
Archive for the ‘backyard breeder’ Category

Just as expected, September 15th has come and gone with The Manson Family, or what is left of them, remaining firmly entrenched at their feed lot.  Despite Manson preaching about wanting to vacate the property so that the landlord can sell it *cough*bullshit*cough*, it appears she’s had a change of whatever black lump fills the space in her chest cavity where other people have hearts.  It would also appear that Manson has dusted off an old hustle and made some tentative steps towards branching out.  We’ll get into that a bit later, but first I thought we’d update a few things.  I’ve also got a little bit of `not really’ HiCaliber business to deal with today as well.  Time to buckle up, because things are going to get a bit maddening.


I thought I’d start off with a bit of housekeeping.  See what I did there?  This picture, along with a few older and less dramatic ones have been making the rounds lately.  This bedroom super gross despite some of the village idiots claiming it was just `normal’ for people who were moving.  What it is not though, is Manson’s house or much to do with her other than being on the same property.  As much as I know people want to hang anything an everything on her, this one ain’t hers.  She’s got a cleaning lady, remember? These pics are from the little stone cottage and the inhabitants of that are her paid feeders aka former owners of the now deceased Romance.  The room belongs to their kid and I actually feel a bit sorry for the kid.  Maybe some additional pics of their abode will help me explain why.

These are some additional pics of the same house that were sent to me.  (Thank you to the person that did).  While some of the pics are in that same bedroom, the absolute filth of the rest of the house is evident in at least one of the pics.  I feel sorry that this kid is living with parents that normalize this type of unsanitary living .  I don’t even want to know what mixture of human and animal body fluids created some of the stains on the mattresses (why do they not have sheets?). I hope nobody goes after that kid, but damn, those parents should be ashamed that they are living in these conditions.

Poor Corky the pig.  Manson posted a short clip of him in the barn with what appeared to be an injury on his ass.  The poor pig looks very stiff and Manson, now a pig expert apparently, informed her village that it is a `meat pig’ issue.  Even when questioned by somebody that clearly does know about pigs, Manson stuck to her 30% opinion.  The other issue was the poor pig’s balls.  Apparently he gets to keep his because Manson is still trying to make the whole `rebel’ thing work for her.  Sadly for the pig, it will make finding him a new home even more difficult  What a great rescue!

Does everybody remember Emlyn the orphan filly that was allegedly a PB purchase but they continued to fund raise for her and then she got `adopted’?  She appeared at auction the same day a lactating mare without a foal showed up and, at the time, a lot of people thought perhaps they were related.  The other mare, Madre, ended up going to A Little Rescue, and despite them offering to take Emlyn and see if they could be matched up, Manson refused.  That’s the Cliffs Notes on that situation but I recently stumbled across this post that Wrinkles was tagged in.  What are the odds that post was made the day before Emlyn appeared at auction?  We’ve long heard from former volunteers that Manson has often asked owners wanting to surrender horses to take them to Ontario auction so they could `save them from a trip to Mexico’.  Manson knows that the village idiots love themselves some exigency and it always inspires them to dig deep.  Such was the case with Emlyn apparently. Moving right along…

Back in July Manson listed some skinny and otherwise needy horses from her usual suspects.  Of course they all came with a creative and tear jerking post that was designed to loosen up some person strings and establish some relevancy.  Nobody was buying, not even most of the village idiots, and that particular fund-raiser was a flop.  As a result, these horses were never heard about again and nobody really asked about them either.  One of the stand outs that caused some drama at the time was the gray Paso who was obviously at Nacho’s place.  He had actually run through Mike’s auction and was purchased by Nacho for $80 only a few days before.  The original breeder on him was said to want him back, but when people tried to intervene,  the word from Manson was that he was already placed/ spoken for.

Guess what?  Manson did acquire the gray Paso and he’s been there with them at HiCaliber the whole time.  They called him `Pegasus’, but the general public never knew he was there. He never hit the website nor was he listed in one of their sporadic adoption posts.  Luckily for him he was recently an R2R transfer to GAIT (Gaited Intervention Action Team Inc) and has finally landed softly.  He was reportedly extremely lame when they picked him up and has since broke an abscess out of his coronet band.  You can follow him on GAIT’s Facebook page.


This was Manson’s dog, Atlas.  She had him before moving to the current location.  He was said to have spent much of his life in his kennel and never had a day of training of any kind.  Manson was on a service dog kick at the time and got Atlas as a puppy (might have been a trade or Craigslist scoop depending on which story of hers you believe) because the waiting list for a real service dog was 2 to 4 years.  Her intent was to train him herself, but that never happened.  She pretty much hated him and ignored him.  Eventually Atlas was `given away’ and there were a few stories on that too.  Manson told people that he went to be a police dog.  So, why am I dredging this up now?

Lately Manson has been spotted out and about with a dog wearing a service vest.  Nobody is really sure what disability this dog is supposed to be for, but it’s not a disability that requires the dog to be anywhere near her unless she’s somewhere she can get attention or needs a pedicure apparently.  She even dragged this dog to Mrs. Talbot’s funeral and it was said to be very disruptive and distracting.  I guess we shouldn’t be really surprised or blame the poor dog either considering where Manson got her from.

Barely five months ago, Manson manifested this dog, then a very young pup, at auction.  You know, because all good service dogs are acquired at some back alley auction out of the back of a truck.  I recall being disgusted she was dragging home yet another animal to feed at the time, but it never occurred to me that she would be dusting of an old hustle.  Because I’m not involved with service dogs, I figured I’d ask somebody who was. The following is written by this person for Manson, but I think everybody needs to read it.

An open letter to Michelle Knutilla from a REAL SERVICE DOG TRAINER
Impersonating a service dog is a crime in the state of California under penal code 365.7 as follows:
(a) Any person who knowingly and fraudulently represents himself or herself, through verbal or written notice, to be the owner or trainer of any canine licensed as, to be qualified as, or identified as, a guide, signal, or service dog, as defined in subdivisions (d), (e), and (f) of Section 365.5 and paragraph (6) of subdivision (b) of Section 54.1 of the Civil Code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.
(b) As used in this section, “owner” means any person who owns a guide, signal, or service dog, or who is authorized by the owner to use the guide, signal, or service dog.
Now that we have that out of the way, the fact that you have purchased a vest and a patch portraying your dog as a legitimate service animal is a CRIME!
Knowingly taking your dog into places allowed only with a VALID service animal does a terrible disservice to those that actually require the assistance of a service animal.
How ironic that you post about your “legitimate service dog” and think the public is at all convinced you are anything more than a fraud. The dog is one you picked up at the Ontario Auction 6 months ago and made it your own. I was there when you got the dog! It takes a whole lot longer than 6 months to train a LEGITIMATE service animal to perform a task to mitigate the disability of its handler.
That same fake service dog was a huge distraction at my dear friend Laura Talbot’s funeral. How dare you bring an untrained and unmanageable dog to her final hours with us?
While you may or may not have had a TBI, what specific task is your dog trained to perform? Histrionic Personality Disorder-what specific task is your dog trained to perform? I agree that not all disabilities are visible. However, the dog MUST be trained to perform a SPECIFIC task to mitigate that disability.
I am going to set you straight on your message you very poorly attempted to educate people on what a service animal may and may not do.
  1. You are correct, sadly too many people buy the vest and the fake certificate INCLUDING YOU!
Here are the links to purchase the exact vest and patch on your dog.
2. If your fake service dog is being attacked at least once a week while you have it in a public place you had better do some additional training. I have trained service dogs for over 3 decades and have yet to have any of mine in training or a finished dog attacked by another animal. It is called being PROACTIVE and aware of the environment you are in and having a dog with stable nerves and a stable mind.
3. We’ll address the term you used “washing out”. Your dog has not had near enough time to be trained to perform any task reliably in a public environment. So far, you have mentioned taking it to school with you once and to the salon. At no other time do you even remotely address the fact that you are “training” your stray dog for service work or that it is accompanying you anywhere. Not to get ice cream, dinner, lunch, auctions. None! For a dog you need, I would think you would have that animal everywhere exposing it to the environment so you can socialize it and then begin to ask for it to perform a specific task under the pressure of being in a public place. NOPE-haven’t seen it!
4. A service animal is to be WELL TRAINED. It is not to be making noise (unless it has a verbal cue to indicate it’s assistance). It is not to pull on its lead, jump on anyone, going greet anyone (unless on command). It is supposed to be seen and not heard nor cause a single ounce of disturbance to anyone else anywhere. (Your dog at Laura’s funeral was absolutely inexcusable).
5. You are correct. There is no registry for a service animal in the United States. There are “fake registries” where people like you can buy a certificate and take your “fake service animal” in public exactly as you have done with your stray you picked up at the auction. Never, ever would anyone ask to see a “certificate”. Anyone can purchase an ID or even make them at home. $20 and you have an ID.
This is in no way a threat. This is a PROMISE! I have already contacted the appropriate authorities regarding your FAKE SERVICE DOG. As stated earlier, it is a crime punishable under California’s Penal code that could earn you jail time and a fine. It would be my privilege to make sure you are busted for this crime!
Leave your dog at home! You are a fake! Your dog is a fraud! Allow those of us that actually train the dogs to assist others to continue to produce service animals that actually assist someone in need, unlike yourself! You are not a dog trainer! You are damn sure not capable of training a service dog!
A. Friend (of LT)

It appears Manson has also acquired another German Shepherd lately.  I think, if her Chihuahua is still in the land of the living, that puts her up to at least 5 personal dogs and that’s not counting whatever Wrinkles is currently hoarding.  They like to blame their current about to be homeless situation on haters.  I’m not sure haters have anything to do with their animal hoarding tendencies and that being an unattractive prospect for any potential landlord.  I also remember last year when Manson blamed haters for Bang Bang Becky not being able to keep Rez at the ranch because that would put them over their allowed number of dogs.  At the time it was beyond hilarious considering the amount of horses she was accumulating.  Anyhow, let’s set the HiCaliber drama aside for a moment…


This horse is one that was taken in by Premier Equine Rehab recently.  She was likely given to them for nothing or next to nothing given the fact she has bowed.  Premier Equine has only recently gotten their 501c3 but have been doing intakes at a fast clip with next to no follow-up on most of their horses including the ones they got from HiCaliber.  When I first saw this mare, she didn’t stand out much from all the other multiple intakes they do until I saw this a few days later…

I can’t say 100% if that is the same horse she is offering up as a broodmare and it doesn’t really matter if it is.  Rescues really shouldn’t be offering any horses up for breeding.  I’m sure some of the village idiots will be all up in arms over me calling out PER for this but this isn’t the first major red flag I’ve had with this rescue.  There has been some very sketchy interactions involving HiCaliber and don’t even get me started on Michael Gipson.  Actually do, but maybe another time.  I don’t want to be the rescue police, but I also don’t want to see things get so far out of hand like they have with HiCaliber.  Maybe PER can dial back the sketchiness and save everybody, including the animals, a lot of grief.  Time will tell.


Back to HiCaliber… Apparently fostering isn’t happening anymore.  That’s hardly surprising given the fact they are on the hook for that lawsuit they recently lost.  As you can see Amanduh is still deeply involved and Manson has no intention of stopping.  I think it’s more a case of not stopping until donations completely dry up and that may be why they are reluctant really say how many horses are left to adopt and who they are.  I see she’s asking for another $1500 for her vet bills and some farrier work.  Funny how all bills are $1500 lately. Oh wait, there was the one that was only asking for $1400 so we couldn’t say they were  all for that amount.  It’s almost like she’s on a payment schedule or something.  The funny part about the farrier ask is they get their farrier work done for free or deeply discounted these days or at least the rescue horses do.  Just sayin..


I’m sure everybody remembers the post about donating meals or gift cards for the unnamed person in the hospital.  We now know it was Mrs Talbot and she has unfortunately passed away.  While it’s not surprising to see Manson use somebody else’s tragedy for her own personal gain,  it is no less disgusting.  From what I am told by a very reliable source, she never actually did bring meals to the family during Mrs. Talbot’s illness and hospitalization.  Mrs. Talbot also never set foot on the HiCaliber property or had any involvement there. Manson made her announcement and begging for volunteers several days after Mrs. Talbot passed.  In the end, it was only Manson and her very rude dog that attended the service where not only the dog was distracting, but Manson felt the need to take pictures and cry way more than was appropriate.  At least the HiCaliber horses watered that day though.
It seems the village idiots have conveniently forgotten about the injured horses.  Nobody really asks how they are doing other than a few rogue ones and those queries are always ignored.  I wish I had more of an update but this is as close as it gets  Meatball and Rizzo are still in the barn or were when this post was made.  Maybe this is where some of the gift cards/meals went?


I know many people are getting extremely frustrated with how long this situation is dragging on.  It is beyond frustrating to watch Manson continue to beg for money and pull new cons.  I get that.  Now is not the time to drop the guard though.  I mentioned the gray Paso gelding that she was keeping without telling people, but what about the other horses she listed that same day?  What ever happened to them?  We know she’s recently killed a few more, did she help those other horses vanish too?  There is nothing more I would love than to never have to think or write about The Manson Family again, but as long as they are exploiting animals, I feel compelled.  She can start her own religion, start her own stinky panty empire or whatever con she wants to run, but leave animals out of it.  The best we can do for now is to stay vigilant and keep documenting the frauds.  The end is near, but now is not the time for complacency.

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I guess it’s my turn to make a post today.  I was actually enjoying handing the reins over to guest posters this past week or so.  As usual, there are a variety of things to cover, names to say and things to rehash.  It’s become distinctly unfun to sift through so much fuckery from the HiCaliber feedlot  lately.  With the overwhelming amount of information flowing in, I sometimes have to let things marinate a bit before posting.  I never quite manage to get everything down that I want, but hopefully enough to keep everybody in the loop. I tried to get everything in this post that we’ve mentioned in the comments over the last week.  Feel free to jog my memory if I’ve left something out.  You might want to settle in because things are gonna get frustrating with this post and I’m not in a great mood today.  I think it will be clear why by the end of this post.


Here are a few screen shots of Michelle lying to her few remaining volunteers.  As per usual, she always has an excuse for everything, they just aren’t very believable.  It also seems that Peace Love and Sage Lori Anne has dropped the new age zen act in favor of being hateful.  No word if she’s bitten the head off a guinea fowl and completed her initiation into all things Manson Family yet.


Let’s look at the current condition of the inmates at HiCaliber. Yes, the grey up top is poor Squirrel.  Remember some people said that it had rained so of course they were dirty?  All these pictures were taken 4 days and more after it had rained.  They are all recent with the majority of them being taken within the last 10 days.  There is no excuse for this level of filth and Manson herself mentioned having to clip the mats off Royal Gambler on live feed.  I have been riding horses since before I could walk which means longer than Manson has been infesting the earth and I have never in my life had a horse so filthy that I couldn’t knock the mud off with a brush or a hose.  That is some deeply embedded filth and neglect and from the above pictures, I guess it’s easy to see how it happens.  I can already hear the VIs howling about how they are rescue horses that come from bad backyards.  Go look up any of these horses and the length of time they have been at HiCaliber.  None of them came with that embedded filth.  Then you have Bella the one on the top right and she’s an adoption return that obviously isn’t exactly thriving at rescue either.  Still not convinced?


All these pictures were taken on March 26th.  That is Boone standing ankle deep in shit.  I’m not sure if he has his bizarre bandage situation happening under that filth, but we haven’t heard what his x-ray results were either and that was a few weeks ago.  The other pic on the top right is of Brady’s Kat and Lex.  They never update either of those horses.  The bottom left two are Radar and Trish.  Remember Trish?  She’s the one that was returned from adoption due to being diagnosed as neurological by a real vet and deemed unsuitable for use as a lesson horse.  Of course that was overridden by Amanduh and the 30% vet who think it’s just fine to strap small children to the saddle and use her for lessons.  From the above picture she’s losing condition too.  It would appear from today’s live video that Manson managed to get a few stalls clean to show off to the haters (more on this anon).  Show us the rest of the ranch, Manson.  I dare you!

chrome 3-26-18

Mucho Chrome 3-26-18

They don’t do so many updates on Chrome now that he isn’t looking so good.  As a result he’s been evicted out of his stall in the barn and sent down to stand in a tiny pen that is rarely cleaned as he loses weight and condition. He’s not super skinny yet, but give him another month so and I’m sure he’ll get there.  I wonder if they’d like Art Sherman to come out and see him now?  I can’t wait to hear how Maggot defends this and still show her big moon face at Clockers’ Corner.  I guess just like horsemanship, self awareness isn’t one of her long suits so the snickers and side eyes just blow right over her head anyhow.  All this because nobody wanted to spoon feed her another story and she tripped over her bloated ego.


I’m sure everybody is up to speed on one of the Louisiana horses dropping a surprise foal in Price arena about 10 days ago.  The mare is Tilden and was one of the healthier Louisiana horses which means it’s not really likely she saw a 100% vet for intake as Manson was pretty much doing them all by then anyhow.  However, in typical Manson fashion, nothing is ever her fault and, in the youtube video above, she throws all the vets under the bus.  The only problem with her story, is that given the fact this looks like a full term foal so unless they did an ultrasound to preg check Tilden when she first arrived, last May, anybody would have missed it, especially a 30% vet.  Yes, people make mistakes, even vets, but there seems to be too many `oops’ foals and fetuses floating around to be mistakes rather than neglect.  This mare went full term and was down in Price arena with all the other sick horses and Manson and the brainiacs the live on the ranch decided they were all too fat and put them on a diet.  Given the fact they can’t even be arsed to knock the mud off the mare after moving her to the barn, I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t bothered to check IgG levels on the baby or hang plasma to maybe give him a little boost and insurance against all the disease he has already been exposed to up in that barn.  Might be best not to get too attached to the little gaffer.


In my last post I shared some current pics of Braveheart who continues to lose weight.  In Manson’s world that means you ride the shit out of them apparently.  Even if he was in good weight, she is too big for this horse.  I’m not fat shaming, I’m stating a fact.  According to their website, this horse is only 14.3 H and Manson admits to being a quarter pounder.  Then you can add improperly fitting tack to the mix and it’s a recipe for a horse becoming `behavioral’.  One of the best ways to see pressure and potential sore spots is to check their saddle marks after untacking and from the screen shots above you can see where the saddle is crunching the point of the shoulder and one side of his back.  Properly fitted tack will show an even sweat pattern.  His feet also look uneven and in need of attention so I’m wondering if he’s seen a farrier since Luis quit HiCaliber.  Clearly none of the gunsels at HiCaliber, Skeletor included, are able to recognize this horse is too skinny, especially given the length of time they’ve had him.

I guess the ride a skinny horse thing is just how they roll at HiCaliber.  The above pics are Harper and yes, they are recent.  She’s also on every trail ride lately it seems and she’s either packing Manson or Wrinkles. Besides being too skinny to be working hard, her feet also need attention and while Wrinkles is considerably smaller than Manson, her tack is no less ill fitting.  I guess I shouldn’t complain because they are bitless after all and that’s the way of the future according to Manson.

Manson schools us on riding bitless in these clips as Amanduh rides around on a lame horse.  I’m not against riding bitless, but I am against ignorance and riding lame horses.  I also know I’m preaching to the choir here, but I had these clips pulled out to save the rest of you from having to sit through the entire thing.

Manson tells us all that we need to grow our skills and ride bitless as Amanduh demonstrates her `skills’ and piss poor eq.

Because she has an excuse for everything, Manson pulls one out of her ass about why they can’t put a rope halter on properly.  Manson figures it’s no biggie because the rope halter is still on bone.  I guess the nerves and pressure points on a horse’s face are not something she cares about, and feels she’s doing a `dance’ with the horses.  (it just me or does anybody else get this image  in their mind when she talks about dancing with horses?) It’s ok though, because she and Amanduh have `super soft hands’ and know what they’re doing.  That’s super obvious from the pictures above.  Manson compares her rope halters to a bosal, or at least I think that’s what she’s comparing it to.  Her bizarre pronunciation of it makes me wonder if it’s not something she invented in her mind or learned from the Google Horse Training Acadamy.  Nothing says counterfeit like not being able to pronounce standard equipment while telling people they need to increase their skill set.

You asked for it, here it is.  The auction meltdown where Wrinkles loses her absolute shit over this `blind’ horse and rants about people letting `her’ go to Misner for $25.  While Wrinkles is cursing Vera from Love This Horse and other advocates,  the `mare’ who was actually a gelding had already been purchased privately from Misner.   This caused a lot of drama with the Village Idiots and The Manson Family because first they were angry nobody bought him, but then they were angry they did it in the `parking lot’, which they did not

What actually happened with the blind horse is that yes, Vera purchased him after he’d been in the ring.  What people need to remember is that HiCaliber pays to be able to go back in the chutes.  Vera had no way of knowing what horses were coming through the sale until they were int he ring and, having a breed specific rescue, she’s primarily there for Arabians.  She saw the `blind’ horse go through and missed him for whatever reason.  Vera immediately had somebody talk to Misner and offer to buy the horse for $100.  Yes, there was a mark up on him, just like Manson pays him all the time.  The other choice was to bid against Misner and let them run the bids up way higher like they did a few weeks ago when A Little Rescue was present.  The bottom line is the horse was purchased by Vera by 11:30AM as Manson and Wrinkles were cursing and saying their village idiots would step up and save this horse.  I’m still not sure why Wrinkles was so outraged about the horse having shoes on.

The `blind’ horse turned out to actually have some vision and is in not bad shape.  The video is of him arriving at quarantine where he will have a real 100% vet assess his vision.  His name is Don Quixote and he just won the lottery as far as where his ultimate destination is.  There will be updates once he’s out of quarantine.


Jumping back to auction, Manson was trying to network a horse that was already purchased by Love This Equine.  She is stuck on people sitting on their asses and letting  a horse go to Misner for $25 while conveniently overlooking that she and Wrinkles could have privately purchased the horse as well.  She shows up at auction every week with a trailer even though she’s `not officially rescuing’ and drags horses home and continues her remote parking lot deals.  She could have very easily purchased this gelding too.  She also claimed that Misner got the rest of the horses but that wasn’t true either.  His number is 413 and he took home two after selling the gelding to Vera.  Vera was the buyer on the last horse who was an Arabian.  For somebody that preaches being a rebel and thinking outside the box, Manson sure doesn’t like it when somebody else does it.  They hypocrisy was thick!


Manson took her turn ranting about `other’ rescues and lying about the reason they are currently suspended.  I’m wondering why she doesn’t tell people why her PayPal account is still frozen because that isn’t something that usually happens when you’re just late with your 990s.  Actually, if it was as simple as a few forms, I’m pretty sure her CPA would have been all over it and they’d be up and running by now.  For comparison, and because she likes to use them as an example,  FHR missed that one form and had the situation rectified immediately without ever having a suspension.  Manson can pretend she’s on the hook for the same thing, but we know differently.  If you don’t believe me, maybe you will believe Romney Faye’s mother…

Thank you to Romney Faye’s mommy for confirming what we’ve known for awhile now.  It’s been fun to watch Manson squirm and lie about it but yes, they are under audit by the Attorney General.  The AG doesn’t just do an audit because haters made baseless claims.  They other fun part of Susie’s little rant is the `living stipend’.  That really doesn’t fit in with Manson’s previous claims of being a volunteer and not taking a dime from the rescue.  It also doesn’t fit in with Romney Faye being the only paid employee when she was CEO.  I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m also pretty sure that a living stipends aren’t retroactive meaning that they aren’t something you can claim after you get caught elbow deep in the cookie jar reaching back a number of years.  Then there are the ridiculous slaughter fables she regurgitates and we’ve only been over them a million times it seems.  If you want the specifics, you can look back a few posts where I posted the numbers and the facts about what does and doesn’t ship to slaughter.  Manson has saved nothing and, getting drug back to her feed lot to rot away in a small pen before getting shot int he face is every bit as bad as most slaughter horses face. The only difference is they don’t have to stand around as long as some of the inmates at HiCaliber do.  At least now we know where Romney Faye learned how to twist the truth and manipulate people.  How tellign that somebody her age needs her mommny to come charging to her rescue as she attempts to slither away and leave her good buddy Manson holding the bag.

Since Wrinkles had to pull her ridiculous rant down as soon as they realized they looked like dicks, or at least bigger ones than usual,  Manson manifested some blind ponies!  She couldn’t save the `blind’ horse in the ring but she’s all over the ponies from her regular flipper connection. I guess I’m not supposed to recognize the white double trailer pulled by a red truck that they came in or something.  Anyhow, the poor little souls were drug back to the HiCaliber shit pit where Manson had what appeared to be a prearranged rant on live feed.


While she was `networking’ the ponies,that ended up going to Jen Baker, this comment popped up on the feed, followed by a long pause by Manson before she kicked off into one of her rants. The first red flag was that she didn’t screech to get him banned or tell him to EAD.   She sounded angry enough as she trudged over to training to show off her less filthy stalls, which was likely the whole point of Doug’s comment.  What she wasn’t expecting was for the village idiots to attack him like they did.  Doug is the one that helped with Snuggles, has Trently and has done Manson quite a few favors.  Why do I think it was a set up?


On her Wednesday live feed, Manson briefly mentioned the marines had been out to volunteer at the ranch for a few days.  What they  mostly did other than put up a few shelters, was shovel up a whole bunch of shit including the area she showed off in her rant.  If you noticed in the video clip, she walks right by Mucho Chrome showing off the `clean’ stalls but the picture earlier in this post showed the condition of his stall before the marines were there.  They also seemed to be cleaning the stalls belonging to Amanduh and Skeletor’s personal horses.  Anyhow, that’s why we saw a clean stall on the live feed and why Manson likely arranged to have that rant.  Nothing is every quite what it seems with her.



This brings us to the part of writing these posts that I hate; listing the horses that did not land softly and make it out of HiCaliber alive.  I’m not listing them in any sort of order this week other than these are the ones that went to the killing field since my last post.  First up is Emerson.  She was looking quite healthy just a few months ago in her update video that they did.  The meme is what she looked like just before taking a tarp nap.  It appears nobody even took the time to clean up her face for her or vicks her nose, so I’m pretty sure they didn’t hot pack her abscesses and try to actually help her get better.  She deserved so much more.  RIP Emerson.  #sayhername



Poseidon also went to the blue tarp recently.  He was originally a purchase from Misner a few months ago along with two other horses.  There was quite a lot of lies surrounding the three horses which you can refresh your memory about here.  If you remember our guest poster mentioned that Poseidon’s original date with the tarp was the day JacksonMax and Beatrice were executed but Manson didn’t feel like killing any more that day so he got to wait around for another few days until they had enough others to get their discount from the meat wagon guy.  It’s good to know that a horse that is deemed too uncomfortable to rehab is allowed to stand around several extra days to fit into Manson’s schedule or maybe it was Amanduh’s.  She is now making up the euth lists and taking turns shooting horse in the face.  I also am not sure who it was that diagnosed Poseidon with bladder cancer, but I’m reasonably sure Manson didn’t spring for the diagnostics to confirm that.  RIP Poseidon.  #sayhisname

LeDoux also was shot in the face recently.  I don’t actually even know what the official reason is.  I guess we can attribute it to whatever bullshit diagnosis Manson pulled out of her ass that day.  He didn’t last very long with HiCaliber and, again, not sure he ever saw a real vet.  RIP LeDoux.  #sayhisname

Cait is also gone.  I’m not sure what her crime was either other than her age.  Nobody ever really asked after her and she was just one of those horses it’s easy to make disappear.   The high profiles ones they can milk a few extra dollars get the tearful group photo with the carcass and live feeds while horses like Cait just get blasted in the face without skipping a beat.  RIP Cait.  #sayhername

Happy Prayer is also no longer with us.  To be honest, I didn’t realize that he had fallen into the clutches of HiCaliber given the shell game going on the day he was in the Ontario parking lot.  Apparently, his former owners never did make contact or get him out.  I’m not really sure what to believe because he had bounced around quite a bit before having the misfortune of going back to HiCaliber.

This is where Happy Prayer was living right before he ended up at HiCaliber.  They got him in a parking lot deal from either Jose or Marco.  They are brothers and usually together so take your pic, although I want to think it was Jose for some reason.  These pictures were taken at Jose’s place and do you know what’s sad about them?  The conditions he was living in there, as ghetto as they were, were actually better than where he finished his days at HiCaliber.  I have no idea why this horse was killed.  RIP Happy Prayer.  #sayhisname

As recently as a few weeks ago Micah was being used by Amanduh for lessons despite being lame and listed as a `puff only’ on their web page.  He had clearly lost weight and condition since he arrived at HiCaliber in November even though they said he was only 8 years old.  There has been no official explanation for why he is dead, but his death brought the total up to 36 dead horses this year and we’re not even 14 weeks in.  RIP Micah.  #sayhisname


I think this is where I’ll leave things for today.  I’m sorry I’ve been slow with my own posts lately.  Rest assured that the information river still flows strongly, I just feel that the guest posts should be the priority when they come in.  I want to thank all the readers here for being supportive to our guest posters and continuing to keep the comment section awesome.  I do want to remind people to not get discouraged and think all is lost if HiCaliber is back fund-raising in the coming weeks.  We expect that and it doesn’t mean they are `cleared’ even though you can fully expect that Manson will be all over live feed making up for lost time and income and claiming they are.  If they are cleared, we’ll know it from other sources.  If you’re confused or wondering WTF is going on with that, just drop a question in comments and hopefully somebody will have the answers.  Who knows?  It might even be me.

******** By request, here is the most recent letter from the AG***************


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So, is everybody ready to get back to business?  I’m not sure I am, but things are piling up again which means yet another heavy post.  I’d like to say I had a nice break but that really wasn’t the case either.  The fuckery continues and escalates no matter what, leaving me with more than usual to wrestle with.  As usual there is a so much deceit and grifting going on it’s kinda difficult to follow, but I’m going to do my best to lay it all out.  I’m not sure if the Manson Family are upping the ante or we’re just getting better at catching the grift.  I gotta say that even I was surprised at how low they sank these past few weeks.  I don’t think I can even get it all covered in one post so I’m going to do deal with general and run of the mill fuckery today and we’ll get to the bulk of the auction fuckery in the next one or so.  I hope that works for everybody because it’s time to settle in.  I have some tea to spill!


Even though I was only really away for a couple of days, the theories of where I was and why I was away were somewhat amusing.  None of them were based in fact or even all that exciting.  Seriously, I am the world’s worst sick person and there is nothing more to it than that. Man flu has nothing on me!  It doesn’t even really matter other than when you are wrong about something and don’t acknowledge that, then it’s kinda hurts whatever other facts you may have. In the interest of that, it seems the intel on the inaugural Manson Does Texas trip was slightly off.  Originally, it was said she went to some Mean Girls Conference and, I gotta admit, that never did feel 100% right unless she went as a specimen or a bad example.  It turns out that isn’t what she was doing when she went on that trip.  She was actually at the Lady Boss Weight Loss dealio as pictured above, and yes, that is Manson right there smiling for the group photo-op.  The other screenshots are from previous weight loss attempts that the donors all got to pay for as well.  Don’t get me wrong, I applaud anybody’s efforts to improve their health and fitness.  I do have a problem with grifting for it though.  I especially have an issue when you have to fly half way across the country to do some aerobics with the latest social media sensation when you could probably just get off your ass and do chores right where you live and have a total win/win situation that doesn’t break any laws and consist of lying to people on the internet.  Also, if people recall, Manson went on and on about that being her first trip to Texas and how much she loved it there.  That was then…

Flash forward to a few weeks ago and a few trips to the Lonestar state under her belt and, all of a sudden, we’re having `family emergencies’ there.  I’m not quite sure how that works, but I’ve been trying to manifest a family emergency somewhere tropical for myself but so far no luck.  Why is any of this relevant?  Normally it really wouldn’t be.  I don’t really care about how far she has to search for some peen and I also don’t really care when she lies to her team. They should be used to that by now.  What I do care about is the pattern of lying and that old six degrees of separation thing just kicking her square in the ass.  Manson just so happened to end up sitting next to some nice people who,  while originally unaware of her and who she was, were subjected to a flight full of lies and boasts.  To make matters even better, they happen to know more than a few people on the `hater’ side of things.  So yeah, Manson opened by introducing herself and who she is and proceeded to tell them how important she was and that there was even a blog about her. That’s when she showed them this blog.  (Welcome new haters, enjoy your stay.)  Manson also told them that she had booked the trip on a whim to `get away from it all’ after the haters had the FBI raid the ranch, which was also not true.  The FBI were not part of the little party at the ranch the other week.  As is often the case with people that love to hear themselves speak, Manson forgot what she had told them in the first part of the flight and later said she had booked her Texas trip a `long time ago’ when there was a $29 seat sale.  What are the odds she would know so far in advance that she would have a family emergency on that day?  Anyhow, y’all were curious about the airplane incident so that’s what I know other than that she was discussing vaginas in under 10 mins.   Moving right along…

I think I’m just going to drop these pictures of the general conditions at HiCaliber before we get into more specific updates.  These are all very recent pics and as you can see, it’s pretty crowded and dangerous there despite what Manson claims.   This is what happens when you have more horses you can properly care for.  Fences don’t get repaired, things don’t get noticed.  Call me a snob or whatever, but this kinda looks like a bad backyard that horses should be rescued from.

Umbra appears to be holding her own which is good to see.  There is some controversy over the whole lactating mare thing.  It happens, but I’m not sure whatever it is that Eclipse is producing is enough to sustain a growing and healing baby, so hopefully milk replacer is involved as well.  Regardless of what is being fed, Umbra seems to have replaced Magnum as far as who the majority of the village idiots ask after or seem concerned with.  I guess he outgrew his cute factor and isn’t sad enough to hold their attention right now.  Perhaps a crisis situation could be created to bump his algorithms or something.  I did notice he has some old wound or scar on his nose on the latest live feed so perhaps that could be blown well out of proportion for some sympathy dollars or something.

Since we’ve discussed Umbra, we should probably look right across the alleyway to Legacy.  In a recent live feed, we could see all the red tape in the stall across from Eclipse and Umbra.  No explanation was given but apparently that means `hard quarantine’ or something.  What hard quarantine is vs regular quarantine is anybody’s guess, but it doesn’t seem to be working.  Legacy is currently very sick and has burst out some abscesses under his jaw.  I’m pretty sure we’re still not allowed to call it what it is *cough*strangles*cough*, and I’m also not entirely sure wtf bandaging it is supposed to accomplish unless they are trying to drive that abscess internal and really mess him up.  This has been going on for well over a week and he was on IV support last I heard. I’m sure now that this is out in the open Manson will refuse to do any updates on him because she’s not your bitch and all. No word on whether or not he’s seen a real vet, but if he has, I want to know who would suggest bandaging a throat like that and make sure that vet never sets foot near one of my animals.

Remember Gigi?  She is the cute little black mare with the busted up knee and droopy eye they bought from one of their regular flippers back around mid January.  We haven’t really heard too much about Gigi since then other than she is relatively sound and `cute’.  The pictures are above are from the day they bought her in the parking lot at auction.  Wanna see how she’s doing barely a month later?  Of course you do!

These pics were taken of Gigi within the last week.  As you can see her filthy bandage is like a tourniquet on her leg now that it has slipped and her droopy eye goes unprotected or cleaned up.  I don’t really see where `rescue’ has happened for this horse.  She is not in as good of condition as she was when they purchased her a month ago and it’s not like she is living in paradise either.  I’m concerned for her, but I’m concerned for a lot of HiCaliber horses right now.

This brings us to Trish.  I’ve been back and forth about whether I should write about her or not.  I realize doing so is maybe going to hurt her chances at getting out of HiCaliber alive, but her chances of that have always been bad since being an adoption return.  Having said that, I think there is some information that is almost criminal to withhold and also to not reveal what is going on with this particular horse is setting her up for failure as well.  My only hope is that she can get out and land softly with somebody that has all the information.  That being said….

Trish is the little bay mare pictured above being used in Amanduh’s lesson program.  I’m not going to get into the WTFedness of the entire scenario  as far as lessons go, or that the children appear to be strapped to the tack, but just that Trish is being used and has been used for a while since being an adoption return last fall.  She did not last long at adoption, but the people who had her, took the time to get her properly vetted and made that report available to HiCaliber.  Please note the dates on the letter below.


Trish was returned as being neurological and deemed unsafe for use as a lesson horse. Since that time she has been used regularly for lessons and is now advertised as a light rider and previously a kid’s horse even though they were well aware of her issues.  She’s already a one time adoption return so I think it’s safe to say if she went out and came back again she’d be as good as dead as Manson will call her a hay burner.  I sincerely hope that posting this doesn’t place her at greater risk either.  We don’t know why she’s neurological but I can bet that no further diagnostics were done to find out they whys and hows of it either.  I guess I couldn’t live with myself if somebody got seriously hurt by adopting her and thinking everything was fine and I had information that proved otherwise.  I also would hate to think of kids learning to ride on an unsafe horse.  I really don’t know what the right thing to do with this is other than pray this little mare doesn’t pay for somebody else’s greed and ignorance.



If you recall, we put Diane on a milk carton back in December as she had dropped off the radar.  Part of the problem at HiCaliber lately is that horses just kinda disappear off the radar and the village idiots have been conditioned not to ask too may questions.  That’s why the milk carton horses when we can’t find out answers any other way.  Sadly, we got our answer for Diane and she was found dead in her pen sometime in December.  No cause of death has been made official and I haven’t seen anybody asking after her either.  This mare was a parking lot purchase from Salvador back in November. Emaciated at the time, I’m not sure if she ever did gain any weight or have a few good days.  Hopefully, she is at peace now.  RIP Diane.  #sayhername


Waco was a parking lot purchase a few weeks back.  I believe he came from Nacho but will have to update that in a bit.  He was clearly in a lot of pain but because Manson’s x ray eyes did not diagnose the severe rotation in his coffin bones, he was kept alive for some additional fundraising and parading around for the camera. There were all sorts of contradictions with him.  He was `thought’ to be a compassion pull, then he was one for sure and then Manson’s FUPA got involved and told her he didn’t want to die yet so they needed more money to actually do the xrays.  However, another horse had been immediately adopted so her responsible rescue fees were supposed to slide over to Waco, but they didn’t and then Manson had to go to Texas for her `family emergency’ that didn’t actually involve family or any other sort of emergency other than being horny.  All that added up to Amanduh getting the news that this horse was in all kinds of pain and not fixable on a Friday.  Sadly for Waco, this meant he got to linger in pain for an extra few days until Manson came home and shot him in the face.  RIP Waco.  #sayhisname

Clancy also experienced death by Manson in recent weeks.  He was another Salvador special back in early January and never seemed to resonate with the village.  He was also said to be older so that, along with showing `significant’ lameness likely sealed his fate.  Seriously though, who gets on a horse to find out if it’s lame?  Wouldn’t most sane people figure that out first?  Wouldn’t an intake by a real vet include a cursory soundness exam?  Again, how was this horse rescued and what was his quality of life like since landing at HiCaliber?  RIP Clancy.  #sayhisname

Poor Mas. She almost made it out alive.  Her place was all secured at Prancing Pony Sanctuary and HiCaliber even had a post up begging for the hauling money.  What they didn’t tell people was that she was dead the same day by Manson’s hand. I wish I knew the reason why or what sense there is to make of any of this.  I know it wasn’t announced and kept very quiet for a few days.  It was only when somebody actually asked Prancing Pony that they admitted that Mas was dead and they were getting a replacement grey mare or something like that.  It’s hard to follow and especially so when Prancing Pony doesn’t seem to ever update HiCaliber horses they absorb into their program.  What we do know is that Mas came from Nacho and that Romney Faye had known about her for several months.  For whatever reason, she was not deemed worthy of `saving’ until it was too late for her.  RIP Mas.  #sayhername

Crackers has also recently been sent to the land of the blue tarps.  Again, I have no idea why.  She came with the usual convoluted back story about a poor old rancher that was about to get foreclosed on so he had nowhere to turn.  I forget whether the part of the rancher was played by Salvador or Nacho that week, but it was one of those guys and she came with a buddy they named `Salami’. For some reason the old rancher didn’t know the name of his own `beloved horses’ so it was up to Manson’s children to do the honors.  Crackers was cute and was seen on video following people around without a halter a few times.  Only a few weeks ago, they were bandaging some mysterious wound on her, but she was otherwise doing `great’ and people were even making adoption inquiries.  Now she’s dead.  RIP Crackers #sayhername

Probably not a huge surprise that Clarence was shot in the head recently.  He was in pretty bad shape and came through the regular flipper channels.  Once again the very people who mangled him were rewarded for his suffering with $200.  The difference is Clarence’s brand is really easily traceable with a direct connection to Salvador.

Clarence’s brand came from Rancho Caballero.  They are big into horse tripping and think bucking out weanlings is great sport.  The above pics are just a smattering of their social media activities.  They don’t try to hide what they do, they’re proud of it.  Do I think Clarence was a tripping horse?  No, they don’t brand those usually.  I think Clarence was sat on to trip quite a few and when they were done with him, they tossed him aside to suffer before HiCaliber created a market for their abuse.  These guys are friends of Salvador’s and participate in the same rodeos.  These people are the ones hurting these animals and HiCaliber and its village reward them for it.  Paying them finder’s fees is not helping the problem, it’s escalating it.  What true rescue or animal lover would ever protect people like this?  RIP Clarence.  #sayhisname


Blake is also another blue tarp victim in recent weeks.  As mentioned before, the other livestock being drug back to HiCaliber have a worse fatality rate than the equines and take up even less of the village idiots’ attention. Blake was brought in around the first of the month and said to have pneumonia.  We aren’t entirely sure if that was his deal as he was also leaking urine and we know that Dr. Talbot does not generally treat animals.  There has been a disturbing pattern of the 30% vet diagnosing these animals and giving them inappropriate treatments.  Mostly they do not survive.  They suffer too and as often as we can find out their fates, we’ll say their names too.  RIP Blake #sayhisname

Her name was Beatrice.  At least that’s what I’m told.  There was never a big announcement about it and her sad little life didn’t last long once she got into Manson’s clutches.  Such is the trend lately that horses are being brought in and euthanized before they barely get a name.  She was another flipper special and it is doubtful there was ever much intention of rehabbing her.  She obviously served somebody or many people well over the years and I find it sad her ending was staring at Manson in the face as she got blown away.  RIP Beatrice.  #sayhername


I have to admit this one disturbs me a bit more than usual.  Jackson Max was bought at auction back in July.  He was very thin and agitated in the intake video and Manson aged him somewhere around 10 years old if memory serves.  We didn’t hear a bunch about him before he popped up on their Greens and Ghouls event for $200 and sometime after that he either went to foster or training.  Again, I’m not entirely sure although he was brought back to the ranch recently and took up residence behind the `hard qt’ red tape in the barn.  As of this past weekend Jackson Max is dead.  The details on that are where it gets disturbing…


Tarp with a trail of congealed blood and manure after Jackson Max’s death

Jackson Max’s death upset quite a few people apparently.  Honesty, we don’t know which horse was the one that bled out by the tarps, but at least two died that day and he was one of them.  They usually go in twos so it could have been whoever else had to join him that weekend.  The amount of blood doesn’t exactly paint a picture of a `nearly no blood’ or peaceful death for me.  It certainly didn’t for the person that took the picture who was even more upset knowing who that blood probably belonged to.  Then we have the mention of deconning his stall and the picture of it (beside Legacy’s stall) with the red QT tape all over it.  Draw your own conclusions on that and remember the two foals are living in the same barn.  To make matters worse you have a volunteer that almost apologizes for being upset at the loss of this young horse.  I probably shouldn’t even feel sorry for this particular volunteer since she has been somewhat of a nuisance to this blog, but I get it.  She wants to believe in what she’s doing and now maybe, just maybe, this will be enough to wake her the fuck up or at least stop normalizing this type of behavior.  At the end of the day I just care about a young horse that by many accounts didn’t really need to die.  RIP Jackson Max #sayhisname

HC Death Clock countdown

Countdown clocks rather than names make more sense at HiCal these days…

I think that’s probably enough for one day.  We’re certainly not all caught up, not even on our deaths, but we’ve made a dent.  I actually thought taking a break, even if it was longer than planned, might calm the crazy down a bit.  If anything it’s escalated.  Manson seems to be completely losing her shit all over social media.  Some people on this side of the fence are joining her.  Auction is such a complete joke I’m still trying to figure out where to start with that post, but it’s coming very soon.  I also have a special treat post coming up soon too.  I was only gone a few days and there is a definite shift in the feel of things.  Of course, along with that comes the people wanting to force hands and play out their own agenda.  Human nature and all, and also not my problem.  I also know there are a lot of various threats getting thrown about in attempts to silence people.  I find that telling.  If all this is so wrong, if everything posted is just some personal agenda, then wouldn’t it be more productive and effective to bat it aside and dispute it with truth rather than attempt to threaten people into silence? Makes me wonder what exactly is being protected that we haven’t uncovered yet.  It certainly doesn’t motivate me to stop shining a light.  Thanks to everybody, especially our `moles’ ,  that continue to hang in there with us and fight the good fight.  There is light at the end of the tunnel and this time, it is not an oncoming train.  It’s not our job to defend the truth but only to set it free.  For that reason,  we stay the course.

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Wow, that last post is a tough one to follow as far as impact.  It kinda felt like a mic drop and that perhaps a ride off into the sunset would be appropriate.  Really, what more is there to say or prove after that?  Well, it turns out quite a bit.  Our moles have been extremely diligent and have really outdone themselves this past week.  In order to make sure that there won’t be more accounts like we just read, there is still work to do for all of us, so we soldier on.  I’m not here to change anybody’s mind, I’m here to pass along information and perhaps paint a clearer picture than HiCaliber shows its village.  I’ve got a lot of `painting’ to do today so probably best to get right to it.  Settle in folks, it’s another long one!  I don’t even know why I bother to say that any more….

Remember that Paint horse Manson dug up last week?  The one that was at Misner’s lot but Manson pretended was from some family who purchased as a kid’s horse but was way more crippled than they imagined?  The one that once he turned up at HiCaliber wasn’t so crippled at all?  Manson screwed up by showing him on Misner’s lot and even though she drove him to a different location for new pics, people had already seen him there in person.  At the time, I remember mentioning to some other advocates that there was pretty much zero chance that Manson drove all that way to just pick up one horse and that more would show up soon.  Turns out I was right​.  The other two she brought home the very same day magically showed up this week.  The first was the older bay that was `going to auction tomorrow’.  What the village idiots did not realize is he was already standing at HiCaliber along with the red dun stallion who was promptly marked for death.




The bay and the red dun stallion were on the trailer with the Paint.  If you recall, there was a skinny mare from up north that was supposed to be rescued with Wilkins but the village idiots weren’t motivated enough and that’s likely why the above two horses got to hang out at HiCaliber for a few days until their stories were told.  To recap, we first heard of Wilkins the Paint on January 24th.  The skinny mare from `up north’ never materialized but we’ll get to her later.  Manson and Wrinkles pick up Wilson on January 25th and introduce him after dark.  At this time, both the skinny bay and red dun stallion are also at HiCaliber.  On January 29th, we were introduced to this skinny bay gelding that belonged to somebody who didn’t speak English but miraculously managed to communicate over the phone that he was having financial problems and that the horse was thin with all his bones showing but was still very rideable.  He also, despite this huge language barrier, said he was afraid to show up at auction because of all the `slacktivists’. Slacktivist is Manson’s new favorite word even if she doesn’t use it in proper context.  That’s a lot of information from somebody that doesn’t speak English.  Manson did say that the picture of the horse (above) was over a month old, so we know the person that had him was responsible for his present lack of condition.  He only wanted $150.


Yup!  You guessed it!  The role of the poor guy with a language barrier who was so afraid to go to auction was being played by none other than Bubba Misner.  He’s not afraid to go to auction.  He’s just too lazy and probably has a pie hangover.  The skinny bay, now called Poseidon, showed up with a red dun stallion who still had sweat marks from a saddle on his back.  Manson just had to `save’ him too and said he was a relinquishment but they paid $150 for each as part of their `Find Us A Horse To Shoot’ incentive program.  The fact that she claimed these horses were relinquished is where things get shady even for Manson.


You know that things aren’t going to go well for a horse when Manson doesn’t bother to raise funds and this was the case with the red dun. Manson claimed he had `advanced Wobblers’ and had to be euthanized.  The problem is you can’t diagnose something like that in the field and Wobblers isn’t really an automatic death sentence without finding out what is causing it.  In the video Manson took, the horse does have some gait irregularities, but he certainly doesn’t appear to be `advanced wobblers’.  Near the end where he catches a sniff of a mare he’s stepping fairly lively and wringing his tail.  A neuro horse wouldn’t be able to do those things nor would he be able to short turn like they are making him do.  Maybe he has had some trauma to his back or neck recently and maybe he could be nursed through it.  We’ll never know because Manson won’t take the time.  She couldn’t even be bothered to get his papers and find out who he really was, saying it didn’t matter.  I’m told they eventually named him `Teddy Graham’ before shooting him in the face.  Manson said we shouldn’t feel bad because he’d be chopped up and donated to `science’.  RIP Teddy Graham. #sayhisname

Before we move on to some auction things, I want people to take a look at these pictures.  All of them were taken of Misner’s’ place from various angles.  Recognize the background and the shitty fencing because they feature heavily in many of the pictures used for mid-week cons.  These pics were from awhile ago and one of the things that several different people have let me know recently is that right Misner’s lot is currently overflowing with horses.  I know the saddle horse industry hasn’t experienced a boom, so perhaps he’s on his way to New Mexico or Texas with some loads soon.  Looking at the conditions on his lot it’s kinda easy to imagine why that bay horse lost weight in the time Misner had him and maybe even why Johnny Cade was in such rough shape.


Let’s talk about auction.  It was interesting to say the least.  Manson started out her day by lying her ass off and people were escorted off the property by police.  Didn’t happen.  Yes, the police were there and I’m sure they spoke to a few people for whatever reason but who they did not speak to was our stealth mole.  I’m not sure how `human safety’ plays into any of this.  It’s not like Manson has a soul to steal by taking her picture or anything and besides, our interest, as always is in the horses and the real stories behind them.


skinny mares

Let’s take a brief jump back to January 24th when Manson was begging for money to save this one skinny mare with a sad story.  Strangely, in the very poor photos she showed us, there appears to have been three different horses.  The lone horse in the first pic has one right hind white and appears to be emaciated.  Manson claimed that the horse on the left of the other pic already had a home and the other, the headless one, was the one that needed to be rescued.  Again, we were asked to suspend belief as she claimed that the two skinny horses were the same horse.  They clearly are not. We were also asked to believe that even though this person couldn’t afford to buy feed for his horses, he drove all the way down to Ontario from `up north’ only be turned around and then come back a week later to auction to meet with them again.   Also according to Manson, all these down on their luck people reach out to other rescues and nobody will help them but HiCaliber, yet no other rescues have ever heard about these horses until they show up on the HiCaliber Facebook page.  At any rate, Manson didn’t raise the cash she required to help this `one’ horse she claimed needed `urgent intervention’ so she said they’d deal with it later because there was also two other mares needing help.  Clear as mud?  Let’s go back to auction last week, a full six days later.



Manson starts things off with this post that had a video attached of a skinny red mare.  The mare wasn’t moving all that badly though.  It turns out that video was the wrong one so they did a fast edit and added a different red mare’s video. This mare really was fairly sore and just to drive her point home, Manson made her hobble around for the camera and so she could text a clip to a `vet’ to diagnose and to inspire her village idiots to dig deep.  The village idiots dutifully ignored the fact that there was another red mare waiting in the wings and set about raising money for the eyelash fund responsible rescue and purchase price.



Finally, the original skinny shows up.  The down on his luck guy from `up north’ found the funds to come to the parking lot to relinquish his mare that we were supposed to forget we saw a video of a few hours later.  Sadly, without the thrill of the chutes and all the drama that entails it was a hard sell to the village idiots and right about this time there was some paranoia flaring up because these horses came straight out of Salvador’s trailer.  Shocking, I know.  I still have no idea what the strategy was behind the order of posting these mares when they all came from the same person.  Pulling her video down and replacing it with another threw up far more red flags than had they just left it.  Even if she wasn’t that sore, we’re quite used to the 30% vet misdiagnosing things and not being able to pick out lameness to save her miserable life.  By quickly yanking down her video it was clear there was more to the story.

That’s right, just as we suspected over a week ago, that skinny mare and two others were standing at Salvador’s place the whole time. What I find disturbing is the truly emaciated one never did show up to auction that we know of so that doesn’t bode well for her.  We know at least two of the sorrel mares came from his trailer on Tuesday, Pyper and Char. We also know that Salvador got pissed at the clusterfuck going on in the parking lot and was cursing `This is bullshit’ before hopping in his truck and driving off which is when stealth mole #2 picked him up heading back towards Perris presumably to mangle some more horses for the HiCaliber grifting pipeline.  The second video was taken a few months ago when Romney Faye named Salvador (in the same trailer) right on camera as they unload some tripping horses. Most of them didn’t even make it back to HiCaliber before being shot in the head.

This is an older clip of Manson describing Salvador.  I just wanted to post it up to remind people of what she used to say about him before they become partners in grifting.

In between the sorrel mares, the village idiots were presented with this gray mare.  As usual, she had a sad story and was facing a terrible fate.  To top it all off, she was `cancer infested’.  Nothing creates exigency like some harmless melanomas.  I’m sure the rest of you are yawning and wondering `so what?’ by now.  This is where having experienced moles comes in.  This mare does have quite a history but it’s not exactly what Manson was telling people.  As is usually the case with Manson, there is often a very slight shred of truth to her lies and she builds from there.  So, let’s take another trip back in time. Thankfully, this mare not only has the Rancho Bonilla brand on her, but a broodmare number which makes her easier than most to track.

Three weeks ago, this mare was advertised on Craigslist along with two others and it was stated they `might’ be pregnant.  Her `83′ and Bonilla brand clearly visible in some of the pictures along with the melanomas on her head.  They said they wanted $2000 each which is kinda funny considering he only wanted $500 for her in September and lowered that to $300 last week.  She may have been with somebody else between September and last week because it’s not really like Nacho to take the time to roach a mane and he’s not known to have a stallion at all let alone one like was in the craigslist ad.  How do I know what he wanted back in September?  Read on!


Romney Faye and Nacho dealing horses at Ontario Auction, September 12,2017

This is Romney Faye and Nacho back on September 12th.  He is showing her the pictures of the grey mare then and, at the time, he wanted $500 for her.  He wasn’t willing to come down on the price because he said he would keep and breed her if he didn’t get what he was asking.  I’m not really up to speed on all things Andalusian, but apparently the Bonilla brand is a good thing.  I don’t think it’s a great thing for horses since these old grey mares with that brand seem to turn up at low-end auctions with some regularity.  Anyhow, obviously HiCaliber declined back in September.  If you recall, Manson hates Nacho and refers to him as `Nacho Motherf@#ker’ because he stands firm on his prices. I’m pretty sure she’ll dispute all this so I’ll throw another layer on things.  It turns out Nacho was offering this mare to more than just HiCaliber.  Despite what Manson and Romney Faye say, these flippers, Misner and Salvador included, will sell to whoever hands them the cash.

Unlike Romney Faye and Manson,  a mole did got to Nacho’s back in September to check things out.  As you can see, it is the same mare (check brands) and she was in much better condition back then.  The video (click on it to play)shows Nacho right there with the mare and our mole describing what she sees/  This was taken on the same day he was talking to Romney Faye above.  You can see same shirt, hat etc on Nacho.  I can already hear the bitching about why `we’ didn’t purchase this horse back then.  There’s a couple of reasons.  She wasn’t in bad shape at the time, but also the sad part of `investigating’ things is you sometimes have to hold out for the greater good as hard as that may be.  We can’t point fingers at HiCaliber for lining the pockets of these flippers and kill buyers and then do the same thing too.  There was nothing reportable with this mare in September and the mole has kept an eye out for her ever since.

Which brings us right back to last week and the same mare arrives at auction in Nacho’s trailer where she is promptly offloaded to HiCaliber.  Nacho vacates the scene before the Facebook post about her even goes up and gets rolling for fundraising.  I cannot say for sure this mare was in his possession the entire time between September and last week.  My instinct says probably not as the property in the Craigslist ad doesn’t appear to be Nacho’s place.  It appears she was sold or leased out to be a broodmare and likely didn’t catch.  This also makes Manson’s threat of her being bought up to dance or be a broodmare kinda ridiculous. Is there anybody out there that still thinks these deals aren’t made well before auction?

Because Manson will protect her revenue stream at all costs, she decided to load all the horses up, including yet another sorrel mare she claims they bought in the ring, and drive them to a local back road to unload yet again and beg for more money.  She blamed the haters for this and pleaded with the village idiots not to comment how much they are donating.  Manson also warned them to lock down their Facebook page because people are having their work called etc.  I think she was projecting because everything she described were things she has actually done to others including phoning people’s employers.  The only difference is that when she does it she says it’s just a joking around and friendly rivalry.  I’m not sure the people who have been targeted by Manson and her village idiots feel the same, but I’ll say right here and now, that if ANYBODY is doing shit like that, knock it off and grow up.


The cretins in the above video are also people who deal horses to HiCaliber and are seen off and on at Ontario Auction. While they aren’t as regular as Misners, Salvador and Nacho, we know from past events that they all start out sporadic and get bolder and bolder as time goes on.  We have an idea on who these guys are but need a few more things to fall into place.  There seems to be a trend of compassion pulls lately and if HiCaliber won’t step up and report the people who are hurting these animals, then the rest of us will, so we start with identifying them or confirming the known identities.


With the execution of Teddy Graham this week, it became clear that at least one other horse would join him under the blue tarp.  I can’t remember the last time Manson only shot one.  It seems like she likes to get the most bang for her buck with the body removal service as well. The reason Madge was killed was chronic laminitis as diagnosed by the 30% vet.  No memorial posts or good byes for Madge.  Just a walk to the killing field.  If she was lucky, she was the first to go and didn’t have to stand beside the chopped up body of Teddy Graham.  Although, she was probably hacked to pieces too since Manson seems to be really into that lately.  RIP Madge.  #sayhername

If you have any doubt about how Manson feels about shooting all these animals each week, please watch the above video. It begins with Robyn shooting a gun off camera and Engineer spooking.  Likely the same gun they use to execute all the other animals, but this day they were merely shooting it off to scare coyotes.  Still, I wonder if that’s the reaction the horses have when Manson is doing her weekly executions.  Then, we have Manson thinking it’s hilarious and, once again, making fun of how we like to remember their names and killing horses in general.  You know what they say about many a truth being spoken in jest…

Horses aren’t the only ones that are ending up under the blue tarp lately.  The mortality rate for the other livestock Manson has taken to dragging home is even worse.  Just in the last week Milkdud the calf, Grandma Goat and Kevin the cow have all died.  Kevin was killed by Manson from what I understand and while she blew Madge away without so much as a sniffle, Kevin was memorialized, complete with faux tears, on live feed.  Manson mentioned that Grandma Goat had died on her own, which is disturbing considering Manson practiced her 30% vet skills on her infected udder and diagnosed her with pneumonia.  I can only imagine how sick the poor animal was for her to just lay down and die.  I’m told Milkdud died essentially the same way.  RIP Milkdud, Kevin and Grandma.  We’ll say their names too.

Speaking of other livestock, this steer, Kipper, might be the next to find himself under the blue tarp.  Even though it was not that long ago that Manson was afraid of cows and admitted to knowing nothing about them, she is now subjecting them to her 30% veterinary procedures and diagnostics as well.  I find this extremely disturbing on several levels.  These animals suffer just as much as any other animal.  They hurt, they feel fear and discomfort too.  The very fact she is able to acquire them for pennies on the pound or free, kinda says to me that these animals are already very sick.  If there was any value in them whatsoever as meat or whatever else, she wouldn’t be getting them. So, she’s taking an already dying animal and torturing it basically and nobody cares because it’s just a cow or just a goat.

I found these quotes from Manson and Romney Faye to be quite interesting.  Just going to leave them here along with the video of Satan.  You know you’re a POS when even Satan thinks you’re shady…



I found this post from one of their private groups somewhat interesting.  We’re used to hearing about empty and filthy water tubs, so that part isn’t remarkable.  What I did kinda wonder about is the `hard QT’.  What is hard QT vs regular QT?  Does hard QT mean they take of their filthy Uggs?  Why do they have to put stakes and tape up to remind people when Manson has always claimed there is a quarantine area of the ranch?  Then, we have the pictures of Manson’s kiddo riding around on the recently arrived Wilkins.  He’s in the arena she turns out anything and everything lately and in the barn as well as in the grooming area.  We know this horse came off Misner’s lot less than two weeks ago and they have said themselves that he has Strangles on his lot.  Does quarantine only apply to horses she or her spawn don’t take an interest in? So many questions!




Lately Manson has been trying to sell us the `free euthanasia’ thing and claims that they pay an incentive to people to relinquish the horses.  That’s a creative way to say they are buying horses to kill, but even more disturbing, she continues to raise money for `diagnostics’.  In other words, these free horses are still costing the village idiots the same amount of money, but Manson has just reframed where the money is going.  The last three screen shots may be a more accurate depiction where a large part of the responsible rescue fee is going with the `compassion pulls’ . Ok, music lessons for the kid isn’t so far-fetched, but hiring an interior decorator to do your other kid’s room?  Manson doesn’t even own the house or all the furniture in it and she’s hiring interior designers?  We know this is true because the kid actually spilled it on a live feed not all that long ago.  This isn’t even mentioning the new tack that Santa brought them this year.  I think that’s fairly impressive considering Manson told us she only had $400 to spend on Christmas.  Way to stretch those dollars, Manson!  Clearly, being an unemployed single mother is far more lucrative than working a full time professional job.


I really don’t have much to say about this screen shot other than how funny I think it is.  Every single video or picture I see of Amanduh or Manson they are in ill-fitting tack with their stupid rope halters done up wrong.  Now they want to teach other people how to make sure their horses are as uncomfortable as possible and learn to hate being ridden?  Sign me up!

Perhaps Manson needs to sign up for some of those tack fitting classes for herself.  In return she can teach her patented `Starfish’ method of riding and, if you are truly advanced, she will teach you the Extreme Starfish/Chair Seat Combo.  That’s not something you see every day.  I’m in awe, but not in a good way.

After over 3 weeks of watching the poor little filly, Umbra, walking around with her crooked legs, Manson finally decided to look into doing something about her and took her into the clinic to be assessed. I don’t know why she waited so long as the chances of any surgery working are greatly reduced the older she gets, but better late than never maybe.  What was weird is the filly was checked into the clinic under Wrinkles’ name rather than HiCaliber. I’m not surprised they are trying to hide who is doing the diagnostics and surgery because that’s just what they do.  It appears to be SLREH though for anybody that wants to contribute directly to her care rather than put more money in Manson’s pocket.  It shouldn’t matter who has possession of this filly, if you feel motivated to help, then do so, just be smart about it.  She is no less worthy just because of who has possession of her. I wouldn’t hold my breath for updates on her though because Manson is not your bitch.


I stumbled across this quote the other day.  I wonder if this was ever true and if it was, if the old Manson would recognize the current version.  I think my favorite part is when she says `I am still a simpleton’.  I’m guessing just like her 30% veterinary terminology, she wasn’t quite clear what that word actually means and how to use it.  Just further proof that there is always the tiniest shred of truth in most of the lies she tells.


I think that’s probably enough information to digest for today.  I notice as things heat up that everybody is eager to `help’ bring this to an end.  Obviously, we are all free to do as we choose and there is more than one way to approach things.  I would just suggest that before people act, that they ask themselves what they are trying to accomplish.  As you can tell from what was provided today, some of the moles that contribute to this blog have been at this for a very long time.  It takes remarkable self-control and dedication to collect information and sit on it until it paints a larger picture and has a real impact.  We’re busy behind the scenes and only getting busier.  I will continue to share what I can and hope that everybody manages to keep their crazy tucked in for just a little bit longer.  It will be worth it, trust me!

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Hola people!  I hope you’ve all got a little time on your hands because we have a LOT to deal with today.  I apologize in advance if this gets a bit disjointed.  With the amount of fuckery and asshattery going on it’s hard to string it all together and make it flow.  I also need remind people that this post is clip heavy so in order to make sense out of a lot of what is being discussed, click the pics if you’re on a mobile device.  As if their mega lies weren’t brazen enough last week, HiCaliber has actually upped the ante and lied harder this week and I’m not even talking just about the Johnny Cade saga.  Let’s just say my patience has been tried and found wanting.  Lordy!  That being said, let’s get this party started!


At this point, it’s not really productive for me to bother writing up all their general fuckery from week to week.  Y’all have eleventy billion Facebook pages and groups to discuss all that stuff ad nauseam, so I don’t feel the need to rehash it here unless I have something to add to the festivities or maybe a different take on things.  So today, I figure we’ll kick things off with a cautionary tale of what happens when a 30% vet gets in well over her big fat head and allows that to play out on live feed.  Yup, the same live feed everybody can see, but because I’m a glutton for punishment along with the people that contribute behind the scenes, we took the time to pull out the pertinent clips so the rest of you don’t have to have the life sucked out of you listening to endless hours of blather and lies.  No need to thank me, just hugging your animals and supporting legitimate rescue is thanks enough.



As far as I can tell, this drama with Johnny Cade began sometime on Saturday when he went down in his stall and couldn’t get up.  In the first of many poor choices, Manson decided to drag the poor little guy on a tarp out into the parking lot.  She did this with Clint and Casey too  and we all know how that ended up for them.  I guess it’s easier to pick their bodies up that way if they die, except Johnny Cade didn’t cooperate.  This meant he was laying on cold ground as it got darker and colder so the Humane Society Large Animal rescue had to come in and hoist the horse up so they could get him back to the barn.  I’m not sure it dawned on Manson that all the sedation she admitted to giving him wasn’t overly conducive to him standing on his own and just might have had something to do with him having trouble regulating his body temp.  At any rate the horse made it back to the barn for the night.

In the above video, it’s pretty clear Manson hadn’t had time to google anything much yet as she looks to the rafters for answers and blames the weather for Johnny going down.  Yeah, I scratched my head at that too.   At least she was wearing her stethoscope which gave her an automatic 1% vet boost.



So, the following day, the 14th, Johnny Cade went down again and Romney Faye decided that it would be a good idea to force feed him alfalfa.  I guess the fact that he has refeeding syndrome and it appears he’s going into some sort of system failure hadn’t registered with them.  I’m not sure it has even now.  Common sense seemed to be missing too because you don’t have to know a bunch about animals to realize you don’t feed a downed horse like that.  For a horse that’s supposed to be on a refeeding protocol, they never stopped shoving food in his face until it was time to go get his meds ready at which point they all shuffled into the med room to dink around and show everybody how common they really are.

Make no mistake, despite the crocodile tears for the camera, Manson’s pupils are lit up with dollar signs over this drama.  In fact the coven of Manson, Wrinkles and Romney Faye seem certain their village is so brainwashed they could get a trip to Hawaii out of it and they weren’t joking about that. I’m not sure why they need airfare when corn brooms are so much cheaper.

If you can get past Manson’s wretched singing voice in the top clip, you’ll hear that she thinks it’s just hilarious that some of us are upset about the number of horses she shoots in the face and erases off this planet and our efforts to remember their names.  She’s even made up a little song about it.  In fact, it’s so hilarious that Manson and Wrinkles have their own little joke about putting an X on each other’s foreheads and naming horses after each other which they demonstrate in the second clip.  Anybody that has been following this shit show for any length of time will know what that means.  It boggles my mind that village idiots continue to think that shooting horses in the face is anything but enjoyable for these creatures.


Can somebody please explain to me why these assholes feel the need to take selfies around down horses?  I get it they are begging for money and Manson, now that her supply from Moss is cut off, never misses an opportunity to beg for med supplies lately, but WTF?  This horse is trying to die in front of them and they’re all grinning like idiots and taking selfies.  I bet Manson is positively moist at the very thought of being able to shoot another horse.  The one question I have is that if this horse is, in fact, under the care of a real 100% vet, wouldn’t they have the ringers?  Why would Manson have to source her own and if the vets were all really out, what makes her think she’s going to get her hands on them before real vets? Things that make you go `hmmm’.



The following day, Johnny Cade went down yet again and this time they decided to have a party while Manson pretended to be upset for the camera.  Random volunteers and regulars swarmed Johnny Cade while he was suspended from the bucket of the tractor.  The crowd included the returned animal abuser herself, Taylor.  I’m thinking she was there to kick him when nobody was looking or maybe throw some salt on the ever-increasing abrasions on his poor body.   Amanduh’s new puppy seems to be always around so there was no shortage of vulnerable creatures for her to hurt.  Manson could barely keep her sad face on as Amanduh dry humped and then flashed everybody behind her.  As you can tell by the clip above, the reason for Johnny Cade going down this time was `fluid’.



So, as of this writing, Johnny Cade struggles on.  His only known live and in person visit with a real vet was the above clip from January  5th and as you can see, Manson pretty much tells the vet what SHE is doing and he appears to take direction from her. No wonder she likes him so much.  Manson has claimed there are between four and six vets `consulting’ on Johnny Cade but past events have shown us that Manson considers text messages to be consults.  Still, she has named Dr. Potenza aka Manson’s BFF Korin, Dr. Huggons and `Shane’ (who I’m assuming is their intern Shane Stafford aka not a 100% vet) of SLREH as also being involved. She did kinda admit that none of them had actually made it out to the ranch as of yet.  I’m not really sure what to make of vets so willing to have it broadcast that they are diagnosing and consulting via text message if this is true.  For whatever reason, Manson seems to think it’s a huge deal to have `wife rights’ with the vets.  In her world it’s a big deal to be able to make an after hours phone call or have their numbers.  In most horse people’s world that’s expected.


I know it irks Manson and the village idiots, but the fact is that many people that read and comment on this blog are horse people, myself included.  We’ve been there, done that with a lot of this stuff and, like it or not, we do know better in most cases.  For instance, we know that horses are prey animals and having a bunch of strangers swarming and hovering over Johnny Cade while he’s down is likely very stressful to this little horse.  They like to project human emotions onto him when it’s convenient for them, but he doesn’t know they care or are trying to save them.  He knows he’s down, can’t get up and these creatures he doesn’t really know are over top of him.  His base instinct is to struggle and try to get up.  Then you have the non stop partying and blaring lights on with this horse.  Let him rest and keep him quiet.  Let him lay down and prop him up for a few hours.  Instead they make him stay on his feet when he doesn’t have the energy to only because it’s more convenient for them.  Then you have Manson doing her level best to crash his system by constantly sedating him and giving him Banamine even though he’s showing signs of renal failure.   Watching this play out has been painful.  I think everybody wants to see this little horse to pull through after fighting so hard, but if he does it will be despite The Manson family and not because of them.



Forgive me as I jump back and forth but I felt like we should maybe cover the clusterfuck that was auction this week while it was still somewhat fresh in my mind.  It was dramatic, to say the least, starting off by some unfortunate person who had the audacity to show up at auction and make Manson more paranoid than usual.  In an astonishing display of hypocrisy and assholery, the Village Idiots proceeded to troll Facebook and basically blame anybody they considered to be a hater that happened to have blonde hair and put their profiles on blast.  No word on what this mystery woman did that was so offensive to Manson’s delicate sensibilities but it was enough to cause her to heave her bulk up on the proverbial cross and play the `poor me’ card for the rest of the day complete with fake tears and emotional eating.  Good times!



At about 10:45 this white trailer showed up with two horses.  A grey mare and a black mare that was saddled.  There weren’t many horses in the chutes, but they hadn’t got to those yet.  This white trailer has become a regular supplier for HiCaliber lately.  Not long after this went down in the parking lot the posts about the two mares started with the gray mare’s details being `fluid’.



As you can see the story on this mare changed a few times over the day.  The reason it changed is that they got busted in yet another lie since MANY people watched this same mare go through the ring at Mike’s last weekend for $110.  Because of this mare,  I was absolutely delighted to find out that my own gigantor warmblood is likely charro trained if Manson is to believed.  Apparently, that’s what pawing the air means.  I wonder if that means that Zenyatta was charro trained too?  I’m sure VA on the Zenyatta forums is all over that!





This little droopy faced Arab stud was another parking lot purchase courtesy of Nacho.  Even though Manson had him tied to her own trailer, she’s careless with where she points the camera and Nacho’s trailer was clearly visible right beside hers.  If you recall, Manson does not like Nacho because he asks too much money according to her, so he’s taken over Salvador’s former position as the `worst of the worst’.  Nacho was the one who brought Magnum to them and if their own post is to believed, has been trying to sell this Arabian for `months’ but the horse wasn’t worthy of their attention until he got skinny and cheaper.  Here’s an example of them once again not putting a horse first.  Unfortunately for the stallion, he is out of the frying pan and into the fire as he is now property of HiCaliber.


Salvador’s truck and trailer


This brings us to the Salvador portion of auction.  If you watch no other clip, please watch the one above because it clearly illustrates their lies and how cozy they are with this asshole.  The first part is Romney Faye on the phone with Salvador and she very helpfully tells us it was Sunday evening when she took the call.  She also tells us it was the same guy that brought them Braveheart last week and we have pictures of Braveheart in Salvador’s trailer.  Note how familiar and friendly Romney Faye is with him on the phone. (Do not get me started again on her shoving feed into that poor horse’s mouth) It’s almost like she was talking to a friend rather than a notorious flipper’ as they have called him in the past.  ​Then we fade into auction with Manson saying how they use a `middleman’ so they don’t know where the horses come from but just provide the incentive for people to find these horses.  That’s not exactly true, but if it was, it’s almost worse than what they are currently doing which is absolutely NOTHING to stop this suffering and abuse or bringing the people that do this to animals to justice.  Any questions?



Shocking!  Look whose truck and trailer just so happened to be there loading out at the very same time as HiCaliber!  That would be pie enthusiast, Bubba Misner aka Voldy Jr., who lives right around the corner from the auction and really has no reason to be the last man out when he’s not hauling for HiCaliber.  I guess hauling for HiCaliber and the village idiots are keeping him in pies these days along with his regular animal exploitation activities.



Back before Christmas, I posted a guest post from the owners of the 4 Appaloosas that had been relinquished along with a large amount of supporting funds to HiCaliber only to be nearly killed either due to their negligence and 30% vetting.  We’ve talked about these horses a few times but the last post is straight from the owner and pretty much sums up everything.  You can refresh your memory here.  At the time, we did not have pictures of their condition upon returning from their stint at HiCaliber.  These pics have been recovered and were sent to me last week.  This is the three surviving Appaloosas after the family got them back from HiCaliber.  If you recall, Manson has denied their condition all along and has gone so far to attack some members of the family she felt were responsible for sending the guest post in.  Manson has recently mentioned how close Breezy, the former stallion, came to dying on their watch but takes no ownership of that even though she was 100% responsible for his condition due to her playing vet and lying about it.  Again, you can read about it in the linked guest post.  The good news is the horses are recovering and happy to be back `home’ with their family.  It has cost the family a lot in vet bills, feed and equipment.  HiCaliber did not return all the panels, tack and equipment they took when they intitially took on the horses and no part of the 10k was ever returned or accounted for as far as I know.

Before we get into the next part of this post, it’s probably useful watch the above clip.  Manson rattles off her usual spiel about how they don’t euth for age or space but they will kill a horse that is unadoptable.  Her voice is monotone during the whole thing.  Just like Romney Faye’s auction speeches, it’s like they don’t even hear what they’re saying anymore.  I also can’t reconcile how Manson will allow some horses to suffer well beyond when it’s appropriate and then has no issue or remorse about shooting a perfectly healthy one in the face because it looked at her funny.  It’s like nobody under her spell is capable of enough independent thought to call her out on her own contradictions.  Anyhow…



The one thing all this drama is good for is throwing up a smoke screen so people don’t know that the Manson killing spree has continued unabated.  As a result we have some more names to say the first of which is Horton.  Horton was purchased on December 28th along with Dano, Madge, and Mr. Handsome.  Madge is the only one left living of that group.  I’m not sure that Manson ever came right out and said why Horton had to get shot in the face, because she didn’t even bother doing an intake video on him.  It seems she finally found a vet that is as kill happy as her though since she claims he’s recommending all these horses for euthanasia.   RIP Horton #sayhisname


Comet also joined the list of the dead.  The only real surprise about that was that they bothered to put him on the website.  From the time they found him at auction, he was referred to as `The compassion pull’ so his death was pretty much a fait accompli from the first time he hit the HiCaliber radar.  RIP Comet #sayshisname



Jacobson joined the others under the blue tarp as well.  Again, no announcement or formal diagnosis was shared other than Amanduh mentioning he had a `pyramidy’ foot on his intake video.  I often wonder how these people that have asked for a horse to be named after a loved one feel when Manson shoots them in the face.  There’s something disturbing about that to me.  What is also disturbing to me is how quickly these poor animals fall off the village idiot radar.  I don’t think any of them have even noticed he was gone.  RIP Jacobson.  #sayhisname


Chloe also joined the `rainbow herd’ recently.  She was another that had long fallen off the village idiot radar because she had been adopted.  Reports are that she was stumbling and falling down, so Manson had them return her to the ranch in order to shoot her in the head.  I find that disturbing on several levels, not the least of which is to take this mare out of the home she knows and away from the people she knows, is not in her best interest or a compassionate end.  It’s especially not compassionate if she really was having trouble staying on her feet, to bounce her back to HiCaliber in trailer to stand in the shit filled pens waiting her turn to get drug out to the killing field.  Sadly, as Manson likes to remind us, dead is dead.  RIP Chloe.  #sayhername



Ninna was another young and emaciated horse that came from Misner back in mid December. Kinda funny how he seems to keep finding these young, skinny horses lately.  As shown in the pictures, Ninna failed to thrive at HiCaliber and went into a rapid decline.  By last week Manson told us she was in liver failure although she attempted to muddy the waters with words like hepatitis.  Hepatitis just means inflammation of the liver and it’s not like the human version despite what the 30% vet thinks.  Ninna wasn’t out having unprotected sex and she didn’t come into contact with the another horse with hepatitis.  It’s generally caused by what they’re eating, if there are toxins present or too much protein in their diets or bacterial infections.  Interesting to note that as Ninna showed more symptoms, the HiCaliber feed team gave her more alfalfa which likely contributed to the liver shut down due to that being the last thing you’d give a horse in liver failure.  Manson also diagnosed Ninna with dementia because she was standing with her head in the corner and up against the wall.  What that likely was, was Ninna in pain or going neurological as her body started to shut down.  All of this probably was preventable, if not avoidable in a horse as young as Ninna had she been seen by a real and competent vet upon intake.  RIP Ninna.  #sayhername


Daphne was shot in the face last week too.  The official reason is that her cancer had returned and was spreading fast, but as we have come to learn, Manson never shoots just one at a time and Ninna’s number was up so Daphne was likely next in line to make up numbers.  She won’t count towards their official numbers because they have found this work around to lower their kill stats.  One of the volunteers `adopts’ the euth list horse so they can claim they got their `one last good home’, but they never actually leave the property.  Baldwin is another in this situation.  He has been `adopted’ by Kat Tarnowski but he will remain at HiCaliber on the euth list.  I’m sorry this little mare had to spend her last 10 months of life on this feed lot.  I’m sorry for the volunteers that cared about her.  I’m still trying to figure out how this is rescue.  RIP Daphne.  #sayhername


Now that we’ve covered most of the heavy stuff, we’ll move onto the petty stuff.  Mainly that entails Manson bitching at her crew behind closed doors and further demonstrating her complete lack of knowledge about anything to do with horses.  The fact that she’s had to cut even one leg out of a hay net, let alone keeps having to do it suggests that perhaps nobody there knows how to tie one up properly.  I think I learned how to tie a hay net in D level Pony Club.  It’s just not that difficult, but obviously a skill that Manson has yet to google.


Here is a lovely picture of a horse standing in its own filth at HiCaliber.  Rather than picking up a fork herself, Manson puts out the call for help.  Instead of cleaning a stall she went to the effort to hide a Starbucks card in the filth.  Awesome! Anybody want to bet whether she managed to help out after giving meds?  I’ll buy myself a coffee if anybody guesses right.


Here is yet another example of the laziness of the ranch residents.  A volunteer aka somebody who is not paid, wants to take a day off to see her son and rather than get off their asses and cover her, Manson will pay somebody.  Lucky for Manson the other volunteers covered her.  They probably couldn’t afford not to since I’ve heard that the volunteers pay out-of-pocket for the paid help there.  You can read that back a few times and it still won’t make sense.  Manson is the epitome of lazy.

Remember how Manson wouldn’t let Magnum have a bottle even though he only 4 days old or so when they got him?  She didn’t believe in it although for foals that don’t lose their mothers, she doesn’t believe in weaning.   Well, here’s poor little Magnum a few days ago still wanting to nurse and Manson being disgusting about it.  Does anybody other than the village idiots actually think this is funny?


Sometimes you just need a little alone time with your voodoo doll to straighten everything out…

I think that’s probably enough to absorb for today.  It feels like things are spinning out of control at HiCaliber.  If you read some of Manson’s old posts, she has turned into the very thing she used to speak out against.  She protects the kill buyers and squares off at other rescues and advocates. She exploits not only horses but has branched out to goats, cows and, just the other day, she was crying over a pig.  It’s all pantomime designed to boost algorithms and distract people from what’s really going on.  While everybody is in a heightened state of arousal over the drama playing out on Facebook, she’s shooting horses in the face that will NEVER be mentioned.  We’re only two weeks into the new year and They’ve already killed at least 16 horses that we know of.  Let that sink in.  Because nothing is ever Manson’s fault, she points the fingers at the `haters’ without realizing that each time she does so there are three pointing right back at her.  Manson is in control of this shit show.  If she stopped lying and grifting at auction I wouldn’t have half the things to write about that I do.  If she practiced true transparency and stopped playing vet and shooting horses in the face, I’d have nothing to write about at all because I’m not the rescue police.  I am an animal advocate and as long as she’s exploiting, abusing and neglecting animals, she better get used to being the subject of this blog because I’m not going anywhere.  Until next time…

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Well, I’m sure none of you expected to have another post to read so soon.  I sure as hell didn’t expect to be writing one but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.  There were so many stunts pulled off on Tuesday at auction I didn’t want them to get buried with the regular other day of the week stunts.  I’m really not sure if Manson is getting careless or she thinks the  rest of us are as stupid and gullible as the village idiots. Either way busting up the bigger lies from Tuesday is about like shooting fish in a barrel, but I’m going to do it anyway because I feel a need to vent.  I’m going to try to keep this short, sweet and succinct, but it would  probably be best to pull up a chair anyhow.  Beverages are optional.

This is going to get tough to follow, so you might want to draw yourselves a map or something.  Remember the poor one-eyed stallion they bought just the other day?  The one that was in Salvador’s trailer and that they not only bought but moved to a `third party location and out of the hands of the original seller’?  Yeah, well not so much.  He was in Salvador’s trailer when they bought him a few days ago and he turned up at auction on Tuesday still in Salvador’s trailer so not too sure who the `third party’ was, but I swear that trailer is like a clown car because every time you turn around some other mangled and/or emaciated horse is either in it or tied to it. The post above had mentioned `two more skinnies’ and those showed up on Tuesday along with two bonus horses, so that’s where we’re going to start.

charro pony.PNG

This was `charro’ pony that showed up, once again tied to Salvador’s little trailer of horrors.  He didn’t arrive `late’, Salvador just can’t be arsed to go through the whole charade of running them through the ring.  The pony was only offered by HiCaliber as a private buy, but what I want people to look at is the corner of the pics, specifically the leg circled and marked with Manson’s trailer in the background.  This is important because the whopper of the lie that they posted after this was bold, even for them.


Wow, emergency with a sick child!  Way to yank on those heart-strings, Manson.  The village idiots were suitably aghast and inspired to dig deep.  As you can clearly see from the leg markings, the buckskin was the horse in the corner of the pic by Salvador’s trailer because he came off of Salvador’s trailer and I’m pretty sure his bouncing baby boy is just fine considering he’s a grown assed man and a horse thief. At least the Daniel Paniagua mentioned on this link is and he happens to share a name and is the exact same age as Salvador’s spawn and partner in crime.  Super stand up guys to be doing business with, no?  What a great family!


Since the sad tale of a poor family with a sick child was a hit, they just so happened to have another two skinny horses that the village just had to rescue too.  I am unsure why didn’t have their tails cut off for `jewelry’ if they all came from the same poor family but the end result was the story worked and three more horses were drug back to the feed lot to be forgotten about by the very donors that paid for them.  If you aren’t confused by now, just take a listen to the video above (click pic if you’re on a mobile device) and you most certainly will be after trying to follow Manson’s version.  It’s a classic grift situation with Manson talking circles and Wrinkles pretending to understand.  What I think was probably happening was Manson trying to get her story straight with Wrinkles, but it was too late by this point.  I kinda got the skeevies when Wrinkles commented `Just put an x on my forehead’, because I seem to recall some of the real Manson family members carved x’s on their foreheads after Helter Skelter. Creepy!

This may be one of my favorite clips of Manson this past week even though only her fingers are in it.  This was during the load out when Volunteer Tom came up, not realizing they were on live feed, and blabbed that Bubba Misner was hauling for them.  I just loved the frantic waving of the finger and chopping motions to shut him up and his awkward attempts to cover his ass.  Congrats, Village Idiots!  You not only stuffed Salvador’s pockets full of money you’re now paying the other kill buyer and abuser money to haul Salvador and his own horses back to HiCaliber.  Keep telling yourselves there’s a poor family that can eat now if that helps you sleep at night though. It doesn’t look like Bubba has missed many meals at all and Salvador makes makes a shitbomb of cash tripping horses and providing bulls to Mexican rodeos.

During yet another marathon live feed on the way home, Manson told us that some of her volunteers think they should kill more horses and then goes on to name a bunch that apparently make her trigger finger itch.  Cami, Nola, Gulliver, maybe Dragon…she names them all off casually like a grocery list.  We get it.  They all get off on killing animals.  I’m at a loss to even try to comprehend how messed up and evil so many people are.  Who looks at a perfectly healthy animal and says `Yup, we should kill that one because we’re not smart enough to get it adopted’?  Have any of you even seen anything of Cami, Nola or Gulliver lately?  FFS, she refuses to give updates on Dragon because a former volunteer turned `hater’ liked him and asked after him.  That was enough to make Dragon a pawn in yet another one of Manson’s sick little power plays.  She’s nobody’s bitch so she would rather that horse be shot in the face than give an update on a horse a hater likes.  How’s that for being all about the horses?

Yet another steer dragged home from auction by Manson.  I don’t really understand her newfound love for cattle other than she’s attracted to her own kind, but other than Bubbles and Bernie, they seem to have a shelf life at HiCaliber of about 2 weeks max.  I only put this clip up as another example of Manson talking out her ass and misinforming the village idiots about things she has no clue about.  No Manson, they are not `drugging’ cattle to run them through auction.  That would be illegal and also nobody would bother.  Chances are this cow, just like all the other ones she keeps just having to rescue lately, are byproducts of her good pal Misner’s cows in crates shipping overseas venture.

The two clips above are just to remind people exactly who Manson’s suppliers are.  Yes, that’s Salvador aka poor rancher aka poor family with sick child, on the dancing horse.  As much as I’d like to say it’s the same horse they just scooped up at auction, I don’t think it is.  The markings are not the same.  It does seem that the Paniagua family do have a fondness for buckskins though, so I’m sure this one will turn up with a sob story some day when he’s all used up and crippled.  The other clip is Bubba just being the drunken ass that he actually is.  If you want to see what he and his daddy are capable of, just scroll back and look at Johnny Cade and the sick minis and countless others that Manson is constantly cleaning up for him.


Pelet: chestnut auction mare
Shan: gray broodmare
Braveheart: One-eyed palomino stallion from Salvador’s trailer last week.
Kipper: Skinny buckskin from family with sick child as played by Salvador
Penelope: Red-dun yearling filly that was being ridden in parking lot
Clancy:  Skinny paint from Salvador
Nate: Skinny chestnut from Salvador
Kevin: Lame steer.
I thought I should probably name all the victims that are the newest inmates at the HiCaliber feed lot.  Again, I have to wonder why they even bother with auction considering they really just show up to deal with Salvador and Misner these days.  What legitimate rescue gets nearly every single horse from the same two known flippers and abusers.  How is that even rescue?  By my way of thinking,  Manson is just another bottom feeding horse dealer like her two buddies.  She goes on these near daily foul-mouthed rants where she tells other rescues to shut up and go get the horses just like she does, but how could they?  Salvador uses and abuses these horses and then he calls HiCaliber to come clean them up.  It’s not like they were available to anybody else because a real rescue wouldn’t be in a partnership with a piece of shit like him or Misner.  Misner now has a market for all those horses he can’t easily flip or ship to slaughter that were previously worthless to him and Salvador makes his money from using them and then from dumping them on the village.  Manson makes her money by buying them and shooting them before they have a chance to use their `responsible rescue’ fee.  Tell me exactly how much of the $650 each those two Salvador horses she bought last week used?  Neither one of them ever set foot on HiCaliber’s property or got so much as a flake of hay, so whatever the cost of however many bullets she had to use to kill them is all they used.  The lies and general cuntiness this week were off the chain and it still doesn’t matter to the village idiots and it never will.  It does matter to the rest of us though and sooner or later one of those lies will tip the balance.  Don’t think for a second this is all for naught and the complaints have fallen on deaf ears.  Many of us were kinda braced that the more heat that got turned up, the more Manson would escalate, so I’d say we’re right on schedule with that.  Sadly, the animals always pay, but do you turn a blind eye and let this carnage continue or to you brace yourself and stay the course knowing that there will be collateral damage of innocent souls?  That’s something each person needs to decide for themselves.  Whatever helps you sleep at night.   I’m going after the greater good and I don’t think I’m alone in that.  I guess time will tell…

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Happy New Year, everybody.  Well, almost everybody.  It looks like my plans to take a break over the holidays and come back all refreshed and less grumpy haven’t worked out, so there will be no happy wishes for those who shat upon that for me. *cough*mansonfamily*cough*  I’m not sure what I was even thinking given the personalities involved.  As if The Manson Family would take a week off to cool down the gun barrels and kick off their grifting shoes.   Also, that last guest past on here stirred up a hornet’s next of righteous indignation spurred on by a flagrant lack of reading comprehension on top of their regular fuckery.   Partially due to that and a few other things, my inbox has been bursting and because misery loves company, that means y’all are going to have a lot of reading to do today.  We have some milk carton horses, we have some names to say and we have a lot of other things to cover along with some year-end numbers to ponder.  With that being said, it’s that time when we grab our beverages of choice and make ourselves comfortable as we dissect the most recent activities from the high kill shelter masquerading as a rescue in Valley Center. Where the hell do I even begin with this mess?


I think I’ll start with Barbara.  This poor mare.  So young to be so broken and I agree, she needed to be let go.  I don’t agree with the method and I certainly don’t agree with dragging her all the way back to HiCaliber to shoot her, but yes, she was suffering and Manson even admits that much.  So, what’s the big deal?  The big deal is Manson lying out her fucking lie hole once again.  We’re supposed to praise her because she picked the mare up without fundraising.  She tells us not to be angry with the person that turned her in because `they’ were trying to rescue and help her’.   REALLY?  What if I told you and PROVED to you the person that turned her in was the person that fucked this mare up and Manson was protecting him?


That’s right folks, Barbara was turned in by Manson’s favorite trainer, Andrew Fice.  He got her back in November and, as you can clearly see from the videos, she was not emaciated and crippled back then.  Her face wasn’t beat to hell either.  You can tell from her round pen videos when Fice first got her, she is a bit tenderfooted, but certainly not a `Grade 5/5 lame’ as Manson assessed her before shooting her on Wednesday.  The first video is pretty tough to watch with her saddle slid back over her loins as Fice snaps a whip and waves it in her face telling her to `turn in’.  Sadly, this wasn’t going to be the worst day she had at Fice’s.  Her first ride video is relatively uneventful and the mare seems forgiving of him, if anything.  I can’t say what happened after these videos and we’ll never know because Manson will protect Fice at all costs.  Both of them, Manson and Fice, will just blame the animal anyhow.  I have to wonder how many other horses this asshole has crunched and maimed that we don’t know about.  We know Saban returned from Fice’s with a head injury that nearly cost him his life.  We know Mercy came back blinded in one eye with her head all beat to hell too.  How many of these owner surrenders come from people she protects just like Fice? At this point, I don’t even know why Manson bothers to lie about these horses.  The truth is ALWAYS easy enough to find out.  Meanwhile, HiCaliber Dylan  and Rojas remain with Fice, their trainer and approved adopter.   Rest Easy Barbara.  #sayhername




Bellona was brought in with Barbara on Wednesday night.  Guess who lives right by Andrew Fice?  Salvador Paniagua, their flipper/tripper buddy.  I’m not even going to argue that this mare needed to be put to sleep.  I don’t know why she needed dragged all the way back to HiCaliber to get shot in the face though.  Both these mares were made to suffer even more by having to haul over an hour back to HiCaliber to meet their endings. It’s not like they hadn’t suffered enough already.  Why drag them, in pain, over winding roads to make them stand in an unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar people only to get shot?  It’s also not like Salvador isn’t the fuckface that did this to Bellona.  Her injuries are consistent with having been tripped and Salvador is the guy that supplies the horses for those types of events.  Before The Manson Family decided to play footsie with him, (remember when they used to refer to him as the worst of the worst?), he had no place to get rid of these animals other than turn them loose in the desert or dump them off somewhere in the middle of the night.  Now, thanks to Manson and her village idiots, he not only has a convenient dumping spot, they pay him to clean up his mess so he can go buy even more horses to maim and abuse!  Manson goes on these long rants about why people are angry at her for putting these horses down and we’re all haters who won’t do the hard things.  That’s not it at all.  Advocates KNOW these horses are out there and we agree they need humane endings.  The real issue true rescuers and advocates have with this type of thing is not only is HiCaliber doing NOTHING to end this type of abuse, they are actively protecting and shielding the people who are doing this to these animals.  They are making the problem even worse than it already is.  Then, to top things off, they don’t go out relieve her suffering right away, they drag her home, parade her around and makes some coin off her for `responsible rescue’ fees that she’s never going to need.  I doubt this mare even had an xray and Manson can google and misuse all the terminology she wants, nobody is arguing this mare was jacked up badly.  The irony did not go unnoticed that Romney Faye names her after the goddess of war because this is the year they are going to `fight back’ and then Manson promptly shoots the horse in the face.  RIP Bellona #sayhername

Before we move on to saying some other names, this little clip of Romney Faye from auction last week brings up a huge issue I have with their brand of `rescue’.  Yes, she talks about their close working relationship with the flippers.  Blah blah blah.  We’ve heard that all before, but this was made a week ago and she’s talking about Salvador, who had Bellona.  I believe the other horses she is referring to are Crackers and Salami who we’ll deal with another day.  Romney Faye knew about Bellona a week before and let her sit and suffer until they could hit the village idiots up for money at a more advantageous time.  It’s not the first time this has happened either.  Back when they were dragging all those horses out of Louisiana, they let a horribly crippled mare wait a week because they were too busy to do the right thing.  You can see a video clip of her, along with the screen shots, where they admit they waited for a more convenient time on this post. Funny how Manson always neglects to mention things like this when she goes on her blame the hater rants.  I guess that would be a bit too close to owning her own evil or something.  Let’s get back to saying a few more names.



Dano was a 4 or 5 year old stud they bought at auction just after Christmas.  His freedom walk was  pretty much all we ever saw of him.  He was acting a bit studish, so they kinda abbreviated the festivities with him although he seemed to walk ok out to the trailer.  Sadly, the next we heard about him was Manson casually mentioning at the end of a live feed on the 1st  that he had `severe wobblers’ and was so bad the vet didnt’ want people around him so she shot him.  Just like that.  Even though he stepped up in the trailer with minimal issues, seemed in good weight, he wasn’t worth further diagnostics.  I can’t even say with complete confidence a real vet saw this horse in person.  Manson often likes to text pics or clips to vets and count that as being seen by a vet.  At any rate, this handsome young horse is no more.  RIP Dano.  #sayhisname


I know pretty much anybody that is following this shit show knows that Kadyn died last week as well.  Still, I believe in not letting their passings go unnoticed so we’ll acknowledge her all too brief life here.  She was bought at auction the week before Christmas and died of a twisted gut on December 26th.  There is no telling how long she was hurting or what actually happened.  She was just one of a few that died at SLREH in the past two weeks. RIP Kadyn, I’m sorry you didn’t land softly.  #sayhername


Nala also lost her life within the last week.  This one hurt a lot of people because there were at least two good and solid, non hater (at the time) adoption offers rejected on this mare in recent months.  Despite what she says to gain sympathy, Manson didn’t really care for this mare as she was a complicated sort and had been returned from adoptions a few times in the past.  Nala was also one of the original sick horses during the whole Del Mar drama. Even back then she was reported to have a snotty nose and swelling under her jaw, although no temperature.  As recently as Christmas Eve, Nala was still sick and not eating.  I should probably make note that the picture of her was from happier days with her foster and not representative of what she looked like in her final days at HiCaliber.  Manson wants to twist some five dollar words around to lead the village idiots to believe that Nala had a `tumor’ and that’s what has been her problem all along.  What most horse people will realize from the words from the information given is that Nala likely died from a ruptured abscess that sounds a whole bunch like bastardized strangles.  I can’t say for sure without seeing a culture report from it and I’m guessing we never will.  I’m also going to hazard a guess we haven’t heard the last of this situation.   RIP Beautiful Nala.  #sayhername


Mr. Handsome also took a bullet to the brain this past week.  He was purchased in the parking lot at auction just last week.  Likely another Salvador horse.  Romney Faye immediately diagnosed him as `neuro’ and labelled him a compassion pull.  He certainly wasn’t a sound horse, but it seems that gaited almost always = neuro in HiCaliber world.  He was drug back to the feed lot and kept alive for a few days.  No word on if he ever actually saw a real vet and we know that Manson has often stated she doesn’t waste wormers or vaccinations on horses she plans to shoot.  She also has stated she doesn’t need a vet to sign off on a horse in order to shoot it, so I guess I’m not really sure what part of any of this was rescue for Mr. Handsome.  RIP sweet boy.  #sayhisname



Major was another one Manson killed over the past week.  It’s not really groundbreaking news that she did because she’s had an itchy trigger finger when it came to Major for a long time.  I can’t say with any confidence why this horse was killed.  I’ve never seen a video of him walking nor have I ever seen them post a vet report on him.  I know they never raised a lot, if any, money to take him in early last year.  He was part of the whole Skittles the pony drama and Manson always seemed kinda pissed to be stuck with him.  His rather foul-mouthed intake video is up above here.  What really pisses me off about this situation with Major is that he was offered a few good homes recently, but because Manson branded those people as haters, she shot the horse instead.  Let that sink in.  She would rather shoot a perfectly healthy animal in the face than allow somebody she doesn’t like to help that horse.  It’s things like this that make people call her Manson.  RIP Major, we tried.  #sayhisname

I don’t know off the top of my head which horse this person is referring to.  Obviously, yet another one who died from one of these mysterious abscesses that they claim have nothing to do with strangles.  I’m a bit concerned that so much diagnostics are being over the phone and that for some reason vets can’t get to HiCaliber on an emergency call hardly ever.  What’s up with that?  As far as which horse they are talking about, I will do my best to fine out who she was and we will say her name too, if we haven’t already.

I have to admit this question has crossed my mind too.  It does seem like the more humane choice to let these horses go in familiar surroundings.  Manson likes to tell us that dead is dead but I guess that only applies when she wants to chop a body up or sell off their organs.  She flat-out lies in her answer.  You don’t have to `contract with a vet’ to get them to come euthanize a horse.  I know this for an absolute fact.  What does she think people that make their living traveling with horses do?  Does she think that they have contracts with vets in every city?  No.  If they have an emergency, they call a vet that is local and that vet will come.  A farm call doesn’t cost any more or less if you call the nearest vet.  The real reason, besides the fact she seems to actually get off on shooting horses in the face, is that perhaps a lot of the horses she kills would not be signed off on by a real vet.  Bullshit on owners not being able to handle it.  She makes more money off these horses by dragging them home and parading them around on live feed for donations than if she just quietly did the true compassionate thing for them.


Now that we’ve dealt with the known dead, it’s time to move onto the unknown.  Our milk carton horses.  I’m not reporting them as dead, I’m asking wtf they are since they seem to have dropped off the face of the earth.  Teeka is the first one we’ll talk about.  She is a young horse purchased at auction back in May.  She went to foster fairly early on and seemed to be doing well.  She was advertised for sale/adoption and, from what I’m told, she was eventually adopted.  That’s where things seemed to have gone sideways for Teeka.  She was returned after only a week or so with reported hind end lameness and ringbone.  That wasn’t all that long ago and she has since gone MIA.  So, knowing how many village idiots, volunteers and insiders read here without admitting it, I’m putting this out there because I keep getting emails asking where this horse is.  Where is she?  Go ahead and twist this to suit any agenda you would like, let’s just hear where the mare is.  Good news is always welcome.



Diane is also MIA from the ranch.  She was parking lot purchase back in November and named after the donor’s deceased family member or something.  Diane the horse was never really as mentioned much again after her intake.  This is one of the issues I have with the village idiots.  Once the thrill of the save is over, these horses are out of sight, out of mind for most of them.  Diane is a younger mare and Manson did mention she was `sassy’ and that she had `conformational defects’ in her intake video.  She has not been mentioned since that intake video and there are no reports of her being seen around the ranch since about mid to end of December.  If anybody knows where this mare is or what became of her, please let me know.  Many people are asking and since she was paid for by donated funds, people do have a right to know where she is.


This has been a whole bunch to digest so far, no?  I actually considered cutting this post off right here and just let this all marinate with people, but at the rate things pile up, it’s probably not the best idea.  Sadly, we have a few other things to deal with as far as what passes for horse husbandry at the HiCaliber feed lot.  It’s probably more accurate to call it anti-husbandry really.  It’s all related to why animals are not doing well and I also think it’s worthwhile for people to know the current conditions at the `ranch’.  With Romney Faye threatening to lay the smack down on all the haters, `HiCaliber Style’, I figured I’ll lay the truth on everybody `Shedrow Style’. How ’bout ‘dat?  If anything, it might add some context as to why horses are dropping like flies and going missing back at HiCaliber.

Bambi was recently adopted from HiCaliber.  That’s awesome news.  He has also been renamed Jack, which should clear up the gender identity issues for him as well.  Bambi was one of the Louisiana horses and arrived with a severely damaged eye which needed to be removed.  It seems that the wound care for that wasn’t the best as he’s still having issues and packing an infection.  The other interesting news is that Bambi has a microchip.  Does anybody else remembering somebody from HiCaliber claiming they had a scanner and checked all their horses?  Yeah…

Remember Astro?  Astro, the perlino PSSM stud that Manson used for ball cupping demonstrations at their last open house?  He was gelded shortly after that open house and recently he’s been adopted.  I’m told he showed up at his new home with overgrown hooves and still in need of some wound care from his recent gelding.  The pictures above were from Del Mar and I do recall them mentioning on one of their live feeds that his wound was `not happy’.  I think that means they couldn’t be arsed to take proper care of it in HiCaliberspeak.  Thankfully, Astro is in good hands now and hopefully the next updates we get on him will be happier ones.


Another longtime HiCaliber resident turns up with a snotty nose.  This time he took his snotty nose to a new home where quarantine isn’t possible.  Awesome!  I do wish his new home well and hopefully he isn’t carrying something nasty.  Kinda irresponsible of HiCaliber to let him go like that though.

We have another update from the sushi foals that made it off the feed lot.  I realize that their new family seem to be new to horse ownership, but it seems they are really trying to do right by these babies.  What does stand out for me, besides the ongoing wormy bellies (remember what the sushi foals still at HiCaliber look like?) is their issue with ongoing snotty noses and Manson advising them to go through her to acquire meds rather than their own vet.  Besides the fact this is flat-out illegal, this is probably a big part of why she’s got horses dropping dead of things they shouldn’t be back at the ranch.  Antibiotics are not one size fits all and they also aren’t always something you should even be giving an animal.  She just about killed Breezy by giving him the wrong drugs when she misdiagnosed what was wrong with him, we have Nala dying from what appears to be bastardized strangles, Clare having a pneumonia when she was put down (that’s what Breezy had after his misdiagnosis) and now she’s trying to talk these first time horse owners into just getting more drugs from her rather than perhaps looking into the reason why they can’t get the snots cleared up with these foals.


Remember when Renee was trying out Terney ?  One of the things we talked about, besides her flopping around, was the ill fitting tack she was using on him.  You can refresh your memory here.  Well, it seems despite being indignant that haters pointed out that situation, she went ahead and kept riding him with shitty fitting tack and a dirty girth and sored him up that he’s on the shelf while he heals.  That’s only the 2nd worst thing she’s done to him since adopting as she’s also changed his name to `Vinur’ (Icelandic for `buddy’) which doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.  As a result, she’s back to riding Danny.  Now that Danny is adopted by her mother and out from under Manson’s rules,  Rene seems to have abandoned riding with a rope halter and completed the ill fitting tack daily double with an ill fitting bridle.  At least she’s consistent.


These pictures have all been taken around the feed lot in the past week.  I decided to put them up so people will understand when they eventually have a run on bowed tendons and have to start shooting horses.  One of the horses  shown is already on thin ice.  That would be Bev still sporting that back wrap.  You do NOT use vetwrap, coflex or whatever it is she’s using on these horses like this. It’s not meant to be used like this and without cottons, and for these assholes I strongly suggest no bows, you are running a huge risk of tendon damage.  That’s even if you were wrapping properly which they are not.  You don’t just cut off mid tendon or above the ankle.  The bottom pick you can clearly see the swelling above and below the filthy wrap.  This kinda thing usually ends up doing far more harm than good.

scraped back, hock

Brady’s Cat January 2018

Brady was one of the surviving horses from Salvador’s trailer back in early October.  He was wedged in there with 3 others and at least two of those were hauled off and shot immediately.  Brady got lucky to dodge the bullet that day but certainly hasn’t been too lucky since.  The top pic was from back in October and the bottom one is from this week.  Besides all the scrapes from obviously fighting for food, he’s starting to drop weight and clearly has an untreated wound on his hock, or back knee in HiCaliberspeak.  I have a feeling that people should start making a habit of asking after Brady or he’ll be joining Horton, Daphne and Baldwin on the about to be shot list.


I think we’ll wrap up today with some year end numbers.  The `pending’ part are horses awaiting adoption, euthanasia or whatever.  That includes horses at foster.  Basically all horses still under the HiCaliber banner are `pending’.  Manson likes to throw a lot of numbers out there but these are the actual numbers according to what they, themselves, have put out there.  They killed more horses than they adopted out last year.  Period.  They killed at a better than 20% rate.  4 days into this year and she’s already killed more horses than there have been days.  I understand that some horses needed to be put down.  I wish they’d have had a softer end than having Manson’s mug as the last one they saw.  There’s no empathy or compassion there. Then there are the Avianas and the Willows.  Horses that were shot because they had the misfortune of ending up with people that didn’t have the skill set to deal with them.  When you have a horse that is hard to handle, you work with it.  You don’t shoot it in the face as punishment for your own shortcomings.  There will never be a shortage of horses needing rescue so if you can’t deal with high-strung horses, don’t rescue high strung horses.  Don’t like bays?  Don’t rescue them.  I’d suggest that Manson sticks to what she’s good at, but Blankround has already kinda cornered the market on stick horse and Breyer rescues so I’ll suggest she find another industry to infest.  I sense a change in the air this past week or so though.  Horse people, the real ones, are angrier than usual about his situation at HiCaliber.  I think people are finally getting it.  Perhaps that’s the upside to all this downside.  Maybe things have finally gotten bad enough that people are ready to stand up and speak out.  Maybe we have finally reached critical mass.

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Annnd we’re back.  Kinda.  I hope everybody had a most excellent Christmas, Kwanzaa or whatever it is you celebrate or observe.  Sadly, that was not the case for the horses at HiCaliber as the deaths and executions continued without hardly a pause.  However, we’re going to deal with all that at another time aka next time-ish.  I need to pull a few more things together and you know…holidays and all.  What I  do have for you today is a guest post and I think it’s going to carry some punch as the horses and situations mentioned are going to be familiar to many of you.  As always, I have much respect, gratitude and admiration for those that choose to come forward with their personal accounts.  I know with the current climate surrounding this issue, the blowback isn’t always fun to deal with.  Still the more people and organizations that step forward, the less the impact of the bullying and targeting done by HiCaliber Village Idiots.  Please take the time to check out these organizations that come forward and see the very important work they do without the dramatics and grandstanding.  Rescue as it is meant to be.  As always, I’m going to turn things over and let our guest poster tell things in their own words.  I’ll be back with y’all in a few days for a year-end wrap up and business as usual.  Happy New Year!

I am from S&S Finally Loved Horse Rescue, in Calimesa, CA and this is my account of interactions with HiCaliber.  We did a few little rescue things in conjunction with HiCaliber, a couple yearling ponies from Misner that we picked up at Ontario Auction.  At the Ontario Auction, the co-founder of S&S went to meet Romney to pick up a couple of ponies, HiCaliber was getting the others. I believe there were six in all.  We got a cute little POA with a congenital sway back and a little bay charro branded “gelding” who turned out to be an ungelded colt sometime later.  These were purchased directly from Misner.  The day we got them was the same day the gelding was put in the pen with mares and broke his humerus (leg).  Romney went on video stating “the vet is on the way, meds have been given, etc.” The problem is Sandy was there and well, that never happened.  No meds had been given and that horse was shot, twice.  Sandy cannot say by whom as she didn’t see it, but Romney did.  Sandy heard the first shot, turned to Romney and said “What the F&*% was that?”, no answer and then a second shot rang out, Sandy asked again or yelled rather, “What the F%$# was that?!”  She loaded our two ponies and got out of there and relayed the information back to me.  That was when we knew something was going on and this is before they publicly announced they were shooting horses.

Next, one of my volunteers, myself and my daughter went down to pick up a pregnant Arabian mare named Moira.  Michelle admittedly doesn’t like babies or ponies.  They stated that this mare was preg checked when she came in, several months before but that it must have been missed because she was just bred and they said she had just started showing.  She had not just started showing but Michelle was advertising that she was still rideable for several months yet and it would not hurt her to be ridden as it was early in her pregnancy.  She foaled less than 2 months after we got her, which puts her at about 9 months pregnant, which means she was at least 4-5 months pregnant when they got her.  Any vet preg checking her would have been able to palpate and feel a foal, leading us to believe the “every mare gets preg checked” to be a lie. Among other things.  Anyway, we get there to pick up Moira and they had mentioned a little pony named Carly as well as a possible “rescue transfer”.  Well, we get there and there is no Michelle in sight but we were impressed by the large stately house and the fact that the road there is long, narrow (one lane at one point) very steep hills and tight turns.  Not easy for unstable horses at all to travel.  We get there and a group of volunteers approach us, never asked who we were but when we mentioned we were supposed to pick up the pregnant Arabian mare they happily said, are you going to take more?  I have a decent size three-horse gooseneck and we replied “If you have some in need, we could take one more and that Carly had been mentioned to us too.” They grabbed Carly (super underweight as well, about 100 pounds and she is very small framed, about 11 hands and a Hackney pony) and Moira and tied them to the trailer.  Okay, we have two, cool.  Well then they tell us, Michelle hates ponies and there are two down in the far pasture, would you take them too? Okay, let’s take a look, well one was about 150 or more pounds underweight, about 14 hand Arabian and the other a pretty little white mare that looked like someone had cut her mane into a shorter English look-alike.  It took them awhile to catch both as there were probably 35 horses in the pasture running as a herd but eventually they did and we knew we couldn’t leave them with volunteers begging us to take them.  They asked if we could take more but 4 horses (3 pony size yes) in a 4 horse was pushing it.  We loaded up and headed out.  Once we got in the truck and on our way down the road it occurred to us that no one had asked who we were, no one verified our identity and Michelle was no where in sight when volunteers were throwing horses into our trailer and we did not even know all the names of our horses that we got from them.

When we were getting onto the road Sherri yelled for me to stop. It is too hard to stop on the hill and get started with no momentum so I could not risk it. What she had seen was a tarp (blue) with multiple horses underneath.  We had heard rumors they were shooting horses but never confirmed it, but this left us both with a chill down our spine and a new-found need to save as many as possible from the bullet.

Fast forward to getting home uneventfully to actually get them out and look them over, all were thin, two very underweight. All of their feet needed done and one of the grey mare’s (Now named Roo) had a gash in her cheek that opened in the trailer that was pretty deep.  We called the vet and she said she would come first thing in the morning to look them over.  Roo’s face wound was pretty old, our vet said it should have been sutured when it happened but since it had not been it was too late.  The others were noted as needing weight, feet too long and teeth all needing done. In fact the little mare Roo, who they had over a year, our vet believed had never had her teeth done which is sad seeing as she aged around 12 years old.  We get them all taken care, get a feed plan in place and our vet also said our pregnant mare Moira was in her third trimester and to get ready for a baby.  We did and set her up in a foaling stall.  We also repeatedly asked for vet records for the four we got with no response. Now we know why, vet paperwork does not exist.


Pippin intake at HiCaliber


Pippin after about six weeks at HiCaliber


Pippin first day at S&S

The following weekend we get a call, “Dana is on her way with two more for you, the ones you agreed to take last weekend”. Well Sherri nor I remember that conversation but at the same time after seeing the condition of the horses they had the longest there is no doubt, get them out.  Dana arrives with her trailer, in the front is a little paint pony mare and in the back is a feral approximately yearling that is matted up and has a nylon halter tied on.  We ask her again if she can get us the vet records for the four we got the previous weekend and these two.  She states the volunteers are afraid of the yearling as she is aggressive.  She was fearful but let me unload her and get her in the stall with no issues, then a wonderful 70-year-old volunteer of ours had her halter broke in a week, proving again that they did not know what they were talking about.  Next, we ask about the paint pony mare as it looks like she has a skin condition, Rene says she does not know but will ask Michelle.  We never heard back but searched their page and found out the were washing her with chlorhexadine wash.  Problem is, that was scar tissue.  This particular mare, Valentina, has a horrendous fly allergy and was being eaten alive and itching herself on every available surface.  She was suffering so badly but a fly allergy injection, fly sheet and mask and we had a pretty happy girl. Our other little girl, Pippin, grew into an amazing beautiful red roan filly who is to die for, from matted mess with the same nasty auction halter tied on her face for 45 days to a blossoming beauty.  It is what it is all about.
I wish I was done, but sadly I am not.  There is something every horse we have received from them have in common.  They are all food aggressive, all of them.  We can only imagine that is because they were never fed consistently or there was just never enough.  I can happily report that they are all now at a good weight, have shiny coats. Moira and the little white pony mare we named Lily were adopted in the same home with Moira’s bouncing baby boy Tony (named affectionately after our amazing farrier who goes above and beyond for our horses).  Roo, Carly, Pippin, Valentina, Sissy (swayback POA pony) and Charlie (Bay pony gelding) remain with us available for adoption.  They will never have to fight for a meal, go without or know that they are disposable in a kill model shelter style “rescue”. All have thrived and are just waiting for their people.

Pippin today

We also received three LA mares and their foals from that fiasco. We couldn’t say no again.  The only funds that followed were 500 dollars for the three mares and three foals I just mentioned.  No other money followed the horses we received, even though they were fund raised for and our vet and farrier could not see where a penny of the “responsible rescue” money had gone given their deplorable state that we received them all in.  We did not want to speak out, did not want to be associated “hating” or giving ourselves a bad name but in all honesty it is time for the silence to be broken.  No lies have come out of our rescue, only truth and it is a sad truth with the horses suffering at the hand of a “rescue”.

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Welcome back!  I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving and still fit in your pants.  We have some things to cover today, but hopefully not quite as heavy as the past few entries.  Some stuff I have for you is actually kind of amusing depending on your sense of humor.  I should probably qualify that by admitting that I laugh at inappropriate things on a regular basis.  I figure I’m already going to hell so it’s basically go big or go home at this point.  I’ll save some seats for the rest of you.  For now, let’s do what we do best which is pulling up a chair, grabbing a cuppa whatever keeps us level and settle in for a dose of the truth.


It seems like ringbone is the diagnosis of the month.  Thank God this month is nearly over.   It seems that Serena, the bay mare purchased last week was the fourth horse in the truck, diagnosed and executed by Manson, with ringbone being one of the reasons given.  The video above shows her walking out to the trailer from auction (2nd horse shown) and she was walking good enough that Manson confused her with the gelding who she did keep alive…for now.  She was shot less than 24 hours later.  Ace was shot the same day as Serena also due to ringbone and now Daphne is diagnosed with it and looking for `one last good home’.  We all know that they basically get one half-hearted post before the bullet, so her days are numbered.  I’ve lost count of how many times Manson’s x-ray eyes have diagnosed ringbone lately, but I do know it’s not a death sentence, or at least is shouldn’t be.  Horse can be kept comfortable with ringbone and live long lives.  I’m not even sure what the point of the `one last good home’ thing is when she brings them back to the feed lot and lets them stand around for a month before being executed.  If they were so bad they had to die, then why are they healthy enough to haul and stand around?  RIP Serena #sayhername




This next part gets a bit confusing so I’m going to try to break it down as simply as possible.  Curly, is one of two horses that belongs to the owners of the property that HiCaliber leases.  The other one being Macho.  Much to Manson’s displeasure, part of the original lease agreement was that Curly and Macho were to live on the property and be cared for by HiCaliber as part of their lease agreement which has changed to month to month.  This meant the horses live there at no cost to their owners for as long as they own the property.  The owners of the property rarely go near the place.  It was always more than shady that they were on the website as `sanctuary’ horses because that wasn’t really the truth, but Manson has been known to fudge numbers quite a bit.  The whole not counting compassion pulls as regular euths being another example.   Ok, so that’s these two horses.  Now let’s talk about Woody.  He was an adoption return back in October that I wrote about on this post   To make a long story short, he was too much for his adopter, who is also a long time HiCaliber volunteer.  It wasn’t his first time being returned either.  I should also mention that Manson has a rule that if you return a horse then you have to wait a year before you can adopt again.  It turns out that rule is about as arbitrary as the reasons she shoots horses.  She enforced the rule on Taylor so she coulnd’t have Percy, yet she waves it for people like Fice and Woody’s former adopter.



It turns out that Manson has come up with a creative way to double dip.   Macho was shipped off as a foster to go hang with Percy, but Curly was  recently adopted out even though HiCaliber does not own Curly and the owners did not sign off on the adoption.  How Manson is getting around that is that Curly was approved to stay on the ranch.  That means Manson is still getting the rent break for having Curly there, but now she has somebody picking up all Curly’s expenses thinking that they own her.  Meanwhile, Macho isn’t even on the property, but because he’s technically only in a foster situation, they can whisk him back to the ranch should the owners decide to visit.  I wonder why those two, of all horses got in her crosshairs when they are a big reason she has a roof over her head.  I especially wonder why when she is currently hoarding at least 8 personal horses at the rescue’s expense and that’s not counting JonASSthan’s hoard, Robyn’s horse, Sarah’s horse and Amanduh’s horse who all live at HiCaliber.  I will say that Macho is probably better off where he is at least, but it’s just the complete shadiness of it all that really makes me shake my head.  I’m pretty sure that Curly’s real owners are not aware that there is another peson walking around thinking they own her too.


Result of one of Fice’s training sessions

Here is a video of a high AF Andrew Fice working with a mustang being cheered on be his equally fucked up friends. As most will recall, Fice is one of HiCaliber’s trainers and an approved adopter, having kept Dylan and Rojas.  He’s also the one who had Saban around the time of his head injury.  In the video above we see Fice repeatedly rewarding the mustang for striking at him by removing the pressure every time the horse does so.  I can’t say that I really blame the horse.  He’s a wild animal that has been stuck in that tiny pen for months and Fice is giving the horse absolutely no exit.  They are prey animals and to them, he’s the predator.  That’s why people use round pens, because you can allow the horse to still move forward and not feel trapped and then they aren’t likely to get on the fight.  Anyway, it seems that this mustang finally had enough of Fice’s shit.


Sadly, the horse didn’t manage to knock any sense in him and he’s actually quite proud of the situation as well as enjoying his morphine.  I know others thought it wrong to post his picture and maybe it is.  He certainly didn’t post Mercy’s picture when he blinded her in one eye before sending her back to HiCaliber.  Now Mercy sits out in the herds waiting for her turn on the death list because we all know how much Manson likes horses with vision problems.  Hopefully, this is just the first of many karma visits for Fice until changes his ways or gives up on the cowboy thing.

Remember the little red dun mare that caused so much drama last week?  She’s certainly not feeling very rescued at the moment.  Even though Manson posted the above pictures for the Monday algorithm bump, the fact was this injury happened last week.  Manson’s idea of quarantine is to throw all the horses she bought on the same day into one small pen together.  I guess she figures that since they all came from the same auction that they know each other.  As a result,  this mare was thrown in with the geldings they brought home, including the one that was trying to kick everything at auction.  I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this mare got kicked in the face.  That wasn’t end of her bad day though.  She got to have the 30% vet staple her up, with no opening for drainage and with this bizarre fold in the skin that will likely mean she forever has a skin taggish knot there.  It actually looked better before the staples and probably should have been sutured instead.  Manson claims a real vet checked her out, but in Mansonspeak that means she likely texted a pic to Dr. Moss and he said `Yup, that needs some sutures’, giving Manson a primo opportunity to put her scrubs on and probably drape her stethoscope around her neck too.  What she obviously didn’t bother doing is gloving up before touching the wound and given how many times we see her picking her nose and pawing at her crotch on live feeds, I’m going to go ahead and guess her hands weren’t sanitary.  WTF is the point of having an autoclave when you do crap like that?

There really isn’t anything all that earth shattering with the above screen shots other than to show how truly cunty and lazy Manson is.  The first one was from earlier in the year when rather than have a talk with somebody, she figured it best to post some of her passive aggressive bullshit.  I also found her choice of words, `kill to live here’, kinda chilling and wondered if you have to shoot a horse to get to live at the ranch now.  You know, kinda like you have to kill somebody to get to be a Crip or something.  The other screen shot is this week, which I found knee slapping funny.  As if Manson was cleaning stalls, but it sounded better than to tell people to just go do what she should be doing herself.  It must have been hella gross too for her to give up a Starbucks card and single out that one stall.


I’m sure most of you know that this Tuesday is `Giving Tuesday’ where The Gates Foundation match donations on Facebook up until 2 million dollars are given.  This meant we were treated to a drunken live feed from Manson where she told us some lies and talked way too much to bump algorithms and remind people to get up early and give a bunch.  Because JonASSthan was present, that meant Wrinkles was nowhere to be found as it’s been said that the majority of the HiCaliber crew dislikes him intensely.  Anyhow, aside from Manson doing some verbal grifting explaining how she’s going to ask for a lot of money on Facebook, but only because she won’t get it for a few weeks so even though you’ll see a lot of money coming in just ignore that and keep giving because she’s got to be hay and pay 17k, no wait 20k for the permit again.  I think we were supposed to forget that she already raised over 9k towards that and told us it was done over a month ago.  Just to be clear, they are not approved yet despite what she says.  Maybe they finally put an application in.  Maybe.  Manson also regaled us with the story of how she waxed her snatch yet again but apparently doesn’t know what a Brazilian entails because she claimed to have a landing strip.  Judging by the FUPA that Manson constantly has on display, I’m going to say it was probably more akin to the Katy Freeway aka Interstate 10 in Texas.  Look it up.   I know many of you are dry heaving now, but if I had to hear it, y’all can read about it and share the misery.


Manson’s ring from happier times with Bang Bang Becky

Besides attempting some damage control and telling everybody that she never reads this blog or any of the other anti-HiCaliber pages, Manson proceeded to dispute most of what has ever been posted and throw former friends under the bus.  She also finally admitted what most of us have known for a very long time.  Bang Bang Becky has become Bye Bye Becky, but they are still `amazing friends’ aka Manson is attempting to keep Bye Bye Becky sweet so she doesn’t turn on her.  What everybody, village idiots included, should be wondering is who is now paying for all of Manson’s extras like the Botox she finally admitted to having, the lashes, the hair extensions, the nails, the BMW, and, and and, that she always claimed her `very generous girlfriend’ paid for.  Surely Becky isn’t that stupid, especially when Manson has gone dickly and told us she was headed back to Texas in the near future presumably to get laid.  Hey Becky?  When you come to your senses,  come on over to the light.  All is forgiven and I promise I won’t tell Manson that you’ve joined the legion of others that finally had enough of her shit.  Proud of you for growing a spine!

I kinda debated about posting the pic above, but I think it speaks volumes.  The reason the head is blocked off is that it’s a picture of Manson’s 10-year-old (at the time) daughter playing with the same gun Mason uses to kill horses.  One of the things Manson told us in her live feed was that she puts a `game face’ on to kill horses so as not to upset them.  In other words, the last face they do see her hateful and cold one and it appears her young child is being trained early.  A few weeks ago she justified her killing rampage because of the weather getting colder but yesterday she informed us that  the `ambient temperatures are pretty cozy’ lately so horses don’t mind standing around with no shelter.  She kinda suggested that the horses are happy they aren’t headed to Mexico as if they could grasp a concept like that.  Horses are in the moment and the only thing the ones standing on her feed lot know is usually that they are hungry, they have no shade, they are thirsty and that they are bored while getting eaten alive by flies.  Does that sound like rescue to anybody?   It’s Tuesday again and I’m already feeling sad for the poor souls that will end up in her evil clutches, but you know what?  I can’t stop, won’t stop until this stops.  Until next time….

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Aaandddd we’re back.  I realize I was going to post on Wednesday but my inbox flared up with some pressing matters and then there’s that whole procrastination issue I have.  Also, to be quite frank, sometimes writing these things feels like a homework assignment.  I realize it’s one I signed on for, so I’m not really complaining; just a little bit of whining.  They payoff has been worth it so far.  It has especially been worth it as the village idiots file take down notices because they don’t like the content and not only do those notices get denied, but then I get their full names, contact details and a copy of them perjuring themselves in their sworn statements.  Good times! Anyhow, let’s get down to doing what we do best on this blog and bring some stuff into the light.  Sadly, we have way too many names to say again this week, but we’ll get to those in a bit.  For now, let’s grab our drinks and pull up a chair while we deal untangling the latest doings of the Manson Family.


I’m sure most of you noticed that Wrinkles has been MIA this past week or so since  Jonassthan has moved onto the property.   While the official party line is that Wrinkles has not been feeling well, it did not go unnoticed that the previous week, Manson made her drive the truck with no radio or air conditioning all by herself to auction, while Manson rolled up in her BMW and left early to put the oxygen mask herself.  Wrinkles was also left to deal with Nacho The Flipper while Manson’s new pet, Jonassthan remained glued to her side when he wasn’t driving his own vehicle with creature comforts.  It really wasn’t a huge surprise that Wrinkles gave auction a miss this week, but that didn’t stop her from working social media to earn her rent.


As you can see, people are starting to wise up to HiCaliber and their ways and Wrinkles efforts at raising money were not successful.  To be fair, her arguments were weak and half-hearted.   None of this is really any news but what stood out for me, and has for a while, is the term `humane euthanasia’.  I thought that must be a HiCaliber term, but apparently not.  There appears to be a lot of confusion about what the  word `euthanasia’ actually means.


As you can see, everybody’s favorite self-congratulatory journalist that hardly anybody has heard of, has some trouble with what euthanasia actually means too.  How shocking.  Because I don’t expect my detractors to take my word for it, I’ll let Merrium-Webster clarify things for us.


Are we all clear?  The killing or permitting the death of a hopelessly sick or injured being.  Anything that falls outside this definition is neither humane or euthanasia.  Period.  Also, just for clarity, they call it `chemical’ euthanasia because they use a chemical solution as opposed to a bullet which would be bullet euthanasia or gunshot euthanasia.  It has nothing to do with what is humane or not.  I’ll even extrapolate on that and point out the difference between a chemical euthanasia and a bullet euthanasia when it goes bad.  I’ve seen chemical euths not go well .  However, that is why you sedate the animal first.  That way if they aren’t taking the sedation, then you don’t push the euthasol until they are sedated down.  Pretty simple.  However, when a bullet euth goes bad, it goes really bad.  Just ask Bang Bang Becky all about that.  I don’t know about all y’all, but I’d much rather have a horse that took a long time to get down (I’ve been there), than see one with a bullet hole in his face, blowing blood out the nose and flipping over backwards while struggling to get away from their assassin.  I sure as shit don’t need to see them `run to heaven’ either.  Maybe that’s just me though.  Let’s move on, but please keep the actual definition of euthanasia in mind.


I know we mentioned these mares on the euth list last week and it seems that was enough to motivate Manson to NOT give them the chance of one last good home and execute them immediately.  Both mares were shot in the face last week. Loree’s offense was being old.   Siri was only 10 years old and her only crime was they couldn’t figure her out and ride her.  She was not lame, she wasn’t sick.  She reared and given their penchant for riding with ill fitting tack and lack of riding skills,  I can’t blame her.  Manson claimed she was reactive on the ground and again, I can’t blame her.  They live in feed lot conditions with no shelter and often no water or feed.  They go weeks and months without any human interaction at all.  It’s a wonder more aren’t acting out on a regular basis.  In case anybody is keeping track, Siri was an owner surrender.  They never do that well at HiCaliber.  Neither of these mares were given a courtesy one last post to see if maybe somebody, including another rescue wanted to grant them another chance.  Tell me again that Manson doesn’t enjoy shooting animals.  Rest in peace, sweet girls.  #SayTheirNames


It seems Joan and Belen are the next ones to take a nap under the blue tarp.  No vet signing off on them and no reprieves.  We talked about both mares in the last post.  While Belen’s friend Tiara manged to make it off the feed lot to another rescue, poor Belen has not been seen around the ranch since and neither has Joan.  Their deaths have since been confirmed.   Poor Belen was a purchase from Misner and it seems the village idiots forgot her as soon as she was loaded in the trailer.  Joan never had a chance.  Rest in Peace Ladies.  #SayTheirNames




I’m sure it is no surprise that Manson executed Marek this past week.  The very fact that she named the horse Marek pretty much sealed his fate.  `Marek’ is the name of one of the people who have been wrongfully accused of writing this blog.  That alone should make it clear that she enjoys killing these animals.  Manson rattled off her 30% opinion on why Marek had to die, not the least of which is she feels being over at the knee means they have `had the shit ridden out of them’ and that a horse pointing his hind toe means his hip is fractured rather than a stifle injury which is actually what it usually means.  The brief little sharp turn she showed on the video clip (click on it above if you’re viewing from a phone), doesn’t show him rotating or swinging a leg out like most horses hip/pelvic injuries do, but it was good enough to satisfy the village idiots.  Not a single one of them questioned why she only showed an xray that belonged to Joan and nothing of his to back up why he needed to die.  So, despite a few protests and requests for a vet diagnosis, along with somebody offering him sanctuary, Manson drug him over to the killing field and promptly shot him in the face.  I’m guessing she touched herself aggressively immediately afterwards.  Rest easy, Marek.  I’m so sorry you landed in that hell hole. #SayHisName


Crystal has been dead for a while.  She didn’t last very long at HiCaliber and I’m not sure a single village idiot even noticed she was gone.  This mare was bought at auction only a month ago and she was likely septic.  If you listen to the intake video, Amanduh remarks that at least she had finally gotten something to eat because she had been too sore to walk over to her food the night before.  I guess it never occurred to any of them to bring the food and water to her if that was the case.  These people have zero empathy for these animals and their ignorance is almost criminal.  She was clearly ganted up from lack of water and Amanduh just thinks that’s her being skinny.  Who knows if a vet even saw her or signed off on her.  Rumor has it that Manson is back to doing most of the intakes and only showing Dr. Talbot a few horses that she needs a second opinion on or x-rays.  She has said many times that she doesn’t bother wasting money on horses she believes to be compassion pulls which means they do not get vaccinations, dental or to see the vet.  Manson acts as judge, jury and executioner for horses like Crystal and so many others.   RIP Crystal, you certainly deserved better.  #SayHerName


Curtis also went over the rainbow bridge recently.  He was bought by HiCal last June and, at the time, said to be around 20 years old, dead broke and sound.  He was sound enough to put up with what passes for test rides at HiCaliber, but at some point was shipped off to what was considered to be his `one last good home’.  I don’t have a lot of details other than he is no longer with us because he `was like 105 years old’ and is teeth were said to be falling out.  I guess feeding him mush and letting him enjoy retirement was too much effort.  Please refer back to the definition of euthanasia, I left above.  No word on how he left this earth and I’m guessing I don’t want to know.  RIP Curtis  #SayHisName


Manson is always in a good mood after she gets to shoot something in the face and this week was no exception.  Along with her new best ass barnacle, Jonathan, she loaded up some horses to deliver (they finally caught Luya after weeks of trying) to their new and temporary homes and to go on a trail ride.  Manson likes to say she’s making adoption videos so she can justify hauling out to ride on trails and have the village idiots buy her gas and whatever food she shoves down her gullet while she’s out.  The fact is, most actual horse people want to see more than a video of a horse’s ears and raggedy mane while listening to her spout vulgarities.  Also, to prove just how little she cares about horses and that oxygen must go on her first, the horses got to stand in the horse trailer while she made a pit stop to get her snatch waxed.  Why she felt the need to share that with the masses is beyond me but I couldn’t help but recall how often she reminds us she hasn’t showered for days and that some things have a shelf life.   If I had to hear it come out of her mouth, y’all can share the horror and read about it here.  Pray for the poor person that had to get all up in that nastiness.


Poor Trish is the latest adoption return.  She was adopted out during the Show n Go event in September.  I believe that was the one where people got to name their price or whatever.  It turns out that Trish was adopted as a lesson horse.  She was recently returned because she stumbles and falls down at the trot.  Yet another adoption fail and I’m really not sure why that wouldn’t have been evident with test rides.  I just know a lot of their recent adoptees have bounced back and then we really don’t hear much about them.  If they bounce back more than once, they are at high risk for hitting the euth list. I hope lots of people keep asking after her so Manson doesn’t make her disappear like so many others.


Speaking of adoptions returns, poor Camilla, who was a recent return, was immediately slotted into Amanduh’s lesson program.  Camilla was returned due to lameness and while it is thought to be mechanical in nature (diagnosed by real vet), HiCaliber has not done anything about fixing the issue, which is fixable via a standing surgery.  Manson has not even requested that from the village idiots.  I know she doesn’t have a great track record of picking out hind end lameness in horses, but once a real vet says it’s there, it’s likely there.  Most people do not want to ride a lame horse.  As for the rest of Amanduh’s lessons, apparently a lot of people are falling off horses including at least one getting a concussion.  Strange how Amanduh giving lessons on rescue owned horses is no biggie for their insurance but Manson tried to tell everybody that the insurance wouldn’t allow her to keep neuro horses on the property due to liability.  Even stranger that there hasn’t been many neuro cases diagnosed since the actual insurance policy was posted.



Bento, still at HiCaliber

Since the orphan baby at HiCaliber is still enough of a novelty that there are plenty of updates, I thought it would be interesting to check in with some sushi foals that were adopted out.  If you recall, Crunchy and Ahi (now knows as Maverick and Mavis)are the ones living with novice owners in the tiny pen.  As is evident in the above pictures, they are failing to thrive and have adopted that malnutrition belly that all the HiCaliber foals seem to sport.  I’m sure the people mean well, but foals need proper nutrition and exercise, which is something that Manson seems unaware of or too lazy to implement.  If these are new horse owners and HiCaliber is as good as they have for mentors, I’m worried for these babies.  The do not look ok although marginally better than the remaining sushi foals back at the feed lot.  Those are all losing hair which Manson has now diagnosed as a fungal issue.  I dunno know about that, but I do know malnutrition can cause them to lose all their hair too.  Just sayin…


Auction was a shit show as per usual this week.  The same old lines and cons with four new inmates drug back to the feed lot including a perlino stud that Manson has been obsessing over for the past month or so.  Because Manson was unsupervised and Jonassthan doesn’t come up for air out of her rectum long enough to draw a deep breath let alone have an independent thought,  there was basically no brakes on her.  This left her free to rant for the camera as she trudged around Ontario bitching about how she doesn’t like to do auction and how she would rather be out with the `herds’ back at the ranch.  I found that strange considering she goes days where she never goes near a horse and she never lowers herself to even throw feed or water when there are no volunteers around.  I also was amused to see her walking past pens and pens of pig, goats and cows without shedding a single tear or feeling `connected’ to any of them as she has in past weeks.  I guess she forgot about that.  She also took the time to cry for Tanner, but only after bitching that she felt like she got left holding the bag with Romney Faye jumping ship.  I’m sure I don’t need to recap the entire day’s events or remind people that, once again, not every horse they drug home from auction got an intake video and they did seem to leave the bay TB in the parking lot when the village idiots didn’t rally.  They have seemed slow to rally lately so I fully expect Manson to actually take out her gun and start waving it around in coming weeks.  Either that, or she’s going to have to dust off Romney Faye to make it rain.  A little birdie told me that they are so behind in bills that up until this week the horses were mostly being fed rat infested teff that had been sitting on the driveway for months because she has no credit with the hay company.


Manson was positively moist that she got her blue-eyed wonder horse. I’m sure she had visions of little freaky eyed foals dancing in her head as she bid him up as `high as she had to in order to get him’.  She even proudly informed us that she was willing to leave him at the auction for a day so she could come home and sell everything she owned to come up with enough money to buy him.   Thankfully he went cheap so she only had to dip the rescue paypal like usual. Already referring to him as `my boy’, she claimed he had a story to tell and left us all hanging for the algorithm bump.  I’m sure a good part of that was also due to her having writer’s block and needing the right combination of alcohol and recreational pharmaceuticals to actually come up with the story she claimed the blue-eyed wonder was telling her by sending psychic messages to her FUPA or something. Thankfully, the village idiots have long since forgotten that the rest of us are still waiting for her to do something with her paper bag of hair and tell the stories of the Louisiana horses.  Anyhow, after a few days wait, we were finally treated to Astro aka Wyatt’s `story’.


Never one to pass up an opportunity to go live, Manson treated us to a live hit with her Astro/Wyatt in the dark.  She claimed it was because she was busy all day with a flat tire or something, but she had likely just gotten out of bed.  With the blood still running down his neck from a banamine shot, Astro hobbled out of his pen while Manson tearfully told us that he had PSSM and made up this fantastical tale of how he had been passed around to breed eleventy billion mares to make PSSM foals in the past couple of months.  Because his original owner appears to be a village idiot, it was not her fault that she gave him away with his testicles attached knowing he had PSSM because she assumed the person would geld him.  You know, because that always happens when you give a unique colored horse away to a backyard home.  It’s also clear that Manson has absolutely no clue about PSSM and how to manage it other than what she read from the link we provided in the comment sections on here the other day when one of the readers rightfully guessed he was likely to have PSSM given his pedigree.  Unfortunately for the horse, Manson doesn’t really fully understand the difference between regular exercise to prevent an episode and absolutely not forcing a horse to move any further than necessary when they are actively tying up.  I’m also hoping her idea of exercise is a bit more than what she showed on live feed because wandering around and eating out of the communal hay bin (Nice quarantine measure there) and visiting his neighbors who aren’t quarantine horses, isn’t going to cut it.   Perhaps she’ll drag him around from the golf cart.  At any rate, despite the meds, the poor horse was sore as a boil with a lot more going on with his front end than PSSM.


Anybody that is a masochist like me and sat through her entire live feed, probably noticed that she went on a little rant directed at another SoCal breeder and indicated that she was breeding PSSM horses.  The thing with Manson is that type of thing is never random.  If Manson openly targets or trashes somebody, you can usually guess that is probably a person Manson has screwed over and didn’t put up with it.  Such was the case this time.  It turns out the breeder that Manson called out is the owner of the stallion that Manson bred her mare RyRy to, with Daisy (3 years old) being the result.  Both horses still live at HiCaliber for free.  It seems that Manson didn’t pay her bills *shocking* and for some reason that adds up to the person being owed the money being the bad guy.  So, I did a bit of digging and it seems that Manson’s mare had an injury that she refused to do anything about, so she left the breeder with over $1000 owing between vet and mare care/board bills.  The stallion she was bitching about is not the one she bred her mare to, but he also doesn’t have PSSM.  He is a HERDA carrier which means that if you breed him to a clean mare, there is zero chance your foal will have HERDA.  This is why they do the 5 panel testing and this breeder posts the results.  She is not hiding a thing.   Most people breeding horses with Poco Bueno in their bloodline are stupid if they do not have a five panel test done on them.  Similar to anybody breeding a frame overo APHA without testing for OLWS is asking for trouble.  While Manson bragged about Astro/Wyatt being Two Eyed Jack bred top and bottom, many QH people cringed knowing that PSSM was likely with that inbreeding.  What we saw during her rant was Manson being a vindictive bitch and nothing more.  The people that she owes money to have beautiful horses and Manson certainly never had an issue with them until she couldn’t pay her bills.


An Indian legend says:

” When a human dies there is a bridge they must cross to enter into Heaven.  At the head of this bridge waits every animal that human encountered during their lifetime.  The animals, based on what they know of that person, decide which humans may cross the bridge…and which ones are turned away”


I had a hard time with this post this week.  First it was just my usual irritation with the same old antics and cons, but as news trickled in of the absolute shooting spree Manson went on over the past week, it became a different kind of difficult.  She has that perlino stud that is in clear and obvious pain and she’s going to spend untold donor dollars on him because she `has a thing for blue eyes’, yet Marek wasn’t even worth an x-ray to her because he was just a sorrel even though he was in no way as uncomfortable as Astro/Wyatt.  PSSM is not something you can fix, but only manage, but perhaps Marek could have been fixed.  Her reasons for shooting these animals are so arbitrary that it can’t accurately even be called euthanasia.  It most certainly can’t be called compassionate.  Then, by some fucked up reasoning, she doesn’t count compassion pulls as regular euthanasias.  That, to me, says right there she knows she’s killing horses that don’t need to be and that is not rescue.  That’s just running a high kill shelter and that’s not ok.  The fact that she names one of the horses after a person she hates and then refuses all offers of sanctuary homes or money for diagnostics shows me she enjoys killing them.  It reminded me all too well of that sick bastard, Tim Sappington.  You can read all about him at this link . I don’t even want to think of the horror for those horses that spent their last moments on earth standing next to another dead body and having Manson’s evil mug the last one they saw.  That haunts me.  It also motivates me to stay the course.  I don’t ever ask for people to do much other than read, but I’m asking that people read the comments and take note of the links in the comment sections.  Please use them.  As for me, I will try to get it together to get a post done up earlier next week.  #saytheirnames


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