
Archive for the ‘Lady At The Track’ Category

….to bring you MORE drama!  That’s right, today’s post is a giant tub of popcorn’s worth of drama, drama, drama but it’s only loosely related to HiCaliber.  We’ll be getting back to them in a few days.  In fact, it’s almost like sweeps week on the blog because we’re gonna have some fun over the next little while.  I know I’ve threatened posts recently and I have been chipping away to the point I was ready to start dropping them.  Really and truly!  What I have planned is a new direction with the same players and I think it will be most enlightening.  However, that’s on the back burner til Monday-ish because our old buddy Maggot is getting served a healthy dose of karma  while showing off her true colors.  Because she has been so hateful towards friends of this blog and attempted to cock block and run interference for HiCaliber,  it only seems fair to let her have her time in the spotlight too.  This is all still playing out, so I’ll put a bit of context around it as best I can for those of you that mostly ignore her.  I strongly suggest you grab some popcorn and a beverage of choice.  Welcome to Sweeps Week!

Today’s drama fest kicked off with this little post that came across my news feed today.  I’m not personal friends with Derek Simon and I don’t really know the guy other than, up until today, he was Maggot’s boss.  I have commented before that Maggot worked for an offshore betting account which Derek confirms in his post.  When I read this, I got a feeling that Maggot’s meat hooks were probably less than clean when it came to some of the statements he was making just knowing the crazy she is capable of and that she must always be in a state of crisis and battle.  Seriously, in all the years I have known her (more than I’d care to think about at this point), she is constantly angry or fighting some sort of online battle, so it’s hardly surprising that with the HiCaliber issue in a holding pattern and her getting thwarted at Judge Judy as far as being the one to unmask Shedrow, that she’s been stirring up shit elsewhere.  Think I’m making a leap? Think again…


Thankfully, I didn’t have to dig far or connect too many dots for people because yet another of Maggot’s former bosses cleared up exactly what was going on and I can’t say that I’m surprised.  Maggot has habitually been a jealous creature and I even called it back when Tara was hired at US Racing.  I knew Maggot would be threatened by not only her looks, but her hustle.  Tara actually hands on rescues horses and basically appears to be everything Maggot wishes she was. I especially love the part about plagiarism and the whole calling a spade a spade.  Fucking glorious!


Here we have Exhibit A of the woman scorned plot line.  The ditching at Breeders Cup which wasn’t so much a ditching but more of a case of Maggot feeling left out.  Back in 2016 after Maggot won her award, they were all very chummy at BC in California.  If I recall correctly, US Racing bought them all tickets as a reward for their work with the Borell story.  Of course, Tara and another woman (not sure if she’d want to be named in the mess but I’ll happily give credit where it’s due if she wants) were the ones that actually rolled up their sleeves and did the work while Maggot wrote the book report and trolled social media for material.  She didn’t actually `do’ anything towards physically helping those horses or getting relief in there.  Flash forward to Breeders Cup last year and Maggot had to get herself there on her own dime and there were no seats for her this time.  I believe Derek and Tara were seated with a friend or something, but not 100% on that.  The bottom line is that Maggot got her feelers hurt and, true to form, she decided to fuck with them in some twisted payback scheme.  This is what Maggot does, just like when she marked herself up and tried to get Pasterfuck arrested for domestic violence when they had their holiday blow out a few years back.  No limits to how low Maggot will sink to get her revenge and apparently her boss’s marriage was fair game to her.


Ahhh, the good ole `black heart’ insult.  Weren’t some of us accused of having black hearts when Maggot was on her anti-bullying mission?  I’m totally pissed I didn’t get the passive aggressive title added onto it because anybody that knows me knows I am the absolute QUEEN of passive aggressivity and I have no plans to abdicate.  As far as Derek and Tara are concerned, if they would like to use my reach to shed some more light, I hope they have their people call my people.  I’m all ears!

Right on cue Pasterfuck comes charging in to defend Maggot and lower the level even further.  I could have shown countless screen shots of Maggot sucking up to Tara over the years until the Breeders Cup snubbing.  As far as the never her boss, well it turns out that is a lie.  Yes, Tara was Maggot’s boss but right from jump street, Maggot bristled at being a subordinate to a younger, prettier, smarter and more sane version of what Maggot could ever be.  I love the accusation about being drunk that Maggot makes.  Wasn’t that one of her issues with the blog?  Didn’t she think somebody wondering if she was drinking was something worth suing over?

You know the old saying about many a truth spoken in jest?  Yeah, about that..This was the post last year when Tara was hired by US Racing and, in fact, became Maggot’s boss.  Maggot’s little joking post is an acknowledgement of sorts and probably the beginning of the seething jealousy that would consume her come November of that same year.

I’m probably posting these out of order because this was all going on between 3 Facebook pages.  It was hard to keep up.  This is from Maggot’s own page and it got one like and one wow as most real racing insiders have long since backed away from her crazy.  This time she flat out calls her former boss a drunk.  Classy.

More crazy making contradictions from Mags.  She’s clearly flailing at this point and nobody other than Pasterfuck is buying what she’s selling.  She seems to think that we all haven’t seen this play out from her in various forms over and over again.  Maggot gets, feelers hurt.  Maggot strikes out by doing something dirty and subversive.  Maggot gets called on her own shit.  Maggot plays victim card.  Rinse. Repeat.

I love this so much.  After hanging her ass out on social media, Maggot attempts to scare me into not posting what she put out in public herself?  What good is suing people that aren’t me going to do?  Didn’t she already try that?  I don’t think Judge Judy is going to keep handing her 5K every time she gets her feelings hurt and, as her buddy Angrid found out, real judges don’t have much time for this sort of thing.  But whatever, she still has no clue who I am and she signed a release that states she can’t sue JM again for the same thing for a certain period.  Here’s a tip for Maggot, who I know is reading this: If you don’t want to get a feature on this blog, tuck your crazy in and stop being such a festering twat to everybody.  Simple.


Now that we’ve documented and marked some more antics from Maggot, I’m going to return to the regular planned posts provided her pant shitting doesn’t bleed on for days to come.  Where I’m at with the other posts is they are mostly put together but the important bits are going to another desk for polishing which will make complete sense very soon.  Basically I’m not that tech savvy so I hand that part over to those that are and I can’t dictate exactly when they get back to me.  I will explain more about that anon. I suspect Monday/Tuesday-ish.  Believe it or not, even posts like this one, which is mostly a phone in, take a bit out of me.  I have a weird process when it comes to putting this stuff together and it’s always an ordeal.  It’s been nice to step back and take a bit of a break from all that.  I needed it.  However with Manson attempting a re-branding and a comeback, I feel it’s time to lay some cards on the table and we’re going to do just that in a series of posts.  I’m also not done with RHI and there are also some unrelated posts in various stages of development rattling around too.  In short, I’m not going anywhere and we have miles to go before we sleep.  Buckle up!

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I was really going to give the drama a miss today.  It’s not really my thing, but since my inbox is getting absolutely bombarded it seems easier to just take a detour from our regular scheduled advocacy and address everything right here in the open. I was also sent some VERY interesting screen shots that I will share with you just to put some context around current events.  Ready?  Get your drama boots on!

As you can see, I got this email from a Judge Judy producer prior to the taping of their show.  Just prior as it turns out.  These producers are basically paid to bring the drama and I don’t do game shows.  I was aware that Jennifer was doing this but she was clear that I wouldn’t be participating.  The producers try to manipulate people into bringing the drama.  Both parties get paid for their appearances and the show pays any awards.  Basically a no lose situation for either of them other than the humiliation of being on a reality show.  Make no mistake, I think Jennifer is awesome for standing up to a bully like Maggot.  She didn’t let herself be bullied into giving Maggot what she really wanted.  Me.  However, Jave, the producer, also had his feelers hurt and decided to help Maggot out.  He did this by handing her the above email response with the headers showing.  I’m told he also gave her some emailed correspondence between himself and Jen showing headers as well.  The problem for this little brain trust is it appears that Jen and me both use Gmail.

So, as you can clearly see, the only thing they found out from that email was where the Gmail servers are.  Gmail isn’t a downloaded program on my computer or phone so it never resolves to where I am.  Never let facts get in the way of reality TV and Maggot’s butthurt though.  I’ll deal with Jave through his own employers just on principle because while what he did do has no effect on me personally, he has opened an innocent person up for more targeted harassment and bullying and it was also illegal AF.  I tagged him in this post so people know what a douche he is and how Judge Judy operates.  At no time did I ever sign a consent or release to be on this show and they have infringed on my copyright and trademark.  Tsk tsk.  Let’s get back to Maggot, shall we?


As everybody knows, Maggot once won an award for writing about Maria Borell. How could you not know?  She never stops reminding everybody.  It’s almost like in her 50 some years of existence, that’s her only accomplishment.  I guess even blind squirrels find the odd nut. However, in the last few days, this came into my email from one of Maggot’s own buddies.  I guess even her friends are disgusted with her behavior.  It puts a little more light around her tactics as a `journalist’.

Here are screenshots of Maggot asking somebody to leak the phone numbers of Maria and Chuck Borell and even laughing about finally talking somebody into doing it for her.  Isn’t that super professional behavior from a `journalist’?  She also tries to get this person to believe that she chose not to take a job at TVG in favor of moving further down the professional ladder.  Ok, then…

More butthurt over Ray Paulick and the Paulick report.  I don’t know what her deal with him is, but she seems bothered by his opinion of the offshore betting website she writes for.  Maybe the person that sent these screen shots can give some more context at some point.

Here we have Maggot bragging about getting another journalist fired and then cockblocking her from getting a job.  If memory serves, this person dared to write Maria’s side of the story and that offended Maggot somehow.  Here is the Borell’s statement about Margaret and her tactics as a journalist: LINK  Make no mistake, I think Maria is a POS for the condition of those horses, but I’m just a blogger. I can go hard in one direction and just voice my opinion.  Maggot puffs her mammaries out and never stops reminding people that she’s an `AWARD WINNING’ journalist and she should be held to a higher standard.

Here we have Maggot talking about another person who happens to be a track photographer.  I edited out anything that shows her name just because of how nasty Maggot is here and it seems almost pointless.  Just mean for the sake of being mean.  This, coming from the person that claims some sort of moral high ground.


To close this post off, I just want to make a few things crystal clear.  No matter what Maggot and her turd flingers are saying, Jennifer wasn’t outed as shedrow and they still don’t have any proof at all.  Having said that, they seemed to think they can file a bunch of nuisance suits and get away with it.  They may find out that how things go down in a real court of law is much different from a reality TV show.  I won’t know because I won’t be there and not because I’m hanging Jen out to dry.  I’m not.  She’s an advocate and she stood up and took one for the team and I thank her for that.  Jen is the one that stood up to the real bully and put horses first.  She could have thrown a name out, any name,  and Maggot would have lost her case.  She did what was right for the horses and the things we work on.  Also, Jen really doesn’t know me.  I don’t use my legal name on any social media and that’s a fact.  She doesn’t have any contact information for me that you don’t all have.  My Gmail address.  I am truly sorry that she took the hit and I will continue to support her. I hope the real advocates will continue to have her back as none of this is fun.  I see a whole lotta glass houses and as much as I hate making dramatic posts such as this, I’m well armed to continue down this path should Maggot and her cronies not sit down and move on.  For now, I’m going to get back to what I do which is advocacy.  I’ve never been bothered by the opinions of people I have zero respect for.  If anything, being on the other side of the fence of people like Maggot let’s me know I’m on the right path.  Now, back to our regular scheduled advocacy soon.  I’ve got a desk full of stuff to share with y’all!

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