
Archive for August, 2018

So, I’ve spent the better part of the last ten days sitting on my hands.  As I’ve mentioned ad nauseam, I’m tired.  Tired of the fuckery, tired of the drama and just tired overall.  My attention has been gradually shifting to more hands on advocacy and this HiCaliber stuff is getting old.  So, when they recently produced pictures of at least one badly wounded horse, I figured I would sit back and see how it all shook out.  Would Manson come clean with the deets?  I’m sure you all know the answer.  Luckily for those of you that are dying to know or at least confirm your suspicions, I’m going to give you the update that Manson won’t.  Y’all know the drill by now…buckle up!



To rehash what most of you are already aware of, almost two weeks ago, Manson posted about two horses that were severely injured at the ranch, complete with graphic pictures.  It appears that one was a chestnut and the other was a bay with neither of them having heads apparently.  The post accompanying these pictures was rather carefully worded.  They did add the donation button to the post and made mention that a vet was tending to the horses.  Strange then that they posted the wounds crawling with flies and said they would let us all know about what the `vet’ thought about what caused the wounds if he was already there and tending to them.  Wouldn’t what happened be one of the first things discussed?  Also, notice that they never specifically asked for vet bills for these two horses.  They asked for money to pay off their vet bills in general.  That part is important.


Because Manson was deliberately vague about what caused these injuries, the village idiots dawned their tinfoil beanies and whipped out their monocles and supplied their best theories as to what happened to these two horses.  Dogs, hybrid coyote dogs, haters, haters with dogs, big cats, bears, oh my!  I was actually somewhat disappointed that nobody brought up Bigfoot or maybe a chupacabra just to round things out although somebody did ask if a large rodent did this.  Perhaps one of Manson’s bra rats did it? The possibilities are endless!


The very next day and after raising over $1000, we were all treated to an update with one picture of one horse being shown.  For the first time in memory, Manson claimed to be unable to upload videos or any other pictures.  Perhaps this one picture was enough as the stitch job on this poor animal appeared to have been done by Ed Gein.  (Maybe don’t Google that if you have delicate sensibilities).  Immediately, there were questions as to who could have done this and why there wasn’t a drain placed as would normally be the case with such a massive wound.  Thankfully, we had Skeletor to not only explain that in lieu of an a Penrose drain, there was an open drainage `area’, but in defiance of the laws of gravity, the drainage `area’ is in the middle of the wound rather than the bottom.  Maybe physics is only for more than 30% vet or something?  I’m thinking the same applies to basic anatomy as we witnessed the coining of `pectoral cavity’ as well.


It did not go unnoticed that neither of the horses’ faces were shown in any of the posts.  Initial requests of which horses they were went ignored but then we had some of the loyal foot soldiers get involved and float their own theories as to why these injured animals appeared to be in the witness protection program.  The answers ranged from the rude to ridiculous and that is where things remain as far as the HiCaliber pages goes.  Thankfully, there are still boots and birds at HiCaliber so I can share who the horses that are injured are.




As will come as no surprise to anybody that has been following this shit show for any length of time, the horses that were hurt are privately owned.  The worst of those being Rizzo.  Rizzo was purchased by HiCaliber back in April and quickly snatched up by Manson for $1 as soon as she figured out he was already broke and papered.  He was promptly shifted over to Bang Bang Becky’s farm to `grow up’ and there he remained until the great break up of last year.  Since then he has been unadopted and then quickly readopted as Manson appeared to have been attempting to hide how many personal and project horses she actually has.  The other horse that was injured is said to be named `Meatball’ and there is not a lot of information on this horse other than he is likely an OTTB and another Manson project horse.  Rizzo’s sutures are said to be mostly broken open and he stands in a stall with very little shavings.


Meanwhile, in the private groups, Manson’s internet was working just fine.  She claimed that Link was also attacked and told her minions that Fish and Game is now involved and thinking this is the work of a large cat.  For those of you that don’t know, Link is a goat.  A rather nasty one from many reports, but still a goat and it’s highly unlikely that he would have survived a `large cat’ attack.  He is in the barn, but has no visible injuries from what I am told.



Naturally, it was easy enough to follow up on whether or not these incidents were reported and if, in fact, a biologist had been assigned to look into this and what possible plan they would have to put together.  With that being said a concerned resident of Valley Center recalled that Robin Parks had recently given a presentation hosted by `Friends of HellHole Canyon. This resident reached out to see about a possible wild animal attack in Valley Center.  Robin Parks was not aware of any such report and suggested that CA Fish and Wildlife should be contacted to see if a report was filed and what its status was.  Mr. Parks also offered to consult with one of the leading experts in California, Dr. Winston Vickers of UC Davis.  He was provided with the photos that HiCaliber had shared of the injured horses.  After consulting with Dr Vickers, the consensus was that the injuries to the horses were not caused by a mountain lion or coyote and were likely from a pole, fence or tree.  Further, California Fish and Wildlife responded that there was not enough evidence to support a depredation permit and had closed the matter almost immediately.
Also, just for the sake of clarity and education, these are pictures of an actual and confirmed mountain lion’s paw prints along with a cast of one.  These were not from anywhere near HiCaliber but they are in an area populated by horses and ponies and not a single one has been attacked or otherwise injured.  The paw prints are large, so if you truly were looking around an area a horse was known to be injured in, they would be kinda hard to miss.


Now that we have established that the injuries to Rizzo and Meatball were not a result of a wild animal attack, I thought it would be interesting to show the actual state of some of the pens at HiCaliber within the last week.  If you notice, the one pen is actually the one Manson keeps her personal horses in and not only is there pipe fencing, it is all busted up.  This picture is less than a week old.  I guess Amberloser didn’t bother to waltz her ass down to Pyramid if she really was at the farm.  It’s also important to note that they are in the process of tearing down portable pens and shelters so horses are being juggled around.  Rizzo was down in vineyard at some point in the recent past.  As most of us realize, new horses in a group means new pecking orders and some squabbles.  The injury on the bay horse does appear to be from a kick or blunt force. At this point, I’ve pretty much accepted that we’ll never get a straight or honest answer from HiCaliber so the entertainment value is in watching them dodge the questions.
It was also interesting that Manson went out of her way to point out her dogs just so happened to be spending a rare evening inside.  I found this a weird thing for her to bring up considering nobody even suggested they had anything to do with it.  What I have heard is that Manson’s faux service dog, the parking lot German Shepherd, is somewhat unruly and a bit ignorant around livestock.


Apparently, animals getting out is not uncommon at HiCaliber but Manson actually getting off her ass to catch them is.  Not sure about the rest of you but `dark’ isn’t really an excuse not to take care of your livestock.  Why have people living there if you have to wait for a volunteer to come along and take care of business?
grey horse
I notice everybody has been asking for updates on the maybe pregnant with cancer, maybe not pregnant with cancer grey mare that appeared at the ranch recently.  I wish I had more to tell you other than this pic is only a few days old and she’s standing there not in quarantine.  That’s Shasta right next to her.  No word if a vet has seen her yet.
romance not crosstied (2).jpg
I apologize for this pic being blurry.  That’s what happens when it is taken stealth though.  This is Romance in her stall at HiCaliber.  If you recall, it was mentioned in the last post that she was suffering from a severe pelvic fracture.  They said the vet had said to keep her cross tied so she doesn’t lay down. Not surprisingly she is not being kept cross tied and appears to be in a lot of pain according to a few in person accounts.  Her right hip is said to be`caved in’.  This mare was supposed to move to Amanduh’s and is also privately owned.  She had been at HiCaliber for a long time and was likely hurt being mishandled maybe even during loading.  I find it sad that as trigger happy as Manson is when a horse does have a chance, She seems perfectly fine with allowing this mare to suffer on her watch.
This was sent in just after I originally made this post.  I’m glad the mare is no longer suffering but this was all so senseless.  I have no idea why she was so emaciated other than her suffering was prolonged.  RIP Romance.  #sayhername
Well, we may not know where Manson is planning to move to just yet, but we at least know for sure now that she is looking to monetize her alphamare bullshit.  I don’t know what this means or what the ultimate plan is but it seems that is worth keeping an eye on.  Perhaps her new website will provide some clues.  You can find that here.
I know most of you know about HiCaliber losing its case against some former fosters this week.  I’m just posting the judgement amount so people have it.
hicaliber horse.jpg
I think that about covers the most recent updates or at least what I see people asking about the most.  I don’t understand why Manson lies about things that are so easily fact checked.  What especially confuses me is that she bothers to lie at all.  The remaining village idiots are die-hard and probably would still send their social security checks even if she did come clean and say it was for her own horses.  Instead there are these deliberately misleading posts designed to shake people down for even more.
One of our readers kindly did up this diagram of a HiCaliber horse using their best terminology.  The very misused terminology that is one of the biggest `tells’ when they lie.  I’m not sure about the rest of you, but it’s time for them to just go away.  They can go make Alphabitch Commune happen and leave living, breathing animals alone.  I won’t follow or care as long as animals aren’t involved. Less than a month to go…

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I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic lately.  Maybe it’s because it’s Thursday or maybe it’s just because with the attempted rebranding of Manson and her village idiots, it seems like a really good time to look back on some of my personal favorite hypocrisy outbursts from those wacky animal exploiting grifters.  Either way, that’s going to be the bulk of what we’re covering today but, as always, there is a few little update nuggets and current events we’ll deal with as well.  In fact, that’s probably the best place to start so those of you that suffer Manson induced PTSD, don’t have to relive some of her greatest hits.


I’m sure everybody knows by now that Manson has distanced herself from all things HiCaliber aside from the donations that continue to trickle in.  Much to the delight and sexual arousal of her koolaid drinkers, she has created a new village for them to attach themselves to while neglecting their families and hiding out from life in general.  Alphamare Village, complete with its own hashtag, appears to be the new place to indoctrinate her acolytes before monetizing this brand new shit show.  Apparently the theme of the new group is kindness and empowerment, but it seems that only applies to the confines of the closed group and not everywhere else or to alternate profiles.  It’s truly mind-boggling to watch somebody just bleed it all out there about their husband cheating on them *cough*nancysugartits*cough* and then run straight over to hate pages, the same ones Manson has asked them to stay off of, calling people losers and dumbasses among other things.  If anything, it seems that it’s some weird competition who can be the most `broken’ in the Alphamare Village while putting their bully boots on for the outside world. Of course, Manson’s alternate profile is all over the same hate pages as well, so the takeaway I get from this is not to be a drama seeking bully under your own profile.

Charger was the latest victim to be drug back to the ranch to be shot in the face.  Despite The Equine Welfare Fund offering their services, which include the cost of euthanasia, Manson elected to keep Charger alive for a few days before doing the deed herself as if there was ever any doubt that’s exactly how it was all going to go down.  The last we saw of him was a post of him laying down (likely drugged) with somebody’s boots in his face and the village idiots were told he was `enjoying some love’ before his execution.  You know, because nothing says love like a stranger’s stinky boots in your face when you’re either so drugged or in so much pain you can’t pick yourself and get away.  RIP Charger.  #sayhisname.

The latest money-maker is sure to open the purse strings.  A few days ago Manson told us of the pregnant mare who was filled with cancer and about to be dropped off at HiCaliber.  Even though she never got any donations for her initially,  Manson ignored offers of help and manifested the mare a few days later.  It was posted as though she showed up mid day on a Thursday,  but we’re supposed to ignore the sunset behind her in one of the pictures and now we come to find out she may not actually have cancer or be pregnant.  The wound near her eye looks suspiciously like a summer sore with some kind of scald on her face.  I’m sure if there were melanomas under her tail, we’d know about it by now because Manson has enjoyed photographing cancer vags in the past.  Naturally HiCaliber has requested the donations be made to the general fund for feed and expenses so that the money  doesn’t have to follow the mare should she literally dodge the bullet at HiCaliber and end up in a truly safe home.  Leopard, spots and all that sort of thing…

As far as I know, Legacy remains at HiCaliber or at least was there up until a week or so ago.  That means he’s been there well over a year.  If you recall, he was Romney Faye’s special boy, or at least he was when she was trying to raise extra funds while in Louisiana and he walked into camera range. I’m not exactly sure if she ever laid a hand on him or acknowledged him after getting back to California though.  Anyhow, he was offered not just a good home, but the perfect home a few months ago.  I think the fee offered was more than reasonable but Manson and Amanduh felt that he was worth more, so there was no deal and Legacy remains on the feed lot.  I wonder if it has dawned on any of them that they have probably spent more in feed on him than what the price difference would have been by now.  Or maybe I should say if it was a normal and properly run outfit they would have put more into him in feed and care than the price difference by now.  Great business minds there at HiCaliber.

The birth of `Bella Cardwell’ is on everybody’s radar lately.  This person, complete with what is clearly a HiCaliber horse in their profile pic has been extremely active on many SoCal groups lately.  While there have been some strategic decoy posts mentioning a husband and not liking snakes, the rest has been pure Manson right down to Bella’s support of HiCaliber and following all the other rescues that Manson regularly stalks.  I think what initially pinged most people’s radar was `Bella’s’ claim that she has 25 to 30 `family’ horses.  Strangely, that’s the same number of horses that HiCaliber claims to be keeping.  Most families I know don’t have that many personal horses and they also know the exact number they do have rather than ballparking it.  I guess the number is fluid with the Cardwell family.  Could this all be a coincidence and we’re all just singling out an innocent person?  Read on…


Wow, what are the odds that Bella and Manson are both looking at aquariums to raise mice in? Such a coincidence that Manson spent one of her latest live feeds with rats crawling around in her bra.  If I had to guess, I’d say it’s probably about the same odds that Bella and Manson are both looking for the same rental situation in the same area.  Still, that’s not all the similarities these `two’ have.



Wow!  Bella and Manson both went trail riding at the same place on the exact same day!  It’s almost like they’re living parallel lives or something.  Maybe even in the same skin.  I wonder if Bella knows Monique Gallindo or Sandra Milstein?  How is it that Bella claimed to be out of state yet she wants to know when a local trail closes for the day and has been putting her ISOs out on local to HiCaliber sites.

tear down time

It seems the dispersal of tack has already begun.  I’m sure they’re logging in all the money made from the sale of tack and it’s all going towards the actual rescue horses instead of the `family’ horses.  It’s funny how they never mentioned this stream of income when they were ringing the crisis bells in their recent begging campaigns just like they neglect to mention that all that money donated via Facebook eventually does get released along with their frozen PayPal funds.  Instead, we had Manson inform us that just because there are far fewer horses, it costs the same amount to feed them for some reason.  It didn’t make much sense to me either but then again, I never did have much taste for Koolaid. No word on the ultimate destination for the tore down pipe corrals will be.


Nice to see the conditions for the remaining inmates at HiCaliber continue to be substandard and disgusting.  You would think with the reduced number of horses, that one of the residents could get off their ass and maybe do some of this work themselves rather than issue their instructions on Facebook pages.

Does anybody remember Palomar?  We first talked about him here.  To make a long story short, they purchased him with money donated from a local church and then put up a post about him that was dripping with racist references.  When asked by the very people who donated those funds to remove those references, Manson refused.  As for Palomar, he came with at least one bowed tendon and was bounced around between foster homes/adoptive situations before finally landing with Maloree, the cannabis queen.  He is now for sale for $2000 (recently reduced to $1500).  Going by the pic she has posted of him, he has not thrived under her care and 2k is a fairly hefty price tag for a horse with old bows.  I guess contracts only get enforced when it isn’t one of Manson’s close and personal pals.  Here’s hoping this horse finally lands softly and with somebody who knows wtf they are doing.

I’m posting this for no other reason than comic relief.  In all my years, I have never heard of or used a `tapping stick’ in conjunction with horses.  I don’t actually even own a whip anymore as I have no use for them, but I’m pretty sure a `tapping stick’ is either an aboriginal instrument or those things you played in elementary school music class when you weren’t lucky enough to get assigned the triangle.  I realize that a popper is attached on the end of whip, but since this is Manson it could easily be amyl nitrate she is referring to.  Just so much going on with these posts.


This post disturbed me for a number of reasons.  For those of you not keeping score, Heather recently adopted Romance (JC name – Icee Cheaspeake)  and is said to have jumped ship to Team Amanduh.  Romance was purchased back in the fall of 2016, so she’s been kicking aroundHiCaliber for a while.  Assuming this is the mare Heather is speaking about, it raises some questions for me.  How did this mare suddenly turn up with a `pretty severe’ pelvic fracture?  Did it happen at HiCaliber and they moved her in this condition or did they crunch her trying to load her?  Either scenario is not good but wishing this mare all the best.  I sure hope one of those gunsels is smart enough to keep a close watch on her feet since founder is very real side effect when they are offloading onto one side as it sounds like this mare is doing.


I found this statement from Manson about not having a personal Facebook to be somewhat bizarre even for her.  By all accounts, she is obsessive in her use of social media and basically lives on her phone.  According to Facebook, she’s been a member since 2009 which is 9 years by my calculations, but I’m only a 10% mathematician. That’s the thing about liars though; they lie about shit that just doesn’t matter.  Of course this is not counting all her fake profiles since that’s probably not `personal’ in her mind.

I would like somebody, anybody, to explain to me how somebody that had not one, but two bankruptcies within the last 4 years had a `shit ton’ of money to give anybody.  This is the same person that hasn’t had a real job in many years and no post secondary education or marketable skills beyond grifting and selling stanky underwear.  I’m sure she tossed that statement out as it is the excuse she is going with to explain all the personal expenses on the rescue accounts  Even if that was the case, which would be a huge stretch, it would still be commingling of funds which is still going to get her in deep shit.  Maybe even deeper than the shit that she forced all those animals to stand in for so long.


This brings us to the throwback portion of the post.  As Manson tries to claim she is all about the love and that everybody outside her village are just big meanie head haters who just bully her for no reason, it’s important to look back on some of her own actions and statements.  You know, just for posterity and all.

These little bottles of Fireball were left on the driveway of one of Manson’s frequent targets.  I’m sure many people think it’s funny or even wonder what the big deal is.  The big deal is that children live here and it wasn’t just friendly pranking.  How do we know it was Manson?

That’s right.  Manson and Bang Bang Becky drove over an hour to leave their little calling card at another rescue.  Still think it was all in good fun?

This was the same rescue she left her calling card at.  A rescue she used to work with and openly admire.  While I have never seen that rescue retaliate or even really mention HiCaliber, the founder has been a frequent target of Manson’s.


This is Manson still obsessing over the founder of the rescue and apparently body shaming is perfectly fine as long as Manson and her village idiots are doing it.  That’s not even to mention the great big ole glass house they were all casting their stones from.


For somebody that claims she feels her safety is compromised, she certainly thinks it’s funny when somebody else might be in real peril.  Always funny to joke about shooting somebody, no?


Here we have Manson engaging in some more name calling and lying.  The fact is, she never stops thinking of Trish.


I believe this post was made on or around Veteran’s Day.  That part is significant because Manson elected to single out a veteran for her little `Name a Pile of Shit’ fundraiser.  The person in question actually used to be part of Manson’s inner circle and, as far as I can gather, her crime was leaving Manson.  Manson mistakenly thought she was a mole and contributor to this blog (she never was) and proceeded to target her and spread the most vile and disgusting rumors and gossip about her in all corners.  Those members of her Alphamare Village would do well to pay attention to that as Manson will ALWAYS use whatever you confided to her against you.  That’s what she does and no amount of pretending to be all about the love and attempting to be the even trashier version of Nicole Arbour, will change who and what Manson is.


Remember how Manson has whined about being persecuted for doing`rescue’ her way?  For somebody that preaches that she certainly wants to tell other rescues how many they should save and where from.  This was about the founder of yet another rescue that she obsessed over and targeted until they moved out of state.  All that aside, I like what she said about freedom of speech being a 2 way street and it’s all fair play when you’re responding to `behavior’.  The last year and more of this blog has been responding to her behavior and choices. See how that works?

Here Manson tells us about the secret of her success while she heaves herself up on the proverbial high horse.  Yet, she wonders why people react negatively to her.



This short live feed was from a closed group that Manson is a member of.  She often employed her high pressure grift tactics during her weekly begging sessions in this group.  I pulled it out for a few reasons.  We know several horses were named after various volunteers and donors in the past but this is the first I’ve seen it in writing that maybe some people were paying for that privilege.  Also, the completely misleading information about slaughter and what those horses were really doing at Ontario is worth noting as well.  Hint: They were never in danger of hitting the American food chain or any food chain.  They were mostly there by prearrangement. Of course if you really have a desire to have a horse named after you it is completely free if you’re a hater.  Just know that said horse will soon be shot in the head.


Even though Romney Faye has jumped back on the Dumbass Darrell train and is currently distancing herself from all things HiCaliber, who could forget about her and her faux Christianity?  We can see in the above screen shot that giving doesn’t go both ways with her.  While she has made a living out of lying and begging for money, she `hates’ donating clothes in good condition to those that are truly needy.  Can’t say that I’m surprised about this.


Here we have Romney Faye showing us just how compassionate she is as she discusses a horse named Max that Manson was about to shoot.  She also flaunts their coziness with DeSousa just in case anybody still wondered why it was so hard to get him to do his job when it came to HiCaliber.


Next we have Manson trolling well-known hate type pages for dirt on the founder of another rescue under the guise of doing due diligence.  Maybe it’s just me, but if I wanted references for somebody under these circumstances I would be asking vets, farriers and actual industry professionals rather than a group that is known for trashing people.  This was from last year and while Manson has since transferred a number of horses to this rescue, she has repeatedly sicked her village idiots on the rescue and its founder and the harassment continues to this day.


Not required, but probably the humane thing to do, no?  For somebody that claims such a connection to horses, she certainly has very little empathy or compassion for them.


A little example of how polite questions have been responded to in the past.


I know I originally posted this screen shot over a year ago and it has been widely shared since then.  It still seems to be making the rounds.  However, for me, it means a bit more than face value.  It was my own personal tipping point with HiCaliber.  Way back in the early days of this blog, I actually thought they did decent work on the surface.  Back then, I was more focused on Sue Wallis and her fuckery than all things rescue,  so I wasn’t watching them all that closely.  HiCaliber came onto my radar with the Starlight drama and I never really gave them much thought beyond that other than the odd time I used to look in on their Facebook page because who doesn’t love a good rescue story?  I started feeling like things weren’t adding up with the volume of euthanasias and stories being told and then Snuggles happened.  Despite how Manson and Romney Faye spun it, they sent that horse to slaughter.  He may have been the only one of the ones sent to Misner that was recovered in this instance though.  He wasn’t mean, afraid or angry at all.  He was ignorant and unhandled and Manson had no compunctions about sending him to slaughter via Misner.  Going by this screen shot, he was not the only horse, but he was the only one recovered in the last minute trade back (Erik the horse was involved in this too).  That’s when I really decided to take a closer look and then the Slaughter 11 happened which was a complete farce.  Finally, when they dipped into Louisiana, she stepped a little too close to home for me and I wrote that first post.  I’m sure the Louisiana shit would have come across my radar regardless, but thanks to Snuggles, I already had months and months of information compiled and contacts made.



As if Manson’s own big mouth and ego don’t provide enough red flags, we have these financials (thank you to the reader that put this together and also sent it to me because I couldn’t figure out the links).  Keep in mind, these are for only up until the end of 2016 as the 2017 financials are not in and likely never will be.  I’m not sure what vets were paid nearly a quarter million dollars in 2016 but I have my suspicions who at least one `vet’ was and it wasn’t a 100% one.  The hauling fees where we know that Bang Bang Becky was at least one of the haulers being `paid’ as well as Cheech who was living there for free seemed excessive.  Where did they really go other than back and forth to auction and entertaining themselves on trail rides? The training and boarding fees?  They didn’t send that many horses to Buzz so was Manson dipping there too?  It’s craziness and if anybody honestly thinks that it’s only because of `haters’ that the AG and other agencies are doing audits then they are dumber than I gave them credit for.

Of course all of the above is merely a sampling of why there is so much animosity towards Manson.  As she continues to climb up on the cross and play the victim card, the rest of us remember exactly why we’re all still here.  The horses and other animals that had the misfortune of finding themselves at HiCaliber.  The suffering, the needless deaths, the exploitation, all fueled the uprising against HiCaliber while Manson’s arrogance and malignant personality made it impossible to coach or help her turn things around.  She ran off every single knowledgeable person that cottoned on to what was really going on at HiCaliber. There are lots of people in this world I find hateful and irritating, but I tend to avoid them.  The difference with this situation is that those animals had no choice and they had no voice, so I lent them mine and many other advocates did the same.  Because the greatest predictor of the future is past behavior, I’m not willing to grant Manson a Mulligan and let her do this again.  Ever.  Warm up your voice, Manson.  It’s over.

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