
Archive for March, 2019


While I am busy working on some behind the scenes stuff, I want to leave you a little something to ponder.   How bad of an attorney does a person have to be to lose a case when nobody from the other side can even be arsed to show up?  Just asking for a friend…


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You know what?  It’s probably going to be a frosty Friday in hell before I ever get around to finishing off some of the posts I’ve been working on.  It’s not because they aren’t important, but rather The Manson Family, being the cockroaches they are, just will not stop grifting.  I knew it as soon as I saw that last post I shared that Manson was dipping her toe in to see if the idiots were ready to dig deep.  Ever since then it’s been a fucking  grift-o-rama of emotional manipulation and begging. Thankfully, our birds are out in full force so I’ll update you and then we’ll figure out how to chop the head off this snake before it gets out of control again.  I’m not even going to bother sugar-coating any of this or playing nice.  Enough is enough.  Buckle up, because if you have the smallest shred of compassion and common decency, you’re going to be pissed too.

In the last post, I showed how Manson has been testing the waters to see if she can go on another horse killing spree for dollars.  Apparently,  the few dollars offered to her over that situation emboldened her because we were quickly treated to a rather lengthy, and emotionally manipulative post about how she shot Barry Boi in the face, complete with a $2000 gofraudme campaign.  I guess cremation costs a whole bunch more than back when she was begging for dollars to memorialize Johnny Cade after she and her minions tortured and killed him.  We were all asked to suspend disbelief and logic and overlook the fact that there were no current pictures of the kid with Barry Boi, due to the fact she had long ago lost interest in him.  We were also supposed to overlook the fact that even though Manson 30% diagnosed him as having a stroke `last fall’, there was a picture of him at the Bonsall property looking very un-strokelike.  In fact, the horse was lame and they were too lazy to manage him, but why let him slip away without making some extra dollars off him? The grift was on.  I’m pretty sure the picture of his balls, probably long since consumed by the Manson family, was just her way to make sure Barry Boi didn’t pass with too much dignity.  Apparently, the village idiots had money burning holes in their pocket as they quickly ponied up the requested $2000 for a pictures (seriously wtf) and frames to go along with a box of ashes they won’t ever see.  In the midst of that mess, there was a fuckton of anthropomorphizing on Manson’s part and apparently prescience on Barry Boi’s part.  It seems that Manson felt like she under asked so she quickly used that sad situation and her daughter’s alleged grief for a more open-ended ask and the horse from our last post, was quickly manifested.  This is where it gets extremely off pissing.


BTW, the update she said she would post for the public page consisted of a years old picture of Tanner the horse and a post about his penis complete with her immature and rude responses when people ask why he is still not gelded.  Apparently the horse that belonged to HiCaliber is now her personal horse that she can do with what she likes.  I hope she’s got a solid paper trail on her personally supporting him while she’s at it.  Maybe Romney Faye is throwing some change towards that now that she’s back Dumbass Darrell’s dick and found another special needs child to round out her income. Life is good for the ExCalibers!

This is the mare from the previous post.  She has clearly deteriorated in body condition since Manson first knew about her.  She is now emaciated, covered in sores likely from where her poor bones created pressure laying down and her feet haven’t had any attention in some time.  Her pasterns are dropped and that situation clearly hasn’t been managed on any level.  We’ve heard this about Manson before.  She likes these horses to linger until they are pitiful enough to shake the coins loose from her village.  So, not only has she known about this horse for long enough for this animal to deteriorate significantly, she has also protected the person that is directly responsible for her current condition.  Rather than do the right thing and reach out to another rescue or animal control, she has done nothing.  Nada.  She is an accomplice to the condition of this horse and she’s still not done exploiting her for dollars.  We gotta toss in the kid for some more emotional manipulation.   Instead of telling it like it is, the horse killing grifter becomes `just a mom trying to help her family heal’.  She conveniently overlooks that the situation she finds herself in is a result of her own poor choices, greed and just pure fucking evil.  What hasn’t occurred to her yet is the fact that she has even less of a leg to stand on as far as protecting these people, diagnosing the horses and killing them than she did when she was hiding behind her rescue.  If she truly wanted her kids to continue `helping’ horses she’d take them to a real rescue to volunteer.  Maybe they’d learn what actual horse people behave like rather than opportunistic assholes like their mother is.

Here you have many of your usual morons crawling up Manson’s ass and becoming moist at the prospect of another mangled horse to kill.  Let’s not overlook the big lie from Manson.  She tells them just what they want to hear and the message to take forward. Forget that the same person had this horse when she wasn’t in such bad condition, because in Manson’s narrative, they are not the abusers and it’s merely a cultural difference and these poor people are so afraid.  MY ASS.  May I remind you all that I put the offer out to Manson that we would help this horse over a week ago.  That was sincere and that was legit.  We still have a place for this horse, but there was never a response because that was never Manson’s goal.  It didn’t serve her needs because, with Manson, the horse is never first and referring her on to people that will actually help this horse does not keep Manson in eyelashes and burritoes.

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Same horse, different day. The difference between griftable and savable.



So here we are again watching Manson protect the very people who neglect and abuse horses while she wrings every last possible penny out of their broken bodies.  How long did this mare suffer before Manson figured she was far gone enough for maximum financial benefit and to parade in front of her village idiots?  What happened to the other horse she alluded to in the initial post?  While we’re at it, whatever happened to so many of the broken wraiths she dangled in front of the village near the end but never actually manifested when the interest was lackluster?  This has to stop.  Yesterday.  Speak up and speak out.  Light up the phone lines or whatever else you can think of to get action.  I’ve not often preached that to people, but now that she’s got a place to start hoarding again it behooves every advocate to nip this in the bud.  While the investigations are still active, and believe me they are, animals continue to suffer and be exploited to support  Manson and Wrinkles in their quest to never work another day in their life.  I’d say honest day but I’m not sure either one of them have the capacity for that or ever did.  As much as I hate to say it, this is the tip of the iceberg as far as what’s hit my inbox this week when it comes to The Manson Family antics.  I guess our break is over.  Much more to come…


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I have to apologize for the lack of updates recently.  It’s always difficult to figure out how to handle these things.  Do you just put it all out and drive the Manson Family deeper underground or do you sit on things?  Normally, I choose sit back a bit and hand them all plenty of rope.  I’ve always said that nobody ever gets convicted for something they might do or even thinks about doing and I truly believe that.  Is that always the right thing to do?  I just don’t know.  So, after much consideration and after talking to a few of the `team’, I figured I’d do this very brief update.  My reason for doing so is hopefully to get the word out so the eyes can stay out.  It’s one thing when Manson is just playing her regular victim card, but when she moves to openly exploit suffering animals on any level again it’s time to play whack a mole.  So, with that being said, let’s get down to it…



So here we go…Manson is dipping her gnarly toe back in the waters of grifting on the backs of broken horses.  Wanna take bets on who the suppliers are? Even though she carefully cropped the pic in an attempt to remove all evidence of where the horse is, it is clear.  All that aside, let’s look at the bill of goods she is attempting to sell to her village idiots.  She can claim she is no longer affiliated with a 501c3, but I’m reasonably sure the AG will see things differently.  She doesn’t get to just walk away and she especially doesn’t get to when she’s carting around assets of that 501c3.  Yes, they are in a delinquency status due to not filing their paperwork for the last few years, but the HiCaliber non-profit is not dissolved and she is certainly not absolved of any responsibility no matter what she says.


From July when Manson was claiming nobody else would help these horses

Let’s talk about these horses she is wanting to kill.  First off, there ARE other options for them.  There has always been other options for them.   It wasn’t all that long ago when Manson was lamenting the lack of resources for another broken horse she had drug back to the ranch to execute for dollars that she was told, right on her own page, that The Equine Welfare Society has a fund to cover just this sort of thing.  This was back in July and, of course, she ignored this information as it doesn’t fit in with her grifting and blood lust.  This isn’t even counting other rescues and animal shelters.  There isn’t much burrito money in referring these animals on to appropriate agencies and letting real horse people handle things though.


Like the good little village idiots they always have been, they pick up what Manson laid down as far as the subtle grift and start offering money.  They certainly don’t make it rain like the village of old, but it’s a much more shallow well they’re dipping from these days.   I’m not entirely sure why Wrinkles chimes in with $20 considering how far she’s already parked up Manson’s ass and the fact that any funds raised will also benefit her personally, but maybe she was attempting the `monkey see, monkey do’ strategy of fundraising.  I had to giggle at Manson blaming ICE/The Wall as the reason the owners of these horses couldn’t raise their own funds. The actual reason is more that if Salvador and his ilk did their own fundraisers, Manson wouldn’t get her blood money or be able to get off on shooting another animal in the face.  They also don’t give a shit about these animals once they have are of no use to them so making a few bucks off Manson and her merry band of idiots is just gravy. It really is that simple.


I don’t know why Manson was in FB jail because she rarely pokes her head out in the open other than to offer sexual favors to randoms in various groups, but that’s another story for another day.  What is interesting about her comments here is that she claims she’s calling vets to cover her ass as far as how much money to ask for.  She doesn’t actually state that a vet will ever see any of these horses, but with her patented read between the lines style of lying out her lie hole, she’s apparently called a few.  No word if they were actual equine vets or not or if she even discussed the horses in question.  She could have prank called them for all we know.  The villagers have been trained not to ask too many questions so when Manson says she has called the vet, they follow her down the path of deception and spread the lies of omission.


As many of you are aware, there are a few things going on in Manson’s realm at the moment.  The clock has run out on the Bonsall property so that situation is fluid.  For somebody who claims to have no affiliation with HiCaliber she is certainly hanging onto their assets with both of her hammy fists and still threatens to enforce their contracts.  We’ve always known she wouldn’t be able to stop killing animals any more than a vampire can stop drinking blood, but the way forward without her 501c3 is going to be difficult.  I will state right here for all to see that if Manson is truly concerned about these horses and sincere in her desire to get them relief, then she can refer them on to entities that can help them.  She can even have the owners contact me (as in email the blog and don’t bug JM) and I’ll network them.  Let’s see her do the right thing for once in her malignant existence.  The ball is in your court, Manson.  You going to put the horses first for once in your life?


As for me, I have three different and unrelated things that are currently on my desk.  To the people that have sent some of those `things’ to me, I’m still working on them and I apologize for not being quicker.  After spending a couple of years so deeply entrenched in all things HiCaliber,  it takes a bit more time to switch gears.  I want to make sure I give these other issues the attention they deserve or at least the best I can do with them. Rest assured I haven’t gone anywhere nor are we in mothballs.  For now though, make sure you hug your horses and other four footers and keep your eyes and ears open.  We’re a long way from over.  Have a great weekend!

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