
Archive for September, 2019

We’re going to keep this even shorter and sweet today.  I ain’t got time for this shit but in the interest of keeping y’all in the loop here’s some updates straight from the Grifter’s lie hole.



Where to even start with this shit?  First of all, nobody that Manson would like her village idiots to think hacked her if she was even hacked at all.  Just didn’t happen because who could be bothered?  This is a pattern with Manson which she often uses to make people give her money.  It’s all the haters doing and poor Manson is the victim.  What is probably the case is that Manson was tinkering with something she shouldn’t and lost control of her own page.  Or should I say Manson and Romney Faye were because don’t think RFB isn’t still deeply involved here.  Next, let’s look at the whopper she’s telling about the FBI and DA.  Seriously GTFO with that.  Big talk from a big liar.  Even if there was a shred of truth I think all of us are intimately familiar with how slow the wheels of justice turn.  As if we are to believe that these very busy agencies will drop everything because a small time hustler under investigation with multiple agencies for fraud and other crimes, would get immediate action because she lost control of her nickel and dime Facebook page she has hijacked from a defunct non-profit.  Bitch, please.



Don’t worry Angrid, I got you!  Oops, I mean `Becky’.



Like the good little village idiots they are, a few of them have offered to scrape up some feed for Manson’s hoard.  At this point I’m seriously concerned.  There has long been talk that Manson is only buying a few bales at a time and often is getting others *cough*IG*cough* to do it for her.  Her page hasn’t even been disabled or whatever it was for more than a week and already she is in this much trouble?  Clearly the VIs are almost tapped out as the best they can come up with is scraping up some leftovers and cow hay.  With this in mind and because these animals are truly innocent, I will put this right out in public that Manson, it’s time to release the hostages.  If you truly are unable to feed them, then contact the blog and I will guarantee you we will get every last horse out and safe.  Lord knows the haters have baled enough already, I’m sure we can come together one last time for the good of the horses.  Release the hostages, Manson.


As always, I strongly encourage anybody that is having some red flags with these screen shots, to report them.  The more the merrier,  Again Manson talks about her business and finances being filtered through the former HiCal page.  Exactly what `business’ does she even have besides lying and begging for money? She talks about her mortgage being due.  That’s a lie or at least the insinuation is a lie. There probably is A mortgage payment due but the property is still in Beazley’s name so unless they are playing funny with the bank it’s Beazley’s ass that is about to get hung out to dry.  That’s about normal for anybody that deals with Manson though.  Lastly, the pic she used clearly shows how edited and shopped the last few images were because she’s looking puffy again.  NTTAWWT, but you know….LIAR!  BTW Manson, you’re welcome.  Always happy to keep everybody in the loop even if you aren’t.  TTFN!

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I know I’m supposed to be working on the next round of audio clips for y’all.  Patience.  I’m deep into my procrastination phase at moment when it comes to all things blog; or at least when it comes to all things as it pertains to actually writing the blog.  Communications behind the scenes are ongoing  but, because of some weirdness and speculation the past few days, I’m going to de-procrastinate (yes, that’s a thing) and bring y’all up to speed.  You should know by now that when M starts spinning her whoppers the little birds are gonna start chirping and we’ve got you.  So let’s make this short, sweet and digestible.



As most of you know, the other day the alphamare page suddenly went away.  Only the day before Manson had been hustling her tumblers.  Some of you mentioned that she made some claim that she was going to give some of the proceeds to support law enforcement charities or something, but I didn’t see that.  It’s probably worth nothing she considers herself to be LE in her former illustrious career carrying a baton as a low level animal control officer.  Just sayin.. I actually don’t automatically check that page every day and when I do, I plug in alphatwat and that doesn’t come up, so I’m kinda used to the no data thing.  However, when I did a real check the page was really gone.  This kicked off rampant speculation as to why.  Did the real Alpha Mare file copyright?  I never thought so, but maybe?  Did the AG take it down?  Doubtful although their twitter has vanished as well.  Well, straight from the hosebeast herself, Manson claims that she unpublished the page.  There was the first lie.  There is no possible way Manson would have willingly took that page down.   That’s her life line and her only means of income.  I asked a few people that have their own pages about the `new creator tools’ and they assured me that’s not a thing.  So, let’s flash forward to today…alphafish

The page came back with this rather strange fishing video.  Now, we’re used to fishing on that page in the form of fishing for validation, fishing for donations, fishing for swag, fishing for compliments, etc.  This is for sure not the alphatwat kinda fishing and there was like no comments so that was even stranger.  It kinda looks like it’s been hacked, but why did it take two days for this rather strange video to appear? Even more stranger, is that some people could still see the page from outside the US.  I couldn’t see it on my phone but I could see it on my laptop through the proxy browser I use but only sometimes.  The video only showed up after the page came up.  Weird.  Thankfully, Manson surfaced in her bat cave long enough to try and spin some damage control and thankfully, the birds were in flight.

hack1 Because the most diehard idiots remain in the private group, they obediently forgot that Manson had told them only a few days before that she had been the one to unpublish the page.  They are not capable independent thought or action so they aren’t asking a bunch of questions like `if you knew you were hacked two days ago, why wouldn’t you warn us since you have our personal and financial info?’ They just obediently grab their pitchforks and torches…

Just a sampling of the fuckery that is going on.  The same old idiots jostling for position up Manson’s ass.  Now that Wrinkles has dislodged there is a bit of extra room although JonASSthan has made a comeback recently.  There are a few things we need to talk about though.  Manson truly is the gift that keeps on giving.  I want to draw your attention to her talking about running her business and finances through the page.  It’s right there in her own writing.  As you all know the Alphamare page is actually the former HiCaliber page.  That means it was/is technically an asset belonging to the non profit.  The non profit paid to boost that page and Manson paid people to figure out algorithms with HiCaliber funds.  I have that documentation and audio.  Now she is using it for her own personal profit under the guise that the page was her personal page to begin with.  Yeah, no.


I think most of you have seen this before.  The page was created in 2012 and always belonged to HiCaliber.  Always.  Even more damning is Manson did have a personal blog style page apart from the HiCaliber page.  It’s still there too.


Blunt Horse Drama was Manson’s actual personal page.  It didn’t have many followers or much engagement compared to the rescue page so she abandoned it a few years ago.  There isn’t a lot there, but you should probably check it out while it’s still up.  I’m sure it will go poof soon enough.  The point being is that existence of this page really does drive home that the HiCaliber page was never her personal blog as she claims.  She also had some blog posts she used to write on the HiCaliber website which are still available thanks to the internet archive engines.


I honestly don’t know why her page was down for a few days.  I didn’t think the AG would take that page down but here is what I do know:  I know over a year ago they were asked for their Facebook, twitter and Instagram archives by the deputy AG.  They were not compliant and coming up with all sorts of excuses at the time.  Manson, Romney Faye Baker and Angrid were all involved back then.  Since that time and up until recently some things have been scrubbed off that page as far as videos.  It is plausible that the page was down for another cleansing or maybe it was hacked.  Maybe it’s something else entirely.  We just know that videos are missing off that page (thankfully they are all saved by the good guys) and their main twitter account is gone too.  Any inquiries to the AG are met with the standard `we cannot comment on open investigations’ line.  Go ahead and check that out for yourself, especially those of you that have sent in info.  You should have file numbers to refer to when making your inquiries.  The other thing I want to remind people is that with this being an open investigation, if you see something or come across new info, send it in.  Don’t assume somebody else has.  Better they get the same thing 5 times than not at all.  As for me, I’m going to get back to me regularly scheduled procrastinating before I get the next round of audios ready.  I have a few other things I’m working on that are more of a project as well.  Miles to go before we sleep!

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