
Archive for the ‘copper horse and rider training’ Category

FINALLY, I’ve gotten around to getting together the next installment of `Straight From The Grifter’s Mouth’.  I apologize for the long wait but, in my own defense, I’m hella busy these days and I had kinda planned on this blog being in mothballs by now,  pending the outcomes of the various open investigations against Manson and HiCaliber.  Yes, they are still open and active.  However, I have am both blessed and cursed with more than my fair share of tenacity so I feel compelled to see this through and keeping the flames of outrage stoked.  The only problem with that is there are literally hours and hours of audio to sift through and I’m sure y’all remember how freakin annoying Manson’s voice is.  As you may have guessed, the theme of this round of audio clips is Manson and her ass barnacles throwing people under the bus.  Mostly.  I have a few extras today as well just because I’m random like that.  That being said, it’s that time again.  Pull up, buckle up and pour yourself something cold.


Death of Umbra from Barn Brat on Vimeo.

This audio was from a leadership meeting shortly after Umbra’s death.  They hadn’t even made their official post about it yet.  ​Who could forget that live feed where they sat around laughing and eating pizza while Eclipse screamed in the background from the barn and not a single mention that Umbra had just passed?  I’m surprised Manson’s pants didn’t spontaneously combust with the whoppers she was telling her team at this meeting.  Poisoned?  Really?  How about you took an orphaned foal and had her `nursing’ off a mare that never was pregnant?  Just for starters.  Then add the fact she was deformed, post surgical and exposed to God knows what as far as disease on that property.  BTW, still waiting for the necropsy report or do you get one when you just chop her up in the stall with Talbot in plain sight of the mare?  I’m re-pissed about this entire situation now.

Adagio from Barn Brat on Vimeo.

I guess before we back up that bus, we’ll just stay on the horrible death theme for a bit.  They are discussing Adagio in this clip.  She thankfully spent her last days with a capable foster, but it seems her death wasn’t all that peaceful.  Of course it wasn’t Manson’s fault because she was too hopped up on opiates to deal so Sugar Daddy Richie and that fucking monster, Taylor went out to execute her.  As we have come to expect from her, Manson shifts the blame any other direction than herself.  No Manson, it’s not the foster’s fault because  she was only a foster.  It was YOUR call to send Richie that day and nobody else’s.  Yet again a horse suffers and pays the price for your laziness.

Kill The Next Batch from Barn Brat on Vimeo.

As we’ve always heard,  Amanduh takes her turn shooting horses in the face too.  They talk about as casually as if it’s washing the dishes although rather chilling that they refer to the next `batch’.  Gotta get that multiple body discount for the body removal!  Actually, we’ll expand on the multiple deaths in another post.

Lots of interest in Howard from Barn Brat on Vimeo.

Remember Howard?  He came in with a hole in his sinus and needed a rather expensive surgery to fix it. Just another example of the inner circle cherry picking the best horses.  They talk about How much interest there was in him, so tell me how that translated into him ending up with Wrinkles for $1?  At least she took him with her when she jumped off the sinking ship that is Manson’s life.  The pics are recent of Howard and Kennedy in their new digs up north.  Hope whoever Wrinkles is currently leeching off has enough cash to feed her animals.  Kennedy is looking a bit thin.

Manson Blames Romney for the Louisiana Situation from Barn Brat on Vimeo.

Time to back that bus up and the first one under will be none other than Romney Faye Baker!  That’s right, while Manson was accusing the haters of making fun of a grieving mother, she was busy throwing her good friend under the bus and laying the whole Louisiana shit show at her feet.  To Manson’s way of thinking, that was when all hell broke loose as far as haters becoming vocal.  Even though I’d been digging and keeping track for quite some time before, the first actual blog post about them was during this time and I wasn’t the only voice speaking out.  It makes me super excited for when this all finally hits court because Manson is going to shift the blame any direction she can and we know that Romney Faye is yappy as shit too.  It will be glorious.  I can just taste the popcorn already!

Kelsey’s turn under the bus from Barn Brat on Vimeo.

Do you notice how Manson qualifies saying shitty things about people by saying they are still friends but she’s separating her friendship from business or something?  No Manson, you’re talking shit about your friends and laying blame at their feet when they are not around to defend themselves.  She also talked a lot of shit on Kim Roeh, including claiming she practically raised her son.  I’m going to leave the obvious snark about that statement up to your imagination.  Too easy.

The Mean Girls of HiCaliber from Barn Brat on Vimeo.

Manson isn’t the only mean girl of the crew.  Here we have Amanduh and Skeletor joining in on the cuntiness by complaining about how somebody breathes.  The person in question being a volunteer that came and did chores while they all sat on their asses and lived rent free.  How dare she!  I mean maybe she was drunk, but I’m sure it wasn’t like she was rolling around on the pool deck licking salsa off the ground or anything. You also hear Manson chiming in the background about her `Chiclets’ and, I have to say this is a minor dig on appearance compared to some of the other things they said about other people on this audio.  Things I won’t release because I feel they could harm the people involved, but let’s just say Manson engages in her share of body shaming as well.


I swear this post was already half done when Manson posted this ridiculousness the other day.  It’s almost like i was prescient with the clips I was working on. Paying it forward?  Biggest cheerleader?  Oh hell no!  A more accurate statement would be that she’s the `friend’ who will eventually turn against you and use every secret you confided in her as a weapon.  That is when she’s not talking shit behind your back.  As she shifts her focus to all things penis, let’s not forget what brought us all together.  While she posts her dick pic du jour,  people don’t seem to notice yet another horse or yet another dog she’s manifested on a very small property.  I have no intention on launching  a save the penis campaign but I damn sure am not going to sit on my hands while she attempts to grift her way back into exploiting horses again.  We all know the routine.  Draw in the followers by posting a trending topic or something smutty, lubricate them with juvenile humor or oversharing and then hit them with the big ask.  It’s the end of the month and rent is due.  While Manson figures out her next grift,  I’ll work on our next round…Stay salty, my friends!

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