kept shitting their collective pants and I never got around to it.  What I did get around to was documenting everything and sorting out exactly how it all happened and adding it to the file of fraud.  Suffice to say it was a set up from jump street and the fact that it coincided with Romney Faye’s relationship with Dumbass Darrell is not a coincidence.


After these incidents, I got my dig on and found out who `Voldy’ was and started tracking things.  Initially, there wasn’t a lot out there on Facebook other than a defunct screen shot group.  I think it might still be in existence but never updated.  Apart from that, the only thing I could find was a few mutterings in advocate groups and the advocacy groups I mostly lurked at are anti-slaughter groups.  I’m not and never have been very active on Facebook or any social media as far as being an active participant.  I can’t even remember my twitter account password and haven’t updated my status in nearly 2 years.  However, I questioned and bitched about HiCaliber just enough to join forces with some other advocates.  Real ones, not armchair ones.


Despite what has been said, or you may have heard, I did not get `inspired’ to dust off this blog.  I got extremely pissed off and needed to vent.  It took me about 3 days to even figure out what my password to this account was.  (I actually forget what it is again, so please stop trying to hack it as it’s a pain in my ass to go through a gazillion random post-it notes stuck all over my house).  Remember that Snuggles and the Slaughter11 stuff went down in the summer/fall of 2016.  My first post back was in May of 2017 and the reason I was pissed off is a bunch of us had been gathering information, compiling information and NOTHING was happening with it.  If anything, it felt like The Manson Family was gaining momentum and the body count was becoming alarming.  When they pulled off the OTTB20 shit show,  I was triggered.  I’m a racetracker born and bred.  (yes, Maggot we know each other and that’s why I laugh at you) so you fuck with OTTBs and lie about them,  I’m not going to let it go.  Throw Satan and Doughboy into that mix and I am going to the mat with it.  Simple as that.


I figured I would just post a bit about the OTTB20 sitch and then put this blog back in mothballs.  I was actually shocked at the response those posts got and completely unprepared for what was to follow.  Needless to say things snowballed.  The OTTB20 became 40 and more. Pretty much everything about that mess forward is documented on this blog.  I don’t need to go over it all again.  That’s not what this post is about.  What happened behind the scenes was a literal outpouring of information almost as if I’d opened a floodgate.  All of a sudden, it became safe for people to speak out against HiCaliber without fear of reprisal from the mob mentality of the village.  I have always allowed people to post in the comments without registering here and I never turn on their IPs to look at unless I have to block them.  I tried to keep things as safe as possible to speak out and it worked.  Did I ban a few?  You bet your ever lovin ass I did and I’m proud of it.  (I see you, Stacy Kendall.  Get some diaper creme for that butthurt).  I have never cared if you’re a villager who wanted to come over here and state your side of things.  A few of them have.  Agreeing with me is not required either.  The only thing I ever insisted on is to be respectful in presenting your ideas.  Come over here with your guns blazing and I’ll take away your bullets.  During the whole course of the HiCaliber era, I think only about 4 of you got banned.  It’s an exclusive club.


Back in those very early days I was winging it.  I had no moles or even considered getting them.  Lord knows The Manson family was arrogant and sloppy enough to give all the ammo I needed back then.  I had one person that was working with me and for sure helped loads with memes, clips and ears out in all the groups.  I also joined forces with Stealth Mole very early in the game although not in a mole capacity.  One thing I want to make clear is that I never once reached out to anybody to be my mole.  I let them come to me and I’m so grateful they did.  OG Mole was the first and was very quickly followed by others. Some stayed with me longer than others.  OG rode it to the end with me along with a few others we’ll get to.  I will forever be grateful to the longtime insiders that took a chance and trusted me.  Some had tidbits of info while others stuck it out and risked a bunch.  I felt bad every time I saw people accused and vilified for being moles that weren’t.  (Leah, I’m so sorry you keep taking hits.  As far as I know, we never communicated) Other moles were hiding in plain sight and stayed that way.  I tried to make it comfortable for people to come forward and I always, always checked if what they were giving me could be posted.  Sometimes I couldn’t post what they shared and that was fine too.  There is a lot of information and `receipts’ that exchanged hands that have never seen the light of day and won’t until the AG does whatever it is he’s going to do with all of it.  Some people who came forward had been dedicated villagers that had actively hated me and my blog.  I’m in absolute awe at their dedication to the animals that they could set that aside and reach out.  Thank you.  You all made a huge difference and more than once I felt completely humbled by your advocacy and trust.  My hope is that when the dust all settles, I can meet with some of you and thank you in person.  You have my undying respect.


While we’re on the subject of moles, I’ve seen a lot of blather from the village idiots about how could they stand by and watch these atrocities being committed and say and do nothing.   Of course these are also the same brainiacs that have suggested that the condition that property was left in was `normal’ and one of them even suggested that HiCaliber had increased the property value.  (I’m not even kidding about that one.  I have the screen shot).  Clearly these people have no concept on how cases are made.  Do they think an undercover cop makes a bust the first time he sees the law broken? Nobody goes down for what they might do.  Sometimes you have to hand people the rope and sit back.   You have to bite your tongue and look at the greater good and it sucks.  It’s heart wrenching and it’s horrible and every single mole and ex HiCaliber person that spoke out deserves respect.  I can only imagine what witnessing some of those things first hand must have been like.


I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Dixie.  She was another one that reached out to me very early on offering her help to  in doing more than just getting information out there, but actually doing something with that information.  Dixie is a really well-known and respected advocate and she gets things done.  This was not her first rodeo exposing a fraudulent rescue.  She was the one that took care of the reams of evidence and organized it.  She’s the one that knew exactly how to package and present it and she got the result.  Did other people unrelated to the blog report stuff?  I’m sure they did.  I hope they did.  I’m strictly talking about the information that came across my desk and that was handed to us.  It was no small task, but despite a whole bunch personally going on for her, Dixie put the animals first and I firmly believe the CVMB and AG cases wouldn’t be as far along without her.  I miss having Dixie here to bounce stuff off of every day, but she’s here in spirit and she’s still working for the horses as she can.


I bet you’re wondering about the auction team and the birth of stealth mole.  The core team at auction was Stealth Mole, Hollywood Mole and Crash Mole.  Sometimes they were joined by moles who will not be named and Rogue Mole.  Every single one of them did their part, but I gotta bow down to the big three here.  They knocked it out of the park each and every time and it wasn’t fun at all.  There is so much footage and pics that may not make titillating blog fodder but they most certainly made the case.  Auction days were extremely stressful between people sweating it out in the backs of vehicles and others risking confrontations with the Manson Family.  All of us trying to coordinate over messenger and via text and trying really hard to get that money shot as the Manson family scattered to the wind in an effort to hide their dealings.  They had Manson call them `cuntfaces’ right in front of everybody at auction among other things.  One of those times was because one of them dared to bid on a horse they wanted to help out.  Apparently it interfered with the HiCaliber grift or something.  The auction moles did most of their work out of their own pocket and for no glory other than they were trying to help animals and do the right thing.  They didn’t just go in one or two times but many, many times.  The big three will forever be in my circle of trust.  If I had to pinpoint the one thing that `broke’ HiCaliber it was what the auction team got done.  They completely took HiCaliber out of the game at Ontario and by doing so, they severed off their major source of fundraising.  They also keep going back randomly to document the conditions for the unfortunate souls that are being run through there.


While we’re on the subject of the circle of trust I feel I need to have my say about some other things that are playing out social media.  The whole Jennifer Marek as a sacrificial lamb drama.  The fact is that Jen is not associated with this blog and hasn’t been for the better part of a year.  I’ve never met Jen and she doesn’t know me. We’ve discussed her lawsuit only as far as to say that it’s a slam dunk for her because she is not me and never even moderated this blog or holds any responsibility here.  Why should anybody give in to the likes of Maggot filing a frivolous suit because she wants to the honor of unmasking the blogger?  It’s not going to change the truth of what I wrote and the last time I checked there is no law against telling the truth and having opinions.  If finding out an anonymous source’s identity was that easy, don’t you think we’d all know who leaked that stuff about the White House by now?  The fact is that I have been supportive of Jen in this situation and supporters of this blog have contributed to her legal fund to the tune of around $2000 as well as in other ways.  Nobody has hung her out to dry.  We just don’t all hang our dirty laundry out for public commentary.  What is grist for the rumor and gossip mill is no concern of mine, but know that I can ALWAYS back my shit up.  I just don’t play those cards unless I have to.  Maggot doesn’t just get to pick a random target and get her own way.  That’s not how it works and I have every confidence that Jen will not only win that lawsuit but likely will win a countersuit for harassment should she go that route because she isn’t me and never has been.  It really is that simple  The other suit really doesn’t have anything to do with this blog so I can’t really comment on that.  I guess if I was Jen, I might have done things a bit differently as far as poking the bear, but that’s her stuff, not mine.  I will be supportive of her seeing this through as I always have been and she knows it, so miss us with your drama and speculation while shit gets handled.


I also want to talk about the Horror Page.  I don’t think it’s any secret I haven’t always been a fan of the antics on Facebook.  I bet it would surprise y’all to know that I’ve worked with them a number of times.  While I don’t like drama and all that goes with it, I know their aim was true and we ultimately wanted the same outcomes.  There just happens to be more than one way to skin a cat and leaving it in a freezer ain’t one of them.  (see what I did there?) Rogue Mole helped us out immensely on a few occasions and I am grateful.  My gratitude extends to other members of that group who I know stepped up in ways they never will talk about and are still doing so.  My hope is that they handle all the details the next time a SoCal rescue shits its pants and needs intervention so I can sit out! I’m not going anywhere but I will be returning to more hit and run posts and advocacy.  I’m going to leave the years long projects to others for now and the gals over at Horror are more than capable of taking that on should they choose to.


From my perspective, nobody was speaking out about this shit show back when I wrote that first blog.  I don’t know why that is or what changed, but the tide did turn and no one person did that.  Many voices did that. I always tried to keep drama off this blog even though yes, I did slip sometimes.  You can only take so much provocation without striking back.  I had a lot of people emailing me and wanting things.  Some wanted info, some wanted to share info.  I quickly learned to keep my circle really small and I did that intentionally.  In the interest of credibility, I refused to work with certain people who claimed to have the goods or would get them.  Some of those people that couldn’t get what they wanted from me ran straight to the dark side and bitched.  Some are still bitching because I didn’t do things how they thought I should.  None of them can ever say I didn’t keep their confidence.  I always did that no matter how done I got with some parties.


I’ve been accused of hating the media.  Not true at all.  Almost from the beginning I’ve had offers from a few news outlets to talk and it’s just not my thing.  Everything I’m willing to share is here on this blog.  There is a big difference between a blogger and a reporter.  A reporter’s job to report things that have already happened and try to remain unbiased.  As a blogger, I’m not bound by those shackles.  My `job’ was to make things happen and the team I worked with did that.  Without them the reporters would have had nothing to report.  Reporters didn’t file the case with the AG, Dixie and others did that.  They didn’t file with the CVMB, again, that was Dixie and various other people.  Reporters cover stories that bring them ratings and what brings ratings?  You all bring the ratings. We, all of us on the `hater’ side of things, made this story worth covering and continue to do so.  Now it’s time to let the media take this out to the mainstream public beyond the horse community.  The more viral it becomes, the flashier this case gets for the AG to slam dunk.


I mentioned this blog has been around since 2012.  It’s true.  Just go back through the archives because there is a lot of really good information on it.  It always had a loyal following even on hiatus, but it exploded with the HiCaliber stuff.  In the last 1 1/2 years there has been nearly 3 million hits on this blog.  In the early days of the HiCaliber saga I toyed with the idea of monetizing it and the plan was to give at least 50% of whatever it brought in to different rescue each month.  I even had one person tell me that I absolutely should and not feel bad about pocketing it because I earned it.  I quickly abandoned that idea because I never wanted anybody to think I did this for any personal gain.  I left a lot of money on the table by not doing so, but I’m ok with that.  It was the right thing to do.  I knew that no matter what I did, the defenders of HiCaliber, the cockblockers and turd flingers, would turn it into something ugly and gross.  It seems that I’m right since Pasterfuck was still yipping about me monetizing it not so long ago because he sees ads on the page when visits one of his 89 times a day to take screen shots for his binder.  (BTW, I think that binder qualifies me as a published author, so thanks PF please send the royalties to MOP and TGC). The ads belong to WordPress and the money goes to them as far as I know.


Another thing I’ve seen bitched about is why none of us haters ever stepped up and helped any horses.  Boy howdy! If they only knew!  I personally networked horses into the double digits and I know other haters that did too.  I’m guessing more horses went to haters in this past six months than anywhere else.  Trust me, the haters stepped up in spades for the HiCaliber horses and it wasn’t easy task, but you know it was done for the right reasons because you don’t see a single one of them being fund raised for or gloated about.  They are being loved and cared for just as they always deserved.  Don’t bother emailing me about them because I’ll never tell.  In fact I’ve already forgotten.


Why the anonymity?  Because this blog has never been about me.  You all see the complete and absolute fuckery that goes on back and forth over on Facebook and all that does is detract from the issues and take the focus away from what is important.  The animals.  As I’ve said, who I am won’t change the truth of what I wrote about.  I don’t have any skeletons rattling around in my closet and I don’t much care what people I don’t even respect think about me.  My anonymity has allowed me access to information I otherwise wouldn’t have and my anonymity allowed others to feel safe in coming forward to me, hence the `confessional’ suggestion of this blog name.  If people don’t agree with how I did things or my choices, they can start a blog, take on more than two years of investigative work and present and do it the way they think it should be done  Fill your boots.  My delivery or `style’ may not be for everybody, but that’s the luxury of being a blogger.  I get to be authentically me and do it how I feel it should be done.  In this case it worked.  Love me or hate me, I got shit done and I did it for the animals.  I don’t care about glory or pats on the back.  That’s never been my style.  I just don’t appreciate when others take credit that isn’t their due.


I want to close this off by bringing it back to what this has all been about.  The animals.  The exploitation, the suffering, neglect and outright torture some of them endured will forever haunt me.  If there is any take away from all of this it is to speak up and speak out before things get so far out of control.  There were whispers about HiCaliber for years before the final curtain and hundreds of animals were executed in that time.  Some months ago, I posted a pic of this very spot where there were some tarps, manure and way too much blood for the death to have been painless.  It seems only fitting that we placed a small symbol of our love in that same spot to let them know they will never be forgotten and their deaths were not in vain.  Thank you to the Markstein/Fox family for allowing us to do so and thank you to Stealth for making it happen.  This was from all of us on the shedrow team including readers and supporters.  I’m not done with my advocacy and I’m not going anywhere, but for now I’m closing the chapter on  HiCaliber because we accomplished what we set out to do.  #IAMSHEDROW #SAYTHEIRNAMES







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Today was National Day of The Horse.  It seems somehow fitting that this day was the day that The Manson Family finally got sent packing.  It was live tweeted on inewsource’s Twitter page and there were several advocates there as well.  In short, there have been and will continue to be pics, footage and talk about this being dropped for days.  Thankfully, we had somebody there too that could get some things more specific to what has been discussed on this blog over the past 20 months or so and answer a few questions we’ve all had.  This post is obviously going to be pic and clip heavy.  Make sure you click on the videos on this post as they add quite a bit of context to everything.  If you have any questions about any of the pics or footage in particular, please just ask and don’t speculate.  There really isn’t much commentary needed as the pics will speak for themselves.  I gotta warn people that some stuff towards the end of this post is going to be really upsetting.  Maybe read on an empty stomach.  Are you ready?  Let’s do this for one of the last times…

Initially, advocates and the owners had to wait outside the property while HiCaliber moved the horses out.  The majority of horses being moved appeared to be the personally owned ones.  This clip seems to be of a very lame Barry Boi being unloaded from a stock trailer only to be lead up and tied to a tree on the neighbor’s property.

Next we have Manson leading horses out, one of which appeared to be Foreskin.  As you can see Manson wasn’t in a great mood and was more concerned with yelling at people.

More horses.  Hard to tell exactly who some are with their masks on but this one could be Chrome.

Shasta may or may not have joined Manson’s personal hoard.  She’s still there even though she’s listed as adopted on their website.

Wrinkles’ horse Kennedy being brought out by a volunteer

Some of the volunteers got a bit aggressive with some of the people there with the family.  In this video, the volunteer kicks the gate into inewsource reporter Megan Wood.  There was really no excuse for this.


I’m not 100% sure which gray horse this is (he is gray under all that mud) but I’m guessing it’s Solar.  Yet another horse that hasn’t ever really been available for adoption

Yup, Tanner the horse was brought next door to be tied to a tree as well.  I’m kinda wondering how she’s going to grift for his castration for the third or fourth time now that they are claiming to be closed.  Romney Faye was present today, but was not seen anywhere near any of the horses.  She left with a crate of cats or something.

Above are pictures of various of Manson’s personal horses being brought next door.  yes, that is Amanduh tying one of them up.  Manson appeared to be leading Foreskin and the cremello with the pulled mane is likely Dawson.  Kinda strange one of Manson’s personal horses would have been groomed at all recently but maybe she’s trying to sell her or something.  Who knows? I’m sure now that there is no more HiCaliber (or so she says), she won’t feel the need to donate their adoption fees back to the rescue like she claimed she would.



When the time was finally up, Manson and her crew were escorted off the property by the sheriff.  A normal person would be embarrassed but she was defiant until the bitter end. What she didn’t manage to bring with her was Bubbles, Bernie, Corky, two chickens and all the guinea fowl.  Strangely, none of these animals seemed to be missing Manson like she claimed they would.  In fact, it was business as usual as they continued to wallow in their filth.  Manson claims she is going back in for the pig and cows, but that remains to be seen. I feel like they are much better off already.  Corky is having a hard time moving around apparently so having him stuffed in a trailer for God knows how long wouldn’t be in his best interest although putting an animal first isn’t exactly a HiCaliber thing.

With Manson finally gone for good, we were finally allowed our first unfettered look at the utter destruction of this once beautiful property.  The level of filth cannot be adequately described.  Remember that Manson claimed that a `big cat’ injured her two horses and that the fences were all fine. I believe it was Amberloser that claimed she walked `every inch of that property’ and didn’t see an issue.  Ok then…

The amount of debris and trash left behind was off the charts.  What I noticed was how much donated tack and equipment is just left lying around, obviously never having been taken care of or maintained.



Even Manson’s beloved drug den  med room was left in a complete shambles.  Again, it’s sure nice to so many of the supplies she continually begged for, right up until the bitter end, just lying around and wasted.  I didn’t ask if the autoclave or SAA machine were left behind, but I’m guessing not.  There didn’t seem to be any drugs left behind either.  Shocking.

This next part is what I need to warn people about.  While I have posted about the severed legs in the freezer before, what they found today was a bit more disturbing than that.  Don’t get me wrong, the severed leg was still there, but that was the least of the issues and, of course, there was food and Fireball stuffed in there with the medical waste.


That’s right folks, Manson had a dead bobcat in the freezer.  I posted some months ago about her inquiring about somebody skinning a roadkill bobcat and she claimed it was for a friend.  Unless that `friend’ was Wrinkles, Manson was referring to one of her personalities.  I’m not even sure if this is legal but hopefully the family will contact Fish and Wild Life so this animal can be disposed of properly.  Aren’t you glad you never had a meal at HiCaliber?

So here is the house.  Manson went to great lengths on live telling us all this was because she only had 36 hours to get out.  Hmm.  Even if that was so, she was sitting in her car eating Chik Fil A doing live feeds for part of it.  We’re also supposed to forget that she hadn’t paid her rent since last June.  I’m guessing she would have had to guess she gonna get the boot if she didn’t fix that up  At any rate, this is way more than 36 hours worth of filth and cat shit in that littler box.  Remember how she’s had her followers posting pics and making fun of other people and rescues for the conditions of their place and none of them had dead fucking animals stuffed in the freezer with their food. Just saying…


This is probably enough to digest for one day.  There will be several other pics and videos coming out (if they haven’t already) from news sources and other advocates.  I will get back with y’all in a couple of days.  I have the guest post to end all guest posts sitting in the queue, so watch this space.

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Finally, I have a moment to sit down and write a proper post.  I know it’s been a minute since that happened, but there’s a good reason.  As I’ve said a few times before, I’ve got a few posts sitting around in various states of doneness and even an order in my mind that I want them to drop barring any sort of pants shitting on HiCaliber’s part as has been the case the past few weeks.  The thing is, that as we are winding down the HiCaliber situation, there have been some loose ends to tie up and these things take time.  It’s not the actual writing that is the issue, it’s all the work that happens before and I think readers will get a clearer picture of that today.  It’s time to pull up a chair, top up your beverages and settle in.  We’ve been a bit busy behind the scenes.



This isn’t the first time I’ve seen a village idiot wonder about the poor horses on Tuesdays.  I shouldn’t really blame her when the only voice on the subject she hears belongs to Manson, critical thinking wouldn’t really enter into the picture.  The rest of us have heard the many accounts from various insiders and former crew members of how Tuesdays were all carefully choreographed and orchestrated to bring in maximum funds.  Tuesdays were the days that Hicaliber made the bulk of their money and we’ve all heard about Manson putting the word out that she wanted the skinny and mangled to get those sympathy donations and to create a sense of exigency.  We knew this all along, but how to prove it when you had the HiCaliber mafia cockblocking any attempts to assess the situation at Ontario Livestock Auction? Obviously there were several moles there off and on advocating for the horses and documenting the gross exploitation that went on week after week as the money rained down.  But still, HiCaliber strutted around like they owned the place as they plied the auction employees with donuts and God knows what else in an attempt reign supreme.  Then, just like that,  it was over and after allowing the dust to settle, it was time to go back in and see what really was going on at Ontario.  As a result, the advocates have gone in a number of times to get a clear and real picture of what auction is like without HiCaliber.  Different advocates have gone at different times.  Some days they just did a quick sweep through and others they got right in there.  What we found  pretty much confirmed what we’ve been saying all along.  Things at Ontario Livestock Auction aren’t quite how they used to be.


Nacho’s truck and trailer at Ontario November/18

In November, when we decided to look a little closer than a cursory drive through and one of the first things we noticed is that the main players were all there.  Misner, Salvador, Nacho and various other bottom feeders were all in their regular spots although they did show up later than they did back in the HiCaliber days when they had to play musical trailers for the live feeds . The auction staff also didn’t give a singular shit whether people walked back into the chutes to see what was what. No hand jobs or donuts required or requested.  In fact, they had their own donuts without the help of HiCaliber.  Go figure!


On this particular day in late November, much like in the past weeks since HiCaliber stopped going, there were only two horses.  As you can see they were in good weight and shape and even their feet were ok.  (Don’t worry, Wrinkles, nobody had shoes on.) They sold for something like $150 and $125 with both going to Misner.  I can’t really say where they ended up from there.  Basically, this has been the norm since the Tuesday Griftathons ended.


Also on this day our advocates watched the cows and calves run through.  They actually went through before the horses.  What struck them was the rough handling they all got. One little calf went down on the way into the ring and was kicked and forced to its feet even though it was clearly sick.  There was also another, shown in the above video, all knuckled over and hardly able to walk in its own.  Business at usual in the underbelly of auctions

What trip to Ontario would be complete without a swing by Misner’s shit hole?  Even though Manson has hinted around that Misner has resumed shipping horses to `Mexico’, the fact is that he never stopped, but that’s another story for another day.  What we saw at his house is what we’ve always seen.  Goats out front, horses in decent shape and lots of them.  Misner never liked having those skinny and broken horses in view on his lot and would hold them in the trailer or out back until HiCaliber showed up to collect them. That is no longer the case.


We wanted to hit up random weeks for our closer looka just in case one week was a fluke.  The best way to get an overview is a sampling over time.  So far, after several drive through checks and a closer look, the numbers had been steady.  Never more than a couple of horses, if any,  and mostly always in decent shape.  This past week things were different.  At first we thought it was because Bubba Misner had decided to grace Ontario with his malignant presence, but that was only part of it.  We’ll get to that in a bit though.  For now we’ll talk about the horses.  Two were already in the back, a wet pony with a wobbly hind end was being led around and a bay mare was still in a trailer.  As usual, Nacho was there but he was mainly interested in goats.  Salvador did not make an appearance but his son was there instead.


We weren’t sure who brought the little pony, but he was clearly having some hind end problems and had trouble walking.  The bay mare was the one from the trailer.  Apparently, she was being sold due to unpaid board and said to be about 5 years old and broke, but hadn’t been handled for awhile.  Other than her feet being a bit long, she was in good shape and quite pretty.  She sold to Misner for $250 while the pony went to bidder 927 for $225.


This guy was fairly antsy back in the chutes.  It was mainly a lot of fussing which isn’t that abnormal for a horse in a strange and chaotic environment.  As a result nobody got his lip flipped.  Of course, back in the HiCaliber days we’d have been told how terrified he was, how sexy he was and how he just melted into them and wanted to exhale.  Or maybe he was destined for match racing or for ritual sacrifice.  Whatever loosens the purse strings.  At any rate, he went for $325 to bidder 341 without HiCaliber’s intervention.


This little mini mule was brought there by Bubba.  There is some thought that he might have run through Mike’s recently but we’re not 100% sure on that.  He was very afraid and very cute.  He sold for $170 but appeared to be a buy back.  I guess we’ll see if he shows back up at Mike’s this weekend.


The last horse there was a HiCaliber kinda horse.  A very thin Andalusian stud with a fairly clear freeze brand on him.  After a bit of digging, the brand appears to belong to Luis Gonzalez although we are unsure who brought this horse to auction.  This kind of horse hasn’t been the norm lately at Ontario.  He sold for $260 to number 929


I apologize that these pics are upsetting.  It needs to be mentioned that the one thing that absolutely has not changed at Ontario is the conditions for other livestock.  This mama pig had just given birth and one of the piglets didn’t make it.  She was just laying there with her placenta hanging out as the other piglets were kinda scrambling around with one even getting out of the pen.  Nobody moved the dead one as flies started collecting.  Pigs there are kicked, hit with paddles and generally rough handled.  Worse than the horses that HiCaliber basically laundered there, Ontario Livestock Auction has long been notorious for its abuse of animals.  These are sights that Romney Faye, Manson and their auction team turned blind eyes to each and every single week, even going so far as to obstruct AC and the DA’s investigations into what was going on there this past spring.



Remember how I said that this past week wasn’t quite like the others we had observed?  Yeah, about that….Turns out this past week was a HiCaliber week kinda.  Early in the day we found out that Manson was on her way to auction.  She was driving a Suburban that was loaded up with goats she had allegedly `picked up’ and brought to Ontario to trade for pellets.  Of course her bitch boy, Bubba, had tipped her off that certain advocates were in attendance so she got all paranoid and was basically skulking around the parking lot and doing her business via text.  Lucky for us the person she was texting knows her all too well and plays on `Team Hater’.  It turns out there was a very sick cow that went through the ring.  Even the auctioneer mentioned the cow probably was going to die.  Manson got wind of this and wanted the cow so she was furiously texting her connection to get it for her.  I am really amused that she wanted to be so stealth in acquiring it.  BTW, no clue who the blonde at Misner’s was.  Bubba’s woman is blonde.  Maybe it was her?


We don’t know if Manson got her cow or not.  Nobody took her picture or even attempted to despite what Manson wants to believe.  She was acting really paranoid and, at this point, she’s probably quite close to the edge. We’re there for the animals and to observe.  For sure nobody was there for a confrontation.  I just thought these conversation snippets, including the `drugged up’ bit were somewhat amusing and certainly not the first time we’ve heard such things about Manson.


So, what does all this mean?  I can draw a few conclusions here.  It certainly confirms that yes, HiCaliber was running horses through Ontario to manipulate their donors.  Some of those horses were owner surrenders and others were brokered.  The numbers were what they were at Ontario solely because of HiCaliber.  For the record, none of these horses we talked about on this post went for slaughter prices.  To be profitable in shipping out of state for slaughter, they’d have to go for under $100 and not one of them did.  The problem is those mangled souls they exploited and paraded around for donations each week are no longer a commodity even though they still exist. Because HiCaliber covered for their abusers, it’s back to square one to fight for these horses.  There is no poor family trying to put feed on the table and there is no old rancher that just lost his ranch or whatever other story the concocted.  There never was and we always knew that.  We’re also not done at Ontario, because advocacy is never done.  The pictures of the pigs and calf, along with others not posted, will be forwarded on to the appropriate parties and agencies.  As far as boots on the ground at Ontario, Manson would do well to remember that it’s a really small world and not every advocate is obvious or has a preference for blue water bottles nor is every friendly person a friend. Long after she is run out of the SoCal horse and rescue community, the work will go on until places like Ontario no longer exist and this time, nobody will be covering up for the abusers.

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Well, it looks like vacation time for me is well and truly over.  Not only did Manson slither out from under her rock recently, she must have drunk the blood of a unicorn or something because she seems to be trying to make a comeback under the guise of being authentic. Either that or she’s started a new roll of word of the day toilet paper and authentic came up.  She uses that word a whole bunch these days.  Sadly, the more things change, the more they stay the same, so once again it’s time to sort through the lies that have recently fell out of Manson’s lie hole and try to put a little context around them.  I’m going to try to keep this on the shorter side today, but y’all know the drill.  Pull up a seat and pour yourselves a beverage or six.  You also might want to put a helmet so as not to concuss yourselves trying to sort through the fuckery.


I’m sure everybody with a strong constitution and masochistic streak has heard Manson’s live feed about Linus.  Actually, it was all about her for over 2 hours with only a brief 4 minute or so mention of Linus and how he died according to her.  It kinda sounded like Manson googled up some symptoms and made up a cause of death.  Lucky for her, the Village Idiots are far too stupid to realize that if he had been seen by a 100% vet for a proper intake,  they’d have pulled blood and known then if he was in liver failure rather than several days later.  It seemed Manson was deliberately vague about when the horse actually passed away so this post from one of their volunteers in a private group kinda confirms he was alive and not crashing at noon on that Monday, so they did not spend all day with him crashing like she claims.  It’s likely he died at some point late that night or on Tuesday.  He’s also not the only horse that has died at HiCaliber recently but we’ll get to that in a bit.  Naturally, Linus’s death was not Manson’s fault as she conveniently overlooked the fact she, alone, knew where he was for two weeks before getting off her ass to go get him.  Nobody else ever had a chance to save this horse.

michelle shut up

Hmmm, I wonder if staying off the hate pages includes Manson’s fake profiles and the secret groups?  I’m going to go with probably not on that.   This post was made right around the time of Linus’s death and the ensuing shit show and defection of Big Lick Larkin.   At any rate, I think the window of opportunity of ending this thing with grace has long closed and been boarded up.  I’m also guessing the toxicity only applies to people talking about HiCaliber as Manson has been on local pages making catty comments about a local business and offering her 30% vet opinion on possums as well as inquiring about pies.  Her Facebook/social media break didn’t ever really happen.


I know this is old news by now, but for those of you that don’t engage in the Facebook thing and do like to see receipts, it does appear that along with Zory, Barrett and Mac, Amanduh also helped herself to Tilden and Jesse.  That is not counting the horses that Nathalie and Heather have helped themselves to as well.  God help them.


It’s certainly not the first time Cammy has spilled the beans inadvertently, but seems she is confirming what has long been suspected.  Not only is HiCaliber not closing down, they are also planning on moving to the new location or at least the hoard herd is.  Officially, Amanduh, Nathalie, Heather and Jesse will be moving to the new ranch, but not sure who else might park a trailer there.  That kinda segues nicely to another thing I’m sure many people are curious about.


I know I posted the ad screen shot on the last post.  This is Amanduh’s new digs according to her.  If you look at the link it, the grounds look quite beautiful even if the interior of the house is outdated.  However, as with all things HiCaliber, not all is as it seems  As of July 18th the title to the property has yet to change officially, which puts the proposed August 1st Grand Opening in doubt.  As of a few days ago, there is still a `For Sale’ sign out front along with the realtor lock box.  The departing owner has moved across the country and says the property is sold, so make of all this what you will.

The other thing about the new digs is that the grounds not quite as glamorous as they appear in the sale ad.  There isn’t a lot of turn out and there is zero pasture so the horses of HiCaliber won’t be getting an upgrade other than there isn’t a bazillion guinea fowl shitting all over everything….YET.  No word on which lucky resident get to live in the trailer.

I guess as far as the horses are concerned, the new property will still be better on some levels than the squalor of HiCaliber.  The above pictures are from just this past weekend and while there is definitely a reduction in the number of horses, their living conditions have not improved.  There was at least one horse visible with a body score of around 2.5 and, despite Manson’s claims of daily runs to get hay, there was a large load there on the drive way with two people out feeding, neither of which appeared to be one of the ranch residents.

I thought these comments and conversations from their private groups were kinda interesting.  Unsurprisingly, volunteers are cleaning the stalls for The Manson Family horses and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by others that they don’t seem to pitch in and do their fair share of chores.  We know Manson has been hiding out to avoid process servers, but there is really no excuse for the rest of them despite their protestations that they don’t just sit on their asses.  Many sources from current to past volunteers have stated that actually is the case.  Manson rarely makes an appearence and has never been seen with a manure fork in hand.

Recently, Manson put out the private plea for food and groceries.  On the surface, it seems like there is nothing to pick at here.  That is until you really look at what is being said.  First off, since when is cooking food Manson’s love language?  Maybe ordering food is, but mostly she loves herself.  Then you have her offering to take  pictures of the food for `credibility’.  This is from her inner sanctum and those people are all programmed to not question her so why bring that up unless she has a guilty conscience?  On second thought, maybe it’s a stretch to think she has a conscience at all.  Then you have the admission that her Venmo is now shut down.  Once again, Cammy Rickey steps up to the plate to launder the money for her.  I actually wasn’t going to post this because I felt bad if there truly was a spouse that somebody was losing.  Then there was this update…


A miraculous recovery and the spouse has morphed into a parent somehow.  Again, no name or further explanation.  Best wishes to whoever it is that is sick and shame on Manson for trying to use it to her advantage yet again.  I’m sure if she could have still used Gofundme, there would have been a campaign on there.


When all else fails, get your drama on.  It’s not really clear why Manson wouldn’t make it out alive.  She has had ample notice to vacate and yet she still insists on gathering animals.  I’m also wondering about the selling off of their shelters, stalls, feeders, buckets, tack etc.  Who gets the money?  Unless every single penny is accounted for and goes to paying off their bills, then there’s going to be an issue.  I’m also reasonably certain that paying Mr. Fancy Sock’s legal fees is not a legitimate use of 501c3 funds.  I guess if anybody wants a $1600 pug or a fake service dog you can contact Manson directly.



You know, you can’t have it both ways.  You can’t claim you have no income and then run around with a face full of botox and fillers and weekly manicures.  There is some seriously fucked up priorities at play here and this is also a pretty good example of why people are so pissed.  I don’t give a shit what she wants to do to her face on her own dime.  I give a great deal of a shit when animals are going without and being exploited to further this madness.  As far as her job history, doesn’t she always like to tell everybody that she was an  ACO for many years and how she’s euth certified etc. etc.?  That seems like job history to me and if she doesn’t have good references from her previous employment that is 100% on her.  I’m sure that out of all her remaining village idiots at least one of them has the ability to hire her or vouch for her should she actually grow up and realize that she’s going to have to work for a living.


I’ve had a few questions sent to me about Manson’s upcoming court date.  It is a small claims lawsuit that was filed back in May.  The details are at this link.  Basically, it will all go down on August 20th at 8AM.  Maybe.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t some crisis or drama that necessitates a postponement.  If not, there is always lying to fall back on, right?

I’m sure I’m not the only one that realizes today is Tuesday and that is skinny horse pick up day for the grifters.  This was actually just the latest of a few `look at the skinny horses that need us’ posts Manson made this past week or so.  She vows to continue to `nurture’ her relationships and continue to shooting horses  Obviously, I’m paraphrasing a bit.  I find it odd that she feels that her calling is to work in the Spanish speaking communities given the fact she doesn’t actually speak Spanish.  However, given the pics she posted along with these latest rounds of threats to keep on shooting horses, I thought I’d break it down as best as I can for everybody as far as where these horses are coming from.  It really won’t come as any surprise.


This picture caught my eye right away for a number of reasons not the least of which is that this horse is standing in a clean stall with shelter.  How would going to HiCaliber be an upgrade from this situation? The setting also looked really familiar to me.

These pics were from my post back in March.  This was Andrina and she was obviously in the very same place.  She was sore, but rather than doing diagnostics, she was dragged back to the ranch and shot along with Little Bear.  This also appears to be on Salvador’s property as well.

Going by the roof lines and from people that have actually been present at his property, it’s likely the grey horse is at his place as was Andrina.  He has several pen set ups there and tends to hide his worst ones out of sight.

This bay horse may also be at Salvador’s place.  Manson has tried to blank out the buildings that may identify.  That pretty much leads me to believe that it’s a place known to advocates.  The mountains are the same as viewed rom Salvador and the horse kinda fits in with what he usually has to dump in HiCal’s direction.  I’m purely speculating, but there was a thin bay horse in the picture with Dream a few weeks ago.  There is a very remote chance this could be that horse even thinner and sun bleached a few weeks later or it could be an entirely different horse.


Then we come to this horse who is not only NOT skinny, but so obviously at Nacho’s house.  The trailer is sticking out there like a sore thumb and this little horse ran through Mike’s auction just the other week for $85 wearing the very same red halter.  He’s not skinny yet.  Manson likes to paint these flippers as impoverished and marginalized.  Nothing could be further from the truth.


This is Nacho’s house and property.  It’s currently on Zillow with an estimate of around 500k if memory serves.  Again, there have been advocates at his farm and he quite happily showed them around.  His truck and trailer is visible in one of the satellite images as well.

Here are the other horses currently on offer to the village idiots.  Manson is using them to prove how much she is needed.  I’m sure some of the others are at Salvador’s or Nacho’s place and there are other flippers too.  Jose, Marco and all the happy bunch from Ontario.  They all have Manson’s phone number and I’m sure she’s gone through a lot of lotion `cultivating’ these relationships.  The point is that no other rescue is called nor does she refer to other rescues.  These horses are offered to nobody BUT HiCaliber because they know that not only will she pay for them like nobody else will, but she will continue to cover for them.


Obviously this situation continue to frustrate.  Thank you to one of the advocates that took the time to ask for some accountability.  While it is great to see that the investigation with SDHS is ongoing, it’s even better to have it in writing that HiCaliber have been reminded to report these abusers.  I know I have asked people not to bombard multiple agencies with frivolous complaints in the past.  This falls outside of that for me.  It’s time to demand that SDHS take some action.  Manson continues to protect the people that are doing this to these horses.  She continues to drag horses home while admitting she may have to give away her children’s pets due to having no place to go.  SDHS has stated they are willing to step in and intervene and perhaps now is the time for that to happen.  How much worse are they going to let things get?

Gatsby died at the ranch recently.  Details are sketchy at best but I am told he died `on his own’ which likely means somebody found his corpse.  He was one of the Louisiana horses and they never really mentioned him a bunch.   Young horses don’t usually just drop dead in their stalls without some kind of event that caused some suffering.  I’m sad that he didn’t make it out alive.  RIP Gatsby  #sayhisname


I think this brings everybody up to speed as far as what’s really going on.  None of this is all that surprising if you’ve been following along for any length of time.  Donations are drying up and times are getting desperate.  Still, it hasn’t occurred to Manson, Wrinkles, Skeletor and Trailer Cammy to get jobs.  For some reason, they think they are entitled to all live together with their animals, not work and have other people support them.  I don’t get it.  Nobody but Manson ruined her reputation no matter where she tries to shift blame.  The gravy train dried up.  People saw the light.  Say it however you want, but it’s over.  Well and truly.  I just want to leave y’all with a little clip in honor of Shark Week.  Probably only some of you will get this, but that’s ok.  Watch the right side of the clip and turn your sound up.  Until next time….




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I wanted to kick off this post by thanking Manson for slithering under her rock and lying low for a few weeks.  While I wasn’t exactly on a break from all things HiCaliber, it had been really nice not to have to hear that voice spew copious amounts of lies.  Sadly, that all came crashing to an end recently and, once again, I feel compelled to try to make some sense out of the latest con and lay a few updates on y’all.  I’d originally planned to do a puff post just reminiscing about some of Manson’s hypocrisy, but maybe that’s better left for later.  To state the obvious, this is probably going to be a longish post, but that’s what happens when things pile up.  #sorrynotsorry



After a long silence, June 26th was Griftmas for HiCaliber as Manson came out of hiding and manifested some emaciated and suffering horses; the first of which was Walter who was apparently already dead by the time the post was made.  While she originally stated  that he `appeared’ to have cancer on his penis, she later claimed a vet diagnosed him.  I decided not to post the peen pics, but it didn’t look like cancer and I highly doubt that Manson would have paid out of pocket for a biopsy when she claims to owe her vet something in the neighborhood of 13k.  Maybe the vet he was seen by was the 30% vet, I dunno, but Walter didn’t make it and where he came from or whether he was a HiCaliber horse renamed or one of her personal projects, we just don’t know.  Nothing would surprise me at this point.  RIP Walter #sayhisname


The latest con started when this skinny buckskin stud materialized after being mentioned in Walter’s post.  Whether the `other’ breed specific rescue ever existed, I can’t say for sure.  What I do know is that HiCaliber  raised far over the $250 shipping fee and that Performance Equine originally claimed they received no forwarded funds with the horse.  All the posts on their page regarding that were quickly deleted as they caved into the bullying from the village idiots and because PER’s founder has the spine of a jelly fish.  The thing is,  although we’re used to M skimming off the top, her collecting a shipping fee for this horse is somewhat of a double dip since she charges HiCaliber for the `use’ of her trailer on a monthly basis anyhow.  That’s another story for another time.  What I want people to notice most of all is the background in the first picture of this horse.  That is unmistakably taken at Salvador Paniagua aka Rancho El Pajuelazo aka notorious scum sucking, bottom feeding horse tripper and animal abuser aka Manson’s #1 mangled horse supplier’s ranch.  The video was taken by an advocate at his property not so long ago and clearly shows the same green privacy screen, trees and white trailer that are in the background of this buckskin stallion.  Sadly, this was only the beginning of the con.


This horse was also presented to the village idiots around the same time as the buckskin stallion.  They dutifully raised the funds needed to bail him and haul him and then *crickets*.

Around about the same time yet another `skinny’ horse was mentioned.  I believe it was about June 26th also.  Notice how Manson claims the neighbors had been calling AC with no luck and that the owner `agreed’ to sell the horse to them.  We were supposed to conveniently overlook the other ribby horse in the background as well as other horses on the property.  I guess we’re supposed to overlook the roof of the house barely visible too, but I’ll get to that in a bit.  Naturally, Manson was willing to go pick the horse up. There was some push back on this and the village response was lukewarm as far as loosening up the purse strings.


As you can seem people started asking legitimate questions and offering help for this horse based on Manson stating this was near the Arizona border.  I guess near is a relative term since the horse was actually in Perris​.  Manson kept referring the little mare as a `him’ but that obviously wasn’t the case.  Either nobody cared to check or didn’t care.  Penis, vagina, it all grifts the same.  Naturally, inconvenient posts were ignored and/or deleted.  Manson claimed to be considering offers.  Again, this was all on the original post made on June 26th.  So, what do these three horses have to do with each other?


What they have to do with each other is all three horses came from Salvador.  His granddaughter’s pony is clearly visible in the background of the one picture and from the advocates that have been boots on the ground at his compound, these are his pens.  So, no poor family, no concerned neighbors, no hard times or whatever.  Salvador is quite comfortable financially and even though he keeps his flipper horses in squalor, his house and compound are quite nice.  Now that we’ve established where the horses came from, let’s look some more lies and cons surrounding their arrival at HiCaliber nearly two weeks later. Since the initial financial response from the village was underwhelming, Manson had to turn the screws and yank on those heart strings.


Flash forward to July 6th and skinny horse #1 shows up at HiCaliber in even worse shape than originlly pictured.  I found it pretty strange that she said no help came for weeks for this horse when she was the one that knew about him and where he was.  It’s not like she’ll give up those contact details to anybody else and I guarantee you she’s the only person Salvador called because anybody else would have called AC on him.  Linus shows wounds on his legs consistent with tripping.  In fact, Salvador was just advertising an event at the Colusa Fairgrounds that was held in June.  I’m wondering if Linus was in attendance.  I’m sure it comes as no surprise that Manson made a big deal about him still having shoes on and that they weren’t worn down enough or something.  Apparently the concept that not everybody rides on the road and wears their shoes down is foreign to her.  Also, gunsel that she is, she didn’t seem to notice that while he did still have shoes on, judging by the length of his feet, they’d been on there for a couple of months.  That is more than enough time for a horse to drop this amount of weight especially when they are being abused. If you don’t believe me, go back in the HiCaliber archives and see how quick some of their inmates have lost condition once they drug them home.  Drama, Firetyme, Sully and Braveheart come to mind right away.

As upsetting as Linus’s condition was, the village idiots were in a heightened state of what almost seemed like sexual arousal over having another skinny horse to `save’ and a live feed from their leader.  It caused them to whip up some drama and angst just like in the glory days.  Where are the haters?  They never had a shot at saving these horses because Salvador only calls Manson.  There is no language barrier or financial issues.  This is not rescue, this is exploitation all down the line from the asshole that dumped this horse, to the one that tripped him and on to Manson who further exploited him.  People squeezed every penny possible out of this horse and clearly nothing has been put back into him.  The real question is what rescue would protect the very person that does this to animals?


Some of the village tried to offer some suggestions to keep Manson in business.  The problem with the above suggestion is that Manson couldn’t teach a horse to shit and she is far too lazy to get up and go educate people even if she could.  Her rebuttal is telling as we do know that she is still under investigation with the CVMB and has been cleared of nothing.  The above clip is her admitting to doing vet procedures other than surgery on the HiCaliber horses and also where the whole 30% vet thing started.  Actually that live feed had lots of awesome little nuggets and the entire video can be seen here complete with Angrid offering to send people fellatio instructions if they donate.

tour day

This wasn’t a bad suggestion if we were talking about an actual honest individual and transparent organization.  The fact is there has long been a donation jar in Manson’s house and people are strongly encouraged to donate when they visit.  The donation jar has also served as Manson’s personal piggy bank and basically none of it ever finds its way to the actual horses unless you count her many personal horses.  I’m not sure that Manson wants a bunch of visitors anyhow because they do things like take pictures of broken fences, skinny horses and mountains of shit.  What they rarely get pictures of is Manson outside of her house or anywhere near the horses unless it’s to load them up for a beach ride.

Coming as no surprise to anybody but the remaining village idiots, the other skinny horse officially showed up the very next day.  I say officially because she was actually in the trailer with Linus.  If you go back to his pics, he was clearly in the first stall of the trailer and Dream is clearly in the 2nd stall in her pics.  Both sets of pics were closely cropped.  We already know they both came from Salvador.  There is some debate on what day they actually arrived at HiCaliber because both horses were pictured with no halters on in the trailer, but Robyn is seen putting one on Dream, yet the very next picture, supposedly taken on the same day, shows her with an entirely different halter.  The sad part was the enormous pile of shit seen in the trailer behind Dream which makes me wonder how long they stood in that trailer, in over 100 degree heat while Manson stopped to feed herself like she always seems to do.  I’m not sure what part of the UC Davis protocol states to hang a hay bag in front of horses for several hours and let them free feed either.


Naturally, people were upset with the condition of this mare.  Normal people wanted some accountability for her condition.  Village idiots remained silent and waited to be told what degree of outrage and what questions would be acceptable.  Manson blurred out the mare’s BLM brand in her pics (go to Skydog’s page and they are not blurred) claiming she agreed to do that because there are agencies involved.  *cough*bullshit*cough*  She likely did it because the last time she showed a branded Mustang at Ontario, advocates ran the brand and her grift got stopped dead in its tracks.  She wasn’t about to let that happen again.


The real reason she wasn’t going to answer is because she covers for Salvador.  However, as mentioned before on this blog, there is almost always a sliver of truth to Manson’s lies but you have to really look hard to find it.  Thanks to a reader and advocate, I didn’t have to look too hard to find it in this statement.  AC likely is aware of the situation.  How and why they are aware isn’t what Manson would have her village believe though.



I was kind of back and forth whether or not to share these screen shots in their entirety, but in the interest of full disclosure I think it’s the best way to go.   They aren’t my screen shots, but were sent to me from a reader, which I very much appreciate.  It seems that SDHS claims to have a `more than’ weekly presence at HiCaliber and they also mention unsubstantiated claims which is pretty important.  I believe this reader wanted to know if they were aware of where this horse came from since HiCaliber claims they that they had been working with AC on the matter.  I guess technically, yes, they are getting a visit from SDHS on a regular basis but just like Manson thinks veterinarians are her colleagues, SDHS probably wouldn’t consider themselves to be working with HiCaliber.  I’m guessing they probably weren’t told where these skinny horses actually came from.  The unsubstantiated claims are the people calling over every little thing (I am not referring to the person that supplied these screen shots).  I know I have urged people to make noise, but make noise about actual violations, not what Manson might do.  Don’t be the ones crying wolf.  This was a legitimate question sent in and IMO SDHS was a bit rude to this person, but I can only imagine the number of calls and complaints that continue to roll in the longer this drags out.


Having tested the waters and realizing her core village idiots were still there, Manson preached to the choir.  Yes, Salvador knows better, but he doesn’t give a shit.  He’s been busted by AC, he’s been banned out auctions for the condition of his mangled horses and he continues to abuse and torture them.  The only `socioeconomic’ factor that created `this’ is greed. Salvador is not hurting for cash nor does he need Manson to teach him the law or give him resources.  He’s pretty well connected as a stock contractor and knows very well that what he does to those horses is unacceptable.  The `currency language’ Manson shares with Salvador and all these guys is greed and exploitation.  We’ve also talked about Salvador’s kids before and no, they aren’t calling Manson or being inspired by her.  They are adults.  They also do the same shit and have his outlook on animals.  The fact that anybody buys this crap boggles my mind.



One of the little manipulations Manson dropped in her live video about Linus was that a `well known’ flipper had shipped a load of horses to Texas to go to slaughter.  She claimed it was the first time in two years.  She was talking about Misner and the truth is he never stopped shipping to slaughter.  The pics above are of his lot recently and the horses are rotating in and out with what appears to be air freight containers parked there now as well.  The kinds of horses Bubba and his daddy dumped at HiCaliber were ones like Johnny Cade that wouldn’t make the haul and would be rejected at the border if they did.  HiCaliber never stopped a single horse from going to slaughter and, if you recall, attempted to ship Snuggles to slaughter through Misner and got caught.  The other problem with her statement is that shipping horses for the purposes of slaughter is still illegal in California and she states right on camera that not only is Misner admitting to it, but she knows and is doing nothing about it.  So much for rescue being in her blood.  The only blood in this equation is on her hands.



I have seen a lot of speculation about whether Manson is moving or not. Back on June 19th she claimed her rent was paid beyond the 30th of the month. She also claimed her adoption team would be phased out and they were closing, but that didn’t happen either.  What did happen is she was officially served with a termination of  their lease.  What I heard actually went down was that she hid in her house and only opened the door enough to let her pit bull out.  The funny part is the server made friends with the dog and Manson still ended up getting her notice.  I know that some people will say `where’s the proof?’.  It just so happens I do have some proof as far as Manson leaving the property.  You didn’t really think I’d drop this without receipts, did you?


Mike Shore is the fire marshal.  He paid a visit to HiCaliber just the other day to check on their compliance as far as removing flammable material and a fire plan or something.  He not only gives the official head count of livestock there (although not counting pigs, goats and guinea fowl), but it seems that Manson has Mr. Fancy Socks, the attorney doing her talking for her and he stated that she is, in fact, leaving the property. That’s about as close to from the Manson’s own mouth as you can get lately, but as usual with her, the truth is somewhere in between what she says.  No word on how is paying all these legal bills with Mr. Fancy Socks running intererence for her all the time.  If she is cleared of everything with rent paid, why is she lawyered up anyhow?


I’m sure most of you are aware that Amanduh is jumping ship and moving out.  She’s taking Nathalie (does this person have a work visa to be here?), Jess and Heather with her and probably as many HiCaliber horses as Manson can foist on her.  All I know about the situation is that the property is in escrow.  Who bought it, who will own it and what any of this has to do with Manson’s impending departure from their current residence is purely speculation.  Richie Price’s name has been thrown around as a possible backer and many people don’t really know who he is.  He’s basically Manson’s sugar daddy and long time board member.  The Price arena which never really was used as an arena was named after his deceased wife.  He can sometimes be spotted in the background around the farm and the odd time at auction.  He’s the one that bought Manson her horse trailer although that was likely written off as a donation to HiCaliber.  The video clip is him at their pool party last summer pouring fireball down everybody’s throats.  Make of it what you will.




I’m sure many people remember Sully from the Louisiana shit show last year.  After enduring being one of six horses stuffed in Cheech’s  4 horse trailer all the way across the country in stifling heat, he was thrown in with some of the other Louisiana horses where he was consequently bullied off his feed and ended up being emaciated worse than even Johnny Cade.  Lucky for him he was transferred to Sale Ranch Sanctuary rather than being shot in the face.  That is likely because he was too much on the radar at the time.  He is now known as Willie in his new home and has made a remarkable recovery.  Unfortunately, last week he came down with colic and was taken in to the clinic.  I’m told he’s doing much better now and back home, but there is still an outstanding bill from his emergency call and time at the clinic.  Further details and live feed can be seen on Sale Ranch’s Facebook page.  Please spread the word so people who may wish to contribute towards his vet bill can do so.  The fact that he’s alive at all is somewhat of a miracle.  I hope he has many more happy retirement years at Sale Ranch.


I think this is a good place to leave things today.  I know that this holding pattern we find ourselves in is frustrating.  I realize people want to speed things along.  By all means be a squeaky wheel but please take the time to learn what agency handles what issues and even what is an actual issue.  For example, if it is an animal welfare issue, then it isn’t something the CVMB or even AG is going to deal with so bombarding them only hinders their investigations into other matters.   Remember that the acceptable standard of animal care is pitiful, so while the filth and squalor those animals exist in at HiCaliber is hard to see, it’s probably not going to any charges laid. The drama is only dragging things out and the longer this drags out, the more animals will suffer.  I’ve always said that while the treatment and exploitation of animals is what brought many of us into this situation, it’s not going to be what changes it or ends it.  That’s just the sad reality of the situation and all this energy would be better spent advocating for a change in animal welfare laws and bringing true awareness to the public about horse tripping, slaughter and all these other atrocities Manson and her flipper buddies subject animals to.  Lastly, I just want to assure people that while I might not be posting as much lately, I’m very aware of what is going on and our moles are still very much active.  I’m just being a bit more selective what I share.  All is well. Trust.


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We are not amused.  To be clear, by `we’ I am referring to the royal `we’ although I fully expect that to fly right over most heads.  I especially expect it to fly over those of the village idiots, and much ado will be made of nothing as is the usual reaction from them.   Anyhow, back to me and my disgust… I was off resting on my laurels figuring the bulk of what I set out to do with HiCaliber was either accomplished or in the works.   It’s been kinda nice reclaiming my personal time and not having to have The Manson Family in my thoughts most of my waking hours.  Sadly, it seems that HiCaliber will not go quietly into the night and the death throes drag on.  That also means that horses are still getting shot for no good reason, lies are being told and, once again, I feel compelled to lay down an update.  So, for old times sake and posterity, let’s pull up a chair, pop the cork, twist the cap or whatever and deal with the never ending shit show that is HiCaliber.   This is going to hop around a bit today mostly because I can’t be arsed to make things linear and I do what I want.  Buckle up!


It seems that Manson has been making an effort to clean up the mountains of manure from the ranch property in recent weeks.  The timing is weird, but better late than never. Sadly, this entails loading the manure up and trailering it over to a neighboring property.  All this was witnessed by somebody that was visiting the ranch.  According to this source they gained access to this property off Calle Oro and through T-posts and rolled up fencing.  The property in question has goats and chickens within view of the road.  HiCaliber wasn’t being overly secretive or stealth about doing this so perhaps the neighbor is ok with having their diseased waste trucked over to his place.  It’s probably better than how they used to just shove it over onto public land.  I wonder if the county knows?


That’s right, for the minor sum of only $40 you too can learn breeds, colors and markings from the very same person that thinks horses have back knees and has no clue about how to eyeball a height on an animal.  If you’re super lucky, Manson may make a cameo appearance and show us how to find a dorsal stripe by looking underneath a horse or how a foal that does not have black points may shed buckskin.

Not content to spread misinformation on that which can be easily googled, Amanduh continues to teach unsuspecting people to ride as poorly as she does.  Apparently proper footwear is optional as is adjusting stirrups to the appropriate lengths.  I also learned that riding a dead lame horse was also fine because it’s what he loves it and he is depressed otherwise. I’m sure that standing in a small stall 24/7 while getting eaten alive by flies and choking for water has nothing to do with his depression though​.  Don’t get me started on the whole `gait regulation’ and how you use your seat by not having it in the saddle.  I’m sure glad Amanduh is on the job to tell us what `real’ horsemen do.

I’m sure that anybody that has been following this on any level knows about the Valley Center Western Days Parade clusterfuck that has gone down over the last week.  It has caused beans to be flicked on both sides of the fence as nearly everybody has gotten their drama boots on and waded right in.  Minor children were bullied and ridiculed, lies were told and all around fuckery ensued. I’m not even going to bother rehashing it all.  I think it’s important to put the actual facts out though.  The reason why horse people are concerned with HiCaliber being in the parade was the risk to their own horses.  Manson may think Strangles is `no big deal’ but most horse people know better.
Here are some screen shots and emails clearly showing there has been an ongoing Strangles issue at HiCaliber for well over a year.  It also clearly shows that Manson was not only aware of it but so is her adoption team as they were addressing it in recent contracts.  Remember that the initial order from the Western Days committee was that no horse exposed to Strangles within the last 12 months would be allowed to be in the parade.  Sadly, knowing the Manson Family, they would have likely worked around that claiming the horses they were riding weren’t exposed and that’s where a lot of the concern was for many people.  I know that Manson claims they have `major’ biosecurity measures in place.  How does she really even know considering she rarely waltzes her happy ass to the more remote areas of the ranch?
This screenshot was from one of their private groups and was posted about a week ago.  One of their regular volunteers described her day at HiCaliber.  What I want people to notice is the order of paddocks she visits, clearly admitting to `petting and scratching’ horses as she went around the property.  AFTER visiting the QT/Vineyard area, she went to the nursery letting them smell her and petting them, on to North herd where she stopped to pet more and then to South herd and Rivers Run.  THIS is just an example of why people do not trust the biosecurity at HiCaliber or want their own horses exposed to HiCaliber horses and it’s valid.  What I find saddest of all is that this small community has had to deal with all this drama and complete fuckery when they are just trying to hold a family event.
It’s a real shame things even had to go his far as it is a complete dick move to knowingly spread Strangles or any other disease around.    I actually don’t even get what the big fuss about being in the parade is for HiCaliber.  Judging by pics of the recent parade they were in and other past performances, it’s not a great advertisment for them or their horses.  You have Manson riding horses that are far too small for her, none of them are groomed and even the riders look raggedy.  Their time would be far better spent at home grooming and feeding their animals and if they must go in the parade, then walk the route holding a sign or drive the golf carts or something.  Just give these poor horses a break because they all look horrible and nobody needs to see Manson doing a 2 point starfish while spilling out of her saddle and sexually harassing anything and everything that crosses her path.  For crying out loud it doesn’t even look like they bothered to clean their tack or dust off their boots.  I suppose we’re going to have to replay this all again as Manson is planning on riding in the July 14th San Diego Pride Parade despite the fact she has said she plans to close down by June 30th.  I’m sure Manson’s criminal defense attorney, Mr. Fancy Socks, will fight for their right to party though.
 One of the features of Parade-gate was good ole Mags charging into the middle of things and basically losing her shit.  Actually, not basically, completely losing her shit and as of this writing, the meltdown continues.   Because the default setting of Mags and the village idiots is to cry `bully’ and point fingers without realizing that every time they do so, three fingers are pointing right back at them, they decided to bully a 14 year old girl that has NOTHING to do with any of the HiCaliber drama beyond a genuine concern about riding her own horse in the parade.  When her concerned father stood up for her and brought it right to the source, all hell broke loose and Mags called him a `shitty parent’ for doing so.  Given her partner’s past criminal charges to do with his own child, I guess Mags isn’t in a position to judge anybody on their parenting skills.  It was also at this point that Mags appears to have lost her tenuous grip on her sanity as she heaved herself up on the cross and played the victim card for all it was worth claiming to be the victim of bullying.
Where do I even start?  Margaret, you need to get your money back.  Seriously and on all that I hold dear, you are barking up the wrong tree.  In fact, the tree your barking up isn’t even in the right time zone.  YOU are the bully.  You have been told over and over again, you are wrong and you continue to lie about having proof.  By all means go to court.  I won’t be there, but the people you are targeting as me have a very strong case against you.  You have torn people to shreds thinking they are me, you have attempted to discredit me and maligned everything I write.  Tit for tat, Mags.  Not my fault you self identified when I originally posted a blind item about you. I think a year long temper tantrum is a bit excessive and had you actually hired a PI to find out who I was, that’s boil a bunny level creepy.  Your back pedal game is super strong though…BTW the AG investigation, along with the multiple other agencies, is ongoing and Manson has been cleared of nothing.


This one made me laugh.  Little hint for Mags though, even wordpress doesn’t have my actual identity.  By all means though, go on with your bad self and the court orders and PIs.  LOL.
From what I can gather, Mags is not well versed on animal advocacy.  She seems to have zero clue who the players are and what people’s credentials actually are.  Funny how it’s not bullying when Margaret spreads untruths and mocks people’s misfortunes though.  I could tear Mags’s personal advocacy claims to absolute shreds but a) what would be the point? and b) I have too much respect for the sources of my intel.  It doesn’t matter anyhow as there is no law that says Mags has to respect TC and there is certainly no law that says anybody has to respect Mags or believe anything she says.
 I’m not sure if all this is in order, but Mags made a dramatic post.  I can only imagine it was actually put up to inspire people to talk her out of leaving because she hardly even took a break from posting.  It was telling that it was mostly village idiots that told her not to go and the racing community remained silent.  It was also kinda weird how she went full bully after making this post and really didn’t appreciate having the mirror held up to her own face.
You know what I find funny?  I haven’t posted for weeks and she’s still obsessed with me.  I think the regular readers here can attest that even my comments have been sporadic and mostly late at night.  For sure D can attest that I haven’t been around all that much lately.  I also am highly amused given the fact that Mags has posted in private groups about how little my opinion matters and if you want to see screen shots of that along with Mags admitting she really doesn’t know who writes this blog, you can refresh your memory in Writing On The Wall…With Crayons!
Mags didn’t appreciate having her own hypocrisy pointed out to her it seems.  It also seems that even what remains of her own friends have tried to point out to her that she’s off on a tangent.  If anything, Mags picked up steam after this exchange even though she deleted Abby’s comments.
Here we have anti-bullying warrior Mags bullying people.  I’m not sure if she is daring Jennifer to blog about her or she’s daring me, but since I’m the one with a blog and I do love a good dare… I’m not entirely sure what the $100 letter is or why we’re talking bankruptcy but given the fact that Mags’s legal counsel has so far been Angrid, who is not even a member of the California bar, she’s probably not in a position to throw darts here. I’m also not sure how somebody that has to run gofundme campaigns to pay her vet bills and so her partner can buy a used van can afford to hire PIs.  Like I said, she needs to get her money back.  I have a shitload more screen shots I could post showing Mags bullying people, calling names and lying, but what’s the point?  If they haven’t learned by now, I do what I want, I post what I want and if they continue to poke me in the chest, they will continue to get negative attention.  Let’s move on.
This is a video where Manson tells another pack of lies.  The person she is talking about is Salvador Paniagua.  This would be the same guy who she used to refer to as `the worst of the worst’ and has claimed there is a language barrier with.  He is a known tripper and the incident with FHR she is referring to is well documented.  He showed up at Mike’s auction with 7 completely mangled horses that had been tripped and demanded $250 each for.  Rather than pay his ransom, FHR called in AC and they suggested that he take $100 each.  It should be noted that none of these horses were in acceptable enough condition to actually be run through auction.  Once the horses started being transferred off Salvador’s trailer and it became apparent how bad of shape they were in, FHR offered $600 for all 7 horses just to get them safe and it was accepted.  All but two horses were too badly injured to save and after being seen by a real vet, they were humanely euthanized. That is the truth of the situation rather than Manson’s version of events.  It’s also what a true rescue and advocate would have done.  Manson bought a load of tripped horses off Salvador just this past January and rather than call AC, she arranged to meet him and pay his ransom.  She also shot the horses herself rather than letting them see a vet.  I should probably mention that Manson and her village idiots mocked FHR and made an issue about them having to put down the 5 horses from Salvador.

Owens Intake February/18

Owens is one of the pasture puffs awaiting adoption at HiCaliber.  As is obvious from the pictures above, he’s losing condition despite Amanduh’s claims he has put on lots of weight.  I’m not seeing it.


Before I get onto the last few things, I thought a little comic relief from Ficehole would be appropriate.  Now, I’m certainly no computer whiz, but I have noticed that when I google something or look at certain web pages, the ads Facebook shows me usually have something to do with that.  I’m guessing it’s something to do with cookies or something.  I can also say that Facebook has never shown me drug paraphenalia ads or anything remotely close and that’s probably because I a) don’t do drugs and b) don’t google drugs.  The fact that Fice has meth pipes coming up on his feed is both funny and telling.  The fact that he’s indignant about it is hilarious.


Nathalie is one of the newer Manson Family members and ranch residents.  Manson has mentioned several times that she is from Norway or The Netherlands or some place like that and that she is visiting.  Since moving in with Manson it seems she is doing a bit more than visiting and actually acting as a front for flipping Manson’s personal project horses.  Buddy the Peruvian Paso is actually the horse Manson bought for herself and promptly named Foreskin.  Buddy also seems to have severely dropped pasterns and I’m not sure how any of the HiCaliber gunsels know what `gaiting beautifully’ is when they usually diagnose them as neuro and shoot them in the face when they are gaited.  I also recall some other Peruvians who were shot in the head for having dropped pasterns within days of their arrival at HiCaliber.  I guess they didn’t figure they could squeeze the last few pennies out of those horses.  I’m sure having a rider much top large on him, isn’t helping Buddy with his pastern issues either.  It seems Nathalie is also `adopting’ HiCaliber horses and is the new owner of Ryland.  I wonder if wheeling, dealing, grifting and working under the table is something her visitor visa allows?  Maybe Miss Homeland Security aka Angrid would know.


Remember the $25 `mare’ at auction and the legendary rant that Wrinkles went on?  The same horse that turned out to be a gelding and had actually been purchased by an advocate?  His name is Don Q and the above pics are of him in his new home.  They were taken within the last week or so.  Don Q is the one with the one white sock.  His buddies are Hickory, who is also blind and came from a hoarding situation in another state, and Sarge who is toothless and ancient and came from FHR.  All three horses are living the good life and are very loved.  I’m also told that Don Q no longer has shoes on so Wrinkles can stop worrying about that as well.  Too bad Manson won’t allow horses to be adopted by `haters’ because this advocate has a fondness for puffs.  I hear she likes them even more than she likes blue water bottles.



Manson has put out a few posts saying they are nearly out of hay or they can’t pay for a load that just came.  I guess she spent all her money on sending her criminal defesne attorney to meetings to fight for her `constitutional right’ to spread Strangles ride in a parade.  While she claims to have adopted out several horses in the past few weeks, her feed bill seems to be about the same.  None of the village idiots bother to question that just like they don’t realize that while she is dumping horses right, left and center, she is bringing news ones back to the ranch at nearly the same rate.  The only difference is that she’s not telling her village about them or bothering to give them names which makes it all the easier for them to vanish off the face of the earth.  Not exactly the actions of somebody that is closing their doors, but more the action of somebody that is transitioning to become a full on flipper.  I know I sound like a broken record, but Manson is not going to exit quietly or quickly.  Hell, we’ve already passed the window for this to be quick at least a month ago.  I guess there is always that one guest that doesn’t know when it’s time to leave the party, right?


When I resurrected this blog, I never thought I’d be here a year later still dealing with this shit.  I certainly never wanted to be anybody’s leader or even a point person. I just wanted to get some things off my chest and document what I saw as a trainwreck in the making.  I’ve been in this advocacy game for a while and if I know anything, I know it’s far better to head off a trainwreck than clean one up. It’s also nearly impossible to head them off for just the reasons we have seen played out this past week alone.  Even though I am in the horse industry and have been my whole life, I know it attracts crazy.  Add social media to that mix and you have a whole other level of nuts.  What I saw this past week was local horse people genuinely concerned for their own animals and trying to do something about it through proper channels.  I also saw several people on both sides of the fence insert themselves into the situation for the sake of drama.  It was gross.  It’s also not something I wish to participate in. I’m busy in my life and I have zero time for social media flame wars.  That being said, I’m not going to drop this issue either.  As I have said all along, I will stay the course and see things through.  I don’t care who wants to grab credit or be a hero once the dust settles.  That was never my goal.  I just want to save some horses.  Maybe it’s time for some people to ask themselves what they are in this for.



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Forgive me for not posting sooner.  Things were quiet so I took the weekend off and, sure as hell, everything broke loose.  Isn’t that always the way?  For whatever reason people keep asking me what I think about things so I guess I’ll address that.  I’ve got some other things to share as well and, as usual, have left this too long so it’s a big post and clip heavy too.  I expect there will be some outrage in some corners over this and I’m pretty sure I won’t care.  Let’s just say whether you’re into drama or averse there will be a little something for everybody in here. With that being said, it’s time to pull up a seat and put our tinfoil beanies on just on the off chance that fuckery is contagious.  It seems to have reached epidemic proportions within the village this past week or so.


As everybody is aware, this past weekend saw the dramatic announcement that HiCaliber is shutting down.  As with most things that has to do with Manson, nothing is ever quite what it seems though.  Because of this, I’m going to break this down into bite sized chunks because if you can pick through her self-serving and maudlin creative writing, the bullshit is quite thick.  She begins this post setting the stage for it being all about herself and how none of this is her fault.  Right away she lies by saying her pride will never outweigh her loyalty to the horses?  WHAT loyalty?  The loyalty that causes you to allow them to stand in their own filth in crowded conditions?  The loyalty that allows you to experiment on them like the equine version of Dr. Mengele? The loyalty that allows you to look them in the eye and shoot them in the face because of your own shortcomings?   REALLY?


Going back even a few years ago there were red flags and several people voiced concerned that the HiCaliber nickel and dime, small stream income strategy was not sustainable.  Of course any time those concerns were addressed with them, the standard reply was `Eat a dick’.  It was a further concern when it became apparent that the rescue was supporting several able-bodied adults that simply refused to have jobs or even do much work around the rescue to earn their keep.  Originally the plan had been for the human residents to support the rescue through rent fees and chores; something that never quite came to fruition.  What ended up happening was that everybody got to live for free off the donor dollar with paid help to feed the all the horses for them including their own personal ones.  So, while Manson claims to be shutting down and pleads to help keep the horses fed, realize that includes her own personal horses along with the other personal horses on that property.


FFS Manson needs to get off the cross because I’m pretty sure somebody else needs the wood.  Seriously.  I’m so sick of these bitches playing the `kid’ card.  Manson is very worried about her kids losing people they love but that didn’t seem to be a big concern of hers in her custody hearing and I won’t even go there with the daughter.  She wasn’t really concerned about the example it set for her kids to have them on the Shane Dawson show and bad mouth the son’s father.  Now she want us to believe that she was just joining in on the game others were playing?  Bitch, please…Keep your prayers for yourself because you need them most of all.


Now we reach the deeply delusional part of this post.  Does anybody believe for a single second that there has been a credible threat against Manson?  Wishing bad things happen to somebody isn’t the same as making a threat.  I think what’s important to remember here is that in her own mind, Manson is a celebrity so she’s built this whole dramatic scenario up in her head for village idiot consumption. Danger! Drama!  Threats!  Friday cliff hangers for their interactive soap opera!  I can only speak for myself but not only have I not paid anybody for information, I’ve never even solicited it so the whole `sold their story’ thing is as laughable as her eyebrows.  The `sweet couple’ Manson describes wouldn’t have even known who she was if she hadn’t told them and then spent the majority of the flight discussing her `fame’ when she wasn’t discussing vaginas.  The only reason they knew about this blog is because Manson showed it to them and it must have resonated with them or I wouldn’t have gotten the deets about their awkward encounter with La Manson.


I actually feel sorry for Manson if this is her life’s work and she thinks it’s something to be proud of and hang her reputation on.  Not many people aspire to be remembered as a horse hoarding, abusing, gunsel that gets off on shooting viable animals.  I’m guessing that’s the reputation she’s referring to because the only other rep she had was as a liar and a swindler.  If she doesn’t recognize herself perhaps she needs to lay off the back alley cosmetic procedures.  If she has trouble recognizing somebody who lives to hurt others I suggest she looks in the mirror and remembers every employer she called, every confidence she broke when somebody tried to leave her and that’s not counting all the animals she betrayed.


The pity party rages on…The ASPCA and HSUS endorse good animal husbandry.  Period.  Speaking out and telling the truth is not a smear campaign.  It is worth mentioning that all the issues with the unnecessary euthanasias, the practicing veterinary medicine without a license, the substandard conditions and hoarding were all initially addressed with HiCaliber.  Insiders, former board members, and advocates all, at one time or another, attempted to address this with Manson directly and at any point, she could have turned this around.  Rather than accepting advice from those with more experience, Manson went harder the other direction because she is nobody’s bitch and the animals paid the price.  Damn straight people comment when they find her trying to accumulate more animals to drag back to the ranch to suffer horrible deaths. It’s not hate because people recognize that things were getting so far out of control we were looking at a situation that was going to be far more horrific than Fallen or Starlight ever thought of being.  Believe it or not, there are many of us that have been at this far longer than Manson and we can see a train wreck coming miles away.   Does anybody think Fallen and these other places started off like they ended up?


If Manson wasn’t broke as a joke, I think I’d sue her for a new laptop because I spewed water all over my screen when I read about the whole raising the bar thing.  I’m wondering if she even believes the craps she writes.  I can’t figure out what bar she has raised?  For euthanasia percentages?  For sure.  For standard of care?  Not in a million years.  Manson indicates `all’ investigations have proven that they aren’t doing anything wrong?  Why is it that their original PayPal accounts are still frozen?  Why is it that they are no longer allowed to film in the chutes at Ontario?  Who brings a criminal defense attorney to auction?  What about those audits?  No, they are cleared of nothing, they just haven’t been formally charged yet.  As far as the rules of rescue, the only hard and fast one is that you are a good steward of the animals you take in and yes, if you can’t abide by that you need to go.  Manson needs to go.  The only horses she will be welcome to devote her life to is Breyers because she will never be welcome in the horse community.


Here we get to the grift.  After all this creative prose designed to draw in the reader, Manson admits she is going to keep their non-profit status.  If you haven’t noticed her setting herself up for the next phase of her career you might be blind.  The constant talk about compassion pulls.  The propaganda video she had the San Diego UT produce for her (euth video ), the protecting of known trippers and abusers all point towards the new direction for the 501c3.  It’s also blatantly obvious that Manson gets off on killing horses so what better career for her than to make a living doing just that? You know the old adage about doing what you love and figuring out how to get paid for it…


Manson’s track record for paying off her debts isn’t great hence the foreclosure, bankruptcy, unpaid vet bills, stud fees etc.  If I was one of their vendors, I’d be worried. However, like the good grifter she is Manson shifts the responsibility of keeping the hoard and personal horses fed onto the very tapped out village idiots and drops the none too subtle hint that one of them step up and buy the property.  Naturally the community of grifters would like to stay together and continue to not work for a living.  It wouldn’t be accurate to call it a commune because that would imply that they all pitch in and work for the good of the community.  Maybe coven is a more accurate term for what they are proposing as I’m sure organs and body parts of sacrificed animals will be involved.


Now we reach the Academy Award portion of this post where Manson thanks all those that enabled this shit show for so long including `the best team she’s every had’.


What strikes me about Manson’s BFFs and support system is none of them seem to have been in her life more than 5 years.  That speaks volumes to me as pretty much everybody I know has some `lifers’ in the friend department.  I think that speaks volumes about what passes for loyalty in Manson’s world.  Then you have her thanking the body pick up man which should probably be the other way around considering how much business they give him.  They’ve probably put his kids through college.


Taking a page out of the manipulators handbook, Manson serves up a classic shit sandwich to her village.  Soften them up with flattery and faux vulnerability, ask for money and then praise again.  She really is a specimen.


Presuming I’m a `mean girl’ I can guarantee there is a less than zero percent chance I will ever find myself in Manson’s Yankee doodle dandy shit kickers or anything else she wears on her hooves.  I’m also reasonably certain I don’t need somebody like her lecturing me on empathy and compassion or relationships.  Her `bad backyard program’ caused more suffering  and mutilation of horses than almost anything else she did as she protected and covered for the very people who abused and broke down those horses.  The very horses she shot in the face without even a kind hand as they were nothing more than income for her.  I hope children are watching so they learn how to stand up to a bully and that what is good and right will ALWAYS win out.  I will say the one thing Manson did do is unify the real rescue community and they will be stronger as a result.  The horses of Southern California are in very good hands once they no longer face the risk of being exploited at the HiCaliber feed lot.


There has never been a need to send Manson screen shots of everything.  She reads all the hater sites, all the time.  Constantly.  I hope she means it about adopting out the horses but I remain skeptical.  I’m also not sure what constitutes a `more affordable’ option for a bunch of people who have no jobs.  Now that we’ve got that out of the way let’s wrap up some things we talked about in the last post.

One of the first rules of Mole Club is always have more than one mole.  In fact, have more than two if you can swing it because sometimes you have to make one into a sacrificial lamb to foster security.  Thank you to the people who emailed me out of concern for the outing of the mole.  Y’all are some great readers.  In an effort to plug the holes in his secret groups, Pasterfuck decided to make all the participants sign a Non Disclosure Agreement.  I suspect Angrid may have helped with this as she did with Marg’s epic blackmail letter we talked about last week.  I’d like to remind you that these are all grown adults in a Facebook group that have dedicated their time to bullying people into silence and now they want NDAs so nobody tells on the kind of plotting and shit talking they do when they think nobody can see.

Here we have the usual suspects shit talking Izabelle K once again.  You will recall the last post showed them talking smack about her due to her lack of filter.  This series of screen shots show them all getting pissed off  yet again that Izzy spilled the beans about a plan to transfer 20 horses out of state.  As far as I know Izzy is still a staunch supporter and completely oblivious what they say about her behind closed doors.

Oops, did I forget to mention that part of the initiation ritual to get into Pasterfuck’s super secret forum was to post their driver’s licenses?  Yeah, that was a thing and it was absolutely astonishing not only how many of them did it, but how many didn’t bother to blank out their DL numbers and addresses.  They just put it all out there and it was anything but secure.  Because I actually have some sympathy for true idiots, I removed their numbers and addresses because those are not important.  I think what is important is how many of them are from out of state and far enough away that it’s obvious they have never been near HiCaliber.  I also find it telling that even though PF and Mags asked them for their very personal information, they didn’t provide their own DLs nor did they protect the info they gathered.  Let this be a lesson to everybody.  There is no such thing as a truly secret group and if you put it on the internet you can expect it to become public eventually.  Don’t worry, I didn’t keep any of their addresses so they won’t be on my Christmas card list.

Speaking of secret groups and nothing ever really being private, it’s time to hop over to some HiCaliber bat caves.  A month or two ago, before she made a big show of deleting her Facebook, Angrid was witch hunting in their private forums and targeting some of the more vocal anti-Hicaliber people.  She also targeted Jennifer Marek as she always does.  It seems she thought my YouTube account was Jen’s.  It’s not but we’ve been round and round that issue before.  What is interesting is that videos from Jen’s personal account started showing up on these pages.  Funny how that happens.  You know what else is funny?  It’s super funny when somebody that likes to act like she’s smarter than everybody else outs herself as the proprietress  as one of the pages that aggressively targets anybody that dares speak out against HiCaliber.

Here we have Angrid in the secret HiCal admin group announcing that she is, in fact, Baby Horror.  To be honest, this wasn’t a big revelation to me.  I’ve known for quite some time, but these screen shots came to me recently and they are really amusing, including the one where Angrid shows the owner panel of Baby Horror and begs for likes.  Baby Horror was dormant for a while but was recently brought back to life right around the time Angrid deleted her personal Facebook account and said it was because of the Cambridge Analytica scandal.  The only problem with that excuse was that Angrid deleted her Facebook before that stuff came to light, so it appears that wasn’t really the reason.  As funny as it is to out people for their own hypocrisy and immaturity, the personal details that were posted on Baby Horror give me pause for concern given Angrid’s job and the information she potentially has access to.  I also find it somewhat telling how often Baby Horror is online during the regular work day.  I apologize in advance to whomever Angrid decides I am after this gets out because I’m sure you’re next up for the spotlight.  Let’s move on from all this fuckery, shall we?





It’s really no surprise that the permit process is in limbo.  Manson even apologized to the village idiots for wasting their money and explained they weren’t moving forward with it now that they are closing.  The problem is that HiCaliber is in arrears over $1300 for what has already been done with that permit.  Between what HiCaliber raised and what Tracy Acres donated, and that’s not taking into account what they brought in via PayPal, they should have had more than enough money to cover those costs.  Obviously it was not all put in the trust account for the permit. In fact, they only put $7000 in the trust account so the exact amount owing is $1332.60.   HiCaliber’s youcaring is still open and getting the odd donation.  I find it amusing that they were threatening to close doors and kill horses for this con too.  What isn’t so amusing is that they likely won’t be allowed to just sit in limbo with the permit indefinitely.  Eventually the county will likely start laying fines.  I wonder if Manson feels the same about making sure they are paid before she closes or if she’ll try to hang the property owner with it?


Speaking of unpaid bills, this post showed up on the HiCaliber page the other day.  Macho actually belongs to the owner of the property.  One of the conditions of their lease was that Macho and Curly remain on the property and be cared for by HiCaliber.  Curly was adopted out a few months ago and Macho was shifted off to foster along with a rather skinny Scotty.  Apparently, Manson isn’t returning the calls of some people she owes money to.


It has been noticed by a few people that Jesse has a chunk missing out of his ear.  Despite what she claims, he was likely not born with a wound like that.  Up until recently they have gone out of their way to crop pictures and not show his ear.  At one point Manson said he `scraped’ it, so the story changes depending on the audience.  I don’t know what happened to him but Amanduh’s dog has been seen on live feed chasing and trying to heel him.  I’ve brought a lot of foals into this world and never have I ever seen one born with a fresh wound and chunk out of their ear.


Corky the pig isn’t exactly living his best life either.  He spends most of his time in the chicken coop and, up until recently, was trying to create his own mud from spilling his water.  He’s recently been given a pool, but is still allowed to eat chicken feed which can create problems in pigs.  The other night the HiCalibrites thought it would be funny to try to ride him, with a few of them taking turns.  Corky tried to get away and run back to his chicken coop to no avail.  Manson mentioned on the same live video he was only about 7 months old.

Rizzo intake April 2017

Rizzo was bought just a little over a year ago.  Being young and papered, Manson immediately helped herself to him for $1 and whisked him off to Bang Bang Becky’s to `grow up’.  Even though he was only 2 years old, Manson did test ride him last year.   Since Bang Bang Becky kicked Manson to the curb, Rizzo has been back at HiCaliber and clearly not thriving.  There is some controversy over his actual adoption status as he is listed as up for adoption on the website, but Manson has said in private forums that he is not really available.  It makes me wonder if she is trying to hide her personal horses that live on the donor dollar for some reason and listing them even though they are not really available to the public.

The other day Amanduh did live feed while riding poor Petty.  For whatever reason the HiCalibrites feel that a view of a horse’s ears is  a suitable adoption video.  I guess  now that they’re closing they aren’t bothering with trying to hide much either as Amanduh took us along for a lovely tour of the various shit mountains that are stacked around the poor horses in the training area.  I don’t suppose that moving them will ever happen now that they’re no loner pretending to give a shit about upkeep on that ranch.


Back in 2016 one of the villagers hosted a fundraiser for HiCaliber called the Horseshoe Gala.  In the above video clip an almost unrecognizable Manson talks about being on track for a close to a million dollar year before inviting all the party goers to eat a dick.  One of the featured items in the auction was a donated tanning bed.  It was really strange that they only valued it at $300 when even a used tanning bed normally goes for $4000 minimum if you take a look online.  I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised about the under value on it considering the very same tanning bed took up residence in Manson’s house where it remains today.

On a recent live feed, several gunshots were going off in the background as some of the village idiots were out on public land attempting to shoot coyotes again.  Of course, Manson thought it was hilarious and joked about shooting horses.  You know what they say about many a truth being spoken in jest…

Dedo experienced a death by Manson recently.  I’m not really sure what the official reason is for that as he wasn’t in any sort of quarantine situation that I’m aware of.  No emotional goodbyes for him either even though her young son rode him and liked him.  Dedo did not last even two months at HiCaliber.  RIP Dedo #sayhisname


Julia was bought at auction back in December around the time of the Del Mar clusterfuck.  In her intake video, Amanduh stated that she had some soreness and `mild’ conjunctivitis.  If that was mild, I probably don’t want to know what they consider regular or severe.  Julia’s intake video was pretty much the last we ever heard of her as far as updates.  She was taken for a tarp nap recently without so much as a mention.  RIP Julia #sayhername

Peasley also joined the list of the dead recently.  Even though he was named after one of the nastier site admins, that did not save him from taking a bullet to the face.  Peasley was diagnosed with ring bone shortly after being bought by HiCaliber but they never made much effort to find him a puff home.  I’m not entirely sure he made it out of QT even.  In Manson’s world ringbone is punishable by death.  RIP Peasley #sayhisname


Many of us were rightfully outraged that Manson was parading horribly broken horses on the side of the road outside of the wedding she was attending.  The one mare was an older OTTB named All Things Equal and the other was a young bay filly that appeared to be the victim of tripping. Originally Manson said she was injured in a paddock accident but in the above video she guesses she was match raced.  She also seemed to specifically know she was only 2 1/2.  It was pretty evident that the younger filly, if not both, were not long for the world with one of Manson’s favorite remote kill locations just around the corner at good ole Buzz’s.  Despite them being cruel enough to haul this young mare in this condition it would seem she either got to hang out in the trailer until it was kill time or they killed her and partied after.  Either fate is pretty callous.  Manson even turned her death into being all about her in the above video and not once expressed any outrage for the people that did this to her.  Instead she likely paid them to clean this up.  The fate of the TB mare is not known but she is also presumed dead.  RIP Ladies  There is only one name to say as the younger filly didn’t have her name announced.


At auction or Tuesday, one of the flippers brought this horse and never took him/her anywhere near the ring.  His trailer was parked next to Manson and at some point this horse was transferred to Manson’s where he got to stand in the heat until Manson was ready to leave auction.  From there Manson went to Buzz’s where she remained for several hours.  She had mentioned in one of her live feeds that day that she had been approached about this horse and it was likely a compassion pull.  It would seem that once again Buzz’s place was used to kill this horse as he/she never made it back to HiCaliber and Manson was boasting or seeking validation that she just shot him/her without asking for money.  I’m not even sure what her point was.  Nobody had an opportunity to step up for this horse.  He/she never went through the ring.  Nobody really knows why this horse needed to be killed or if this dark bay was the one that was killed.  Manson had a few in her trailer by the end of the day.  What this reminds me of is back in the day when people would take their old and broken horses to slaughter to squeeze the last few pennies out of them.  Manson is no better than a mobile slaughter-house it would seem.  RIP Sweet horse, I wish we could say your name.




By now most people have heard that Squirrel is also dead despite several adoption offers for her over the past few months.  She was purchased from Misner last year shortly after he had bought her at Mike’s auction.  She was said to be very keyed up and hard to handle at Mike’s that night so there was always concern about what would happen with her at HiCaliber.  What happened was she got sick with Strangles and suffered in her own filth.  Her ultimate demise was similar to that of Nala’s having had Strangles and then exhibiting signs of colic which was likely a result of the abscesses bastardizing.  We recently had a post about Squirrel and how her illness progressed here.  Make no mistake this was a senseless and entirely preventable death.  Manson denied this horse a chance at a forever home more than once.  It is reasons like this that Manson is finding herself being run out of the rescue industry.  This is not rescue and this is not ok. RIP Summer Soprano  #sayherrealname


The above list is all the horses that have lost their lives at HiCaliber this year.  We are in our 17th week of the year and forty two horses are already dead.  That’s not counting the unnamed ones that have been killed, with at least three of them being within the past two weeks.  That means Manson is killing an average of more than two horses every single week.  Just looking at the list and it reads like an honor roll of senseless deaths.  At least three of them are dead as a direct result of  Strangles.  I can probably count on one hand the number that actually and legitimately needed to be released from suffering unrelated to their time at HiCaliber.  This is NOT rescue and this is exactly why Manson finds herself in the pickle she is in.  THIS is why there are haters and will continue to be as long as she is infesting the horse industry.


As always, there isn’t much to say after the dead have been listed.  Despite the announcement of doors closing and the lip service being paid to going out on a high, it’s pretty much business as usual at HiCaliber.  Horses are being brought back to be warehoused, others are being shot and cons being run.  Only yesterday Romney Faye sat in an empty auction house crying for the camera and begging for money.  It seems closing the doors is a very good fund-raising angle as the donations continue to roll in.  Manson has found some sympathetic ears in the media willing to allow her to spew her propaganda without the inconvenience of a fact check and the village idiots collectively touch themselves in ecstasy as if that was some proof that none of this is happening.  It is happening and it’s not because people are anti-euthanisia.  It’s not because anybody has an issue with tats,  bad hair, or foul mouths.  Lord knows enough of us rock some or all of those same things.  What people are against is suffering and cruelty.  They’re against rewarding and covering for the very people that are mutilating and hurting these animals and Manson doesn’t even do that under the guise of collecting evidence.  She knew these tortured souls with broken bodies were her income source and the more mangled, the better.  People are against that and that is why Manson finds herself on the outside looking in.  She’ll tell you she `saved’ 500 horses a year but that’s a lie too.  When you have increased the suffering and exploited it, you are a big part of the problem and you need to go.


These next few months are going to be rough as new schemes to raise funds  are hatched and Manson tries to make the whole `Angel of Death’ thing fly.  The more money rolls in, the longer she’s going to hang on until she has no choice.  I can assure you that she has been cleared of nothing and the investigations are open and active.  I can also assure you that the moles are all still very much in place and active.  Information still flows.  My job or intent with this blog has mostly been accomplished.  I got the word out as best I could and we created a community where people felt safe and supported in telling their own stories.    All the readers here are a huge part of that.  I’m not going away just yet,  as there is still work to do.  Until the investigations wrap up, I’ll do my best to keep people updated on where we’re at and we will continue to say the names of those horses we could not get relief to in time.  This is the hard part, but I think we’re all up to the challenge.  There is light at the end of the tunnel and, this time it is not an oncoming train.

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If the last post pissed you off or wasn’t your thing, it might be best to scroll through to the bottom half of this one.  It seems I have some `leftovers’ that need to be dealt with​.  For months now, I have attempted to mostly take the high road in regards to a lot of behind the scenes stuff I have been aware of.   I’ve attempted to keep the focus on the end game despite several threats and moves to block that.  Aside from occassionally rolling up the proverbial newspaper and smacking people on the nose when things got out of hand, I didn’t give much time to the attempted blockers.  With the blessing of fellow advocates that have been taking hits on my behalf, we have kept moving forward towards getting some relief for and putting an end to the exploitation of all the animals acquired by HiCaliber.  However, the closer we get to that end, the more vicious and outrageous the attacks have become and I have finally reached my tipping point.  The last post was calculated and it did, in fact, hit the mark.  It kicked off a round of tantrums, threats and pure asshattery, the likes of which I have never seen supposedly grown adults engage in.  I’m disgusted, I feel unclean having to read them and I’ve finally had enough.  More than enough, actually.  I am nothing if not loyal to my fellow advocates and for the ones that have been bullied in my place I am `going there’ today, with their blessings.  I won’t even say it’s the last time because I will no longer stand for the targeted harassment of innocent parties.  So, for my long time readers, please forgive me.  We’ll be back to our regular scheduled blogging in the second half of this post.  For the rest of you that like tea, settle in because a bunch is about to be spilled with receipts.

To refresh everybody’s memories, I posted some stuff from Mags and Pasterfuck’s super secret group in the last post.  I had been watching them for a while before I posted the things about Barbara Benson and I did so in consultation with her.  As we all predicted, the meltdown was nearly instantaneous and, to use a Pasterfuckism, it was epic.  I swear they take shifts monitoring any and all social media 24/7.  I particularly enjoyed Pasterfuck naming off all his private groups he was in charge of at the time.  We’ll get to that in more detail later.  Amberloser, being a rocket scientist, blames it all on the Horror Girls for whatever reason.  I think it’s been pretty clear I don’t have any real ties to them and haven’t for quite some time, so I’m not really sure why they got brought up. What I did not calculate was how stupid these people can be and how invested they are in all of this drama with no concern for the animals involved.  Unfortunately, rather than the fallout from that post splattering on myself, they went hard after Jennifer Marek yet again.  Because I truly like and respect Jennifer as a fellow advocate and because she has taken far more than her share of hits on my behalf, I feel the need to leak some more…with her blessing.


As is her usual schtick, Mags went into a public and private posting frenzy to show how unbothered she was and to further target Jennifer Marek.  She also attempted to get the pictures from the last blog pulled down to no avail and perjured herself in the process.  It was request denied due to it falling under fair use.  I was somewhat curious as to what letters she sent to Not Me, but I didn’t have to wait long to find that out either.


Mags openly admitting she really doesn’t know who writes the blog but is targeting Jennifer anyhow

So, to break this down short and sweet, there is the letter Marg claims to have sent Jennifer Marek.  I, personally, have not received anything other than my monthly bills in my mailbox for weeks except for an Amazon package which was a book I ordered.  I can’t speak for Jennifer since I don’t even live in the same time zone. If you want to follow Marg’s links in the letter, it is easy to see I never initially identified her.  I simply put a request out, based on screen shots I was sent, that she stop trying to pass herself off as me or at least allowing people to think she was me. You can read about that here.  Since I wrote that blog, Mags and Pasterfuck have been relentless in their pursuit of who I am, including Pasterfuck offering to pay for that information, egged on by Mags.  They basically outed themselves and self identified as Mags and Pasterfuck.  I can’t even lay claim to coming up with the `Maggot Rancid’ name since I didn’t coin it or even use it initially.  However if they would rather I use their given names so all this information is easier to google for people, I’m more than happy to oblige.  ​I made sure to tag them both in this post because I’m helpful like that.  There was even a time they were completely convinced I was Teresa Cook.  I’m not.  The emails up above are between Angrid and Teresa, who shared them with me.  Angrid, who is not a member of the California Bar, probably shouldn’t be `helping’ or advising anybody in a legal capacity.  I have screen shots of her asking for people to send all this info and other things to her from this blog as well as saying how she printed it all out.  The emails above were part of an entire email exchange where Angrid and Mags ganged up on TC in a particularly disgusting way, calling her names and ridiculing her.  For some reason, like she always does, Mags felt the need to give us her resume in that letter , which still fails to impress and ends the whole thing with blackmail.  Awesome.  Target an innocent person and demand 10k or you’ll sue them.  I’m pretty sure that is a felony offense in the state of California.  Good thing Angrid was helping her out with that!  I hope she does go to court, because the countersuit will be a slam dunk should Jennifer elect to file one.  I have several more screen shots from over the past year of Mags claiming how insignificant my blog is and how it had no affect on her work as well.  Kinda strange that she claims in a letter that all this damage was done when she thinks she can make some money off it. Also, just to keep things current and because I know this sticks in her craw,  Mags undershot the views of this blog by more than half.  I’m well over 2 million now.  (ps. Mags, I was kind enough to redact you and Jennifer’s addresses along with your phone number and email address.  A courtesy you did not extend Jennifer yourself, instead posting her home address in a private group of people who are actively digging up information and targeting others).



Before I get to some other bullying, this is another email Angrid sent Teresa Cook on the 13th.  She clearly requested my email address.  I’m not sure why she did because it’s never been a secret.  shedrowconfessions@gmail.com.  Both Twinkie and Ton Loc Mags and Pasterfuck have emailed me in the past so she could have just asked them.  Anyhoo, shortly after she requested my email address somebody mysteriously filed a takedown notice on my own blog and on my behalf using that email address on the form.  WordPress is a super awesome platform and they let you know about these things right away.  It took about 30 seconds to get that straightened out.  I guess I should be thankful they have taken a break from trying to hack my passwords for now.

There is just so much hypocrisy and crazy in these  screen shots.  Marg admitting she doesn’t care and saying nobody reads my blog which is kinda contrary to what she claims in her letter to Jennifer Marek.  Then some of them go after Teresa Cook for whatever reason.  Both these ladies, as I’m sure most of you know, are very well-known and respected advocates that have been in the trenches with the slaughter issue, along with many others, for a very long time.  The fact that Dixie moderates this blog is neither new or a secret.  She has done so since February when I was away for a bit.  I am still the only writer and have been since 2012.  Any guest posts have been clearly marked as such.  The reason the writing changed with the guest posts is because they are GUEST posts, as in I didn’t write them.  That’s how it works.  I’ve always been accused of being different people since the very beginning.  Back in the Sue Wallis days I was even accused of being a man for a bit.  One of the best screen shots in this series is Pasterfuck wanting to get his subpoena on.  Not sure how Pasterfuck is going to subpoena anybody.  The court has to issue those.  Maybe they better call up Angrid again for some of that legal help.  Notice that Marg swears she doesn’t do Baby Horror only.  I always knew she didn’t do that page but she sure was careful not to mention the pages she does do.

Here we have these people, who claim to be so against bullying, making plans to target other rescues.  They also have plans to target and dig information on individuals too.  Pasterfuck planned to devote his weekend into planning out his attack on `hater’ rescues.  It doesn’t matter how well they take care of their animals, it doesn’t matter how ethical they are, if they have ever questioned HiCaliber, Pasterfuck and his group are going to try to take them down.  WTF?  Then you have Mags taking issue with somebody who put a horse down yet never says shit when Manson blasts away at least two a week, every single week and usually for no good reason.  I don’t even know what horse or situation she is talking about with the other rescue and I’ll guarantee you Mags doesn’t either because even though she lives in the SoCal area, far be it for her to get off her ass and actually go check things out for herself.   These rescues that they are targeting all had their own interactions and dealings with HiCaliber.  They are within their rights to talk about that good, bad or indifferent.  Manson certainly has no problems talking shit about other organizations.  If this isn’t an attempt at bullying people into silence and retaliation, I don’t know what is.  Disgusting.


Pasterfuck has made it his personal mission to get Blankround taken down.  Again.  I find it ironic that a male ( I won’t call him a man) that has been arrested for domestic violence, threatened to punch women in the throat on live feed, and other bullying behaviors, has the audacity to call another man, who has publically stuck up for various women that Pasterfuck has attacked, a mysoginist.  I also don’t really get it because Blankround doesn’t really do a bunch other than insult them.  You know the old saying that what other people think of you is none of your business.  One thing nobody has ever accused Pasterfuck of is having any self-awareness.

Rescues and private citizens aren’t their only targets.  They plan to take down Dr. Moore too.  I’ll be honest and say that Dr. Moore and I haven’t always agreed on how to go about things, but make no mistake, I respect her as a veterinarian and an advocate for the welfare of horses.  I don’t care really care about anything else beyond that.  We may not work together but we work towards a common goal here.  They don’t even seem to have an issue with Dr. Moore’s knowledge or level of care.  How would any of them even know if they don’t use her?  They don’t like that Dr. Moore speaks out for the animals.  You know, the ones that don’t have a voice of their own.

It seems that Pasterfuck and Mags aren’t the only bullies.  Amberloser is also a huge bully or at least tries to be.  She is also going to target Mea Ola’s Place and try to bully Ann into silence.  I guess she doesn’t know Ann very well.  Oh well, in Amberloser’s world, just because she says something doesn’t mean she has to back up her shit.  She claims to have moles everywhere.  Girl, you need to get new moles.  Truly.  Protip: Real moles don’t use Facebook to discuss their strategies and intel.  The bigger your inner circle the more leaks you probably have.  That protip wasn’t just for the village idiots btw.

Here we see the secret group eating one of their own.  A few of their own actually.  They go after Rene for being a mole.  I choked on my coffee and jetted it right out my nose when I read that.  Rene has actually sent me hate mail recently.  I have ranked on her over and over again.  Safe to say she hates me.  I’m not even sure who Emily is.  Either way ladies, the welcome mat is out.  Have your people, call my people.

I literally can’t even with these people.  Really, they are going to bring up Travis’s mother?  The reason so many advocates know her is because she’s an advocate too.  In fact, she used to be pretty pro HiCaliber and that helped get them into their current property in the first place.  Obviously that was before Manson decided to be a complete shit to her.   Now they are trying to bully people away from buying a property.  I’m sure that will go over a treat with the owner.  You have Amberloser making more threats to dig up things on people and then you have Ole Sheila posting from her glass house.  I wonder how she’d like it if I posted her brother’s mug shots and the reason he’s in prison accompanied by the fact that she DEFENDS what he did.  Amberloser doesn’t want her business, friends and family contacted but she’s perfectly fine with putting that on blast for anybody she deems a hater.

This is a sampling of the various fundraising efforts that went on during HiCaliber’s suspension from the Attorney General.  There are many more screen shots complete with the time and dates stamps in my possession as well.  `Sandra Milstein’ which is said to be Manson and/or Angrid is involved too.  It’s actually kind perplexing to me how dumb some people are to hang their asses out on Facebook like they do.

I don’t know why this amuses me so much.  If you notice a common theme with all of them, it’s that horses are rarely ever mentioned.  It’s all about attaching themselves to Manson’s drama and being keyboard warriors.


Here they all are fighting among themselves apparently.  I guess with HiCaliber lying low on social media for a bit, they had to eat their own for their drama fix.  My favorite part of it is Mags, who is going to write the article on bullying, talking about humiliating people online.  So many pots and kettles here!

You have to understand the layers and layers of private and secret groups these people have.  Only a select few get to be in all of them.  Poor Izabelle tries super hard to be a good foot shoulder but she has trouble keeping track of the lies or maybe her mind just doesn’t work that way.  At any rate, the ones she thinks are her comrades in arms, like to talk shit about her in their bat cave.  Izabelle Kapp, come on down!  I swear I feel like I’m playing Red Rover with these people lately.

fireball coma

Ok, all you drama adverse people can come back now.  We’re going to return to our regular scheduled blogging starting with last Friday when HiCaliber finally got their suspension lifted from the AG.  Naturally, this prompted a drunken Fireball party, complete with Manson rolling around in her spilled drinks and food while eating salsa off the ground.  Village idiots sent money for Manson to drink even more as Wrinkles slurred for the camera and others danced inappropriately in the background before getting in their vehicles to presumably drive home after drinking.  Classy.  What I need everybody to realize is that this doesn’t mean they are cleared of anything.  The only thing that changed is HiCaliber finally filed their 2016 taxes and got out of delinquency.  This has nothing to do with their audit or all the other things going on.  Their original PayPal accounts are still frozen.  We expected this.

One of the funnier parts of the festivities was a very drunk Wrinkles asking Morgan from Pet Matchmaker about HiCaliber Haven only to be told she was long dead.  That wasn’t news to almost anybody but Wrinkles and was only funny because Wrinkles claimed she was her favorite horse.  This was followed by Wrinkles having no clue or memory of the other horses they had dumped off Pet Matchmaker’s way over the past 10 months or so. Way to follow up on those adoptions!

Rather than celebrate their ability to openly raise funds again by putting up some really good adoption videos, Manson elected to trail ride all weekend and once again, poor, skinny Braveheart was one of the victims, only this time he got to pack Romney Faye Baker.   Romney Faye was showing off her own unique equitation stylings that I like to call the `Fetal Starfish’.  Manson rode Chiefy the first day.  The poor mare hadn’t been ridden in months and Manson figured taking her on a trail ride up an incline was a kind thing to do while bragging about `going toe to toe’ with her the day before.  The mare was literally staggering as her ill-fitting halter slid down to further impede her breathing as she tried to pack Manson up the incline.  Again, this horse is too small for Manson.  Simple fact.  The second day Manson decided to pick on Paxton and, because she’s a gunsel, tied her own horse to the saddle to pony along.  You NEVER tie a horse to you.  Maybe if you know what you’re doing and are riding a seasoned horse, you can do a half dally, but only a complete moron would tie a horse to their horn.  As it was, Manson managed to fall off her horse  while he was standing still, followed by RFB nearly getting wiped off Braveheart while she shrieked and continued to stay live.  Because of this, I had this nice HiCaliber Horsemanship clip put together which includes wrong lead Amanduh,  JonASSthan getting dumped in the river last week and then Manson nearly getting tagged as she yanks on a stallion’s junk.  Good times!  Who didn’t have a good time is the horses that had to haul everybody’s asses on these trail rides.  They were all quite sweaty when they returned to the trailer and not a single one was offered a drink or had their sweat marks brushed before being thrown into the trailer for the long ride home while Manson likely did her usual fast food drive thru crawl.

Dane wasn’t on the trail rides this past weekend, but he does get picked on too.  He’s the horse with the droopy face they got not so long ago at auction.  Now, I’m not sure about everybody else, but if I had a horse with nerve damage in his face I would not ever put a thin rope knotty halter on him for any reason let alone to ride him.  If anything, I’d only put an open bridle to minimize the pain to his face which, despite some paralysis, is likely even more sensitive than a regular horse’s.  It’s this kind lack of empathy that never ceases to amaze me.  At any rate, Dane needs an upgrade in the worst way but chances are, now that he’s hauled Manson’s ass around without dumping her, he will have a ridiculous adoption fee attached.

I thought it might be nice to do a R2R update on one of the Louisiana horses that nobody thinks to ask after anymore.  She was a rescue transfer and went to her new home within a week or so after arriving from Louisiana.  The picture on the left is what she looked like right after arriving from Louisiana.  She was still in foal but in decent flesh.  The picture on the right is what she looks like now.  She’s still at the other `rescue’ who has been partnering more and more with HiCaliber lately.  They have also taken a page out of their book and started to buy direct from Bubba and put up crisis fundraising posts.  As anybody can clearly see, Denali, now named Savannah, is not thriving at rescue even months after foaling.  I don’t even have the energy to post the `training’ videos where they tie up feet on horses to teach them to pick them up or something.  I swear I’m losing my religion with this kinda thing.

dirty tanner runny eye


Last week Romney Faye, figuring the coast was clear now that HiCaliber can fund raise again, slithered out from under her rock to tug at the village heart-strings by reminding us that her son had passed away a year ago.  She also mentioned that while he didn’t dig horses in general, he`connected’ with his namesake foal, Tanner.  I’ve seen lots of people asking for updates on Tanner lately, especially since the last pic we saw of him was with a draining abscess under his jaw.  The above pic was taken the day after Romney Faye had spent the weekend at the ranch.  Not only did nobody see her go near Tanner the horse,  it is pretty clear this little horse hasn’t seen a brush or any kind of attention in quite some time.  It seems like I’ve said a million times that I feel badly for anybody that loses a child.  That’s not the natural order of things.  Nobody is making light of the situation no matter how they try to spin it.  Maybe we’re just not comfortable seeing a tragedy used as a fundraising ploy.  At any rate, a personal tragedy does not absolve somebody from being an asshole nor will it excuse RFB from her part things when this all comes crashing down.

wind knots and manure.jpg

I’m not sure who this little horse is.  Cleary he’s not in QT, yet he appears skinny with wind knots in his mane.  He also seems to be eating manure.


Unknown grey horse with a scab of some sort under his jaw.


Eclipse remains in decent flesh and finally has those godawful wraps off her legs at least to be ridden but looking at this picture, I predict may be body sore in the immediate future.  Let’s hope she is one of those horses that is stoic when in pain rather than becoming behavioral as a result.  Amanduh did mention in a recent video she was hurting after her ride.  The concept of bringing horses gently back into work after they have stood in small enclosures for months on end, seems to be too difficult for the HiCaliber crew to grasp.


Both the top pictures were taken of Braveheart within the past week with the one on the right being the more recent.  He paces a lot and they ride the shit out of him.  Not exactly a recipe for putting weight on a horse.  They decided to show him off in their recent grifting video complete with absolutely filthy water tubs as he paced back and forth in his pen.  I can’t say that’s a huge surprise considering he’s directly across from a couple of mares, at least one of whom they laughed about the fact she’s constantly `winking’ at him.  He’s only recently been gelded.  If I had to guess, Braveheart’s life has gotten quite a bit worse since he had the misfortune of being `rescued’.

Magnum continues to show signs of being bloated and malnourished on their most recent video.  Of course the Manson family think he’s chubby and have informed the village idiots that they should think so too.  He was out in the arena as Amanduh’s young Heeler tormented both foals and came close to getting her teeth kicked in a few times.  Of course this was very funny to Amanduh and Wrinkles.  That might possibly be because they have visions of the gofundme windfall that will happen when the pup actually does get kicked and they can go live from the emergency vet clinic and beg for money.



As part of their Griftapalooza 2018 to make back the alleged deficit, Manson went out and manifested some seriously jacked up horses from her usual friends.  In at least two cases, we were supposed to suspend belief and think that they would actually be accepted to run through Mike’s last night in their condition.  The two in the worst shape seemed to come from the same known location.

Of the unfortunate four mentioned above, this mare turned up on the roadside in Norco being paraded around for donations.  She had been hauled there from her original location by Manson.  From the video, it appears that trimming her feet would go a long way to getting her comfortable.  I can’t say for certain if she was given that chance or if she is currently in a landfill  Manson’s trigger finger has been pretty itchy lately.




Hard to know what part of this to comment on first. This was the second tribute of the two that showed up on the side of the road in Norco with Manson.  I guess I can state the obvious and say that this mare’s injuries are consistent with having been tripped.  Left leg blown up with scraped up knees, scraped face and what appears to be a broken right shoulder.  Just because she has 4 shoes on doesn’t mean she wasn’t tripped.  They get these horses free off Craigslist or next to nothing at shitholes like Ontario, trip them and get rid of them.  HiCaliber has rewarded all this by paying the trippers to cover their asses and get rid of their `trash’.  Then you have HiCaliber claiming they need a new name because this mare’s was `offensive and ugly’.  I gotta wonder how bad it was considering Manson recently named a horse `Foreskin’.  The biggest lie there was good ole volunteer Johanna asking if people seriously wanted her to be transferred and transported elsewhere in her condition?  Why not?  Manson transported her and her OTTB buddy to Norco to show them off on the side of the road.  The trailer is clearly visible in the background with the other mare’s hooves in the pic too.  As far as where they picked them up, let’s just say I’m aware of where they got the mares and where the other two horses are too.  We don’t have word on whether Manson, Wrinkles and Romney Faye shot this mare before they went to the wedding or if she got to stand in the trailer and wait for them to get their drink on.  We likely will never know.




Floofy was a branded Mustang.  Originally they said he was 10 to 12 and they did not own him, but for whatever reason they aged him by a bunch more on the website and came to own him.  They also said he was a compassion pull to begin with but a few days later, they said that he was comfortable and could go be a pasture puff.  Barely a month later Manson shot him in the face.  This was after cancelling an adoption on him.  RIP Floofy.  #sayhisname



Jupiter lasted even less time than Floofy after having the misfortune of being purchased by HiCaliber.  They said he was a `little’ sore in his knees but didn’t indicate he was on death’s door.  Honestly when you see what they transported and kept alive this weekend, how bad could this horse have been in comparison?  At any rate and for whatever reason, Jupiter was also recently shot in the face.  I wish I could tell you all why.  RIP Jupiter.  #sayhisname



I think that’s probably enough to digest for today.  I realize I’ve been a bit more quiet than normal lately, but rest assured I have been no less busy with this stuff. The information still flows.   However, the closer we get to the end of this journey, the more people seem to lose their minds and want to be heroes.  Quite frankly,  I’ve been kinda disgusted with the sparring back and forth that goes on over on Facebook.  You rarely ever see horses mentioned on either side.  Some people are in such a rush to be a hero, they can’t keep anything in their pants which makes a lot more work for some of us and puts the end results at risk too.  It almost makes me wonder if supposed `haters’ actually want this to end or are just enjoying the drama and attention. Make no mistake that HiCaliber is in its death throes, but now is not the time to be complacent either. We are a long ways from rolling around in Fireball and salsa.  I will continue to do what I do and keep people in the loop as warranted.  My hope is that some of you, and I’m not talking about the people who comment here, can be a bit more responsible with the information that gets shared.  This has been an immense and taxing amount of work for a core group of us for well over a year now and we’re not in it for the glory. True advocacy is never about that.  I promise that when the fat lady finally sings, I’ll share how it all went down behind the scenes.  I won’t do it for the glory, but so that the next time this happens somebody else can lead the charge. For now, please support the hard working and legitimate rescues in SoCal. We’re going to need every last one of them in the very near future…

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I guess it’s my turn to make a post today.  I was actually enjoying handing the reins over to guest posters this past week or so.  As usual, there are a variety of things to cover, names to say and things to rehash.  It’s become distinctly unfun to sift through so much fuckery from the HiCaliber feedlot  lately.  With the overwhelming amount of information flowing in, I sometimes have to let things marinate a bit before posting.  I never quite manage to get everything down that I want, but hopefully enough to keep everybody in the loop. I tried to get everything in this post that we’ve mentioned in the comments over the last week.  Feel free to jog my memory if I’ve left something out.  You might want to settle in because things are gonna get frustrating with this post and I’m not in a great mood today.  I think it will be clear why by the end of this post.


Here are a few screen shots of Michelle lying to her few remaining volunteers.  As per usual, she always has an excuse for everything, they just aren’t very believable.  It also seems that Peace Love and Sage Lori Anne has dropped the new age zen act in favor of being hateful.  No word if she’s bitten the head off a guinea fowl and completed her initiation into all things Manson Family yet.


Let’s look at the current condition of the inmates at HiCaliber. Yes, the grey up top is poor Squirrel.  Remember some people said that it had rained so of course they were dirty?  All these pictures were taken 4 days and more after it had rained.  They are all recent with the majority of them being taken within the last 10 days.  There is no excuse for this level of filth and Manson herself mentioned having to clip the mats off Royal Gambler on live feed.  I have been riding horses since before I could walk which means longer than Manson has been infesting the earth and I have never in my life had a horse so filthy that I couldn’t knock the mud off with a brush or a hose.  That is some deeply embedded filth and neglect and from the above pictures, I guess it’s easy to see how it happens.  I can already hear the VIs howling about how they are rescue horses that come from bad backyards.  Go look up any of these horses and the length of time they have been at HiCaliber.  None of them came with that embedded filth.  Then you have Bella the one on the top right and she’s an adoption return that obviously isn’t exactly thriving at rescue either.  Still not convinced?


All these pictures were taken on March 26th.  That is Boone standing ankle deep in shit.  I’m not sure if he has his bizarre bandage situation happening under that filth, but we haven’t heard what his x-ray results were either and that was a few weeks ago.  The other pic on the top right is of Brady’s Kat and Lex.  They never update either of those horses.  The bottom left two are Radar and Trish.  Remember Trish?  She’s the one that was returned from adoption due to being diagnosed as neurological by a real vet and deemed unsuitable for use as a lesson horse.  Of course that was overridden by Amanduh and the 30% vet who think it’s just fine to strap small children to the saddle and use her for lessons.  From the above picture she’s losing condition too.  It would appear from today’s live video that Manson managed to get a few stalls clean to show off to the haters (more on this anon).  Show us the rest of the ranch, Manson.  I dare you!

chrome 3-26-18

Mucho Chrome 3-26-18

They don’t do so many updates on Chrome now that he isn’t looking so good.  As a result he’s been evicted out of his stall in the barn and sent down to stand in a tiny pen that is rarely cleaned as he loses weight and condition. He’s not super skinny yet, but give him another month so and I’m sure he’ll get there.  I wonder if they’d like Art Sherman to come out and see him now?  I can’t wait to hear how Maggot defends this and still show her big moon face at Clockers’ Corner.  I guess just like horsemanship, self awareness isn’t one of her long suits so the snickers and side eyes just blow right over her head anyhow.  All this because nobody wanted to spoon feed her another story and she tripped over her bloated ego.


I’m sure everybody is up to speed on one of the Louisiana horses dropping a surprise foal in Price arena about 10 days ago.  The mare is Tilden and was one of the healthier Louisiana horses which means it’s not really likely she saw a 100% vet for intake as Manson was pretty much doing them all by then anyhow.  However, in typical Manson fashion, nothing is ever her fault and, in the youtube video above, she throws all the vets under the bus.  The only problem with her story, is that given the fact this looks like a full term foal so unless they did an ultrasound to preg check Tilden when she first arrived, last May, anybody would have missed it, especially a 30% vet.  Yes, people make mistakes, even vets, but there seems to be too many `oops’ foals and fetuses floating around to be mistakes rather than neglect.  This mare went full term and was down in Price arena with all the other sick horses and Manson and the brainiacs the live on the ranch decided they were all too fat and put them on a diet.  Given the fact they can’t even be arsed to knock the mud off the mare after moving her to the barn, I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t bothered to check IgG levels on the baby or hang plasma to maybe give him a little boost and insurance against all the disease he has already been exposed to up in that barn.  Might be best not to get too attached to the little gaffer.


In my last post I shared some current pics of Braveheart who continues to lose weight.  In Manson’s world that means you ride the shit out of them apparently.  Even if he was in good weight, she is too big for this horse.  I’m not fat shaming, I’m stating a fact.  According to their website, this horse is only 14.3 H and Manson admits to being a quarter pounder.  Then you can add improperly fitting tack to the mix and it’s a recipe for a horse becoming `behavioral’.  One of the best ways to see pressure and potential sore spots is to check their saddle marks after untacking and from the screen shots above you can see where the saddle is crunching the point of the shoulder and one side of his back.  Properly fitted tack will show an even sweat pattern.  His feet also look uneven and in need of attention so I’m wondering if he’s seen a farrier since Luis quit HiCaliber.  Clearly none of the gunsels at HiCaliber, Skeletor included, are able to recognize this horse is too skinny, especially given the length of time they’ve had him.

I guess the ride a skinny horse thing is just how they roll at HiCaliber.  The above pics are Harper and yes, they are recent.  She’s also on every trail ride lately it seems and she’s either packing Manson or Wrinkles. Besides being too skinny to be working hard, her feet also need attention and while Wrinkles is considerably smaller than Manson, her tack is no less ill fitting.  I guess I shouldn’t complain because they are bitless after all and that’s the way of the future according to Manson.

Manson schools us on riding bitless in these clips as Amanduh rides around on a lame horse.  I’m not against riding bitless, but I am against ignorance and riding lame horses.  I also know I’m preaching to the choir here, but I had these clips pulled out to save the rest of you from having to sit through the entire thing.

Manson tells us all that we need to grow our skills and ride bitless as Amanduh demonstrates her `skills’ and piss poor eq.

Because she has an excuse for everything, Manson pulls one out of her ass about why they can’t put a rope halter on properly.  Manson figures it’s no biggie because the rope halter is still on bone.  I guess the nerves and pressure points on a horse’s face are not something she cares about, and feels she’s doing a `dance’ with the horses.  (it just me or does anybody else get this image  in their mind when she talks about dancing with horses?) It’s ok though, because she and Amanduh have `super soft hands’ and know what they’re doing.  That’s super obvious from the pictures above.  Manson compares her rope halters to a bosal, or at least I think that’s what she’s comparing it to.  Her bizarre pronunciation of it makes me wonder if it’s not something she invented in her mind or learned from the Google Horse Training Acadamy.  Nothing says counterfeit like not being able to pronounce standard equipment while telling people they need to increase their skill set.

You asked for it, here it is.  The auction meltdown where Wrinkles loses her absolute shit over this `blind’ horse and rants about people letting `her’ go to Misner for $25.  While Wrinkles is cursing Vera from Love This Horse and other advocates,  the `mare’ who was actually a gelding had already been purchased privately from Misner.   This caused a lot of drama with the Village Idiots and The Manson Family because first they were angry nobody bought him, but then they were angry they did it in the `parking lot’, which they did not

What actually happened with the blind horse is that yes, Vera purchased him after he’d been in the ring.  What people need to remember is that HiCaliber pays to be able to go back in the chutes.  Vera had no way of knowing what horses were coming through the sale until they were int he ring and, having a breed specific rescue, she’s primarily there for Arabians.  She saw the `blind’ horse go through and missed him for whatever reason.  Vera immediately had somebody talk to Misner and offer to buy the horse for $100.  Yes, there was a mark up on him, just like Manson pays him all the time.  The other choice was to bid against Misner and let them run the bids up way higher like they did a few weeks ago when A Little Rescue was present.  The bottom line is the horse was purchased by Vera by 11:30AM as Manson and Wrinkles were cursing and saying their village idiots would step up and save this horse.  I’m still not sure why Wrinkles was so outraged about the horse having shoes on.

The `blind’ horse turned out to actually have some vision and is in not bad shape.  The video is of him arriving at quarantine where he will have a real 100% vet assess his vision.  His name is Don Quixote and he just won the lottery as far as where his ultimate destination is.  There will be updates once he’s out of quarantine.


Jumping back to auction, Manson was trying to network a horse that was already purchased by Love This Equine.  She is stuck on people sitting on their asses and letting  a horse go to Misner for $25 while conveniently overlooking that she and Wrinkles could have privately purchased the horse as well.  She shows up at auction every week with a trailer even though she’s `not officially rescuing’ and drags horses home and continues her remote parking lot deals.  She could have very easily purchased this gelding too.  She also claimed that Misner got the rest of the horses but that wasn’t true either.  His number is 413 and he took home two after selling the gelding to Vera.  Vera was the buyer on the last horse who was an Arabian.  For somebody that preaches being a rebel and thinking outside the box, Manson sure doesn’t like it when somebody else does it.  They hypocrisy was thick!


Manson took her turn ranting about `other’ rescues and lying about the reason they are currently suspended.  I’m wondering why she doesn’t tell people why her PayPal account is still frozen because that isn’t something that usually happens when you’re just late with your 990s.  Actually, if it was as simple as a few forms, I’m pretty sure her CPA would have been all over it and they’d be up and running by now.  For comparison, and because she likes to use them as an example,  FHR missed that one form and had the situation rectified immediately without ever having a suspension.  Manson can pretend she’s on the hook for the same thing, but we know differently.  If you don’t believe me, maybe you will believe Romney Faye’s mother…

Thank you to Romney Faye’s mommy for confirming what we’ve known for awhile now.  It’s been fun to watch Manson squirm and lie about it but yes, they are under audit by the Attorney General.  The AG doesn’t just do an audit because haters made baseless claims.  They other fun part of Susie’s little rant is the `living stipend’.  That really doesn’t fit in with Manson’s previous claims of being a volunteer and not taking a dime from the rescue.  It also doesn’t fit in with Romney Faye being the only paid employee when she was CEO.  I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m also pretty sure that a living stipends aren’t retroactive meaning that they aren’t something you can claim after you get caught elbow deep in the cookie jar reaching back a number of years.  Then there are the ridiculous slaughter fables she regurgitates and we’ve only been over them a million times it seems.  If you want the specifics, you can look back a few posts where I posted the numbers and the facts about what does and doesn’t ship to slaughter.  Manson has saved nothing and, getting drug back to her feed lot to rot away in a small pen before getting shot int he face is every bit as bad as most slaughter horses face. The only difference is they don’t have to stand around as long as some of the inmates at HiCaliber do.  At least now we know where Romney Faye learned how to twist the truth and manipulate people.  How tellign that somebody her age needs her mommny to come charging to her rescue as she attempts to slither away and leave her good buddy Manson holding the bag.

Since Wrinkles had to pull her ridiculous rant down as soon as they realized they looked like dicks, or at least bigger ones than usual,  Manson manifested some blind ponies!  She couldn’t save the `blind’ horse in the ring but she’s all over the ponies from her regular flipper connection. I guess I’m not supposed to recognize the white double trailer pulled by a red truck that they came in or something.  Anyhow, the poor little souls were drug back to the HiCaliber shit pit where Manson had what appeared to be a prearranged rant on live feed.


While she was `networking’ the ponies,that ended up going to Jen Baker, this comment popped up on the feed, followed by a long pause by Manson before she kicked off into one of her rants. The first red flag was that she didn’t screech to get him banned or tell him to EAD.   She sounded angry enough as she trudged over to training to show off her less filthy stalls, which was likely the whole point of Doug’s comment.  What she wasn’t expecting was for the village idiots to attack him like they did.  Doug is the one that helped with Snuggles, has Trently and has done Manson quite a few favors.  Why do I think it was a set up?


On her Wednesday live feed, Manson briefly mentioned the marines had been out to volunteer at the ranch for a few days.  What they  mostly did other than put up a few shelters, was shovel up a whole bunch of shit including the area she showed off in her rant.  If you noticed in the video clip, she walks right by Mucho Chrome showing off the `clean’ stalls but the picture earlier in this post showed the condition of his stall before the marines were there.  They also seemed to be cleaning the stalls belonging to Amanduh and Skeletor’s personal horses.  Anyhow, that’s why we saw a clean stall on the live feed and why Manson likely arranged to have that rant.  Nothing is every quite what it seems with her.



This brings us to the part of writing these posts that I hate; listing the horses that did not land softly and make it out of HiCaliber alive.  I’m not listing them in any sort of order this week other than these are the ones that went to the killing field since my last post.  First up is Emerson.  She was looking quite healthy just a few months ago in her update video that they did.  The meme is what she looked like just before taking a tarp nap.  It appears nobody even took the time to clean up her face for her or vicks her nose, so I’m pretty sure they didn’t hot pack her abscesses and try to actually help her get better.  She deserved so much more.  RIP Emerson.  #sayhername



Poseidon also went to the blue tarp recently.  He was originally a purchase from Misner a few months ago along with two other horses.  There was quite a lot of lies surrounding the three horses which you can refresh your memory about here.  If you remember our guest poster mentioned that Poseidon’s original date with the tarp was the day JacksonMax and Beatrice were executed but Manson didn’t feel like killing any more that day so he got to wait around for another few days until they had enough others to get their discount from the meat wagon guy.  It’s good to know that a horse that is deemed too uncomfortable to rehab is allowed to stand around several extra days to fit into Manson’s schedule or maybe it was Amanduh’s.  She is now making up the euth lists and taking turns shooting horse in the face.  I also am not sure who it was that diagnosed Poseidon with bladder cancer, but I’m reasonably sure Manson didn’t spring for the diagnostics to confirm that.  RIP Poseidon.  #sayhisname

LeDoux also was shot in the face recently.  I don’t actually even know what the official reason is.  I guess we can attribute it to whatever bullshit diagnosis Manson pulled out of her ass that day.  He didn’t last very long with HiCaliber and, again, not sure he ever saw a real vet.  RIP LeDoux.  #sayhisname

Cait is also gone.  I’m not sure what her crime was either other than her age.  Nobody ever really asked after her and she was just one of those horses it’s easy to make disappear.   The high profiles ones they can milk a few extra dollars get the tearful group photo with the carcass and live feeds while horses like Cait just get blasted in the face without skipping a beat.  RIP Cait.  #sayhername

Happy Prayer is also no longer with us.  To be honest, I didn’t realize that he had fallen into the clutches of HiCaliber given the shell game going on the day he was in the Ontario parking lot.  Apparently, his former owners never did make contact or get him out.  I’m not really sure what to believe because he had bounced around quite a bit before having the misfortune of going back to HiCaliber.

This is where Happy Prayer was living right before he ended up at HiCaliber.  They got him in a parking lot deal from either Jose or Marco.  They are brothers and usually together so take your pic, although I want to think it was Jose for some reason.  These pictures were taken at Jose’s place and do you know what’s sad about them?  The conditions he was living in there, as ghetto as they were, were actually better than where he finished his days at HiCaliber.  I have no idea why this horse was killed.  RIP Happy Prayer.  #sayhisname

As recently as a few weeks ago Micah was being used by Amanduh for lessons despite being lame and listed as a `puff only’ on their web page.  He had clearly lost weight and condition since he arrived at HiCaliber in November even though they said he was only 8 years old.  There has been no official explanation for why he is dead, but his death brought the total up to 36 dead horses this year and we’re not even 14 weeks in.  RIP Micah.  #sayhisname


I think this is where I’ll leave things for today.  I’m sorry I’ve been slow with my own posts lately.  Rest assured that the information river still flows strongly, I just feel that the guest posts should be the priority when they come in.  I want to thank all the readers here for being supportive to our guest posters and continuing to keep the comment section awesome.  I do want to remind people to not get discouraged and think all is lost if HiCaliber is back fund-raising in the coming weeks.  We expect that and it doesn’t mean they are `cleared’ even though you can fully expect that Manson will be all over live feed making up for lost time and income and claiming they are.  If they are cleared, we’ll know it from other sources.  If you’re confused or wondering WTF is going on with that, just drop a question in comments and hopefully somebody will have the answers.  Who knows?  It might even be me.

******** By request, here is the most recent letter from the AG***************


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